Destiny's Whisper (37 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Moynihan

BOOK: Destiny's Whisper
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Chloe’s eyes widened in surprise then grew dark as pleasure spread through her body. She could feel his body pulsing inside her, in sync with her heartbeat and she felt the rightness of it deep in her soul.

Sergei watched her, holding his breath and his body still, awaiting her response. Her brilliant smile and tentative push against him had him smiling in return.

“If I’d known you would feel this good, there would have been no safe place for you to hide from me,” she said softly, nudging her hips back and forth, just a little, and gasping at the sparks of electricity that rippled through her. “Oh, my…” she moaned.

“Some things are worth waiting for,” Sergei moaned, pulling himself slowly from her body and then sliding slowly back in, her muscles clenching him tightly and surrounding him with such heat he was surprised he simply didn’t burst into flames.

“I don’t want to wait, Sergei. Show me heaven,” Chloe whispered, holding his face and lifting her mouth to his, her teeth nipping at his lips until he could no longer stand the torment and crushed his mouth against hers. His tongue delved deeply within the hot recess of her mouth, seeking the sweetness inside. His body mimicked the motion, his manhood surging deeply within the core of her femininity; friction setting fire to kindling as a firestorm roared to life between the two and they found themselves rushing toward oblivion.

Breathing became nearly impossible as sexual rapture raced toward them; Sergei’s breath came in short, hot puffs as he pushed Chloe ever closer toward her climax; trying to ignore his own body’s demand for release. Chloe found herself poised on a cliff; every nerve in her body screaming at once, her heart pounding so loudly it blocked everything else out.

“No!” Sergei growled softly, slowing his movement against Chloe, to a slow pace meant to torment, as he listened to the doorknob to the locker room jiggle; a fist pound against the door, and then Dani’s voice as she called Chloe’s name.

Chloe’s eyes widened in shock and surprise and she looked to Sergei in question.

“Answer her,” he said quietly, slowly moving in and out of her, feeling the muscles inside her clench him tightly, watching her eyes glaze at his torturously slow touch.

“Dani?” she called back, her voice wavering.

“Chloe, are you all right? The door’s locked,” Dani yelled.

“I must have locked it without even thinking. I’m almost done in here…” Chloe’s voice faded away, as Sergei’s mouth feasted on hers, his eyes holding hers throughout the kiss, a wicked light glowing deep in the ebony of his eyes.

“What? I couldn’t hear you,” Dani called again.

Chloe pulled her mouth from Sergei’s, gasping for breath. “I said, I’m almost done in here.”

“Care to place a bet on that?” Sergei whispered wickedly, his tongue running a hot track down to her breast and drawing her nipple into his mouth and suckling hotly.

“You’re sure you’re okay?” Dani asked again, listening against the door and hearing only the sound of the shower and music playing softly. She smiled as she recognized her favorite song. “I sure hope you like that song, because if that’s the CD player, I put it in the repeat mode and that song is going to play over and over again until you shut it off.”

Chloe’s eyes drifted closed, her body vibrated in need and Sergei pulsed deeply inside of her. “I’m fine and that’s okay about the music, I don’t mind the song. After that workout, I just needed a long shower. Maybe the music will help me relax.”

“I can believe that. Boy, that program you and Sergei skated was amazing. I’m surprised you didn’t set the ice on fire, there was so much heat between the two of you!” Dani conversed casually through the door.

You don’t know what heat is!
Chloe thought to herself and stifled a moan as Sergei suddenly began moving faster against her, pushing himself deeper into her throbbing body.

“I know, your brother’s amazing,” Chloe sighed, a bright spark lighting deep within her and flaming to life, consuming each nerve as it built speed and power and raced ever forward.

“Speaking of whom, do you have any idea where my ‘amazing’ brother may be?”

Sergei’s one eyebrow raised sardonically, and his sensual gaze dared her to give him away.

“No…” Chloe’s answer came on a low moan. He was driving her insane and enjoying every moment of it.

“Well, if you see him, tell him Mom’s serving dinner early tonight. Maybe we can all go to a movie afterwards,” Dani suggested.

“Okay,” Chloe mumbled, forcefully pulling Sergei’s searching mouth from her breast and covering his mouth with her own. Her lips felt hot and swollen as she kissed him deeply.

“Your mom’s serving dinner early,” Chloe whispered breathlessly as she pulled away from his devouring mouth. Adoringly, she ran her hands over his bulging biceps, and across his shoulders, her nails lightly scoring his tanned skin sent fire roaring through his veins. She just couldn’t seem to touch him enough.

“I heard,” Sergei answered in a sexy, low voice, his hands caressing the firm spheres of her bottom, as he rocked against her. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he felt her trembling increase and he gritted his teeth, fighting for control, as his body reacted to her response.

“Sergei…” she whispered, suddenly surprised at the overwhelming sensations that were rushing toward her, pushing her out of control and sending her spinning into a world filled with flashes of light and weightlessness. A low, soft scream escaped her swollen lips as she hurdled over the edge.

Sergei watched Chloe’s climax wash over her and marveled as he watched her dissolve in his arms, her body drawing him deeper inside and clenching him so tightly he had no choice but to follow her into the sweet oblivion that held him captive. Blood roared in his ears and his heart pounded so hard it threatened to explode as he joined her in ecstasy; soaring through a sky of black velvet scattered with sparkling stars.

Time slid to a stop as the lovers slowly returned to earth and the reality that they had made love for the first time in the shower, of all places, hit them.

“I can honestly say, I never thought the first time I made love, it would be in a shower!” Chloe stated softly, running her fingers along the line of his jaw, the stubble of his beard making her fingers tingle. She felt lethargic and strangely energized at the same time.

Sergei looked around, his smile a bit sheepish, “At least you’ll never forget the experience,” he said with a shrug, his chest moving against her still sensitive breasts.

“I’ll never forget anything about you,” Chloe answered softly, running her fingers over the soft fullness of his lower lip and then accepting his gentle kiss as he lowered his head so their lips could meet.

Their kiss was filled with tenderness, one of welcome and acceptance and filled with dreams of the future. “I love you, Chloe,” he whispered against her lips, his eyes holding hers captive.

Chloe’s eyes glowed a deep, bright blue at his words. “I love you too, Sergei; forever and ever.”

The song began again, filled with romance and promises of forever and the two lovers listened to the words, wrapped in each other’s arms, their hearts beating together, and swayed together.

A thought suddenly popped into Chloe’s head. “Is this something we’ll tell our grandchildren about one day?”

“What, that grandma and grandpa made love for the first time in the shower and then danced naked together afterward?” Sergei asked with a devilish smile.

Chloe shook her head back and forth. “Probably not a good idea, huh? We wouldn’t want to perpetuate wild behavior in our grandchildren.”

“Probably not,” Sergei agreed, kissing the tip of her nose. “But we could always tell them about the time grandpa threw grandma into a freezing cold shower!” he offered, wrapping his arms tightly around narrow waist, spinning her around and stepping beneath the showering spray that had long since gone cold.

Chloe’s scream of outrage as the cold water washed over them both echoed in the tiled room, and blended with Sergei’s deep laughter as he held her struggling body tightly against him, enjoying the sensations she aroused as she fought to escape the cold spray.

“You’re not nice!” Chloe gasped, pushing her wet hair out of her eyes and trembling at the contradiction of sensations as the cold water ran down her back and the heat of Sergei’s body pressed against her front created havoc with her senses.

“Not true, I’m very nice,” he countered silkily, his voice, low and sexy, sent delicious shivers running through her, his teeth placing nipping kisses along her shoulder had her legs dissolving beneath her.

“Prove it,” she demanded, turning her face and capturing his mouth with her own, her tongue slipping sweetly into his mouth.

He kissed her with an urgency that left her breathless and boneless in his arms. “Meet me at midnight in the gazebo,” he asked softly, kissing the pale, satin skin of her neck.

“Okay…” she agreed, nearly incoherent as her blood rushed through her veins and she began to feel dizzy.

“Okay.” he confirmed with a nod, smiling at her dazed blue expression.

With a flick of his wrist, the cold water disappeared and the pair found themselves standing in the shower, water slowly shimmying down their bodies and into the drain. Looking around, it suddenly dawned on them both they had forgotten to grab a towel from the cabinet. With a sigh of disbelief, Sergei padded across the tile floor, leaving wet footprints on the shiny surface, and skidded to a halt in front of the cabinet. Withdrawing two fluffy towels, the color of celery, he tucked one under his arm and wrapped the other one around his hips, flipping open the lock on the door as he retraced his steps back to Chloe.

Opening the towel and holding it out to her, she stepped into his arms and allowed him to wrap it around her. His eyes glowed brightly in enjoyment at the sight of her naked, curvaceous figure before he tucked the one corner of the towel between her breasts, gave her a final quick kiss and walked toward the door.

The door suddenly swinging open had them freezing in their tracks, unable to retreat, unsure of what to do, wishing the floor would simply open up and swallow them.

Dani’s head popped around the corner, her expression knowing, her eyes shining at the site of her brother and her best friend wearing nothing but towels, and surprised expressions. “I suppose it would be out of the question to think that you two left any hot water at all?” she quipped, a burst of laughter singing through the air.

Sergei’s sheepish smile and small shrug answered her question.

“I thought so,” Dani returned in mock disgust, casting her gaze up and down the scantily clad figures of Sergei and Chloe. “We don’t dress up for dinner, but you might want to put something on besides a towel.” Dani suggested lightly, smiling broadly as she watched Chloe blush a deep pink and Sergei find something interesting to look at on the floor. “Dinner’s in twenty minutes. I don’t think Mom would be so blasé about finding you thus!” Dani stated dramatically, her hands encompassing their dishabille, before she pulled the door closed.

Sergei and Chloe made it to dinner on time, but just barely!

“God, I love
Italian night
!” Whittaker sighed, heaping his plate with steaming lasagna and three breadsticks. The aromas of meaty tomato sauce and fresh baked bread that swirled about the kitchen nearly had him drooling.

Jordan offered him the bowl of Caesar salad and then smiled when he waved it away.

“Maybe later,” he mumbled around a bite of soft bread slathered with garlic and butter.

“You’d be better off with the salad,” Dee scolded, pointing at his less than flat stomach.

“Men aren’t designed to survive on rabbit food!” Whittaker fired back.

“Aleksei and Sergei don’t seem to have a problem with it,” Dee argued, pointing to the aforementioned men’s full salad plates.

Whittaker looked at the men in disgust and took another bite of his bread. “Well, maybe they don’t use up as much energy as I do.”

“I don’t know about that, Whittaker. After the workout that Sergei just went through, I’m surprised he’s not eating raw red meat,” Dani commented casually, her green eyes dancing in devilish delight.

Chloe’s eyes widened in shock and Sergei started choking on the bite of salad he’d just swallowed, his dark look sending his sister warnings of severe retribution.

“It’s not as if Chloe was just sitting there going along for the ride. She was working hard too!” Whittaker added, unknowingly adding fuel to the fire and sending Dani into a fit of laughter.

“I’m sure you’re right!” Dani added enthusiastically, sending her friend a knowing look and watching as Chloe’s cheeks turned a deep rose.

Hunter’s sudden coughing fit had Jordan looking at him in question.

“Swallowed the wrong way,” he gasped in explanation, making a grab for the tall glass of ice water that sat next to his plate and nearly emptying it.

“Are you okay?” Jordan asked in concern, accepting his nod up and down at face value, her curiosity peeking as she saw Hunter and Sergei exchange a quick look.

Jordan watched the exchange between the four closely, smiling as she watched Dani send her brother taunting looks, as usual, yet there was a subtle difference between the two that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Adding Chloe and Hunter into the mix really had her wondering what was up. It was something she was going to have to think on. In the meantime, she’d simply keep her eyes open and her ear to the floor. A quick glance at Aleksei had him nodding at her, silently acknowledging he too had noticed the strange communication between the four young people sitting at the table, his light shrug stating he had no idea what it was about.

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