Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4) (18 page)

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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“Oh, there’s no stopping that, little warrior.” Ahriman laughed. “I’ve already inflicted
pain…” He nodded toward Jenevier, his colorless counterpart. “…onto your good
, there. What Valencia once eagerly wrought upon another, so has she been dealt likewise.” His smile was vicious; his eyes, lethal. “Tell him, Guardian. Tell your valiant protector exactly what it was I
upon you. Tell him how you begged for it, begged for me.”

Drostan was completely unnerved by the advancing dark Angel’s looks alone. He pulled Valencia close against his back, always facing the encircling demons, never letting them get near his beloved.

As Valencia listened to Ahriman’s taunts, her eyes grew wide with the unbelievable realization. She stared at the pale creature who was now slowly, methodically circling them.

“…Jenevier?” Her whisper was thick, full of fear.

“The one you speak of, she no longer exists,” the colorless woman hissed.

“Then… what stands before me?” Valencia’s voice quivered, as did her soul.

Jenevier snorted her amusement. “A monster.” She chuckled. “A little roughhewn by… umm… shall we say, rather
events. And then given breath by relentless, merciless necessity, sweetest sister.” She smiled mockingly.

Drostan backed away, pushing Valencia through the chamber door and out into the Great Hall.

Ahriman casually followed the retreating couple as Jenevier stalked the she-Guardian like a feral cat.

“Ahh, can you smell that, my love?” Ahriman inhaled deeply. “It smells like shattered souls, ones longing for a peace they will never find.” His silver eyes flashed wildly. “
, I can personally guarantee.”

“Does your master know you’ve escaped your leash?” Valencia felt the burning hate kindle within her, rise up. She mustered her courage. “Are you seriously making time with your Prince’s wife? Now that she lives, why is she coddled in
dark arms, not his?”

At the she-Guardian’s careless words, the darkness Ahriman had only just gifted Jenevier, mixed violently with shards of pain from her lost past. They coursed through the tiny colorless Angel like molten black lava.

Unseen tremors fractured the very air around them, like invisible lightning. It caused them to stagger backward, losing their balance, effectively replacing their heated anger with raw fear. Even Ahriman stepped away from the tiny pulsing creature beside him, as electricity popped from the tips of her curls and actual flames leapt within her black eyes… almost like her snowflakes had caught fire.

“I would die for you,” Ahriman whispered under his breath, awe-stricken.

Her forgotten wings burst forth from her sides in a blinding explosion of diamond light. Breathtakingly beautiful and terrifyingly lethal—they hummed with vengeance, vibrated with a deep lust for blood.

“Valencia,” she roared out the name. “There is something to be said for defiance. It has a certain, umm…
to it, one might say.” Her claws slowly extended from her fingertips. “Yet it comes with an exorbitant price tag. Continue to speak thusly, and I shall demand payment forthwith.”

“Gealach.” The trembling, pleading word bounced off the stone walls as the door to the Great Hall burst open.

Jenevier swayed when she turned, finding the white-haired warrior who had claimed her as his own standing gloriously before her. She nearly swooned.

Her wings fell limp at her sides. “…Finnean,” she whispered. Her voice was so tiny now, so frail.

At the sight of the beautiful man who now owned her heart, Jenevier’s darkness melted away, removing the fire from her black eyes and leaving nothing but brilliantly sparkling snowflakes.

His smile beamed back at her, visible relief washed over him. “Aye, my wee moon. I’ve come for my precious wife.” He spread his welcoming arms wide.

She started toward him, building tears blurring out his handsome face. Ahriman halted her advance with an outstretched arm.

Although she could have easily pushed past the barrier now at her chest, this amethyst Angel held sway over her. Somehow, he pulled at her internally, claimed her freewill, robbed the flames from her desire.

“You must be mistaken, little human soldier boy.” The soul-eater’s voice was condescending, mockingly so. “This enchanting woman belongs to the Prince of Hell, and always will. His desire for her is supernatural. His need, unfathomable. No, my tiny snow-crowned mortal, there will be no
wife taking
this day.”

“No. There won’t be.” A deep, ethereal voice filled the hall as Daichi spread his magnificent wings, gliding down from the highest window to land only an arm’s length from the astonished Hand of Hell.

Ahriman gasped. “Apollyon?”

The sapphire Angel’s sarcastic laugh filled the entire room. “I am not your pathetic Prince, oh fallen one. Look closer. Can you not see? I am all
wishes he could be… yet never can.”

“You’re the child.” Ahriman staggered with his whispered realization.

“No.” Tenshi came from the opposite window, landing lightly in the center of the hall, eyes fixed on his blessed mother. “I’m the son. He’s the Blessing.”

Ahriman gaped at the majestic twins.

Tenshi ran to her, scooping her up in his arms. “Mama, look at you. Even though your lovely color was stolen, you’re still the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.” He nuzzled her to him. “You take my breath away, Mama. I love you too much.”

She stared, dumbfounded, at the gentle Angel holding her, rubbing his nose against her cheek.

“Tenshi.” Munenori’s voice was full of warning, drawing everyone’s nervous attention. “Set her down and come to me, boy.”

“No way,” the gentle Angel responded. “Now that I’ve found her, I’ll never let her go again.” He buried his smile in the mound of curls on the side of her head. “Isn’t that right, Mama?”

Tenshi felt the rumbling growl start deep within her chest, and heard her venomous hiss a split second before her claws slashed at his lovely face. He closed his eyes, flinching. But the blow never landed. Timidly peeking, he beheld Vareilious standing before them, holding her tiny wrist in his massive hand, the lethal claws a mere fraction from her son’s angelic throat.

“Set her down, boy,” Vareilious sadly whispered. “
is not your mother.”

Tenshi did as he was told, not trying to hide the silent tears now flooding his perfect cheeks.

Vareilious released her and quickly joined his ethereal brethren a safe distance from the wild-eyed, tiny Angel.

“Naga, look at me.” Munenori spoke softly. “I can clearly see you are the commander of your heavenly vessel, but not your will. How can wings as glorious as those ever be dominated by one as dark and vile as the fallen abomination you now stand with? No matter what lie he’s whispered in your ear, Kagi Naga, Ahriman is
your friend. He is not your loving Vybius, blood brother of your fragile heart. He never was. All this creature has said to you, every word that’s passed his lips since the moment you first looked upon him, has been false. It’s what he does. It’s who he is—a bottom-feeding, soul-eating liar. If you stand with him, Madam Empress, he will devour you completely. Oh, I’m certain his
for you is real. But it’s not rooted in happiness and love.” He stared hard at the fallen Angel he’d once counted as brother. “He will slowly consume you, all that you are, every tiny piece. Nothing will remain. He will leave you broken, drained, horribly shattered. You will awake in some dark little forgotten corner of the universe, utterly alone and irrecoverably destroyed.” Munenori’s teary gaze drifted back to her. “Trust me in this, my child. I have witnessed it with my own eyes, countless times.”

Jenevier slowly stepped away from Ahriman, her uncertain gaze locking with each unknown creature before her, undeniable panic obvious in her dark eyes.

Munenori whispered, “Daichi, this is what you were made for.”

Her sapphire Blessing withdrew the seraph blade and took one step toward her.

“No!” Finnean yelled. “Don’t touch her! Don’t you dare lay a single finger on my beloved moon. Come to me, Gealach,” he coaxed. “Come. Let me put that lovely smile back on your glorious face. Ignore them, Lass. I swear I will die before I let them harm you.”

She looked at her snow warrior, relief washing over her face as he started toward her. She met him halfway, leaping into his open arms.

“I’m so sorry, Finnean,” she cried against his neck. “I’m sorry I let myself get captured. I’m sorry I worried you and Father. And I am so horribly sorry I hit you, my love. Can you ever forgive me?”

His relieved laugh was music to her ears.

“Aye, Lass. I crave the sound of your voice more than you could ever possibly imagine.” He chuckled and pulled back to look her in the eye. “There’s nothing to forgive, wee rabbit. I have you safely in my arms once more. And that’s all that matters.” He tenderly kissed the tears from her cheeks as he spoke. “I’m horribly sorry I hit you, too,” he whispered. “I feared you now hated me.”

“Hated you? How could I possibly ever hate my perfect snow angel?” She kissed him, gently tugging his lower lip with her teeth as they parted. “You are my light in a dark place, Finnean, my only bringer of bliss in a dreary world. You claimed me. I can scarce believe it, yet you did. That’s all the joy I will ever need, all I will ever want.”

“Oh, Gealach, my love, I feared for your life.” He hugged her tightly, burying his face in her curls. “We followed your blood… there was so much blood. My only wish was to find you yet breathing. Anything more would be a blessing undeserved.”

She giggled softly, nuzzling his neck. “So… you missed me, then? Perhaps you need me, valiant knight. Is that it? Mayhap you even love me.”

“Aye, wee lamb, with my whole heart and for my whole life, I love you. I have found the only one my heart beats for, the woman my soul craves.” He kissed her again.

“Never let me go, Finnean. Swear it. Keep one hand upon me, always. I am hopelessly lost without you.” She pressed her forehead against his chest. “You’re the most precious thing in the world to me.”

“Aye, Lass. Then we’re of like-mind.” He tucked some of her curls back. “Tell me, wee lamb. Where’d you get those enchanting wings?”

“I know not.” She giggled shyly. “Do you like them?” She spread them wide for his adoring inspection.

“Aye, that I do.” He winked at her. “If we were alone, I’d show you just how much.” He gazed at her lovingly, smiling as he stroked her soft cheek.

She only giggled again.

Vareilious turned to his brother Vanir, one suspicious brow cocked. “And just who the hell is

Vittorio didn’t answer him. He was staring at the happy couple, oblivious to all else.

“He’s the one I told you about,” Daichi growled.

Tenshi laughed softly. “Just look at them. They’re so cute.” He elbowed his brother. “Don’t look so mad, Daichi. Try to see past your jealousy. Look closely, Brother. Do you see?”

Daichi only growled.

“Yes, you see.” Tenshi chuckled. “Seems you aren’t the only one blessed with the power to heal her. Isn’t it amazing? His touch erases her anger, his kiss soothes her fears. And look… they match.” He laughed.

Daichi snarled, “Just… shut it, Tenshi.”

“Why is she minus her color?”

The heavenly beings turned their attention toward Valencia when she spoke.

At the sound of her nemesis’s voice, Jenevier’s anger was rekindled. But Finnean held her fast, whispering in her ear. She melted back against him.

“Did you see that?” Tenshi whispered.

“Dammit, Tenshi. I said shut it,” Daichi roared.

His older, more timid brother only chuckled in response.

Jenevier balled Finnean’s tunic up in her fists, leaning against his chest, feeding off the strength of his pure heart. She didn’t fight against his loving embrace. She would never fight with him again. No one else in this room mattered. She was whole in the arms of her white warrior and she would never seek freedom, even to hurt the only woman she hated.

“Who are you?” Tenshi asked the she-Guardian.

would be Valencia,” Vareilious snorted as he sent a knowing smirk toward his long lost sister.

Daichi’s eyes widened, then his heated gaze bore into the ethereal bringer of all their pain.

“Aye, Valencia, sweetest of sisters.” Vittorio chuckled out his words. “Ye’ve nae had the pleasure of meeting Tenshi an’ Daichi.” He inclined his head toward each as he spoke. “This would be fair Jenevier’s lad, here. An’ that viciously snarling one there, would be her heavenly Blessing an’ eternally bonded mate.”

The bruised she-Guardian’s horror was obvious. She tightened her grasp upon Drostan. When Daichi spoke, it made her blood run cold within her veins.

“Yes. It appears your wicked little plan didn’t work out exactly as you had thought, Guardian witch. We yet live.” He smiled threateningly. “Seems the only ones unlucky enough to die because of your blackest betrayal was Mikage, Musashi, and your own dear brother.”

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