Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4) (25 page)

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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“Was he the one who found her when she fell? This… Ahriman?” Yui asked worriedly.

“He wasnae the one. Thank the heavens. Yet, he was the one who had her when we found them.” Vittorio’s beautiful blue eyes glazed over with bitter memory. “By his side… she was the picture of exquisite darkness. Mesmerizingly lethal, cold, hell’s wee porcelain doll, she was. I couldnae stop staring at her. I’ll admit tae ye now, Brother. The two of them together like that, scared the hell outta me. If Ahriman ever won her over… heaven would tremble.”

They sat in silence as the sun finally set and the moons of Jinn rose in all their glory.

“Nae have I seen anything quite so lovely,” Vittorio whispered.

“Yes, it
beautiful,” Yui agreed. “But do you know what it is you now look upon?”

“Aye, Lad. A riot of color in a dreary gray sky.”

Yui chuckled. “Yes, it is that as well. But, no. What you see before you is your Jenevier. She emptied the Angel’s blade by stabbing the surface of that little moon. The whole of who she once was now brightens our night sky.”

“…Damn.” Vittorio snorted out an amused laugh. “Ye cannae tell what the wee lass will do next. Alas, ye err, Brother. That’s nae the whole of her. The biggest part, mayhap. But nae the whole. I saw her on Val Hal. She wasnae mine Angel, yet… a sliver of her remained. She had memories she should nae have. An’… she loved. She wasnae minus heart an’ mind. Uriel erred.”

“She loved?” Yui gasped, wide-eyed. “A man?”

Vittorio chuckled. “Aye, a man. An’ a rare man at that.” He smiled then. “Naethin’ like his own people. A warrior crowned with snow. Yet young and fair, he was.”

“Of course he was,” Yui grumbled. “Her heart’s too big for her own good. Love finds her no matter where she falls, hell included. How could we expect anything less?”

Vittorio saw the hard set of the young ninja’s jaw line. “Aye, Lad. Careful now. If ye plan on loving that one, ye’ll have tae get a firm hold on yer jealousy. It cannae be helped. She brings it oot in the best of us.”

Yui snorted and folded his arms, his lavender eyes glowing as bright as his flushed cheeks.

Vittorio only laughed. “The way I see it, she had a heart an’ a bit of her past.” He pointed up to the skies. “What ye see sparkling up there in the heavens, is the sorrowful result of a happy soul. A happy soul… plunged intae the depths of sadness, yet again.”

“A happy soul?”

“Aye, Lad, happy. Minus all the pain an’ heartache of her past, she was blissfully happy, she was. Even though she lost her essence, it became a sort of blessing for her. Albeit an unlikely blessing, but a blessing naetheless.” He nodded his head as he continued to speak. “Seems she woke up on Val Hal a brand new creature with a brand new start. When we showed up tae save her, tae bring her memories back tae her, pain came along with them, erasing her newly found bliss. A tiny part of me hates we even found the wee Angel. Alas, had we nae, Ahriman would be skipping through hell with her as we speak.” He sighed wearily. “Poor Lass. Every time she smiles, Fate knocks her tae her knees.”

They sat in silence, feeling the weight of Vittorio’s words settle upon their hearts.

The young Shinobi eventually retired to his chambers. Yet, the Guardian remained. Unable to leave her balcony, unable to take his admiring eyes off her lovely moon.

Chapter 28

Kagi Naga

(KAH-jee NAH-gah)




So… you yet live, little Naga.

“Yes, Nilakanta. I live. And I’m not a Shikabane, like you thought. I’m just a girl. Minus her color and beauty, yes, but flesh and blood, to be sure.” She smiled and hugged his snout.

You could never be minus your beauty, Milady. Yours comes from within. As I see it, your skin now matches the diamonds upon your back. And there’s little in the world a Dragon loves more than diamonds.

“Stop spoiling her,” Munenori complained. “She’s hard enough to live with as she is. If you continue to fill her head with praise, there’ll be no getting on with her.”

Hmm… I believe you’ve done more than enough getting on with her as it is.
The gigantic smirk in the Dragon’s words couldn’t be missed.
You have been an especially naughty little Angel, Munenori. Yet, I see clearly within her just how much she enjoyed it. So I’ll not scold you further.

The mossy lavender Angel’s cheeks flamed bright red. “Ugh, Dragons.” He rolled his eyes.

Nilakanta, you are horrible.
She giggled in her thoughts.

I know, and it’s so much fun. Now, little Naga, tell me how you came by that word. Who told one as young as you about Shikabane?

You did, my friend. You first asked if I was minus my soul, then you asked if I was a Shikabane.

The Guardian Angel of Jinn listened closely to their mental exchange, yet did not interfere.

Not so, little one. I have not spoken with you since you left me here. You should never have left me, Naga. I will not let you do thus again.

I know. You told me that, too.
She winked at him.

Munenori, help me understand what she speaks of.

“I know not.” Munenori shook his head. “Uriel said she would be minus heart, soul, and essence when we found her. He said she was only a shell; her true self had been stolen and was prisoner within his blade. Yet, she had retained
of her memories. And she definitely had a heart. It had only been days… yet some rare warrior was begging her as his wife.”

“He’s not just
some warrior
,” she said. “He is Finnean, and he is beautiful.”

Way to go, Naga.
Her Dragon’s laugh was deep and warming.

“Don’t encourage her,” Munenori scowled. “She already has too many
men in her life. She certainly doesn’t need another.”

“Jealousy doesn’t become you, Brother.” She turned back to Nilakanta. “Anyway, you came to me in a vision or memory or something. I thought you had brought me home. You helped me remember a great deal, much more than I’d been able to on my own. You were there for me when I needed you most.”

Hmm… There is great magic in this world, and I do not claim to even know the half of it. If by some strange spell I came to you and helped you, then that’s good enough for me. Understanding may come in time.

“I suppose.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Have you noticed the baby moon?”

I have.
He chuckled.
Did you do that, Naga? Did you gift the moon your color?

“I did.” She smiled brightly. “Do you like it?”

Very much, tiny mistress
, Nilakanta said.
Yet, I am a selfish Dragon. I want you all to myself. Hanging up in the sky like that, everyone gets to enjoy your rare beauty.

“Tell me.” She leaned against his sapphire neck as she spoke. “Why were you born a Dragon and not a man?”

He sighed.
Ahh, Naga. Being a Dragon is more glorious than being anything else in the universe.

She giggled. “I suppose you’re right.”

Besides, you have way too many men in your life as it is, little Naga.

“Yes,” she mumbled. “Such seems to be the case.” She sighed. “I’m certain I do not recall all of them, not just yet. But the ones I can remember, they are priceless treasures.”

Then why wish me one of many? As I stand, I am your only Dragon.

“That you are.” She giggled again. “But we are so much alike, you and I. I simply cannot help but ponder such a thing. Were you a man, we would have too much fun together.”

Ah, Naga. This universe could not survive it if the two of us were of the same species.

“We could rule the whole thing.” She held her arms out wide, spinning around in a circle as she giggled. “We would demand many sparkling tributes, and dance under the stars every night until the break of dawn. All meals would be feasts and every moonrise would bring with it a party… and too much wine.”

Sounds like heaven, Naga.
He chuckled then.
I believe the more appropriate question should be… Why are you not a Dragon?

“Hmm… I have been many things thus far. A Dragon doesn’t sound too bad, not too bad at all.” She winked at him. “Who knows, right?”

Their combined laughter only made Munenori roll his eyes again.

“Watch him over there,” Jenevier whispered. “Have I ever told him how much I hate when people do thus?”

You have
, he said with a ringing chuckle in his unspoken words.
And it was quite entertaining.

They fell silent for many heartbeats while Jenevier just leaned against her Dragon, tenderly rubbing his velvety snout.

Naga, I saw your memories of last night, and this morning, and just a little while ago.

Munenori cleared his throat uncomfortably, blushing brightly at the Dragon’s bared words.

Are you truly okay with what happened between the two of you?
he asked softly.

“I’m not sure. I mean, I’m not upset about it, if that’s what you’re getting at.” She shrugged her shoulders. “He made me feel good, truly special, loved. I enjoyed it. Actually, if something hadn’t been nagging at the corners of my mind, warning me away from him, I would enjoy him like that every night and day and morning as well.”

More than your skin has changed, Kagi Naga. Much more.

“That’s what I keep saying, Brother. I’m not Jenevier. She died. I’m someone else.”

Don’t be too quick to kill her off, Little Fire. She is an amazing creature, as are you. I look forward to seeing how this all plays out. And do not be mistaken, tiny Guardian. You are Jenevier still… just a darker version, perhaps.

“You two do know I can hear you, do you not?” Munenori said, unable to hold his tongue any longer. “I’m an Angel, not a stone.” He moved closer to her. “If you wish me to share your eternal bed, Naga, I will, gladly I will. I would love nothing more than to bring you joy every night, day, and morning as well. Take my manacle and let us see what happens.”

At the word
, Jenevier looked to the black tattoo covering her left hand.

“Manacles are a bad thing,” she whispered. “I do not recall why, not exactly. But, no, thank you. I do not wish a manacle of

The Angel and the Dragon both fell silent.

She looked from one to the other. “What? What happened?”

“Naga.” Munenori spoke softly. “You will live for eons, perhaps. That is a terribly long time to spend all alone. Trust me in this. And you have way too much love inside you to think you could live as a solitary creature. We all need ties, things that bind us to one another. We thrive together, Empress. Alone… we fade.”

Or go mad
, Nilakanta added.
Naga, no man who truly loves you will go an eternity minus your commitment. All creatures need security. That’s what a manacle will give them. They’re not a bad thing, little one. They are a blessing.

“Well, that settles it then,” she huffed. “I’ve already more blessings than I can handle. I’ll not willingly take on another. Manacle or blessing, keep them. I’m all full up.”

“Naga, my love, open your ears,” Munenori pleaded. “The one who will stay with you minus this binding promise, he isn’t someone you would really want in your life. He will hurt you, Little Fire. If a man will not commit to only you, he does not truly love you.”

“So… you truly love me, Munenori? Is that what you’re saying?”

He blanched at her bluntness, his cheeks flamed.

She only nodded her head. “I thought not. Yet you offered me your manacle thingy. Is it a temporary thing?”

It is not
, Nilakanta said.
No promise or commitment should ever be made lightly, whether a manacle is involved or no. Hearts are not temporary things and they should never be played with.

“I was not playing,” Munenori said. “I do love you, Naga. If you accept my manacle, we would be together always. This I vow.”

“Gratitude, Brother,” she said with a soft smile. “But I don’t think I’d like being bound to anyone, least not
. I like just being me.”

A manacle will not change who you are, little one.

“Well, I believe it would.” She cocked her head to the side, contemplatively. “If I am bound, then… I’m not free.” She shook her head decisively. “No thanks, Brothers. I prefer freedom.”

We all need a constant in our lives, Naga. Someone we can always count on. Someone who will stand up for us and behind us, no matter what. If you are truly loved, there is no more freeing feeling in the universe. Love may bind you, but it will not shackle you, Little Fire. Just think how horrible it would be to look back, a thousand years from now… and have no one to laugh about your past with?

“No worries.” She smiled and hugged his snout. “I have you, Nilakanta.
will be my constant.”

As much as it pleases me to hear you proclaim thus, tiny Guardian, I will not always be with you. Your days are numbered longer than are mine.

“There’s no guarantee of days for any of us,” she said. “I will laugh and remember with you. Okay?”

Very well, little one. I will be your constant, if that is your wish.

“Wait.” She looked Nilakanta in the eye. “Does that mean I will have to take

Munenori sighed, shaking his head. “Perhaps this is a lesson better taught on another day,” he said. “No, Kagi Naga. You do not have to take your Dragon’s manacle. He will be your constant minus that bond, and you can retain your freedom. You are bound to him in other ways already. You do not have to marry him.”

“Perfect.” She flew up and straddled the Dragon’s back. “That wasn’t so hard, now, was it? So, if you’re going to be with me always, you must come and live at the palace.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Let’s go. Night is fast approaching and I am weary from lack of proper rest.” She raised one eyebrow as she looked toward Munenori teasingly.

Naga, you do not have a palace big enough to hold me. This is my home. I shall stay here. If you need me, little one, call out to me in your heart. I will always answer you.

She sat there for one long, silent moment before she flew back down to the ground, disheartened. “Very well, Dragon. As you wish.” She turned to the Guardian Angel of Jinn. “You ready, Brother?”

“The palace is not my home, Naga. It is yours,” he said, a deep sadness in his voice. “I only promised to mind your kingdom in your absence. You have returned now, Empress. And I have much of my own to tend to.” The Angel turned to go. “I am but a thought away, little sister. If you need me…” he whispered. “…I will know.”

“Oh, I see…” Her heart felt tiny and cold, abandoned, as she stretched out her wings. “I will take my leave, then. Nos da, Brothers. Farewell, until we meet again.”

When he could no longer see the glint from her sparkling wings as they slowly disappeared into the darkening sky, Munenori exhaled loudly and plopped down on the ground.

There is a darkness in her now
, Nilakanta said.

“I know.”

I see this ending badly, Angel.

“As do I.”

She has retained much of who she was… but that darkest of seeds was planted way too deep. Do you know who it was? Do you know whose black heart now lives and grows within her?

“I do. He was yet with her when we found them.” Munenori rubbed his hands down his face and shook his head. “Oh, Dragon… It was Ahriman.”

Would that it could have been any creature, save the soul-eater.

“I know… I know. She has only recalled the fondest memories of him as Vybius. She trusts him. She believes him to be her friend. Her dearest friend, the one who helped her when she was left all alone, abandoned in the Underworld.”

Well, hell.

Munenori snorted out a half-laugh. “My thoughts exactly.”

Tell me your thoughts about how to fix this. How will you help our Guardian?

Munenori looked the sapphire Dragon straight in the eye. “She denied her Blessing. She even went so far as to try and unbind him from her.”

Without him…

“Yes. Without Daichi… there is no Naga.”

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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