Destined to Reign

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Authors: Joseph Prince

BOOK: Destined to Reign
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All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked “KJV” are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Scripture quotations marked “NIV” are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked “NASB” are taken from the New American Standard Bible. Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

Destined To Reign The secret to effortless success, wholeness and victorious living


ISBN 978-981-08-8371-3 © Copyright Joseph Prince, 2011

Joseph Prince Teaching Resources

All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the publisher.



This book is lovingly dedicated to:

The glory of my Lord Jesus Christ

Who has blessed me beyond anything I could ever have imagined and who has loved me beyond my comprehension.



My darling wife, whose support and love for me never fails to lift me above the clouds of defeat and mediocrity. “Who can find a virtuous woman?” I did!



My precious beloved daughter whose life, though still young, has yielded wonderful portrayals of grace that have impacted multitudes. When she is in Daddy’s arms, he is the richest man in the whole world.


And the loving community of New Creation Church, whose unfailing support for and loyalty to their pastor are definitely written in the annals of heaven’s book of remembrance. They are a blessed joy to their pastor!





Chapter 1: Destined To Reign

Chapter 2: The Law Has Been Fulfilled

Chapter 3: Controversies Surrounding The Gospel Of Grace

Chapter 4: We Have Been Robbed!

Chapter 5: Is God Judging America?

Chapter 6: The Evil Conspiracy

Chapter 7: The Gospel That Paul Preached

Chapter 8: The Main Clause Of The New Covenant

Chapter 9: The Waterfall Of Forgiveness

Chapter 10: The Ministry Of Death

Chapter 11: Unearthing The Deepest Root

Chapter 12: Condemnation Kills

Chapter 13: The Gift Of No Condemnation

Chapter 14: No More Consciousness Of Sin

Chapter 15: The Road To Emmaus

Chapter 16: The Secret Of David

Chapter 17: Picture Of Pure Grace

Chapter 18: One Thing You Lack

Chapter 19: The Key To Effortless Victorious Living

Chapter 20: The Problem With Mixture

Chapter 21: The Secret To Great Faith

Chapter 22: Good Things Happen

Closing Words



It all began in 1997, when I was on vacation with my wife Wendy. She was asleep in the passenger seat, breathing softly next to me as I drove through the dramatic landscapes of the Swiss Alps. Then, I distinctly heard the voice of the Lord on the inside. It wasn’t a witness of the Spirit. It was a voice, and I heard God say this clearly to me: “Son, you are not preaching grace.”

I said, “What do you mean, Lord? That’s a low blow. That’s a real low blow!” I added, “I’m a preacher of grace. I have been a grace preacher for years, and like most preachers, I preach that we are saved by grace!” He said, “No. Every time you preach grace, you preach it with a mixture of law. You attempt to balance grace with the law like many other preachers, and the moment you balance grace, you neutralize it. You cannot put new wine into old wineskins. You cannot put grace and law together.” He went on to say, “Son, a lot of preachers are not preaching grace the way Apostle Paul preached grace.” He then ended emphatically with this statement that revolutionized my ministry: “If you don’t preach grace radically, people’s lives will never be radically blessed and radically transformed.”

That powerful word from the Lord jolted me, and I realized for the first time that I had indeed been preaching a grace message that was tempered with the law. I returned to my church with a strong mandate from the Lord and I began to preach grace radically.

At that time, our congregation had reached a plateau of about 2,000 people. However, soon after my encounter with the Lord in the Swiss Alps, we began to experience explosive growth in the church year after year, and by the grace of our Lord, more than 15,000 people attended our services on the first Sunday of 2007. The Lord has validated His word not only in our growing congregation, but also in the awesome transformation of thousands of precious lives exposed to the radical preaching of grace. Over the years, I have had the privilege of witnessing the restoration of marriages, the supernatural cancellation of debts, miraculous healings, and of feeling the joy of seeing God’s children liberated from destructive addictions.

In recent years, the Lord has also opened doors for me to preach the gospel of grace in Norway, Holland, London, Canada, Australia, Thailand and Indonesia. We have also begun broadcasting in America, Canada, Australia and Uganda. The response to what I call the Gospel Revolution has been tremendous. I have received testimony after testimony of how individuals have been set free from the bondage of the law, and are today living and enjoying the new covenant truths and promises that Jesus purchased with His own blood.

You can imagine how this book has been brewing in my heart for many years now. If there is one book that I want to write on this side of heaven, this would be it, and I am so glad that you are now holding it in your hands. I believe that this book will touch you and transform you. What the Lord said to me some 10 years ago about how lives will never be radically blessed and radically transformed without the radical preaching of grace is still reverberating strongly in my heart. This book is therefore about being radically transformed by His grace and His grace alone.

In this book, you will discover the secret of God’s way to reigning effortlessly in life! Man has developed many strategies, methodologies, techniques and tactics for achieving personal success. Just look in the bookstores today. In fact, you may be standing in one right now. If you are, take some time to look around. What do you see? You will probably find a large selection of self-help books. Let me declare to you that there is a higher way than relying on your own efforts to achieve success in life. The Bible says in the very first verse of Psalm 1, “Blessed is the man who walks
in the counsel of the ungodly.” Hence, while there is some “counsel” in “ungodly” resources, there is a higher way for the believer! Why rely on self-help when you can have direct access to God’s help? The name of Jesus in Hebrew,
, simply means Savior. Let’s call upon Him to save us, rather than depend on our own abilities to save ourselves.

Unfortunately, there are believers today who do not call upon their Savior because they believe the
that they have no right to do so. There are believers who think that their mistakes have disqualified them from calling out to God. Some may even believe that they are undeserving of the Lord’s help because they have not attended church regularly, read the Bible sufficiently or prayed enough. My friend, when you are drowning, you don’t need a teacher to teach you the right steps to take in order to swim and save yourself. You don’t need a list of do’s and don’ts. You need a Savior who is willing to plunge fearlessly into the water to save you regardless of what you know or do not know, what you have done or not done! You cannot earn by your own works His desire to save you. It is by His grace!

Let’s begin to acknowledge that in and of ourselves, we cannot and do not have the ability and resources to save ourselves. In essence, we owed a debt that we could not pay, but Jesus on the cross paid with His own life, a debt that He did not owe. It is entirely His effort and His doing. Our part is to believe on Him and receive all that He has accomplished on our behalf. Sounds ridiculously simple, one-sided and unfair? Well, my friend, that is exactly what makes grace, grace! Grace is only grace when it is undeserved, unearned and unmerited.

Are you ready to be tremendously blessed and transformed by His grace, and to give up on your own efforts to have success, wholeness and a victorious life? I believe that once you begin to take this journey of discovering His radical grace, your life will never be the same again. My friend, you are destined to reign!

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