Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4) (31 page)

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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“But as you are now, in this volatile state, minus your healing Blessing,” Jophiel said. “You would certainly be granted access to Sheol, yes, but you would never make it back out. Shamsiel would bind you there. He would keep you with him throughout eternity. You would be his and… we wouldn’t even be able to save you.”

“This is madness,” Munenori growled. “Even if she succeeds in defeating Shamsiel, there’s no way out of Sheol. It’s a one-way ticket. This you both know.”

“If you’re human you can,” Jophiel half whispered, gently tapping her on the chest with his finger. “A hidden portal, a human loophole, if you will, placed there by Father for just such an occasion.” He slid his finger up her throat to the tip of her chin, slowly turning her to face him again. “You may have to fight him as Vashti. But to return home, you must do so as Jenevier. Or… one of your alter egos.” He smiled sweetly. “But Jenevier is my favorite,” he whispered.

“Aye now, there’s a huge hole in yer plans, Brothers, an’ that would be Daichi. Have ye even met the Angel? A more straight-laced creature of light ye’ll nae find. Nae matter how dark my wee lass becomes, he’ll nae be allowed intae Sheol. If ye plan for her tae go, she’ll have tae do so completely on her own.”

“Another thing you seem to have overlooked, is exactly
she looks,” Yui said timidly. “Forgive me, Empress. I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, inside and out.” He turned to Uriel. “But she looks nothing like the girl you just described. I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing Naga when she was young or the time she stepped into hell. If this Shamsiel saw her now, would he even still want her?”

“Ahh, humans.” Jophiel smiled, never breaking the gaze he still held with her. “The outside is but the wrapper, good Shinobi.” He tenderly stroked her cheek. “It’s what your Empress carries within that is so desirous. Yes, we were describing looks before, but Angels only notice that at a glance.” Lightly running his finger over her lips, he traced their outline. “Believe me, Master Yui. Even as she is now, she still holds her enticing light. It’s just laced about the edges with darkness… almost deliciously so.” He winked at her playfully as his lips drew ever nearer hers.

“That will be enough of that, Jophiel,” Uriel said, pulling Jenevier out of his arms, breaking the other Arch’s spell over her. “You play a dangerous game, Brother. Mind your step, lest you find yourself fallen.”

Jophiel only laughed.

Uriel took her hands in his and looked her in the eye. “Naga, the longer I’m with you, the more I question Raphael’s logic in this thing. He watches closely as you effortlessly slay men and demons alike. He thrills at the racing of your heart, the ice that flows through your veins when those gorgeous wings of yours finally claim their prize. He is completely enamored with the way you perform your lethal duties.” The Arch shook his head. “But after being near you, speaking openly with you, I am certain of only one thing. Shamsiel will never let you go. Father would have to cease him before you would once again know freedom. I know him better than any other Angel, Naga. You will never escape him. He hasn’t even beheld you with his
eyes, and still he has spent years obsessing over you. I mean, look at what almost just happened. Right here in my presence, no less.” He nodded his head toward Jophiel.

She glanced back at the other Angel, brow furrowed. “What do you mean? What almost happened?”

“Naga, you know us not, nor wherein our talents lie.” He glanced back at Jophiel and then down to her again. “Can you not see, little one? You unknowingly tempted the Angel standing near you, and he’s an Arch. Imagine what Shamsiel would feel if he were ever near enough to touch you. No, perish the thought. He can never be allowed that close.”

“Are you trying to convince me to go, or to refuse you?” she asked.

“Both,” he whispered.

“Then I shall make the decision less trying for you all.” Daichi’s deep voice rumbled around them. “Naga will never walk into Sheol,” he said, as his wings lowered him down to the banister. “Neither by
will, nor that of another.”

She had been holding Uriel’s hands, looking at the Angel as he spoke. At the sound of her Blessing’s voice, her eyes grew wide. She swayed.

“Jophiel, did you feel him?” Uriel asked, never taking his eyes from hers.

“I did not.” The Archangel’s whispering response sounded more like a hiss.

“Aye, little Flutter. Where have ye been hiding?”

Daichi shot Vittorio a sideways glare. “I do not hide,” he growled.

“Master Daichi, you have been sorely missed. Empress Naga, and the palace as a whole, just isn’t the same without your smirk and Tenshi’s infectious laughter,” Yui said, embracing him as he spoke.

“It’s good to see you, too, Master Yui. Has little Naga been behaving herself in my absence?” He stared at the back of her head as he questioned his old friend and tutor.

“An elegant Princess, as always.” Yui bowed slightly.

Daichi glanced over at the young Shinobi, knowingly. “You always did love her too much, Yui. Fear not. I heard the truth of it with mine own ears.”

At this, her spine stiffened and she inhaled audibly.

What’s wrong with me? Why do I feel this way? My insides are doing flips
, she thought.

Munenori squirmed in his seat and opened his mouth as if to speak.

“Do not.” Daichi’s voice was as cold and hard as steel. “Do not insult me, Angel. Do not even call your presence to my mind. I will demand your blood when the time is right. That crimson nectar is now marked for my blade to drink. Not this day, but soon.”

Munenori lowered his head and seemed to sink further down into the chair.

Jenevier’s black eyes were desperately searching Uriel’s golden ones for any clue as to what exactly was playing out behind her.


Upon hearing her name from those lips, her clenched fingers flew open, abruptly releasing Uriel’s. Their gazes remained fixed. He saw the tidal wave of panic rising within her.

“Come to me.”

Daichi’s words were absolute. Something deep inside her confirmed this truth. She was heady with fear and dread when her body automatically turned toward him. She dropped her gaze and took his proffered hand.

“You will not look upon me?”

“I cannot,” she whispered.

He pulled her close, gently stroking her silver curls. His touch was tender but the firmness in his voice remained. “Very well, Naga. Our words should not be given voice in present company. You will answer to me in private.”

Although it was not a question, she replied with a quick nod of her downcast head.

He wrapped his arms around her and she melted against him. Even though fear still shook her, his embrace was the most natural thing she could ever remember feeling. She clung to him.


Her whisper was muffled against his abdomen, but a quick squeeze confirmed he had heard her.

“Aye, little brother, how long have ye been here?” Vittorio asked.

“I heard the whole of it.” His sharp answer left no room for further questions.

Daichi’s brutal glare slid from Uriel’s golden eyes over to the Angel he had yet to meet.

“It is time for you to go,” he said.

“We yet have unfinished business with Kagi Naga,” Jophiel said with a smile.

“My presence, if not my words, finished your business with my Naga.” He began to lead her back into her chambers. “Know this.” He turned and held each man’s heavenly gaze before he continued. “There is not one among you who has cause to lay a single finger to her pale flesh. Touch her again, and you will see what her
is truly capable of.”

Jophiel chuckled. “You dare threaten an Arch, little one?”

“Will any request or summons you bring her, ever require you to lay hands upon her as you speak? If not, then why do you take offense? If so, then you have been duly warned.” A hint of a smile flashed across his handsome face. “And
.” Sarcasm dripped off the word. “There is nothing
about me.”

Vittorio burst into laughter. “Aye, Vareilious has been reborn before his death. My heart will rest easy knowing she’s once again safe within yer care, Brother.”

“Dearest Guardian.” Her voice was tiny, absent its normal fire. “I beg forgiveness for harsh treatment of beloved friend. Do not hold ill toward me in your heart.”

Vittorio approached her and used one bent finger to gently raise her quivering chin. When she finally opened those teary snowflake eyes, she was met with his tender gaze.

“Ye nae even had tae ask, sweet Empress.” He lightly kissed her forehead.

“I love you,” she whispered.

“Aye, an’ I love ye more, wee

He looked up at Daichi, who only gave him a quick nod.

“Tell Tenshi—”

“Aye, consider it all but done, Brother.” Vittorio cut him off with a knowing wave.

Munenori took the opportunity to slip away quietly as Vittorio said his farewells.

Daichi looked at the remaining Angels. Neither made a move to leave.

“I will prepare her noon tea,” Yui said as he left the balcony. “Daichi?”

Daichi only nodded in response, keeping his gaze fixed on their ethereal company.

“You hold her to you now and we have made no move to touch her,” Jophiel said. “Yet our business with the colorless one is not yet finished.”

“I answered your request in her stead. She will not be going to Sheol, whether she likes it or not.”

“Then she will always remain in danger, always be looking over her shoulder for Shamsiel’s long reach to finally snare her,” Uriel said.

“I am here,” Daichi said. “There is no chance that fallen Angel, a slippery little soul-eater, or even one of you Archs, can lay a finger to my Naga. She will not go. My word is final and nonnegotiable.”

“So… what?” Jophiel said. “What are you saying, exactly? Freewill is just for
, then?”

Daichi gently squeezed her shoulders. “Do you have anything you wish to add, Naga?”

She only shook her bowed head and spoke not a word.

“I am curious,” Uriel said. “Does her Blessing heal her through control and fear?”

A dry laugh escaped Daichi’s perfect lips. “You know her not. No one controls Naga. Her fire cannot be contained by any creature, Blessing or no. How is it you think she ended up like this? By following
commands? She does as she pleases, goes where she wants. My purpose is to heal her when she returns.”

“I am countless eons old, baby Angel,” Jophiel said. “I have seen much of fear and control. Legions of it, little brother. I know them well. And I now look upon both.” He motioned with his head toward the tiny, silent woman.

“What Daichi says is true.” Her voice shook at first. “I realize I’m not myself, not who I once was. Yet he does not command me in anything.” She sighed loudly. “What you are privileged to look upon now, Brothers, is bitter regret and debilitating shame. When he spoke my name aloud, I knew, without knowing, I had wronged him. Egregiously have I wronged him. I don’t even deserve the kindness he now shows me. But I will do everything within my power to make amends.” She raised her head and met their shocked faces. “If he says I do not go to Sheol, then, I do not go to Sheol. As it should be.”

Uriel laughed. “Amazing… I only
I knew jealousy. I did not. This day, with this strange woman, will be the day I tell them I experienced that raw emotion with power. I envy you your job, Brother, and grieve for you in the same breath.”

Daichi inclined his head knowingly toward the other man.

“I admit my jealousy of you as well, Daichi,” Jophiel said. “This strange little woman can be infuriating. I did not think her capable of doing what she was told… without question.”

Daichi smiled. “It is a rare thing, yes.”

“Did you know she threatened to kill us?” Jophiel continued. “Can you believe that?”

Daichi half smirked. “I have a hard time believing she did not try.”

“She did,” Uriel said. “Wrapped her claws about my neck and held her blade to Jophiel’s.” A sardonic smile turned up one corner of his mouth. “I warned her I could turn her to ash.”

Daichi narrowed his steely eyes at the man. “And what did she say?”

Uriel exchanged an amused look with his brother Arch.

“She said… she didn’t give a damn,” Jophiel answered.

Daichi only smiled.

“Empress, your tea is ready.” Yui spoke as he set the tray down. “You have yet to eat, Milady. I will see to your meal as well.”

“Why is it your Hand is forced to play the part of your maid?” Jophiel scoffed.

“Naga does not force me in this,” Yui answered for her. “She is minus Mika and not quite herself. I enjoy doing what I can to please her.”

“Please her? Is that what you were doing last night?” Jophiel quipped.

“Ignore him, Yui.” She glared at the smirking Angel. “His ignorance knows no bounds.”

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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