Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set (7 page)

Read Destiny Undone: The Complete Series Box Set Online

Authors: Amanda Heartley

Tags: #New adult romance, #coming of age, #Contemporary Romance, #Erotic romance

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“About who? Pepper?”

“No, about all of them,” I lied.

“Well, the dolphins liked the blonde a lot. I’m not on Team Pepper, but she’s not as stupid as she looks. Having a change of heart? Can I fire her, yet?” She gave me a devilish smile. Bobbie Jo was a thick, muscular girl with a bad haircut. She wasn’t attractive in the least, but she was every bit my equal when it came to running the Lab. I knew it and she knew it.

“No, you can’t fire her. I just don’t want to put Sea Lab in jeopardy. You know, she has a history of some bad behavior. If something like that fountain incident happens here, I’d have to let her go.”

“Yeah, I read the papers, but like you said, who hasn’t done something they later regret? Come on, she’ll probably quit anyway. I don’t see her getting up early every morning for the entire summer—not with all her friends having pool parties and jetting off to Maui.”

“You’re probably right.” We talked about how to pair them all up and ended up dividing the four with Tracee and David working together and then Pepper and Martin, then I went back to my office to work out a schedule for them. I gave Pepper and Martin a little more tank time since they both did well in that environment and I was almost ready to go home when Pepper tapped on my door.

“You got a minute?”

“Sure, come on in.”

Chapter Seven — Pepper

Gabe slid his silver-framed glasses off, tossed them on the desk and gestured his hand toward a chair. “Have a seat.” I walked over to his desk and plopped my ass down on top of it, crossing my sleek long legs in front of me.

“I meant on the chair”

“Oh, that?” I giggled. “You’re so funny. I didn’t know you wore glasses.” I reached across to his face and traced my finger along his nose. “You look really smart.” He pulled away a little, but I was Pepper Anderson, and I could have pretty much any guy I wanted. And I wanted Gabe.

He rolled his chair back a little, “What can I help you with, Miss Anderson?”

“Well, Mr. Gregory—oh, that sounds so funny. Like I’m talking to my daddy’s friend or something. Call me Pepper, please.” I brushed a strand of hair that had fallen in my face to the side and licked my lips. “Do you think I should stay home tomorrow? I’m kind of a…well, a wreck, publicity-wise. I know you were trying to help me out, but I think Daddy would understand.”

I must have made him a little nervous, because he stood up and walked toward the big picture window. He turned back to me and my eyes scanned the whole package. I silently wondered if he could fuck me as hard as Church did. He must have seen something in my face, because he turned back around and put his hands in his pockets. I knew what that meant. He was as excited as I was. “What do
think? Can
handle it? I won’t be able to babysit you.”

“Babysit?” I laughed. “Do I look like a baby?” I asked, and slid the old t-shirt off and stood in front of him in my bikini.

“Well, uh—you know what I meant.”

“GG, I’ve been dealing with this kind of crap all my life—”

“—wait! GG?”

“Yeah, GG. Gabe Gregory.”

“Don’t ever call me that again, please.”

I smiled and held up my hand in a mock salute, “Yes, sir!”

He smiled at me and said, “Thank you. Now what were you saying?”

“Well, as I was saying before I was interrupted, I’m used to the staring and the whispers, but if you feel like it puts Sea Lab in a bad light, then I totally understand if you don’t want me to come back. But, I’d really like to. Here’s the t-shirt I borrowed.” I handed the shirt back to him and I could have sworn he was staring at my body. I stayed in good shape considering I had some pretty curvy hips.

He had dark brown, expressive eyes that seemed to search for what you weren’t saying. I wondered what it would be like to kiss his very kissable mouth, to touch his warm skin. I sighed. He was a cool drink of water on a very hot day.

“I just wanted to…uhm…check with you before I left.”

“I want you, Pepper.” I froze for a second. That was a bold thing to say. “I mean, I—uhm,
want you to come back.” He blushed under his tan and looked a little uncomfortable. “Let’s go ahead and get this out in the open.” He walked toward me, his dreamy eyes focused directly on me and I wondered what those dark waves of hair would feel like between my fingers as I ground on his now very hard cock.

He cleared his throat and wiped his fingers across his stubbled chin. I loved a man with stubble. “I took you on because your Dad asked me to give you a shot. That’s what you’re getting—a shot. But that doesn’t mean I have to keep you. If you don’t show up for work, you’re out. If you show up in that sequined bikini again, you’re out. If you don’t apply yourself, you’re out.”

“Well, that’s not very nice,” I pouted. “I thought you liked my bikini?” It had worked on Church—I wondered if it would work on Mr. Big Stuff. My heart fell in my chest. I knew what he’d said was the truth, but I was different, for God’s sake! I was Pepper Anderson—daughter of a
rich real estate man. I was the catch of the decade! I looked at him straight in the eyes and twirled a strand of hair in my fingers.

“You know, Gabriel, I handled those stinky fish without gagging. I played with all the animals, scrubbed the pool decks with that big heavy broom
helped out where I was told all day long.”

He glared back at me—he was going to be harder work than I’d previously thought. “Yes, you did, Pepper. You did your job, and you did a
job, considering…”

“Considering what, baby cakes?”

“Considering you’ve been trying to get out of this by seducing me, and I’ve been standing here this whole time trying to control myself, because I do believe, Pepper Anderson, that you have a lot more to you than just your sassy attitude and perfect ass!”

Bingo! “Great!” I winked at him. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I twirled around toward the door and sauntered out. I contemplated going to the locker room to take a quick shower, but decided to skip it—I had him, and I’d never been so tired in my life. Before I’d walked through the massive glass doors of Sea Lab, I hadn’t thought twice about fish or dolphins… or Gabe Gregory for that matter, but now—now that I knew Gabe was watching me, I wanted to nail this. Did I want a job here? Fuck, no! Did I want him to see that I could do it? That I wasn’t just some stupid heiress who liked having her tits photographed? Fuck. Yes!

I threw my gym bag into my convertible and jetted away from my parking spot. I turned the radio up to full blast and nearly ran into Tracee as she backed out in her lame-ass Volkswagen Beetle.
What-ever! Fuckin’ tree hugger!

I didn’t know how well I’d do with this intern thing, but Gabriel Gregory made it a lot easier. He was one smart hottie! I wondered why Daddy chose Sea Lab and not someplace else for me to work—like at a fashion house or even a Mercedes dealership. I could so sell Mercedes all day long or at the very least, be a showroom model. Bet they’d let me wear my bikini there. Oh yeah…can’t do that. No modeling. I’d never hear the end of it from Evangeline, my former supermodel mother. She hated it when I called her ‘Mom’, but whether she liked it or not, she gave birth to me.

On my way home, I slowed down at the curve where I’d hit the possum and eventually turned into the long driveway up to my house on Destiny Beach. I loved it here and when I was a kid, I was always at the beach. I didn’t go as much now, skin cancer was not on the agenda, but I still loved it and sometimes went at night. Church and I used to fuck on the beach behind the barrier rocks when we were younger, but we hadn’t done that in a really long time.

Unfortunately, now that I had a job, Church and I probably wouldn’t get back to beach fucking soon. Oh well, Gabe was really nice. I’d have to ask him if he had a girlfriend. I hoped he didn’t, but with chocolaty eyes like that and a hard body as well, I bet I wasn’t the only girl who wanted him.

I looked in the rear view mirror and scoffed. I looked like crap, but I had a job. Albeit a job with no pay and no one liked me, except David—but then, he wasn’t someone I’d hang out with. I was glad I’d paired up with Martin though. I figured if I couldn’t have Gabe, Martin would do. He didn’t hit on me and he didn’t seem to care who I was or even
who I was, for that matter. I just thanked God I hadn’t got stuck with Tracee. She was a hater and she didn’t even know me! Wouldn’t be the first time someone hated me for being me.

Mills was waiting for me at the door when I got home. She was holding her blue Russian cat, Theo. Honestly, I don’t think I’d even seen that cat in all the time she’d been away—he was pretty good at hiding out. He’s going to love me, I thought, I stunk like dead fish! I pulled the car into the circular drive and my sister flashed me a big smile.

“Hey, working girl! How was your first day… and what the hell are you wearing?”

“Oh, so you’re talking to me now?” I grinned at her, grabbed my bag out of my car and walked inside. I rubbed the cat’s head and kissed Mills on the cheek.

She wrinkled her nose, “Oh—and you smell! What is that?”

“It’s my new perfume—do you like it? I’ll be wearing it all summer.” I made a face and climbed the stairs with just one thought on my mind—to get in the shower. She bounded up the stairs after me and Theo jumped to the floor and ran off.

“What? What happened?”

“That wonderful odor is fish. Dead, fucking fish. I fed the dolphins today and a bunch more swimming things.”

“Yuck. Poor thing. Is that why you’re in that trashy bikini? Bet that went over well with the kiddies. You can’t work in the office or something? With clothes?” Mills’ big blue eyes sparkled and I melted. She was such a great little sister.

“Leave my clothes alone! And no, I don’t think office work is an option.”

“Well hurry up and get your shower. Dad says we’re all eating together tonight. And…you’ll never guess what we’re having.”

I yawned. I’d been up too long. “I’m too tired to guess. What?”

“Fish! Stinky ol’ dead fish!” She laughed as she bounded back down the stairs.

“Yuck!” I yelled after her then went to get in the shower. I peeled off my bathing suit, and then pulled the hair band out of my hair. For a good ten minutes, I stood under the hot water and washed away the smell from my body. My favorite floral body wash was perfect for this kind of stink. Mmmm….It felt so good to be clean again. I wondered if Gabe liked his women floral or fruity. I made a mental note to find out tomorrow—if I made it in tomorrow. I was beat.

I didn’t bother dressing up for dinner since I knew it was just going to be family. I grabbed a summer dress in my trademark black and white and it looked great against my tan. A few minutes later, I walked downstairs with my stomach growling so loudly, I didn’t care if I had to eat fish or not. I was so hungry, I’d eat anything about now.

“Here she is, let’s eat! I’m starving.” Mills sat down at the table and patted the seat beside me. “Look, Pep. Charlotte and Daddy made dinner. It smells delicious.”

“Hi Charlotte, nice to see you,” I smiled and sat down next to my sister.

“How was the day at Sea Lab? Gabe get you going?” I snorted water, surprised at what my father had said.

Mills laughed too, “Daddy! Oh my gosh. Don’t you think before you speak?”

“What?” Daddy dug into the rice pilaf with a big spoon and plopped a pile on his plate.

“Get you going? Come on, Dad. Really?” Mills took the pilaf bowl from him and helped herself to a spoonful. Everybody laughed and I tried to answer Dad’s question in a way that wouldn’t show my frustration.

“Yeah…he’s hot. He’s really great. It’s definitely going to be, uhm…
working there.”

“Pepper, don’t go showing your ass. He’s a great guy—with morals, unlike that hoodlum you run with.” He took a bite. “What’ll you be doing, anyway?”

I really wanted to answer him with,
“You didn’t bother to ask when you went looking for a job for me?”
but I bit my tongue and instead I said, “Well, if today is any indication, I’ll be feeding the dolphins some stinky fish, cleaning pool decks with a broom bigger than you are, and stocking the gift shop. Thank you. Stupid job can’t pay much though.”

Dad laughed at that, “No, they don’t pay you. It’s an internship, Pepper Ann. It’s like a competition to get the job.”

“Competition? You could win that,
Pepper Ann
,” Mills joked with me. She knew I hated my plebian middle name. I mean, Ann? Really? Once, I’d thought about having it legally changed, but Dad wasn’t too cool with that. “Charlotte, you probably don’t know this, but my sister used to win tons of competitions. She used to have a wall of crowns and trophies until she got too
to show them off. She had the most beautiful gowns too. Mother used to hate it because she said pageants were demeaning. Which was kind of funny, because Evangeline didn’t mind showing her half naked body back in the day.”

“Mills!” I whispered as I tried to get her to hush. I didn’t think it was right to talk about Mom in front of Charlotte—not for Mom’s sake, but for Charlotte’s. The least she knew about our mother, the better for her.

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