Devil Inside

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Authors: Brandy Isaacs

BOOK: Devil Inside
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Devil Inside

Brandy Isaacs

Text Copyright © Brandy Isaacs

All Right Reserved

Cover Art Copyright © Tina Pugel

This book would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of my brilliant and patient friends Shannon, Anita, Edgar, Katie and Devan.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

ter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Part One

“You know you want to see his penis.  You should just go talk to him,” Harley laughed.

“I do NOT want to see his penis.  And besides, I don’t see you talking to the hottie that keeps looking over here,” Jamie shot back rolling her eyes.

Chuckling, Harley responded, “That’s because he is more than a three shot hottie.  Come on, let’s get another Jagerbomb and work on a game plan.”  Harley led the way back to the bar to buy another round of shots.  She slipped her way through the crush of people to gain a spot at the bar with Jamie following in the path that she carved.  Harley, Jamie and several of their friends were hanging out at Jay’s, one of the few bars in Lexington to play good live music.  A rock band was on stage currently.  Harley couldn’t remember the name of the band but they were talented.  They only played cover songs but had pretty good renditions.  For the past hour or so both girls had been working up to initiating some sort of contact with the two guys whose attention they seemed to have caught.

Jamie had been particularly interested in a small guy with sandy blonde hair.  He had been standing at the side of the crowd in front of the stage with a group of guys and girls.  He kept not-so-casually looking over his shoulder in Jamie’s direction.  He wore jeans and a light colored polo shirt and his hair had been gelled in the “I fixed my hair but I’m trying to not look like it kind of way.”  Harley smiled to herself as she watched Jamie peeking at him out of the corner of her eye.  Jamie was taller than she was and had light brown hair that curled in a way that Harley had always been jealous over.  Right now her friends pale green eyes sparkled in excitement. 
, she thought
, Jamie always goes for the little ones
.  Harley, on the other hand, had her eye on the big guy in the corner who looked like trouble.  She laughed to herself, realizing how predictable they both were.

The guy she had been sneaking glances at was sitting in a booth near the bathrooms; he had been alone the whole night. 
So there was a good chance he was single
, Harley thought to herself.  He wore a hooded sweatshirt and dark jeans and was casually rolling his beer bottle along the edge of its bottom.  He had long dark hair and broad shoulders.  He was watching the crowd intently and every so often Harley caught him looking at her a little longer than he seemed to be looking at everyone else.  Whenever she tried to catch his eye, he would look away.  Slowly, as if he didn’t care that she saw that he was watching her.  The brief glances caused her stomach to tingle excitedly.  Despite the fact that the guy kept coming back to her, he seemed to be serious about his crowd watching.  He didn’t look as if he was having a bad time; he was just apparently really interested in the bar’s crowd.  Harley lost sight of him when a group of dancers drifted into her and Jamie’s path to the bar.  The two women had to wait, laughing, until the dancers drifted away before they could finally continue on their way.

Harley and Jamie finally made it to the bar with minimal jostling.  Three shots in and Harley was finally feeling the warm numbness spreading from her stomach to her limbs.  She was just buzzed enough to not care that so many people were in her personal space.  She elbowed her way to the front of the bar.  “Two Jagerbombs” she yelled when the bartender pointed to her.  Her fingers were starting to feel clumsy from the alcohol she had consumed and she struggled to pull the wad of bills from her pocket.  As she tried to get a grip on the money, several bills slipped from her grasp and fell to the floor.  Laughing, she looked to see if Jamie had noticed the classic drunk behavior, but Jamie didn’t seem to have noticed what had happened because she was staring over Harley’s shoulder.  Figuring that Jamie was checking out the short blonde guy, Harley steadied herself on a bar stool and bent to retrieve the money.  As she did so she discovered what had caught her friend’s attention.  The “more-than-three-shot-hottie” had already bent to pick the money up from the floor.

Harley wondered how he had gotten through the crowd so quickly.  When she and Jamie began to make their way to the bar he had been near the bathrooms.  The fact that her muscles had frozen in a crouched position was the only thing keeping her from falling over.  She felt as if her stomach had dropped to the floor. 
What if he had heard them?
Oh, how embarrassing!
  Harley’s hand remained suspended in the air over the money while he scooped the money up swiftly.  She met his eyes as he held the bills out to her with a small smile.  The unexpected encounter left her unprepared and stupefied with an incredibly dry mouth. 
OK, get a grip Harley.  Close your mouth and say something

Suppressing her embarrassment, Harley returned his half smile.   “Thanks.” 
Well, that’s a start.  At least you managed to form a complete and intelligible word.

“No problem,” More-than-three-shot-hottie replied.  His voice was deep and rough and while he didn’t speak overly loud Harley had no trouble hearing him.  It was as if her senses had tuned themselves to his unique frequency.  He held the bills out to her again as they both stood. 
Please don’t let me fall, please let me stand like I’m more sober than I actually am.
  She accepted the bills and tried her best to look charmingly sheepish.  “I call it Jager-fingers,” she laughed.

“It happens,” he chuckled and shrugged one shoulder.  Harley threw out a quick head-to-toe, attempting to send the subliminal message “Hey, you’re so hot I am checking you out right to your face.”  He was tall.  Not so tall that it was awkward to look him in the face.  He was solidly built but didn’t look like a gym-rat that spent all of his time working on his muscles.  His hair was long and black brushing his shoulders in that carefree kind of way that only lucky people were born with.  He was beautiful in the way that antiques were beautiful even though he looked to only be maybe in his late 20s.  Antiques were sturdier and their beauty came from the way that they bore the years of use they had seen.  The lines and scars that marred their surfaces only added to their beauty.  While he didn’t have any noticeable scars, his face was worn and looked as if he was used to working outside.  He was somewhat pale and had a strong jaw line and noticeable cheek bones.  They weren’t exotically high but they showed an ancestry that was probably Native American.  His mouth was set firmly and carved into a half smile.  His eyes were a dark blue, so blue they were almost black and were filled with a wary amusement.  He was so undeniably mysterious and delicious looking that it wasn’t fair.

Harley realized that they had been staring silently at each other long enough to be weird.  The stare down was broken when a look of indecision suddenly shifted his features.  He broke away with a polite nod picked up his fresh bottle of beer and melted back into the crowd. 
What was that
?  She stared after him perplexed.  It was a dangling teaser that had half annoyed and half intrigued Harley.  She turned slowly to meet Jamie’s amused gaze.

“Well, that was one giant fail.”

“I was completely caught off guard!  I had no time to prepare at all.  Is it just me or was he even hotter up close?” Harley feigned breathlessness, fanning herself.

Jamie tried to restrain her laughter.  When it still threatened to bubble up, she put her hand over her mouth.  Harley scowled at her and crossed her arms.  “OK, OK.  Fine.  Watch this,” she said with a smirk.  Harley turned to the bar to pay for their drinks and ordered two beers.  She handed one shot to Jamie and held the other up in salute.  “Here’s to growing a pair.”  Jamie and Harley knocked their shots back in unison—a feat that took practice.  Harley grimaced against the sourness of the shot.

“What are you going to do?” Jamie asked shuddering and giving the empty shot glass a scowl.

“I’m going home with that man tonight.”  Jamie had thrown the dare out there and Harley was going to take it—even knowing that Jamie had only been half serious.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Jamie asked shaking her head and trying not to smile, already knowing Harley’s answer.

“Am I sure now?  Absolutely.  Tomorrow?  I will probably regret it.”

“Then why do it?” Jamie rolled her eyes good-naturedly.

“Cause it will be damn fun.”  Harley had that feeling in her stomach, the one daring her to live, to do whatever she felt like.  Despite the nagging voice of reason telling her this was a bad idea, her heart picked up in anticipation of the adventure to come. 

Harley smiled at Jamie and asked, “Will you be OK on your own?”

“Yeah, yeah,” she answered, chuckling.  “I’ll go hang out with Jason and Olivia.  Have fun and make sure you do something I wouldn’t do.”

“You know it,” she retorted, wiggling her eyebrows.  Jamie acted like she disapproved, but her and Harley both knew that she was jealous that Harley could throw caution to the wind and act on her desires.  Jamie’s subtle urging was her way of living vicariously and Harley was usually willing to oblige.

Harley picked up the two beers from the bar and scoped the crowd.  Hottie had been sitting near the bathrooms and it was there that she found him again.  He was still sitting in a booth alone as he had for most of the night.  He watched the crowd with a slightly amused smile on his lips despite the intensity in his eyes.  Harley made her way towards the booth, zigzagging and shimmying around the crowd.  She hoped she looked more graceful than she felt.  She couldn’t really believe she was doing this, if she was honest with herself.  She could tell she was pretty drunk because that was the only time she would put herself out there like this.  Usually, she just waited until a guy approached her.  But she had had just enough liquid courage and just enough of a dare from Jamie that she was going through with it.  Besides, the guy approached her first.  She refused to allow herself to think too much about what she was doing.  Else she would think better of it and change her mind.  Halfway there Hottie looked her way and saw her coming.  As their eyes met she refused to look away.  He didn’t look particularly uninviting.  He simply looked curious and maybe a little surprised.

As Harley made her way towards his table she concentrated on not making a fool of herself.  She placed her feet carefully and did her best to avoid letting the crowd bump her too much.  Falling flat on her face would not make the impression she was hoping for.  Arriving at his table she forced her face to give him a sly smile that alluded to more confidence that she actually had.  She held the beer in her right hand up and said, “A thank you.  For being nice and not stealing my money.”

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