Destiny of Souls (22 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

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Soul Group Systems *<> 149 Dr. *N: What would happen if one of these students followed you up into the third level?

*S: (smiles) Once in a while a curious one will wander into more advanced areas. It’s similar to a third grader walking down the hall into a sixth-grade class. The kid would be lost. They might be teased a little on Earth but someone would quietly take them back to their own classroom. It’s the same here.

Dr. N: Well, I guess you are ready to take me up to the third level. May I have your impressions of this place?

S: (brightly) This is my area and we are like young adults. Many of us are training to be teachers. The mental challenges here are more constant. Now we are working on resourcefulness, not just reacting to situations. We are learning to protect and inform, to keep our eyes open, and to see the spirit of others through the light in their eyes on our earthly rotations.

Dr. N: Do you recognize people you know?

S: Oh, I see Elan. (husband in both past and current life, a primary soulmate) He appears to me as we were in our last life. Elan sparks up my tired energy with his love like lighting a fire in a cold stove. I was a widow for a long time. (tearfully) We are sucked up into a pool of happiness together for a few moments.

Dr. N: (after a pause) Anyone else?

S: Everybody! There is
Esent (mother in current life) and
Blay (a best girlfriend in her current life) (subject is suddenly distracted) I want to go up briefly to the fourth level to see my daughter Anna. (also in current life) Dr. N: Tell me what you can about the fourth level.

S: There are only three souls there and from below they appear as shapeless shadows of goldish and silver blue. There is such warmth and love with these souls growing into full adulthood. They are becoming very wise in helping souls really make use of their human bodies. I sense they feel more touched by a divine essence. They are in tune with their existence. When they come back from a physical life they don’t need adjusting as I do.


150 Destiny of Souls Dr. *N: Where are the older adults, such as the senior guides, the Elders and others like them?

*S: They are not in this bubble, but we see them elsewhere.

The Library of Life Books Many of my clients speak about being in research library settings soon after rejoining their soul groups. I have come to accept the idea that it is a standard learning imperative that we begin to study our past lives in depth right away. After I wrote about the place where our life records are stored in my first book, people asked if I was able to supply them with more details.

The people who describe earthly structures in their spiritual home also include the library, and descriptions of this setting are quite consistent. On Earth, a library represents a systematic collection of books arranged by subjects and names which provide information. The titles of spiritual Life Books have my client’s names on them. This may seem odd, but if I were working with an intelligent aquatic being from Planet *X who had never been to Earth and whose place of study was an ocean tide pool, I’m sure that is what this entity would report seeing in the spirit world.

I have reported on spiritual classrooms and smaller adjacent cubicles where primary groups interact, including even smaller isolated rooms where souls can be completely alone for quiet study. There is nothing small about the library. Everyone tells me the location of the Life Books is seen as a huge study hall, in a rectangular structure, with books lined along the walls and many souls studying at desks who do not seem to know each other. When my subjects describe a spiritual library they see the floor plan design in figure 5, an image that is very prevalent in their minds.

Once inside this space, librarian-guides are the Archivist Souls in charge of the books. They are quiet, almost monastic beings who assist both guides and students from many primary clusters in locating information. These spiritual libraries serve souls in different ways depending upon their level of attainment. Souls may be assisted either by their own guides, the Archivists, or both. Some of my clients go to

the library Soul Group Systems Figure 5: Life Books Library



Entry A: Bookshelves lining the walls of a large rectangular structure. *B: Pedestals for archivists and guides assisting souls in locating the proper Life Books. *C: Long study tables. D: Walls of books and study tables stretching far into the distance, out of the soul’s line of sight.


152 Destiny of Souls alone upon returning to the spirit world, while others have guides who *[ routinely accompany them into this space. A guide might get his student started and then leave the room. Many elements come into play
‘ here including the complexity of the research and the timeline to be
, reviewed by the student soul. When students are in these study halls they sometimes work in pairs but mostly they do their research alone after being assisted by the Archivists in finding the proper Life Books.
\ Eastern philosophy holds that every thought, word and deed from
l every lifetime in our past, along with every event in which we
pated, is recorded in the
Akashic Record. Possibilities of future events can also be seen with the help of scribes. The word
“Akasha” essentially I means the essence of all universal memory that is recording every energy vibration of existence, rather like an audiovisual magnetic tape. I have discussed the connections of divine, immortal and conscious
; memory. Our human conceptualization of spiritual libraries, timeless
| places where we study missed opportunities and our accountability for
| past actions, is an example of those memory connections. People of the
|| East have conceived that the substance of all events past, present and
j future is preserved by containment within energy particles and then *|| recovered in a sacred spiritual setting through vibrational alignments. I
i feel the whole concept of personal spiritual records for each of us did I *; not originate in India or anywhere else on Earth. It began with our
p: *itual minds already having knowledge of these records between lives.

*! I find it unsettling that certain aspects of recovered memory about spiritual libraries can be subverted by human belief systems which are I intended to frighten people. Within Eastern cultures there are those who have been led to believe the Life Books are analogous to spiritual diaries that can be used as evidence against the soul. Visions of spiritual libraries are interpreted as scenes where cases are prepared as
tions against errant souls based upon their karmic records. A further step in this misguided belief system brings us to the dreaded tribunal 1 for sentencing after testimony about the soul’s shortcomings in the last *! life. Certain psychics claim they have privileged access to events of the future through Akashic Records and that by working exclusively with them they can divert their followers from catastrophe.


Soul Group Systems 153 Human extravagance has no bounds when it comes to instilling fear. A prime example is the fear of terrible punishment for those who commit suicide. It is true that being kept out of heaven has been a deterrent to suicide, but it is the wrong approach. I have noticed in recent years that even the Cathoic church is not quite so adamant about suicide being a mortal sin sub ect to the extremes of spiritual punishment. There is now a Vatican-approved catechism which states that suicide is “against natural law” but adds, “by ways known to God alone, there is opportunity for salutary repentance.” Salutary means conducive to some good purpose.

My next case represents a sub ect who kiled herself in her last life. She describes her examination of this act in a library setting. Repentance in the spirit world often begins here. Since I will be reviewing her suicide, this is a suitable point to briefly digress from the library and address some of the questions I have been asked about suicide and subsequent retribution in the spirit world.

When I work with clients who have committed suicide in former lives, the first thing most exclaim right after the moment of death is, “Oh, my God, how could I have been so stupid!” These are physically healthy people, not those who are suffering from a debilitating physical illness. Suicide by a person, young or old, whose physical sate has reduced the quaity of their life to almost nothing is treated differently in the spirit world than those who had healthy bodies. Whie all suicide cases are treated with kindness and understanding, people who killed themselves with a healthy body do have a reckoning.

In my experience, souls feel no sense of failure or guilt when they have been involved with a mercy death. I shall give a realistic exampe of this sort of death with a brother and sister under the free wil section in chapter 9. When there is unendurable physica suffering, we have the right to be released from the pain and indignity of being treated like helpless children connected to life-support systems. In the spirit world, I find that no stigma is attached to a soul leaving a terribly broken body who is released by its own hand or from that of a compassionate caregiver.

I have worked with quite a number of people who have attempted suicide in the years before they saw me and I feel my working with them has

provided a helpful perspective. Some were still in emotional 154 Destiny of Souls turmoil when I met them, while others had pulled away from thoughts of self-destruction. One thing I have learned is that people who tell me they don’t belong on Earth need to be taken seriously. They may even be potential suicide cases. In my practice, these clients fall into one of three spiritual classifications:

1. Young, highly sensitive souls who began their incarnations on Earth but have spent little time here. Certain souls in this category have had great difficulty adjusting to the human body. They feel their very existence to be threatened because it is so cruel.

2. Both young and older souls who incarnated on another planet before coming to Earth. If these souls lived on worlds less harsh than Earth, they may be overcome by the primitive emotions and high density of the human body. These are the hybrid souls I discussed in the last chapter. Essentially, they feel they are in an alien body.

3. Souls below level III, who have been incarnating on Earth since their creation but are not merging well with their current body. These souls accepted a life contract with a host body whose physical ego mind is radically different from their immortal soul. They cannot seem to find themselves in this particular lifetime.

What happens to souls involved with suicide in healthy bodies? These souls tell me they feel somewhat diminished in the eyes of their guides and group peers because they broke their covenant in a former life. There is a loss of pride from a wasted opportunity. Life is a gift and a great deal of thought has gone into allocating certain bodies for our use. We are the custodians of this body and that carries a sacred trust. My clients call it a contract. Particularly when a young, healthy person commits suicide, our teachers consider this an act of gross immaturity and the abrogation of responsibility. Our spiritual masters have placed their trust in our courage to finish life with functional bodies in a normal fashion, no matter how difficult. They have infinite patience with us, but with repeated suicide offenders their forgiveness takes on another tone.


Soul Group Systems 155 I worked with a young client who had tried to commit suicide a year before I saw him. During our hypnosis session we found evidence of a pattern of self-destruction in former lives. Facing his master teachers at a council meeting following his last life, this client was told by an Elder:

Once again you are here early and we are disappointed. Have you not learned the same test grows more difficult with each new life you terminate? Your behavior is selfish for many reasons, not the least of which is the sorrow you caused to those left behind who loved you. How much longer will you continue to just throw away the perfectly good bodies we give you? Tell us when you are ready to stop engaging in self-pity and underestimating your capabilities.

I don’t think I have ever heard of a council member come down any harder on one of my subects over the issue of suicide. Months later, this client wrote me to say that whenever thoughts of committing suicide entered his head he pushed them aside because of a desire to avoid having to face this Elder again after killing himself. A little posthypnotic suggestion on my part made recovering this scene in his conscious mind especially easy and serves as a deterrent.

In suicide cases involving healthy bodies, one of two things generally happens to these souls. If they are nota repeat offender, the soul is frequently sent back to a new life rather quickly, at their own request, to make up for lost time. This could be within five years of their death on Earth. The average soul is convinced it is important to get right back on the diving board after having taken a belly flop in a prior life. After all, we have natural survival instincts as human beings and most spirits tenaciously fight to stay alive.

For those who display a pattern of bailing out when things get rough there are places of repentance for a good purpose. These places do not contain a pantheon of horrors in some dark, lower spirit region reserved for sinners. Rather than being punished in some sort of bleak purgatory, these souls may volunteer to go to a beautiful planetary world with water, trees and mountains but no other life. They have no contact with other souls in these places of seclusion except for sporadic visits by a guide to assist them in their reflections and self-evaluation.


156 Destiny of Souls Places of isolation come in many varieties and I must admit they seem terribly boring. Maybe that’s the whole idea. While you are sitting out the next few games on the bench, your teammates continue with challenges in their new lives. Apparently this medicine seems to work because these souls come back to their groups feeling refreshed but knowing they have missed out on a lot of action and opportunities for personal development with their friends. Nonetheless, there are souls who will never adjust to Earth. I hear some are reassigned to other worlds for their future incarnations.

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