Detective Partners (7 page)

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Authors: Kate Hopkins

BOOK: Detective Partners
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"The police are here," Alicia announced, looking over her shoulder.


Nicole turned to look and saw two police cars pull up to the curb. "Go talk to them. Tell them what you know. I'm going to stay with Marsha."


"All right."


After Nicole informed the paramedics that Marsha was pregnant, she stood back and watched while they worked. It was cold. She was shivering in her thin pajamas, her teeth were chattering, and she could see her breath, but her discomfort was the farthest thing from her mind. Her concern was for Marsha and her child. Would they make it? If heaven forbid they didn't she and Galen had their next case and their suspect was Marsha's boyfriend.


Once the paramedics left, Nicole joined the officer and Alicia at the curb. "Am I interrupting?"


"No," the officer said. "We're done here." He looked at Alicia. "Thank you, Ms. Hunt."


"You're welcome." She touched Nicole's arm. "I'm going to go inside where it's warm. You should do the same before you a catch a cold."


"I will soon. Thank you for helping me."


"Let's just hope she and the baby make it." Alicia turned and walked toward her house.


Nicole's gaze swept her surroundings, taking in the neighbors that had braved the cold to be nosy and the police that were securing the crime scene, before she gave the officer her attention. "I'm Nicole Goodwin."


"I know," he said. "Ms. Hunt told me about you. She said you're a detective."


"That's right." She started to rub her arms to warm them and stopped when she realized her hands were bloody. "I work in the homicide unit."


"Why don't you go inside?" he suggested. "You're hardly dressed for this weather and I'm sure you want to clean up."


"Before I go in I'd like to know what Ms. Hunt told you."


"Just a minute."
The officer retrieved a blanket from the trunk of his car and offered it to her.


"I'll get blood on it," she warned him.


"That's all right."


"Thank you." Nicole wrapped the blanket around her shoulders.


"You're welcome
. "
The officer consulted his notepad. "Ms. Hunt told me her dog woke her up barking and growling at the window. She got out of bed and went over to the window to see what was upsetting the dog. When she looked out, she saw the victim struggling with someone. Next thing she knew the victim collapsed and the suspect took off. She called 911 and then ran outside to find the victim was bleeding. Knowing that you were an officer, she came to you for help. She then went on to say how you and she tried to stop the victims' bleeding."


Nicole thanked the officer, gave him back his blanket, and headed back across the street to her house.


When Galen entered the unit, later that morning, he found Nicole all ready at her desk. She was working on her report for the Richman case. Not wanting to disturb her, he refrained from wishing her a good morning. Quietly, he moved toward his desk and took a seat. He glanced her way and was surprised to see that she was pale and had dark circles under her eyes.


"Good morning, Detective Maxwell," she said, gazing in his direction.


"I would say the same to you, Detective, but something tells me it's not a good morning for you."


She arched an eyebrow. "Do I really look that bad?"


"I wouldn't say
just tired," he answered.


"I am tired, but then you would be too if you went through what I-" The phone on her desk rang, interrupting what she was about to say. She reached out and picked up the receiver. "Goodwin."


Galen turned away to give her some privacy. He rose from his chair and walked over to the coffeepot in the corner. Grabbing a Styrofoam cup and the pot, he poured him a cup of coffee. He returned the pot to its base and took a cautious sip of the steaming liquid. It was strong enough to peal paint. He grimaced. "Why can't I ever get a decent cup of coffee?" he muttered to himself. "Just once-"


"Talking to
, Maxwell."


Galen turned to face his boss. "Good morning, sir."


"Good morning." Parker gestured at the coffeepot. "The coffee bad, is it?"


"Yes." At that moment, Nicole joined them. Galen took one look at her and knew something had happened. Her eyes were wet with tears. "What's wrong?" he demanded to know.


"I will tell you soon." She cleared her throat and turned her attention to Parker. "Sir, would you please gather the team? I have a new case to share with everyone."


Ten minutes later, the team gathered at the round table in the conference room.


"You have our attention, Goodwin," Parker told her as he lowered himself into a chair.


"Thank you, sir."


Galen, like everybody else in the room, turned his eyes on Nicole. He watched as she tried not to fidget in the chair next to his. She clasped her hands in her lap and he noticed her knuckles were white with strain. He had a feeling she was uncomfortable with being the center of attention. The urge to take her hand and comfort her came over him. How a stranger could evoke such emotions in him he didn't know. All he knew was that he didn't like the feelings she stirred in him.


"I was woken early this morning by someone pounding on the door and ringing the doorbell," Nicole began. "I'm not sure what time it was, only that it was still dark. When I opened the door, I found my neighbor, Alicia, standing there. She told me that a neighbor of ours, Marsha, had been shot and needed my help. Once I was assured that 911 had been called I ran across the street, where I found Marsha lying in her yard. She was bleeding from a bullet wound to the chest and stomach. While Alicia and I tried to stop the bleeding, I learned that Marsha was pregnant. I also learned, this time from Marsha herself, that the person responsible for shooting her is her boyfriend, Jeremy." She paused.


"Please, continue," Parker urged her.


Nicole shifted and gripped the arms of her chair. "The ambulance finally arrived. While I stayed with Marsha, Alicia spoke with the officer that was first on the scene. After the ambulance left for the hospital, Alicia went back to her house and I talked with the officer. I wanted to know what Alicia had told him. He said she had told him that her dog woke her up barking and growling at the window. She got out of bed to see what had the dog upset. When she glanced out the window, she saw Marsha struggling with someone. The next thing she knew Marsha fell to the ground and the suspect ran off. She then called 911 and ran outside to check on Marsha. She found her bleeding. Knowing that I was an officer, she came to me for help." She lowered her head. "I received a call a little while ago from Alicia. She told me that Marsha died about an hour ago."


"I'm sorry, Goodwin," Parker said gently.


"Thank you, sir." Nicole raised her head. "I don't know Jeremy's last name or where he lives. I met him once and that was several months ago. I can't tell you what he looks like because the truth is I don't remember. Our introduction was brief. I'm sorry I can't be of help."


"You're helping more than you know," Galen said.


"He's right," Parker agreed.
"All right.
This is what we're going to do. Renfro, I want you and Marsh to talk with Marsha's family. What's Marsha's last name, Goodwin?"


"Proctor," she replied.


"I want you two to talk with her family," Parker told them. "See if they know anything about this Jeremy. Brown, I want you and Lopez to get your hands on Ms. Proctor's phone records and any cell phones and computers she might have had. If she's been in contact with this Jeremy recently there is bound to be emails, text messages and phone calls. Goodwin, you and Maxwell interview your neighbors. See if they know anything that could help." His eyes scanned the room. "Are we clear on what we need to do?" Everybody nodded. "Then let's do it."














































Chapter  6


"Are you all right?"


Nicole took her eyes off the passing scenery and looked over at Galen. "Yes."


"Are you sure?" he asked, braking for a stop sign.


"Of course, I'm sure." She frowned at him. "Why the sudden concern, Detective?"


Galen paused at the stop sign, waited for a car to cross the road, and then started to move again. "You had a rough night and you just learned that your neighbor has died. That's a lot to deal with in such a short amount of time. I'm just concerned about your health."


"Thank you for your concern." Nicole turned her head and gazed out the window once more, "but really I'm fine." Her eyes aching from lack of sleep, she closed them. Just like that an image of Marsha lying on the ground bleeding came back to haunt her. Forcing the image from her mind, she took a deep breath and tried to relax her body. She needed something to distract her. "Let's talk, Detective. The silence is growing old."


"What do you want to talk about?" Galen asked.


"I don't know." She tucked several strands of hair behind her ear. "Tell me about your family. Do you have any siblings?"


"No." He switched on the turn signal and began slowing down. "Do you?"


Nicole thought of her sister and a lump formed in her throat. "I had a sister," she said softly.


"What happened to her?" Galen asked, turning a corner.


"She - she was-" She broke off. "I don't want to talk anymore."


"It was your idea," he pointed out.


"I know it was," Nicole snapped. "Let's forget about it."


"You've got secrets, Goodwin," Galen said after a few moments of silence.


"Doesn't everyone?" she replied coolly.


"No, not everyone."
He cleared his throat. "Some people are an open book. Then there are those like you that are so closed off no one can get in."


"It's better if no one gets in." Nicole adjusted her seat belt. "What about you, Detective Maxwell? Do you have any secret any skeletons in your closet?"


"I'm fresh out of secrets and skeletons," he responded.


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