Destined to Love (Starting Over Trilogy Book 3) (26 page)

BOOK: Destined to Love (Starting Over Trilogy Book 3)
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“What took you so long?” Donovan asks, slamming his cards down and then yelling, “Blackjack!”

“Sorry, I didn’t realize I was hosting a party tonight.”

“Sara and Brea are with Angel, and Arturo is spending the night with his grandparents. So, this is your bachelor party.
As per your request, no strippers.
Get some chips and we’ll have what you’re having.” Donovan nods to my glass of Scotch.

“This is nice; my two best men are throwing me a bachelor party.”

Raùl and Carl come walking up from the beach. “Don’t start the party without us,” Carl laughs.

“This is a nice surprise.”

“Well, Angel is having a slumber party, compliments of Sara and Brea, so we came over here to get away from all that giddiness,” Raùl says as he takes a seat at the round outside table. “Texas Hold ’em?”

“Now you’re talking,” Vincent says, shuffling the cards.

“Cigars?” Donovan, asks.

 ’em, Cuban at that,” Raùl smiles.

“My man,” Vincent smiles.

I walk back into the house and put some pretzels in a bowl and open a can of mixed nuts. I grab two bottles of Scotch and some glasses before heading back outside. I make two trips outside before I take my seat at the table.

At 3:00 a.m. I finally call it a night and stumble to bed. I text Angel and realize just how drunk I am.

M: I love you and in 15 hours, you’ll be all mine.

I wake up to the smell of coffee, talking from the other room and my phone alerting me about a text massage. I check my phone first in hopes it’s Angel.

A: Good morning, Handsome. Thank you for my beautiful flowers. I hope you slept well on my side of the bed. I love you and I miss you terribly.

I look down and she is right, I am on her side of the bed.
I scoot over to my own side as if she is watching me.

M: Good morning to you, too, soon-to-be Mrs. Myles, and you are welcome. I slept quite well for being drunk and no, I am not on your side of the bed.

A: Mmm, you are becoming quite the liar. I love and miss you. Don’t mess up the seating chart for the wedding. I left detailed instructions on where I want everything. I love you.

M: Don’t worry, I have it under control. Enjoy your day. I love you, more.

I shower and dress quickly. It’s 11:00 and I should have been up by now. When I walk out into the living room, I am surprised to see everyone is still here. I am more surprised to see everything is cleaned up and in its place.

“We were instructed to stay here and make sure you don’t forget anything

like showing up for the wedding. Angel can be very intimidating,” Raùl laughs. 

“Who you telling,” I say, walking over to get a cup of coffee. Once we finish off the pot of coffee, I head over to my parents’ house. When I arrive, I am surprised to see the entire yard is being transformed into a fantasy land. The landscapers are bringing in trees, planters, and flowers. The yard is manicured to perfection. They are stringing clear lights in all the trees and bushes. The chairs are all covered in gold chair covers with large bows on the back. It dawns on me that today, I am marrying the girl of my dreams. I run my hands through my hair and sit down.

Mom walks over to me and bends down to kiss me. “How are you?”

“Up until a minute ago, I was fine. It’s really happening, isn’t it? In a few hours I am going to marry the girl of my dreams. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. What if I screw it up? What if I can’t be what she deserves?”

Mom sits down beside me and takes my hand. “Mason, you and your sister are my pride and joy. I loved you before I was even pregnant for you. Your father and I gave you a good foundation: We let you succeed, and we let you fail. We guarded you but let you grow. You worked hard to be where you are today. Marrying is a life lesson. Mason, you and Angel will fight and argue, you two will disagree. But in the end
none of that will matter. You love her and I have never seen you happier. Be honest with her and never forget, she is your best friend. Mason, you have all the qualities that a man needs to be a good husband and father. I have no worries that you will be anything but wonderful.” 

“Mom, a few months ago I thought she might die. Here I am going to marry her. I just want to protect her and keep her safe.”

“Mason, you are already a wonderful husband. You have nothing to worry about. Listen to your heart and you will never go wrong.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“I have never lied to you. Your heart will always lead you in the right direction. Just listen to it.”

“I hope I can live up to your expectations.”

“Mason, you already have.” Mom pats my hand.

“Mason, Angel’s pulling in.” Dad yells from the side of the yard.

“She’ll kill me if I see her.” We both stand and I laugh.

“Well, you better run.”


“Wow, Angel, your mother’s dress looks amazing on you.” Maria wipes the tears from her eyes. I stare at myself in the mirror and imagine my Momma wearing this dress on her wedding day. I suck in my belly and turn side to side. I stare at the mirror then turn around. I look at the small train in the back of the dress I had added. I didn’t want to make drastic changes to her dress, but I did need to update it a bit.

Lilly carries over the veil and places it gently on my head. She steps back and looks at me. “Oh, Angel, you look stunning.” She cries and wipes the tears from her cheek.

“Ten more minutes, girls,” a voice calls from the hallway.

“That’s our cue. Angel, I love you like a daughter and I am so happy to have you in our family.”

“Thank you, Lilly. I appreciate that and I love you, too.”

Lilly hugs me and walks out of the room.

“It’s show time, Pumpkin,” Uncle Raùl says, walking into the room.

He stops in his tracks and smiles at me. I can see him swallowing. His eyes well up with tears and I am afraid he is going to cry.

“Angel, I need to go. You look so beautiful; your mother would be proud.” Aunt Maria walks over and hands me my bouquet of white daisies.

“Thank you. I love you so much.” I hug Aunt Maria and will the tears not to fall. I play with the small picture charms that have been placed on the ribbon of the bouquet. Aunt Maria looks back at me and walks out the door to meet the usher waiting to take her to her assigned seat.

“Here, Angel.” Sara dabs my eyes for me. “Don’t you dare ruin your makeup.”

Brea and Sara hug me. “We’ll give you two a minute. Raùl, if she messes up her makeup, I’m blaming you,” Brea says, laughing.

“Ok, I’ll do my best not to get her crying.”

Sara and Brea leave and someone yells, “Five more minutes,” from the hallway.

Uncle Raùl slowly walks over to me. “Angel, you look just like your mother in that dress. I almost forgot how beautiful Ana was. I know she is smiling down on you and her heart is filled with joy for you today.”

“Oh, Uncle Raùl, I hope so. I miss her so much.”

“I know you do, Pumpkin.”

“I wish she was here and that she could meet Mason. I love him so much.” I begin to cry.

“No, no tears today, Angel. Why the sad tears?”

“Uncle Raùl, what if he realizes that I’m not good enough for him? He has power and wealth, and I have nothing. I have brought nothing into this relationship. But I love him more than I have ever loved anyone.”

“Angel, Mason loves you. He does not care about your money or the lack of it. He loves what’s in your heart and the way you love with everything in you. He loves the fighter and the beautiful woman you are. Lilly just had the same talk with him about the same thing. Angel, he’s afraid he isn’t good enough for you.”

“He does?”

“He does, Pumpkin.”

“It’s show time,” the wedding coordinator yells from the hallway.

“She really is a bit irritating.” I laugh.

“You hired her and she is doing her job. Are you ready, Pumpkin?”

“It’s now or never.”

“Come on, Angel, Mason is waiting,”

We walk down the stairs and wait in the back of the line. I stay hidden from view of everyone outside. The house is kept dark and it’s a little difficult to see. James, who is our ring bearer, looks back at me and gives me a thumb’s up. I wave and give him my proudest smile. Madison, Brea, and then Sara walk out. Uncle Raùl and I step up closer to the open lanai doorway. We wait for our cue. The music changes and I can hear shuffling. We get our cue to go and the butterflies come back in my belly full force. I stop and hold my stomach. I take a few cleansing breaths and close my eyes.
I can do this

I walk with Uncle Raùl out onto the lanei, down the steps and onto the red carpet. Our flower girl, Mercedes, Mason’s cousin, goes first. She is supposed to drop daisy petals along the way to the altar. I hear laughter and I am not sure what that is for.
I see all the daisy petals are in one spot. I smile. She must have just dumped them. I keep my eyes down; I’m afraid if I look up I’ll see Mason and then I’ll start crying.


I know, I know
. I look up and Mason is smiling his big dimpled smile. I immediately relax and smile back. I have missed him. This is the day I have waited for. Uncle Raùl squeezes my arm and nudges me forward. I look at my uncle to let him know I am fine. I look back at Mason; he is dressed in a black tux, a crisp white shirt with a gold tie, and a cummerbund. He is also wearing a white daisy in his lapel. I smile. The wedding song is “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri. I love this song. The white lights are twinkling, and the candles are all glowing. The entire yard is transformed into a fairytale. When we reach Mason, he steps down from the platform and takes my hand.

I kiss my Uncle, and he takes his seat next to my Aunt.

“You look beautiful,” Mason says, walking me up to the platform to stand in front of the preacher. I am too scared to speak, so I look up at Mason and he winks at me. I lean into him and I hear laughter. We listen to the preacher and Mason squeezes my hand to let me know he is here.

Mason and I agreed to make our own vows. I spent last night writing mine from my heart.

I turn at the instructions of the preacher and Mason does the same. I smile at him and clear my throat.

“It’s just you and me, Beauty,” Mason whispers and takes both my hands in his. I nod.

“Mason, I love you. When I was a little girl, I read books about you. You were the hero, the Prince Charming, the knight in shining armor, in all my books. I thought you were made up: make believe. I thought you were only in the fairytales that I read.” I squeeze his hands and a tear falls onto my cheek. “Then I met you and I could not believe you were real. The more time I spent with you, the more I knew you were too good to be true. I have often asked God what I could have done to deserve you. You are kind, loving, sincere, and always a gentleman. You saved me and showed me what it’s like to be loved. You never judged me and you showed more patience than I deserved. You are my heart and my life.” I sniffle and more tears fall. “You make me want to be a better person. I promise you, I will love you with all that I am and I will try my best to be a person you can be proud of. Mason, I love you more than you can imagine.”

Mason leans in and wipes the tears from my cheeks before he kisses me. “I love you, more.”

Mason clears his throat, “Beauty, when I first met you I knew you were like no other woman in the world. I knew I had to get to know you and I was right. You are truly like no other. I love you and I want to be with you, forever.” Mason smiles and doesn’t look away. “You make me want to be a better person, and you make me want to see the world through your innocent eyes. You make me want to protect you, care for you, and love you with everything that I am as a man.”

I lean in and kiss Mason. He smiles and kisses me back.

“Angel, we still have the rings to exchange,”
Mason whispers. The preacher laughs. 

“Yes, I’m sorry.” I straighten my dress and Mason smiles.
James walks up and stands between Mason and me. The preacher says a prayer and blesses our rings. 

“Angel, please remove Mason’s rings from the pillow.”

BOOK: Destined to Love (Starting Over Trilogy Book 3)
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