Destined to Succeed (12 page)

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Authors: Lisa M. Harley

Tags: #Destined#2

BOOK: Destined to Succeed
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That must be the alcohol talking. I couldn’t believe I actually even thought that it was my fault that my boyfriend screwed around on me. No more whiskey for me. Well, maybe just one more shot.

The bottle was empty. Everyone had scattered to their vehicles or a spot in the grove of trees to make out. Branch and I were still sitting by the fire. I was situated between his legs and leaning against him looking up at the stars.

“Branch, why do you screw all those other girls? Is it my fault?” Suddenly, I felt like I could say or do anything. I decided I really needed to drink whiskey more often. It made me feel invincible.

Branch effortlessly picked me up and laid me across his lap. I put my arms around his neck and nuzzled my head into his shoulder. “Don’t you love me, Branch?”

“Baby, I told you. I’m not screwing every girl in school. Those girls make shit up to make you jealous. I only have eyes for you. You know I love you, baby.”

I lifted my head and looked into his big beautiful blue eyes and then I kissed him. I mean, I really kissed him. I pressed into his mouth so hard that I knocked us off the hay bale. And I made fun of Callie earlier for that.
Silly whiskey.

Branch’s hands were under my shirt immediately. He was massaging my breasts and teasing my nipples. Then he pulled my shirt over my head. I shivered. “What if someone sees us?”

“Baby, we ain’t the only ones out here doin’ this very thing. Everybody’s busy right now.” As he unclasped my bra, he smiled the biggest smile I’d ever seen. “I really love your tits.” He was so crude but when he sucked one into his mouth I didn’t really care. He was pulling and sucking and it felt really great.

His other hand ran down my stomach to the button on my jeans. He unbuttoned them and slid his hand in until he found my core. “I wanna be in here. I wanna show you how much I love you. Please?”

I wasn’t a virgin - I could do this. It was just sex.
Damn whiskey!

In response to him, I reached over and unbuttoned his jeans. I put my hand inside and grabbed him roughly.

“Fuck, baby,” he growled as he wiggled out of his pants. I let go of him and helped him pull my jeans off.

One minute he was climbing on top of me. Then he was pressing inside me. I don’t know if I was just really drunk or if he was or what, but it was like it was over before it even started. He was in me, he was panting, and then I felt his warm release inside me. I was just laying there. I didn’t feel anything. I definitely didn’t have an orgasm. Branch flipped over on his back and was trying to catch his breath. “That was so great...more than worth the wait.”

I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to embarrass him, so I turned over and leaned up on my elbow. I ran my other hand along his cheek and lied. “Definitely worth the wait.”

I was trying to pull my clothes back on, but before I could a pair of bright headlights flashed on not too far away from us. I immediately recognized the truck. My heart about leaped out of my chest.


The engine was revving and I caught a glimpse of him. Cade looked beyond pissed. I was kinda scared that he was gonna drive right into us. I was trying to get my jeans pulled up and buttoned, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. Branch was strutting like an old bantam rooster. Acting like he’d just won a prize or something. He had a huge shit eating grin on his face. He flashed a half-salute to Cade which caused him to rev the engine a little more.

“Let’s get outta here, baby.” Branch was still buttoning up his jeans. He closed the distance between us and pulled me in for a smoldering kiss. When he pulled away, he hollered back at Cade, “Thanks for the light, asshole. All the better to see my hot girlfriend with.”

Cade threw his truck in reverse and peeled out. Unless his date was in his lap, he had been alone in the truck. Of course she was probably in his lap. I didn’t want to think about that anymore. I didn’t want to think about anything but getting home and taking a warm bath and getting this smell off of me. What the hell was this smell? I figured out what it was when Branch walked me to my door and gave me a kiss goodnight…it was him. I smelled like Branch. Why did that smell suddenly make me sick to my stomach?


~Chapter 8~

A few months later


I couldn’t believe this was really happenin’. We’d buried my dad less than a week ago and today, we were doin’ the same with my momma.

For such a small town, our funeral home was pretty big. I guess everybody dies, right? It would make sense for that to be one of the most thrivin’ businesses in our community.

Wilson Funeral Home was in a large, old house. The Wilson family had completely remodeled it when they took it over from the Adams family a few years back. The house had big white pillars in the front and most of the exterior was red brick. They had flowerbeds linin’ the front walk and several cherry blossom trees along the side by the street. I’m sure back in the day it was a rather stately home, but now it was the place where everyone came to pay their final respects to their loved ones. It was the place where you said your goodbyes to the people who meant more to you than anything else in the world. If they didn’t have the sign out front and the two hearses parked out back under the awning you would never suspect what the house held. 

I was standin’ under the awning with the hearses. Of course, today it would have to be pourin’ down rain. It was like God was cryin’ for me too. Why wouldn’t he be? In the past month I’d lost everything that’d ever meant anything to me. My father was gone. My mother was gone. My best friend was gone. 

One month ago to the day, I had a conversation with Suzy Q that changed my life forever.

“Cade, you know I love him. I have for a long time.” She was tryin’ to make me understand, but I just couldn’t or wouldn’t. I didn’t really know which it was at that point.

“But marry him? You really wanna marry that asshole, Suzy Q? Really?” I was completely caught off guard by this. I knew she had been datin’ him and I knew they were doin’ more than just kissin’, but marry him? I had to have heard her wrong. There was no way she wanted to marry him. He had to be makin’ her do this. No problem. I would more than happily bury him for her.

She nodded her head at me. “I’m marrying him, Cade. See, he gave me a ring and everything.” She stuck her ring finger out at me.

I grabbed her finger and pulled it up to my face. Makin’ a big show out of it, I squinted my eyes. “Is there even a damn diamond there? If there is, I swear to God, I can’t find it.”

She pulled her hand away and scoffed at me. “I don’t give a shit what you think about the ring or Branch. He loves me and we’re gettin’ married next month.”

“A month? Holy shit, Suzy Q, are you knocked up?” That had to be it. At least I had my answer. She wouldn’t be marryin’ that asshole unless she was pregnant or he was forcin’ her. I could tell by the look on her face that I’d guessed correctly. “Are you kidding me? He wasn’t even smart enough to use protection with you and you wanna marry his dumb ass?”

“I’m not pregnant, Cade. Now stop it. Be happy for me, please. I’m happy. I swear. I really am.”

“Who are you tryin’ to convince, hon? Me or you?” My face stung as her little hand slapped the shit out of me. That was the second time she’d slapped me and I really didn’t like it.

I was tryin’ to rub the sting out of my jaw when she said, “Shut your damn mouth, Cade Walker. I’m convinced and I’m happy and you’re an asshole.”

I put my arms around her. I felt at home in her arms, I always had. “If you’re happy, Suzy Q, how could I not be?” I lied, but what else was I supposed to do? She’d made her decision and I had to stand by it.

Eight days later, I was sleepin’ soundly, snuggled up to some blonde whose name I don’t remember, not really sure I ever knew it, when my phone started ringin’. When I saw the name on the screen, I immediately knew that this was not gonna be good news. God, I’d never been more right.

“Cade? Where ya at, son?” Larry was speakin’ to me, but all I could hear was beepin’ and lots of people talkin’ in the background.

“I’m in town. What’s wrong, Larry?” The next words that came from his mouth will never leave my memory as long as I live.

“Son, there’s been an accident. Ya need to get to the hospital now.”

I jumped out of bed, threw on my clothes, ran to my truck and tried to figure out where the hell I was. Of course she had to live a couple towns over. I was at least thirty miles from the hospital.

Thank God I wasn’t clocked by the cops that night. I’d never driven that fast in my life. When I got to the hospital and got parked I ran inside. Cord, Colt, Cole, and Clay were there along with Larry, his wife Marianne, and the one person I needed more than anyone, my girl, Suzy Q.

Larry came runnin’ over to me. He’d been cryin’ and Marianne couldn’t even look up at me. That was when I felt Suzy Q’s hand on my shoulder.

“Let me do this, Larry.” She pulled me toward the row of chairs closest to the window. “Sit down, Cade.” I did exactly what she said. She’d been sobbin’. Her face was bright red and her eyes were all puffy and swollen.

“Somebody’s gotta tell me what’s goin’ on, Suz. Please.” I could already feel the tears wellin’ up in my eyes.

“There was an accident tonight, Cade. They assume it was a drunk driver because they clipped your parents’ car and caused them to careen into oncoming traffic. They were hit head on by a semi that was passing through on Route Ninety. The driver of the car took off and the person driving the semi is gonna make it, but just barely.” Those big brown eyes of hers were so full of pain when she whispered, “I’m so sorry, Cade, but your dad didn’t make it and your mom…” Her voice trailed off and between sobs she finished, “She’s in intensive care on life support. They aren’t really saying much, but they want you to come say your goodbyes.”

I couldn’t even comprehend what she was sayin’. How could this have happened? I was with them a few hours ago eatin’ dinner. Dad was teasin’ Mom about her new dress bein’ a little short for public eyes. Mom was givin’ him a hard time right back. She’d flirted with the waiter a little and Dad was crackin’ up. Dinner had been a blast. I left when the sexy blonde waitress started makin’ eyes at me. We went back to her place and wore ourselves out. The next thing I knew, I was gettin’ the call to get my ass to the hospital. This couldn’t be happenin’.
It must be a dream.
That damn waitress probably slipped me somethin’. This wasn’t happenin’. I wasn’t losin’ my family like this. I couldn’t lose my parents. What the hell would I do without them? How would I fuckin’ survive without my dad’s advice and my mom’s smile?

Somethin’ warm was on my chest and snapped me back to reality. Suzy Q was huggin’ me and her warm tears were soakin’ my shirt.

“I’m so sorry, Cade. I love Candy like a mom. She’s been more of a mom to me than my mom ever has been. You know that. I love them both so much.” She was sobbin’ and I couldn’t stop cryin’.

“Where’s my momma?” I asked as she raised her head up, took my hand, and walked with me back to the nurses’ station.

“This is Cade Walker. He’s here to see his mom.”

The angelic looking older nurse’s face immediately turned sympathetic. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Walker. Right this way.” She led us into the dark room. The only light was comin’ from all the zillion machines hooked up to the most beautiful woman in the world, my momma. You could just barely see her hair, the top of her head was wrapped in white bandages and her face was so swollen up and covered in cuts. I dropped to my knees. I needed God to help me out here. Surely he wouldn’t take my momma away too. My dad was gone, but I didn’t think I could handle losing both of them like this. Suzy Q never left my side. She was holdin’ my hand the entire time.

I prayed like I’d never prayed before. God and I hadn’t always been close, but I needed him now and I really hoped he wouldn’t desert me.

Please God. Please don’t take her from me. I need her here to make sure I don’t completely screw my life up. I know I’ve done a lot of bad shit, but if you’ll just let her be alright I’ll try my damnedest to straighten up.

Just as I was prayin’ and askin’ God to forgive me for all the bad shit I’d done, Suzy Q whispered in my ear, “I’m here, Cade. I’m always gonna be here for you.”

The accident happened about three weeks ago. Momma had held out for almost two weeks. By the time she died, my prayers had really changed. I started prayin’ for God to let her go and be with my dad. They needed each other and I was gonna have to learn to survive without them. I was by momma’s side when she passed. Suzy Q was right there with me. That girl had barely left my side since the accident. My girl, I mean Suzy Q, would always be there for me and I would always be there for her. It was just that simple.

As I was standin’ at the funeral home under the awning I was thinkin’ about the ranch. It was gonna be a lot of work, but my dad had raised me to handle it. With Suzy Q and Larry there to help me, I knew everything would be okay.

Everyone in town was at the funeral. The whole place was packed and I really didn’t want to face everyone. Hidin’ out the by the hearses seemed like the best place to be.

I looked over and saw Branch’s truck parked across the street. I noticed he and Suzy Q were in it. He waited for her to get out, then he sped off. What the hell was his problem? Not like I wanted that bastard at my momma’s funeral, but I thought he would stay for Suzy Q. She was so upset about all of this and he didn’t even give a shit. How the hell could she even consider marryin’ that asshole?

I walked around to the front of the funeral home. It was still pourin’ and I was gettin’ soakin’ wet. Suzy Q came runnin’ over to me and handed me her umbrella so I could hold it over both of us.

“What are you doing standing out in the rain, Cade? You should be inside. Everyone is here to pay their respects.” Her eyebrows were wrinkled up and she looked like she was about to cry.

“Why’d he just leave you here like that? He practically kicked ya outta the truck.” I knew he hated me, but what kinda asshole takes his girl to a funeral and drops her off and leaves?

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