Devil’s in the Details (62 page)

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Authors: Sydney Gibson

BOOK: Devil’s in the Details
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Her warm hands discarded my bra with a sense of expertise, then ran down my collarbone, the middle of my chest before she palmed my breasts, "Say it again." Alex pressed against me as she nuzzled into my neck, pressing kisses and small bites along the skin. I barely registered her unzipping my skirt until I felt it drift to the floor to rest at my ankles. Deft and stealthy hands soon removed my panties like she was a professional pickpocket.

"I love you." The words fumbled out, I was losing all thought from the sensations from her hands and lips brushing across my skin. I felt Alex smile against my skin, her hands gently squeezing my breasts before moving down to my hips. I was pulled towards the bed, turned and delicately nudged to lie down. Alex followed, lying her body flush against mine, kissing me intensely as she settled between my legs. There was a slow, purposeful way about her kisses, her hands and the way she looked at me.

Reaching up, I brushed her hair back, "I love you, Alex." Watching the shy grin cover her face, made me want to say the words in every breath I took around her. She bent her head down, kissing the bare skin in front of her, moving slowly down with her hands mapping out the next stop. My heart raced, my breath quickened when firm fingers trailed down my stomach and over the crease of my thighs, teasing where I ached for Alex.

I could feel her watching me with every teasing brush of those determined fingertips. "Victoria, look at me." I glanced up, finding Alex as she hovered over me, her fingers slowly sliding into me as she whispered, "I love you, Victoria."

I couldn't speak, the slow torture of her fingers made it difficult, my hips moving in cadence with Alex was the only way I could communicate. She smirked, picking up the pace, pressing her body against me. With her other hands, she pulled my chin towards her, brushing her lips over mine as we shared the same air. I swallowed hard, trying to make this last but with every movement of Alex's fingers and thumb caressing me, I was seconds away from a powerful orgasm. Every one of her touches, kisses, thrusts and looks were founded in love, in purpose, and asking me to finally submit to the fact I was in love and there was no turning back. I had finally given everything I had, and was, to this brunette hovering over me, taking my breath away with every slow movement she made.

Lifting my chin to kiss her, Alex's lips met mine at the same time she thrusted deep inside of me, her thumb pressing down on the swollen nub, sending an electrical storm through my body as I came hard. Crying out her name, clutching on to her shoulders to steady me as I drifted off into a sea of blackness that only came from being swallowed whole by intense pleasure.

The sound of my own pants drew me back to the light and the image of Alex looking at me with worried eyes, brushing some of the hair that freed itself from the forgotten bun I still had my hair in, "Are you okay? Did I…was it too much?" She looked down at my bruise, running trembling fingers over it. "I forgot about this."

I shook my head, grabbing her hand to roll her over so I could be on top. I held her arms over her head, scanning over the beauty beneath me, "I did too." I bent, brushing over her lips, "It's my turn to make you forget." I kissed her intensely, "Forget that there was a day you ever thought I didn't love you."

I heard Alex gasp slightly, her eyes turning glassy before I shook my head, kissing her once more before moving to kiss down her body. Settling in between her legs, I saw how much Alex needed me, wanted me. I didn't waste another moment, covering her with my mouth I held onto her hips with my hands as she jutted up from the bed. I smiled as my tongue moved against her, showing Alex that I was still the teacher and she still the student. I lost myself in the sounds of her moans, gasps, her fingers digging into my hair and yanking out the bun in attempts to pull me deeper into her. I only let go of her hip to glide my fingers where my tongue had been, watching her come instantly from the simple sensation. Her entire body flushing a soft pink as pleasure overwhelmed her. Alex was so beautiful even in a moment like this. Sweaty, gasping, cursing and breathing like she had ran back to back marathons.

After letting her recover, I crawled up to lie against her. Loving the way it felt to have her heart pound against my chest, I kissed the corner of her mouth, whispering, "Did it work?"

Alex smiled sheepishly, licking her lips. "I don't even know my name right now." She pressed a hand against my face, "But I still love you, Victoria, that I haven't forgotten."

I blushed, nodding, "Good, I don't ever want you to forget."

Alex smiled, tugging me to snuggle up into her arms, her face buried in my shoulder, "Never happen."



Morning came far too quickly. Normally I would have welcomed the bright rays filtering through the blinds in Victoria's bedroom, but today, I wanted them to go away and leave me alone. Leave me in this moment forever. I was happily wrapped up in Victoria's arms, naked, half asleep and deeper in love than I could ever imagine.

I glanced up at the sleeping blonde, hair tousled about with a few hair pins still sticking out here and there. Formalities of removing those in the heat of the moment never happened, it was mentioned she should take them out, but Victoria passed out on me before we got that far. She slept heavily, not even budging when I couldn't resist running a hand along her neck and over the small red marks I had left.

I grinned, pushing my head deeper into the pillow, I had made love to Victoria last night, all night and it was incredible.

It was incredible to have someone give themselves to me like she did, trust me and love me like she did, does. I had felt silly and stupid for being tentative in telling her, but then I saw the sadness in her eyes as she asked me what was wrong. I didn't want her to drift away from me when we had covered so much ground.

In this moment, the morning light catching pieces of her hair and making them glow, I honestly didn't care if she was a Jane Bond. A cloak wearing, dagger carrying denizen of the government, or god knows whatever else. I loved her and she was my whole world, last night proved that. I was in this far too deep to walk away no matter what.

I sat up, kissing her softly on the forehead before sneaking out from under the covers, cursing the bright Sunday morning sun as I wobbled to the bathroom. I was hungover, sleepy, and starving. My body burning through the small amount of food I ate last night, but not the large amounts of alcohol I drank.

Washing my hands, I grabbed Victoria's shorts and shirt from the bottom shelf of her linen shelves. Throwing them on, I crept out of the bedroom to head down to the kitchen and raid the stupid cheesecake I requested, because it was the only thing I could think of to break up the tension.

Crawling up on the counter, I didn't bother cutting a slice of cheesecake to plate it. I just dug into it with a fork as the box sat on my lap. My legs swung freely as I faced the patio doors, catching Dale walk outside to water his tulips. I groaned in delight at how tasty the raspberry cheesecake was, not caring that it was probably too decadent for an empty stomach.

Whatever, I was on vacation and in love.

Setting the box down after a few bites, I opted to make a pot of coffee and maybe a pile of eggs and bacon. Stretching sore arms over my head, I grinned again at why they were sore, and sighed out loud with content.

"You know cheesecake is going to give you a stomach ache?" Victoria's raspy voice made me grin wider and blush, "Especially an empty one like yours." She moved to the coffee pot, winking at me as I turned to look at her over my shoulder.

"I was hungry and too tired to think about making real food. Figured the sugar boost would motivate me." I waved my hand over her outfit, one of my scrub tops and her ratty Navy shorts. "Stealing from me now?"

Victoria grinned, shaking her head, "All's fair." She set up the coffee pot, filling the kitchen with the delicious smells of hot fresh coffee, before walking over and kissing me. "Good morning."

I bit my bottom lip, savoring the way her lips always tasted like vanilla, "Morning." I ran a hand over her arm as she reached for a frying pan, "I can make breakfast since I'm up before you. Which should be documented in our history book."

Victoria laughed, "I will make a notation first thing after breakfast." She set the frying pan on the stove, motioning for me to grab eggs and bacon from the fridge, "I was wondering about two things Alex."

Sliding off the counter, I raised an eyebrow, "And those are?" I yanked open the fridge, grabbing eggs and bacon. Holding them over to Victoria as I waited for her to tell me.

She took the food from me, dug into the pocket of her baggy sweat shorts, removing the burgundy ring box from last night. "It's a tradition in the Navy, well the Academy, that when alumni are dating someone they really like. They give them their class ring and ask them to go steady." She flipped open the lid, pulling out the shiny class ring with a dark blue gemstone in the center. Victoria reached for my right hand, "I don't think this will fit your ring finger since mine are bony and big, but." She looked up at me with a silly smirk, "Will you go steady with me, Alexandra Ivers?"

I shook my head, grinning like an idiot as she slowly placed the ring on my middle finger, "I think you already know the answer, but yes, Victoria Bancroft, I will be your girlfriend." When she was done, I wrapped my fingers in hers, pulling her hand up to kiss, "And for the record, your fingers are absolutely perfect, trust me." I winked at her, "So what's the second thing you wondering about?"

Victoria kissed my cheek, moving to turn on the stove, "When do you go back to work?"

I frowned, hating that reality was right around the corner, "Sadly, this Thursday is my first double. I will have Sunday and Mondays off, but it's back to my old schedule of endless twelve hour shifts with Stacy." I couldn't stop looking at the silver and blue ring on my finger, my mind slowly drifting to a future with a different ring on a different finger. "I can take more vacation days in a couple of months."

Victoria nodded, cracking a few eggs. "How long do you think it would take you to pack up your apartment? If I helped and maybe Dale and Mary?"

I tore my eyes away from the ring, my brow furrowing, "Um, why?"

Victoria stood off to the side of the frying pan. "Move in with me, tomorrow, Alex." She sighed with a soft smile, "You practically live here and I don't like it when you aren't here, plus that apartment is a giant shithole that you pay too much for." She waved the spatula around, "I have plenty of room here and I know it will be further from work…."

I cut her off, jumping into her open arms, kissing her. "I can be packed up in a day. I never really fully unpacked from a year ago." I couldn't hold back the giant grin, "Are you sure?" I couldn't believe that in the last handful of hours I had gone from thinking I was about to live in silence, hoping Victoria would open up, to having everything and more.

Victoria nodded, squeezing my side. "I am. I've never been more sure about anything in my entire life. I want you, Alex. I want to come home to you, wake up to you, catch you stealing my shirts and leaving dirty plates or popcorn bowls in the living room. I want to come home from a trip to you watering tulips in your underwear trying to give Dale a heart attack." She ran a hand down my hair, "You are my home, Alex."

I shook my head, my eyes filling with happy tears. "Tomorrow it is then." I kissed her once more before squinting playfully at her, "This isn't a ruse to get me to give you back all the clothes I’ve stolen from you?"

Victoria chuckled, "Maybe, I know you took my favorite sweatshirt again. Stacy sent me a picture."

I frowned, "That's it, no more bagel Thursdays for her." I sighed, moving to hug Victoria again, "We’re really going to do this?"

I felt her nod, embracing me tighter, "I am, we are, yes. I'm tired of wasting time." She sighed in my arms.

I sniffled, opening my eyes to see the eggs starting to burn. I poked Victoria in the side, "We're about to waste some eggs."

She spun around, whispering a curse word before scraping at the eggs.

I laughed, shaking my head, "I don't think I'll ever get used to you saying fuck."

She peered over her shoulder, the devilish twinkle in her eye that popped in right before she had me crying out her name under her body, "In time you will, trust me." She turned back to the frying pan, "Can you water the tulips? And ask Dale if he’ll help us move tomorrow while I finish breakfast?"

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