Destiny of Souls (7 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

BOOK: Destiny of Souls
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S: Charles was *… feeling my presence at astI now spread my energy around his torso to include the roses in a symmetrical envelopment. I wanted him to smell the white roses and my essence filtering through the energy field together.

Dr. N: Was this effective?

S: (softly) Finally, he knelt down next to the hole, pressing the roses to his face. Charles broke down and sobbed for a long time while I held him. When it was over he knew I was with him still.

While the spirits of husbands might use cars or sporting equipment, I find that wives often utilize garden settings to reach their mates. Another client told me about his wife applying the planting of an oak tree to make her connection. Before this widower saw me he wrote:

Even if what happened to me was not from my wife, does it matter? The main thing is that in some way I am using the emotional energy generated by my feeling she was with me to tap into my inner resources, which previously were not available I am no longer in an abyss without a glimmer of light.

In talking with people about such experiences, which some call mystical, it is important to consider the possibility of a spiritual source. If we can feed into a highly charged state of emotion during our grief, we can both heal and learn more about our inner selves.


Death, Grief and Comfort *s 37 Spirits may prefer to communicate with us in the form of ideas. Here is a quote from a letter I received from a former client about his departed wife, Gwen. I believe our session together assisted in his discovery of the best way to receive his wife’s thoughts:

I have learned we don’t all have equal abilities as souls to communicate with each other. Sending and receiving messages is a ski that needs to be refined with practice. I finally recognied the imprint of Gwen’s thoughts after getting nothing during my meditations. She was a literary person who used word thoughts rather than pictures to generate feeling in me. I had to learn to integrate word flashes from her into my own manner of speaking which she knows in order to decipher what she was telling me. I see more cleary now how I can touch Gwen with my mind.

Strangers as Messengers Case 9 Derek was a man in his sixties who came to see me from Canada to evaluate his life and try and resolve his *greate st sadness. When he was a young man, he lost his beautiful four-year-old daughter, Julia. Her death was sudden, unexpected and so devastating that he and his wife decided to have no more children.

I placed Derek in deep hypnosis and took him to a scene following his last life where he appeared in front of his council. We then discovered that one of his *maor current life lessons was learning to cope with tragedy. Derek had been deficient in this area during his past two lives by falling apart and making life more difficult for family survivors who depended upon him. He is doing much bette in his current life. What was especially interesting for me about this asc was a single incident that happened to Derek some twenty years aer Julia’s death.

Derek had recently lost his wife to cancer and was in mourning. One day, feeling very despondent, he walked to a mearby amusement park. After a while he sat down on a bench near a arousel. Listening to the usic, Derek watched the children happily ging around in circles on colorful wooden animals. He saw from a distance one little girl who

38 *= Destiny of Souls looked like Julia and tears flooded his eyes. Just then a young woman of about twenty appeared and asked if she could sit down next to him. It was a warm day. She was dressed in white muslin, holding a cold drink in her hand. Derek nodded but said nothing while the woman enoyed her drink and talked about growing up in England and coming to Canada because she was particularly attracted to Vancouver. She introduced herself as Heather and Derek noticed a glow of sunlight around her that gave the young woman a shining, angelic quality.

Time seemed to be suspended for Derek as the conversation turned to family and what Heather was going to do with her new life in Canada. Derek found himself talking to her as a father and the more they conversed, the more he felt he knew her. Finally, Heather stood up and placed her hand tenderly on Derek’s shoulder. She smiled at him and said, “I know you are worried about me please don’t be. I’m all right and it’s going to be a wonderful life. We will see each other again some day, I know.”

Derek told me that as Heather walked away and gave him a final wave he saw his daughter and felt at peace. During our session, Derek recognized that the reincarnated soul of *lulia had come to him and provided the assurance he had not really lost her. When we suffer the absence of people we love they may come to us in mysterious ways, often when our minds are detached in a shallow alpha state. Take these moments as messages from the other side and allow them to bring sustenance to you.

Angels or Other Heavenly Hosts In recent years there has been a resurgence in the popularity of angels. The Roman Catholic Church defines angels as spiritual, intelligent, non corporeal beings who are servants and messengers of God. The position of the Christian church is that these beings have never incarnated on Earth. We think of angels as white-robed figures with wings and a halo theological images which have come down to us from the Middle Ages.

Many clients initially think they see angels when I regress them into the spirit world, especially those with strong religious convictions.

This Death, Grief and Comfort *< 39 reaction is simiar to the devotional responses of some people who have had near-death experiences. However, regardless of prior religious conditioning, my subjects soon realize the *etheric beings they are visualizing in hypnosis represent their guides and soul companions who have come to meet them. These spiritual beings are surrounded by white light and may appear in robes.

In my work, guides are sometimes described as guardian angels, although our personal teachers are beings who have incarnated in physical form long before graduating to the level of guides. An intimate soulmate in *discarnate form can also come to the gate to comfort us in times of need. I feel beieving in angels emanates from an inner desire for personal protection on the part of many people. In making this observation, it is not my intention to set aside the faith of millions of religious people in angels. For many years I lacked faith in anything beyond my own existence. I know the importance of believing in something greater than yourself. Our faith is what sustains us in life and this applies to believing that there are superior beings who watch over us. My case presentations are intended to give weight to the concept of benevolent spirits in our lives.

Our spiritual teachers have different styles and techniques, just as teachers on Earth. Their immortal character has been matched to our own essence in a variety of ways. The next two abbreviated cases ilustrate my contention that personal guides and soulmates, however they are represented, contact us from the other side if we require consolation.

Case 10 The following statements come from Rene, a forty-year-old widow who lost her husband, Harry, three months before our appointment. I waited until after our session before asking her the series of questions that follow. My intent was to have Rene contrast the conscious versus super conscious imagery she had of her guide, *Niath.

Dr. *N: Before our session today, have you had any contact with the being you saw in hypnosis as Niath?

*S: Yes, since Harry’s death Niath has come to me during my dark hours.


40 Destiny of Souls Dr. *N: Did *Niath appear to be the same to you before and after this hypnosis session?

*S: No, I didn’t see her quite the same way. I… thought she was an angel before and now I see Niath is my teacher.

Dr. N: Were her face and demeanor different to you while you were under hypnosis, compared to what you saw when awake?

S: (laughs) Today there were no wings or a halo, but bright light that was the same and her face and gentle manner were the same too. I also see that in our spirit group she can be … sharply instructive.

Dr, N: More of a teacher and less of a grief counselor, you mean?

S: Yes, perhaps that’s it. Right after Harry’s death she was so sweet and understanding when she came to me
… (rushing on) that doesn’t mean she isn’t nice in the spirit world, just more
… exacting.

Dr. N: Did you do anything to summon Niath right after Harry’s death?

S: I was crying for help after the funeral. I found out that I needed to be alone and very still… to listen *… Dr. N: Does this mean you heard Niath rather than actually saw her?

S: No, in the beginning I saw her floating over my head in my bedroom. I had my arms wrapped around a pillow pretending it was Harry, but I had stopped crying. She became fuzzy after I first saw her and I realized then I had to listen carefully for her voice. In the days that followed I heard Niath more than I saw her *… but I had to listen.

Dr. N: Does that mean concentrate?

S: Yes *… well, no … more allowing my mind to go free from my body.

Dr. N: What happens when you don’t listen properly but you want her messages?


Death, Grief and Comfort *s 1 S; Then she communicates with me through my feeings.

Dr. *N: In what way?

*S: Oh, I might be driving alone or out walking by myself, wondering about doing something taking a certain action. She wil make me feel good about it if I am supposed to do it if it is right.

Dr. N: And what if the action you are considering would be wrong for you, then what?

S: *Niath will make me feel uneasy about doing it. I will know in my gut it is a wrong move.

My next case excerpt involves a young man who died in a car crash in 1942 at age thirty-six. He gives us another perspective on the mythology of angels from a soul reaching back to Earth.

Case 11 Dr. N: Tell me what you did for your wife after the crash?

S: I stayed around for three days with Betty to lessen her heaviness. I positioned myself over her head so our energy fields crossed in such a way that I could soothe her by matching our vibrations.

Dr. N: Did you employ any other techniques? S: Yes, I projected my likeness in front of her face.

Dr. N: Was this effective?

S: (playfully) Initially, she thought I was Jesus. The second day she was confused and the third day Betty was convinced I was an angel. My wife is very religious.

Dr. N: Are you bothered that she didn’t recognize you because of her religious convictions?

S: Notat all. (then, after some hesitation) Oh … I suppose it would please me if Betty rea lied it was me but her feeling better is my main concern. Betty is convinced I am a heavenly deity and that is okay because I do represent spiritual help for her.


42 *= Destiny of Souk Dr. *N: Would she feel even better knowing it was you?

*S: Look, Betty thinks I’m in heaven and can’t help her. Her angel is able to do so because it’s really me. So, I’m in disguise what’s the difference as long as my goal to help her is accomplished?

Dr. N: Well, since Betty has not connected you with your disguise, is there any other way you can communicate on a more personal level?

S: (smiles) Through my best friend, Ted. He consoles her and gives her advice with day-to-day details. Later I hover over the both of them sending *… permissive messages (subject then laughs) Dr. N: What do you find humorous?

S: Ted is not married. He has been in love with Betty for a long time, but she doesn’t realize it yet.

Dr. N: Is this al right with you?

S: (cheerfully, yet with nostalgia) Sure. I’m relieved he can do what I can’t anymore for her … at least until she returns home to me.

Finally, there are those angel-like spirits who regularly come to Earth between lives simply to help people they don’t know who are in distress. They may be healers in training, as was true with the client who said to me:

My guide and I assisted a boy in India who was drowning and consumed by fear. His parents pulled him from the river and were trying to resuscitate him, but he was not responding well. I placed my hands on his head to quiet his fear, sent a spike of energy into his heart to bring warmth into his body and superimposed his essence with mine for a moment to help him cough up the water and start breathing again. We were able to help a total of twenty-four people on that trip to Earth.

Emotional Recovery of Souls and Survivors The last remarks from case 11 about his wife, Betty, and those of case 3 who talked about her

husband, Kevin, touch upon the issue of later Death, Grief and Comfort 43 relationships by *ie survivor. Falling in love again after the death of a spouse sometimes causes feelings of guilt and even betrayal. In both these cases we saw that the departing spouses only wanted their surviving mates to be happy and loved. However, just because spirits want this for us does not mean that we can easily compartmentalize our expressions of intimacy to past and present loves.

People who have had long, happy first marriages and then lose a spouse make excellent candidates for a successful second marriage. This is a tribute to the first relationship. Having other relationships does not lessen nor dishonor our first love, it only validates that love, providing a state of healthy acceptance has been reached in between. I know placing aside feelings of guilt is easier said than done. I have received etters from widows and widowers asking me if their departed spouses could actually be watching them in the bedroom with someone else.

In my summary of the spirit world, I indicated that souls lose most of their negative emotional baggage when they shed their bodies. Although it is true we may carry the imprint of some emotional trauma from a past life into the next one, this condition is in a state of abeyance until we return to a new body. Also, a great deal of negative energy is expelled during the early stages of our return to the spirit world, especially after deprogramming during orientation.

When a soul once again returns to a pure energy state in the spirit world, it no longer feels hate, anger, envy, jealousy and the like. It has come to Earth to experience these sorts of emotions and learn from them. But after departing from Earth, do souls feel any sadness for what they have left behind? Certainly, souls carry nostalgia for the good times in all their past physical lives. This is tempered by a state of blissful omniscience and such a heightened sense of well-being that souls feel more alive than when they were on Earth.

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