Detroit City Is the Place to Be (47 page)

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Authors: Mark Binelli

Tags: #General, #History, #Political Science, #Social Science, #Sociology, #United States, #Public Policy, #State & Local, #Urban, #Midwest (IA; IL; IN; KS; MI; MN; MO; ND; NE; OH; SD; WI), #City Planning & Urban Development, #Architecture, #Urban & Land Use Planning

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Detroit Symphony Orchestra

Detroit Tigers

Detroit Vacant Property Campaign

Detroit Works

Detroit Zymology Guild

Devil’s Night

Devil’s Night

Dickens, Jamaine

Dilhet, Rev. John

Dillard, Angela

Dingell, John

Dodge, John

Dodge Motors



Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement (DRUM)

Donohue, Tom

Dos Passos, John

Douglass, Frederick

Dowie, Mark

Drake, John

Drewery, Mr.


Du Bois, W.E.B.

Dunn, David

Durette, John

Duryea, Charles

Duryea, Frank

Dyer, Geoff

Dziczek, Kristin

Eastern Market neighborhood

Eastpointe (suburb)

east side, defined

Eastwood, Clint

Economic Development Corporation

Ector, Rick

Edison, Thomas

Edison Company

Edwards, George

8 Mile Road

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Elegant Disciples

Elevator Technology

Elias, Vincent

Ellis, Charles, III


Engler, John

Evangelist, “Benny” (Benjamino Evangelista)

Evangelista, Santina

Evans, Warren

Fabulous Ruins of Detroit (website)

Facts and Opinion

Farah, Andrew

Fard, Wallace

Farmer, Silas

Faulkner, William

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Feldman, Micah

Feldman, Rich


film industry

Finney High School

Finster, Howard

Fire the Bastards!

Fisher Body Plant

Flint, Michigan

strike of 1936

Florida, Richard


Ford, Clara

Ford, Edsel

Ford, Henry

Ford Auditorium

Ford Field


Ford Motor Company




Fusion hybrid

Highland Park plant

Model A

Rivera murals

River Rouge plant

strike of 1937

Fort Detroit

Foster, Monique

Franco, James

Franklin, Aretha

Franklin, Rev. C. L.

Frederick Douglass Academy

Frontier Metropolis

Frost, Wayne

Fugitive Slave Law (1850)

Futurama (1939)

Futurama II (1964)

Gaddis, William

Gagniuk, Brian

GalaxE. Systems Inc.

GAR Building

Gaye, Marvin

General Motors (GM)

bailout and

bankruptcy of


Hamtramck plant

Tech Center


Georgakas, Dan

Georgia Street Community Garden

Gere, Richard

German immigrants

Gettelfinger, Ron

Gibbon, Edward

Gilbert, Dan

Gilles, Ralph

Gingrich, Newt

Ginsberg, Allen

Girardin, Jacques

Gladwell, Malcolm

Glover, Danny

Godbee, Ralph

Godfather, The

Godfrey, Thomas

Goldman, Tony

Goodin, Michael

Gordy, Berry

Grafton, Anthony

Granholm, Jennifer

Great Depression

Greater Grace Temple

Great Fire (1805)

Great Migration

Green, Jack

Greene, Tamara “Strawberry”

Greening of Detroit

Green Toe Gardens

Green Venture Zones

Gribbs, Roman

Griffin, Toni

Griffoein, Jim

Grimble, Lisa

Grimble, Ray

Grosse Pointe (suburb)

Gruen, Victor

Grunow, Francis


Guevara, Che

gun ownership

Guyton, Tyree

Halberstam, David

Hamilton, Henry “Hair Buyer”

Hammond building

Hamtramck enclave

Hantz, John

Hantz Farms

Hard Stuff
(Young and Wheeler)


Harper Woods (suburb)

Harris, Robert

Hart, William


Harvey, John

Hathaway, Michael

Head of State

Heidelberg Project

“Hello, Detroit” (Gordy song)

Henderson, Fritz

Henderson, Stephenn

Henderson-Pearson, Ramona

Henry Ford Community College

Henry Ford Museum

Highland Park

emergency financial manager

Highland Park Fire Department

Highland Park Police Department

Hills Have Eyes, The


Hocking, Scott

Hollowell, Eric

Holton, Thomas


Hooker, John Lee

Hoover, Ellen

Hoover, J. Edgar

Horseless Age, The

Houdini, Harry


House Un-American Activities Committee

housing-market collapse

Howell, Bernard

Howell, Brian

Howell, Kevin

Howell, Mary

Howell, Sarah

Hubbard, Orville

Huxley, Aldous

Hygienic Dress League

Iacocca, Lee

Ilitch family

Inkster, Robert

Inkster (suburb)

Inner City (music group)


Iraqi immigrants

Irish immigrants

Irving, John

Irwin, Nate

Issa, Darrell

Italian immigrants

Jackson, Maynard

Jackson Five

Jacobs, Jane

Jane Cooper Elementary School

Jefferson, Thomas

Jeffries, Edward

Jenkins, Holman W.

job losses

job training

Joe Louis Arena

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Johnson, Raphael

Jones, Charles “CJ”

Josephson, Matthew

Journey to the End of the Night

Justice Department

Kahlo, Frida

Henry Ford Hospital

Kahn, Albert

Keats, John

Kelly, Mike

Kelsey-Hayes Wheel Company strike

Kennedy, John F.

Kenyatta, Kwame

Kettering, Charles

(performance piece)

Kildee, Dan

Kilpatrick, Kwame

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Klegon, Frank

Kliesch, Jim

Knox, Stanley


Kreimes, Len

Kresge Foundation

Kucinich, Dennis

Ku Klux Klan

Kus, Fred

Lachman, Sheldon J.

Lafayette Park development

LaFollette, Robert

Land of Opportunity

LaSalle, Robert

Lauckner, Jon

League of Revolutionary Black Workers

Lebanese immigrants

Le Corbusier

Leland, Henry

Lenin, V.I.

Lennon, John

Lerman, Faina

Lewerenz Street demolition project

Lichtenstein, Nelson


Lightfoot, Mrs. Madison J.

Limbaugh, Rush

Little, Earl

Little Egypt open-air market

Little Murder

LOL: Laughing out Loud

Loschi, Antonio

Louis, Joe

Fist sculpture

Lugar, Dick

Lutz, Bob

Macomb County

Macomb Daily

Madison Theatre

Mailer, Norman

Malbeuf, Joseph

Malcolm X

Mallet, Conrad Jr.

Mandeville, Ernest W.

Marchand, Yves

Markie, Biz

Mason, Robert

Mathis, Otis

Maxsar Digital Studios

May, Derrick

MC5 band

McCaffery, Maryanne

McClary, Titus

McCormick, Anne O’Hare

Meffre, Romain

Metropolitan Building

Metzger, Kurt

Metzger, William E.

Michigan, University of

Michigan Arson Prevention

Michigan Car Company

Michigan Central Station

Michigan State legislature

Michigan State University

Michigan Territory

middle class


Midtown neighborhood

Miller, Kenny

Milliken v. Bradley

model city program

Mogk, John

Moore, Andrew

Moore, Marianne

Morgan, David, Jr.

Moroun, Manuel “Matty”

Motor City Blight Busters

MotorCity Casino

“Motor City Is Burning” (Hooker song)

Motor Trend


Muhammad, Elijah

Mumford High School

Murphy, Eddie

Murray, “Reverend” David

Nader, Ralph

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

National City Lines

National Football League

National Rifle Association (NRA)

Nation of Islam


New Black Panther Nation

New Jack City

New Yorker

New York Times

T Magazine

New York World’s Fair (1939)

Next American Revolution, The

Nichols, John

Nobles, J’Rean Black

Nocera, Joe

Northland Mall

North Pointe Village

Notre Dame Catholic High School

Oakland County

Obama, Barack

Okdie, Mohammad

Oldest History of the World, The

Olds, Ransom

Olds Motor Works

Olivet College

Olmsted, Frederick Law

Ono, Yoko

“On Vicissitudes of Fortune” (Bracciolini)

“Operation Inside Out”

Origins of the Urban Crisis, The

Ottawa tribe


Overman, Jermaine

Owens, Chauncy

Packard plant

Panini, Giovanni Paolo

“Ruins of a Triumphal Arch” painting

Parkman, Francis

Parks, Rosa

Patterson, L. Brooks

People Mover monorail

Peugeot, Armand

Pingree, Hazen S.

Piranesi, Giovanni Paolo

Poletown neighborhood

Poletown Plant

Polish immigrants

Pontchartrain, Count

Pontchartrain, Fort

Ponteach, or the Savages of America

Pontiac, Chief

Pontiac, Michigan

Pontiac Company

Pontiac Silverdome

Porter, Cole


Prasad, Raj

Pressley, Quan Tez

Prince of Parthia, The

Prometheus Unbound

public transportation

Pugh, Charles

Purple Gang

Rachel Maddow Show, The
(TV show)

racial discrimination

residential segregation

racial integration

racial tensions

Raleigh Studios

Rapson, Rip

Rather, Dan

Rattner, Steven

Reagan, Ronald

recession of 2008–12

Reckoning, The

Recognitions, The

Red Dawn


Red Poppy society

Reed, John

Reeves, Martha


Remapping Debate

Renaissance Center

Renaissance High School

Renaissance zones


Rethink Detroit

Reuther, May

Reuther, Walter

Revely, Rev. William

Revolutionary War

Rib Rack Killer

Richard, Father Gabriel

Rick’s Firearm Academy

rightsizing plan

“right to work” states

“Riot, The” (Clark)


of 1863

of 1943

of 1967

Rise of the Creative Class, The

Rivera, Diego

Detroit Industry

Roberts, Roy

Robertson, Captain

Robinson, Smokey


Rochon, Harold

Rock, Chris

Rodin, Auguste

The Thinker

Roger & Me

Rogers, Robert

Rolling Stone

Roman ruins

Romney, George

Roosevelt, Teddy

Rosa Parks Boulevard

Rosa Parks Terminal

Ross, Doug

Roumel, Constantine

Rudd, Mark

Ruff, Craig

ruin porn

Ruins of Detroit, The

Rusk, David

Saarinen, Eero

Saarinen, Eliel

Sanders, Jay

Saunderson, Kevin

Scream 4

Serbian National Hall

Service Street

Shabazz, Malik

Shaw, Harmonica

Sheeler, Charles

Shelley, Mary

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Shrine of the Black Madonna

Sinatra, Frank

Sinclair, John

Singer, Benjamin D.

Slater, John

slaves, escaped

Slumberland Child Development Center

Smith, Nathan

Smith, Patti

“Smithsonian of Decline” (Vergara)

Snyder, Rick

Sojourner Truth housing project

Solnit, Rebecca

Sons of Zodiac

Southfield suburb

Speer, Albert

Stafford, Jalona


Stand By Me

Stanley-Jones, Aiyana

St. Aubin, Edwinn

St. Clair Shores (suburb)

Sterling, Madam

Stevens, Will H.

Strong, Barrett

Other books

IslandAffair by Cait Miller
Revenge by Lisa Jackson
The Winter Guest by Pam Jenoff
The Taming by Teresa Toten, Eric Walters
Swept Away by Fawkes, Delilah
Witch Twins by Adele Griffin