Destiny (52 page)

Read Destiny Online

Authors: Jason A. Cheek

BOOK: Destiny
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Battle Dress Uniforms

Bel Arbre Ciel -

Forest Elf capital city.

Benda Heimild -

Point of authority between classes, managed by Shaman/Wenci pairs.

Beth Kurwoski -

Ukkodian from Florida who is a Priestess of Ukko. Was an undercover detective working for the Riviera Beach Police department and is now working as a SAD agent.

Boneheads -

Centaur name for the Minotaurs due to the horns on their heads.

Britomartis -

Priestess of (Minoan goddess of mountains and hunting and mistress of animals. Also priestess of the Order of the White Moon.

Brokenfang -

Worg werewolves that are not pureblooded. Have two forms.

Bucinator -

A bugler to send signal commands for legion's troop movements.

Bullock -

Young Minotaur male that has not mated or is under age in Imperium society.

calcimite -

Natural occurring rock used in the construction of Daeron Hold.

Captain Alex Nicoara -

Commanding Officer of the 1st Marine Raider Battalion, 3rd Company, female. Call Sign: Hunter Two

Captain Frank Peterson -

Air Wing 2 (CAG) on USS Essex Wood

Captain Otis Halls (O.H.) -

Chief Engineer of the USS Abraham Lincoln

Captain Peter Wojcik -

Operations department officer of the USS Abraham Lincoln.

Captain Rick Young -

Engineer officer of the USS Abraham Lincoln.

Captain Tony Latandresse -

Air Wing 2 (CAG) on USS Abraham Lincoln


Close air support for attacking ground targets close to friendly units.

Centaur Warrior codex -

Code of conduct expected of all Centaurs in the face of the enemy.

Centuria -

A centuria consisted of 80 Minotaurs under the command of a Centurion and his Optio. Six centuria formed a cohort.

Centurion -

Similar to a Command Sergeant Major, leads a cohort.

Centurion Caeso Lulius Horatia -

Commander of the reserve century of the Thirteenth during forest attack against the elves.

Centurion Gaius Vitruvius Aquila -

Leader of house Praetorian Guard of Prince.

Centurion Gallio Cantilius Quintillius -

Centurion of the Ninth Legion, most of legion was destroyed trying to protect the Capital City of Unamiznante from the Tuonellian Hordes initial invasion, leads cohort of the Ninth Legion, now on Earth.


Titan XI quad drilling robot. Built from a combined effort between Bouygues Construction and Caterpillar Inc. It looked something like a cross between a JIM suit (ADS - atmospheric diving suit) and an alien robotic spider.

Chief Petty Officer Eric Hogan Beta -

Beta squad, Navy Seal.

Chief Petty Officer James Riggs -

Alpha Squad, Navy Seal.

Chief Petty Officer Sean Turner -

Charlie Squad, Navy Seal.

Chukka -

Large mammal that grazed the plains with six legs.


Combat Information Center.

Ciel Lieu -

Forest Elves city, means sky city, Mother Tree.

Cindy Ross -

Ex-FBI Computer Analysis from CTA (Counter Terrorist Agency headed by the FBI), now working for SAD as a Computer Analysis.

Cladhaire -


CMC Gerald Olson -

Command Master Chief of USS Essex Wood.

CMC Henry Morgan -

Command Master Chief of the USS Abraham Lincoln.

Cohors -

A cohort consisted of 480 Minotaurs. The most senior ranking centurion of the six centuria commanded the entire cohort.

Colonel Andrew Christian -

Colonel of Marine Expeditionary Unit aboard the USS Essex Wood

Colonel Kirios Thanos Karaiskakis -

Leader of Greek Ukkodians.

Command Sergeant Major Harris Thompson -

Marine Raiders, Battalion Landing Team Command Sergeant Major, Call Sign: Raiders Nine.

Commander (Primus Pilus) Mettius Scipio -

Master Sergeant of the Thirteenth Legion.

Commander Greg McMillan -

Navy Seal Team Six Commander

Commander Quintus Caepio Brutus -

Leader of Emperor’s Praetorian Guards and Tuonellian Hulk.

Commander Richard Gohmann -

XO of the USS Abraham Lincoln.

Contubernium -

The smallest organized unit of soldiers in the Imperium Army. Composed of eight Minotaurs lead by a Decanus. Ten contubernia formed a centuria.

Corporal Chuck Batey -

Fire team leader 3 of A Rifle Squad of 1st Marine Raider Battalion, 1st Company, 4th Platoon, Call Sign: Archer Four Alpha-three, picked up in Italy.

Corporal Jeromy Fergusson -

Fire team leader 3 of A Rifle Squad of 1st Marine Raider Battalion, 2nd Company, 2nd Platoon, Call Sign: Swift Two Alpha-three, picked up in Italy.

Corporal Tony Torino -

Fire team leader 2 of A Rifle Squad of 1st Marine Raider Battalion, 1st Company, 4th Platoon, Call Sign: Archer Four Alpha-two, picked up in Italy.

Coruscum -

Spell purple lightning.

Council of Elders -

Leaders of each Elven Clan that makes decisions for the Elven people.

Cree Manitou -

Great great great grandfather of Nessa Manitou.

Daeron Fortress/Hold -

Seat of power for High Elves and a fortress/castle, located on Mount Haldamir, in the heart of the great forest.

Darkvision -

Vision that shows warm and cools, not of infrared but of life energy radiating from all objects.

Deanna Mitchell -

Ukkodian from Florida who is a Priestess of Ukko.

Debra Henny -

Ukkodian from Florida who is a Priestess of Ukko.

Decanus -

Sergeant in the Imperium Legion.

Decanus Appius Lulius Marcellus -

Leads second Contubernium of eight assigned to travel with prince.

Decanus Lar Sestius Natalinus -

Leads fifth Contubernium of eight Minotaurs of the Ninth Legion, now on Earth.

Decanus Marcus Tullius Cornisus -

Leads first Contubernium of eight assigned to travel with prince.

Decanus Mergus Atius Furia -

Leads second Contubernium of eight Minotaurs of the Ninth Legion, now on Earth.

Decanus Spurius Vassenius Carus -

Leads fourth Contubernium of eight Minotaurs of the Ninth Legion, now on Earth. Takes leadership of the surviving Minotaurs on the Triumph during Lar’s absence.

Demetrius Mavromichalis -

Greek Ukkodian.

Demon Vepxhal -

Is a demon currently serving a Loviatar Priestess on Earth and services Demon Baron Oazuaxahl.

Dínendal Telrúnya -

Scout of Wild Elves, part of warriors sent to stop the intruders entering domain. He took over leadership after killing Gwindor Helyanwë. Corrupted by Chaos Shard.

Doctor Stuart Holdgate -

World renowned Biologist that came to Santorini for dig.

Donna Jensen -

Ukkodian from Florida who is a Priestess of Ukko.

Dorthonion Celebrindal -

Prince Forest Elf. 2
son. Sent after the Minotaurs that attacked the Forest Elf capital and is the leader who drove his Elven Rangers into the Wild Elf Domain.

double-headed battle-axe -

Secondary weapon of Minotaurs. Battle-axes are Minotaur traditional weapons made from Ironidium.

Dr. Gina Robinson -

Physicist working with SAD to understand new rune science.

Dr. Gurioli Vougioukalakis -

Director of Santorini Geological Studies London Physicist

Dr. John Hempshaw -

Head Geophysicists at The American Geosciences Institute in Virginia.

Duratus aura -

Paladin aura that does cold damage and slows opponents and is blue in color.

Echidna -

Priestess race of half snake half women. They are the Priestesses of Loviatar.

Eieci vos creaturam inferiorem mundos -

Spell of banishment

Eldur Ray -

Spell scorching ray.

Elerossë Narmolanya -

King of the high elves.

elixir ignis -

A Minotaur Legionnaire Drink that is a powerful non-alcoholic drink that helps to energize and heal.

Elladan Celebrindal -

King Forest Elf.

Elves -

Life span for Forest/High Elves are around 1000 years. Wild Elf life span is around 600 years. Three Clans: Wild, Forest and High Elves. Lives in the Great Forest. Each Clan have their specific traits.

Emperor of Imperium -

Manius Decius Lupus.

Enelya Tasartir -

Also called Spirit Daughter. Princess Wild Elf, Spirit Shaman of the Dusza Pack. Soulmated to Argus (a male Wenci). Barely 100 years old.

Enox Interactive -

Video game company that published Crypt Creeper Series.

Eteocretan Key -

A metallic disc that translates Klavikian, Minoan and Euboean languages.

Fabio Lombard -

Italian Ukkodian.

Field Commander Rogaulse Tornelya -

Field Commander of Ironidium Knights, symbol on armor is double crosshatch through a mountain. Sometimes lover of Morwen Telemnar.

Fira -

Capital of Santorini.

First Lieutenant Samuel Carlson -

Of the 1st Marine Raider Battalion, 3rd Company, Call Sign: Hunter Two.

Forecastle (Berth Deck) -

Crew quarters near front of ship.

Foreign Geals -

Vikings who married Scottish settlers and was invited to Ireland to be guards for the Kings and Princess of Ireland.

Forest Elves -

Life span around 1000 years. They follow the Klavikian rune magic. Primary weapons is a ranged rune energy powered bow gifted to them by the Klavikians. They bend nature to their ways.

Fragor -

Spell that explodes target.

Frank Crosslander -

Triumph’s second officer, Ukkodian, born in London.

Fring -

Werewolf sickness where the body doesn’t have enough fuel to function and starts consuming the Werewolf from the inside out.

Frostbrand Feltalc -

Half Damarion, half Werewolf. Born with the sorcerer’s power of Cold. Daughter of Luthar and Moonglow Feltalc.

Galdor Celebrindal -

Prince Forest Elf. Becomes King of the Forest Elves when his Father is killed in the Minotaur surprise attack.

Galdur Blokk -

Spell lock.

Galdur Eldflaugum -

Spell magic missile, looks like a swarm of shooting stars.

General -

Same rank as Legatus for a Legion.

General Galius Sergius Aquilus -

Famous general wrote the treatise of the Art of War.

General Gnaeus Hirtius Volturcius -

Name of Tuonellian Hulk that was made General of the Thirteenth legion while Tiberius was disposed of in the city.

George Foster -

Agent In Charge of CTA in Southern Florida.

George MacSweeney -

Triumph’s deck cadet, Ukkodian in training.

George Nordic -

Tech assistant three on Triumph.

Georgios Marinatos -

Head Curator of the Herakelion Museum in Greece

Golden Wolf of the Royal House -

Standard of the Emperor’s Praetorian Guards.

Gorgonean Republic -

Group of cities that were destroyed shortly after the start of the Tuonellian invasion.

Gorgoneans -

Race of half-snake, half-humanoid people. Individually called Gorgones.

Gorgones -

Race of half-snake, half-humanoid people. Individually called Gorgones.

Gravida -

Capital City of the Imperium.

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