Destroying the Wrong (5 page)

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Authors: Evelyne Stone

BOOK: Destroying the Wrong
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“I don't know how much longer I can take being this close to you and not pushing myself inside you.” He groaned quietly as I kissed his neck.

I pressed my body up against his as close as I could. “I know how patient you've been and I promise I'm almost ready but I can't have my first time be in a hot tub.” I used the same excuse when we were making out in his car and things started to heat up between us.

He looked right into my eyes and whispered, “I'll wait as long as you need me to.” He kissed my nose and brought me in for a hug. Matt was so wonderful and that's why I had to get Scott out of my head.

“I know this is a weird question, but can I touch it?” I ran my hand up his thigh.

He wiggled his eyebrows and smiled. “Of course.”

My hand moved up his shorts. I kissed his neck as my hand explored him. I wrapped my hand around his cock, tugging it a little.

“Don’t hurt him!” Matt chuckled and I gave him a glare.

“I don’t know what to do with it.” I was completely embarrassed because it was my first time touching one.

“Just play with him and he’ll get bigger,” he whispered in my ear.

I pulled a little lighter and used my fingers to pump up and down. It got bigger and harder. Matt was moaning in my ear, which made me want to stroke him harder. My whole hand fit around it as it became big and solid. He grabbed my hand and showed me how to touch him. I felt empowered as he moaned louder in my ear.

“You need to stop or I’m going to lose it right here. I don’t think your parents would appreciate that.” He winked at me and adjusted himself.

“Does it hurt leaving it like that?” I pulled back off his lap and sat across from him again.

“It’s not comfortable but after a couple of minutes, it’ll go away. I will have to take care of myself in the shower later, however.” He smiled at me but I still felt bad. “I like your touch.” He leaned over and kissed me.

“Soon, I promise.” He nodded and stood up, reaching for our towels. He was still hard and I couldn’t help but stare at it, smiling.
I did that to him.

ter 6


Words could not explain how happy I was walking out of my high school the last day before summer vacation. That night I slept so deeply, knowing for two months it would just be me, my laptop, online classes and my best friend.

I heard Matt honk his horn outside in front of my apartment. I wasn’t excited about going to this meeting but Alissa was so sidetracked with Matt, I’d decided to suck it up so I could spend some time with her.

When we walked into the meeting room, I was shocked at how many people were attending. Matt was swarmed with people giving him fist bumps. Alissa stood back with me, people-watching connoisseurs that we were.

Alissa pointed to a guy standing on a small stage, surrounded by people. “That’s Scott, the main organizer.”

I couldn’t get a really good look at him because every time someone walked away, there was someone else taking their place. I noticed Alissa roll her eyes while we watched him giving some of the girls hugs. “Something wrong?”

She looked at me, her cheeks turning pink. “No. Nothing. Let’s find somewhere to sit.”

“Can we sit in the back?”

“Sure. Let’s go grab a seat. Matt will find us when he’s done talking to everyone.” Alissa said, grabbing my hand, leading me over to the chairs. No one spoke to us but we got a lot of smiles as we passed by little groups of people chatting.

Scott took the stage not long after we sat down. He began going over some new workout schedules for the summer, followed by asking for volunteers to help do some community awareness. Every mom in the crowd raised their hand to offer their help.

I couldn’t help but notice how good-looking Scott was. He kept everyone’s attention with every word he spoke. Even I got a little amped up listening to him speak words of encouragement for anyone dealing with any bullying issues. His confident voice filled the room and no one dared to even whisper the whole time he had the stage. He didn’t speak long because he wanted to use the remainder of the meeting time to allow people to fill in the sign-up sheets for various summer activities.

“I know you were probably bored, but thank you for coming with us tonight,” Alissa said as she linked her arm through mine and led me back out to the car. She used me as her excuse to not hang around after the meeting with Matt. He didn’t even argue when she asked him to take us home.

“Actually, it wasn’t boring. I can see why you enjoy these meetings. Scott is a very good speaker. It seems like he really enjoys working with the group and is excited about growth opportunities.” I climbed into the back seat of Matt’s car.

“So, you want to volunteer?” Matt asked, giving me a wink from the rearview mirror.

“Ummm, no,” I replied, getting a laugh out of Alissa.

“I’ll work on her. Don’t worry,” she said to Matt. I rolled my eyes at her. “The meeting was so short, I don’t want to go home yet. We should go get ice cream!”

“Could you take me home first? I don’t really feel like being social right now,” I said. The ice cream place near our neighborhood would be crawling with kids from school at this time on a Friday night.

“Lame!” Alissa hollered back to me.

“You know, if anyone tries to mess with you they will have to go through me first?” Matt asked, turning around to face me at a red light.

“It’s so much easier to just hide in my room, but thank you,” I replied.

Alissa took the red light as an opportunity to lean over and kiss Matt. She laid her head on his should, much like she used to do when we sat in the back seat together. I knew it would eventually happen but I felt like I’d been replaced.


Alissa's mom let her hang out most days at my house while my mom was at work. Alissa was sprawled out on the couch while I sat on the floor with my laptop. The online classes we were taking required a lot of reading and answering multiple-choice questions. I read out loud and we would take turns answering the questions. I don’t think we were playing by the rules of summer school, but our system worked.

“I know we’re supposed to be growing up and getting more mature, but is watching the news really helping with that process?” I was half kidding because I didn't really mind Alissa watching the news, but she was getting slightly obsessed with trying to stay informed.

“Everything that is happening around the world affects us and it wouldn't hurt you to stay more informed either,” she says not breaking eye contact from the TV.

“I do want to stay informed, but it's making you a stress ball watching the news all the time! Then when you're not watching it, you're worried you're going to miss something. Call me crazy, but I don't think it's healthy.” I don’t know why I felt the need to let that come out so sarcastically, but I was really annoyed. “What is up with you lately? You've always been passionate about school politics or what's happening in other people's relationships but ever since you started meeting with Matt and that Scott guy, you seem moodier and not in a good way.” I stuck my tongue out hoping it would soften the blow.

“Let's just say they are opening my eyes to the world, and yes, it's not all good. You can't relate because you always have your nose stuck in fiction.” She stood up and I thought she was going to stomp out the door, but her expression quickly turned apologetic. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. It's just, well, it just makes me so mad that good people get hurt by these horrible human beings that have their heads so far up their own ass, they lose all compassion for others.”

“Do you not remember what happened to me? I get it, really I do, but we can't do anything about it.” I shrugged not knowing what else to say. Time to change the subject. “So, how are things with Matt?”

“Good! Great, even. It's getting harder to refrain from sex, but he's being super patient with me. Especially when we start kissing and he…”

“Ewww! I don't want to know!” Actually, I did want to know but, I was jealous that Alissa had landed such a great, patient guy and didn’t want to hear more that would only reinforce my opinion so I interrupted whenever she started with the details.

“Okay, fine, but I do need your opinion on something.”

“Okay,” I replied with hesitation.

“Matt has really big hands. I have small boobs. Do you think he thinks they’re smaller just because his hands are so big?”

I wasn’t sure how to respond without making her feel worse. “I’m sure his hands don’t care what size your boobs are as long as he’s touching your boobs,” I said. I didn’t want to know but I had to know. “Has he touched your boobs?”

“Of course. It’s just, these bras are fantastic for making them look bigger,” she said, looking down her shirt. “I don’t like being a B-cup.”

“Better than an A-cup,” I said. She stuck her tongue out at me.

“You know Walt asked about you the other day.” She winked as I rolled my eyes at her.

“Not going to happen.”

“I'm pretty sure he'll wait forever if he thinks there's even a chance.” Alissa made gagging sounds in between the kiss noises. She didn't even deserve a reply.


I had avoided going anywhere with my mom after the mall incident. I came up with every excuse in the book, but I was quickly running out of them. She’d noticed how anti-social I was being, even more than before but I was afraid someone would mention what had happened and I desperately wanted to keep it a secret from her.

“You’ve been studying all week. I don’t want to sit around tonight. Let’s at least go get ice cream,” Mom said.

“Why don’t you go to the store and bring some home?”

“Okay, enough. We’re going out. No excuses,” she demanded. I watched her walk into her bedroom, coming back out with her shoes on.

“Fine,” I gave in. “Can we go to that place we found out by the lake?”

“You mean the one that is forty-five minutes away? I think not,” she replied.

We got in the car and my stomach flipped. I said a silent plea that no one from school would be at the shop. Mom plugged in her iPod and Adam Lambert’s voice blared through the speakers.

“You’re still not over him?” I asked.

“Nope. It’s true love, even if he’s not into girls,” she said, winking at me before turning the corner. She was a horrible singer but it didn’t stop her from rocking out.

I looked through the front window of the shop as we parked. It didn’t look too busy. We walked to the counter and I felt my face heat up when I noticed the guy behind the counter. He was one of the assholes who’d passed me a note at school. I think his name was Mark.

“What can I get for you today?” he asked, not giving any indication he recognized me.

“I’ll have pralines and cream in a waffle cone,” Mom ordered.

“Chocolate and peanut butter, please, also in a waffle cone,” I ordered, keeping my eyes on the menu.

“Coming right up.” He pulled out two waffle cones and began scooping my mom’s first. He handed it to her and just as he bent down to scoop mine, our eyes met. “Do I know you?”

I said the obvious answer, “We go to school together.” I quickly looked away and walked over next to my mom. She was paying at the end of the counter.

Mark walked my cone over and before he handed it to me, his smile got big. “Oh yeah, I remember you. Katherine, right?”

“Yes,” I replied. I grabbed my mom’s hand and pulled her towards the door.

“Make sure you call me,” he hollered as we exited.

I started shaking. I didn’t respond or look back at him.

“Well, well, well, Kitty Kat has and admirer,” my mom said as she got into the car. “Why didn’t you say anything back? He was cute.”

“He’s not cute, Mom, and I would never call him. He’s a jerk.”

“Maybe you just need to step out of your comfort zone,” she said.

“Ugh, can we please just go home?” My stomach felt like it was twisted in knots. I looked at my ice cream and wasn’t positive it would stay down if I ate it. I hated that I couldn’t tell my mom what happened but I couldn’t bear her looks of disappointment. I fought back tears during the ride home. If my mom noticed, she didn’t say anything.

My stomach eased up when I got back to the apartment. The cone was a little soggy from the ice cream melting into the bottom. I put it upside down in a bowl and crushed up the cone, mixing it with the ice cream.

“What movie do you want to watch?” Mom asked.

I didn’t want to hurt her feelings because we never got to spend time together between school and her work schedule. “You pick, but please no love stories.”

She looked over at me with concerned eyes. “Does your attitude have anything to do with a certain boy? I know it’s hard sharing your best friend, but you’ll find a great guy, too.”

“No, I like Matt. I just don’t fit in at school. Never have, you know that.”

She sat down on the couch and patted the other side, hinting for me to sit next to her. “Is someone being mean to you?”

I plunked down, holding my bowl. I couldn’t look her in the eyes. “I feel like everyone is mean to everyone. I don’t know how to explain it.”

She leaned into the couch and began scratching my back. “Being young is hard. I’ve told you that for a long time. It can only get better, right?”

“I hope so,” I replied. I stood up, not wanting her to stop scratching my back, but I needed to stop talking. I picked an action movie and put into the player. We sat next to each other until half way through when I laid my head in her lap and fell asleep.

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