Devoured: Brides of the Kindred 11 (41 page)

Read Devoured: Brides of the Kindred 11 Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

BOOK: Devoured: Brides of the Kindred 11
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“Huh? What?” Tess looked quickly
around the darkened cave but there was no one there. And in fact, the voice
seemed like it had come from inside her own head. Yet, it didn’t sound anything
like the voice she heard when she lectured herself or the fun loving voice of
Tess BP. It was stronger somehow, clearer, and much,
more powerful.

going crazy,
she told
There’s no one here but me and
Garron’s dr’gin.

It is not simply his dr’gin—it
is HIM. Garron himself. He longs to come back to you, to be with the female he

“Oh my God,” Tess muttered
aloud, sitting up straight. “That time I
I heard it. Unless I’m going crazy.”

Be assured that your sanity is
not in question, my child,
powerful and somehow feminine voice murmured gently.
I have simply come to give you

“Can…can you help me? Whoever
you are?” Tess asked uncertainly. She spoke quietly and stopped looking around
the darkness. The voice was definitely coming from inside her own head though
she had no idea how that was possible.

All things are possible for
me, child,
the voice
Even returning this male to his rightful form. But you must help and
you must not be afraid.

“I’m not afraid of him—not
anymore,” Tess whispered. “I…I love him. Love him so much. Even in this form as
Although I wish…wish
so much
I could have him back the way he

You can if you are brave.

“But…how?” Tess asked.

You must draw him to you.
Embrace him. Call to the true Garron, locked within the body of his beast.
Already he is attuned to you, understanding your words and emotions. But you
must use more than words to bring him back—it will take action, bold action on
your part to break the power of D’fex.

of actions?” Tess protested. “Just tell me what to do and I’ll
do it! Anything—I’ll do anything at all!”

You must discover that for
the voice
Think of the ways you soothed him when his dr’gin rose to the surface
before. Remember the things he longed for, the things that kept the beast at
bay. These same things are what will bring him back to you at last.

Thoughts filled her head,
memories of Garron speaking about what he had longed for all the years he had
lived on Pax. His forbidden dreams and desires…

Tess swallowed hard. “Hey, you
don’t mean I should, um…”

Act quickly, my child. This
window of opportunity I am able to offer you is narrow and soon to close. Be

Tess protested. “What are you talking about?”

But the voice didn’t answer and
somehow, though she couldn’t say exactly how, Tess knew that the speaker was

“At least give me a hint,” she
muttered but only the wind whistling through the cave mouth answered her.
She already gave you a hint,
her own
inner voice—the voice of Tess BP—whispered back.
You know what you have to do. Now do it.

Tess supposed she
know, but the idea made her nervous—
nervous. Still…
be brave,
the voice had told her.

“All right.” She lifted her
chin. “I’ll do it. I can be brave. I

Carefully, quickly, she slipped
out of the oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants. Then, completely nude and
shivering, she cuddled back into the
embrace and pressed herself against its hot side.

snorted in apparent surprise and looked at her from those
glowing eyes.

Tess just hugged it harder.

“It’s okay,” she whispered to
it. “Everything is going to be okay.”

The soft feather-fur felt
ticklish against her bare skin and the heat of his body seemed much more
intense without her clothes. She could feel his breathing more clearly too and
the warm, spicy scent of his skin—so exactly like Garron’s own scent—made her
feel almost dizzy.

you crazy?
whispered a
pessimistic little voice in her head.
just perverted, hugging the damn thing in the nude like this? What’s
with you?

nothing wrong
, Tess told
Nothing at all. I’m doing what she
said—whoever she was. I’m being brave.

snorted again and licked her cheek as if he could hear her
thoughts and agreed with her. The

not the dr’gin,
Tess told
herself sternly.
Garron—it’s Garron in
there. And you have to draw him out, just like she said.

“Garron,” she whispered softly,
looking into those large, glowing eyes. “Garron, I know you’re in there. Come
back to me.” She hugged him tighter, feeling the soft fur rub sensuously
against her bare nipples. “Come

For a moment she felt something
strange. It was almost as though the body she held in her arms had changed
shape just for a split second. One moment it was lithe and sinuous and covered
in the soft, downy feather-fur and the next it was smooth and hard and
muscular. Then it was back to being furry again but that one split second was
all Tess needed. She felt a surge of hope and an equal surge of determination.

can do this!
I can bring him back!

“Garron,” she whispered, rubbing
herself sensuously against the long, hot body. “Do you remember the first time
you healed me? How you healed my breast by sucking my nipple?”

A soft, almost human growl was
her answer. He was listening and he was understanding her words—Tess was
certain of that. She felt another surge of determination.

Feeling bolder, she went on.

“Do you remember the first time
you touched me? God, I came so
on your fingers…” She lifted her hand to touch one of the
paws and felt it change in her hand. Just for a moment,
she was holding a big, warm hand, its finger enfolding her own. Then it changed
back to a paw again but Tess wasn’t deterred—she went on.

“Remember when you tasted me?”
she whispered. “I was so scared but you were so gentle. You just kissed me at
first…so softly, so tenderly. You were kissing my pussy almost the same way you
kissed my mouth.” The memory made her heart start to pound and her breath come
short. “It made me so hot and wet the way you tasted me,” she admitted in a low
voice. “I loved being open for you…loved feeling your mouth on me down there.”

She was rubbing against Garron
with reckless abandon now, enjoying the feel of the soft fur against her bare
skin. It tickled her nipples and made her naked pussy tingle with anticipation…

There was that sudden flash of
movement again and again she was holding Garron in his true form against her
once more. His nude body was warm and smooth and hard against her own and his
arms encircled her, holding her tight.

“Gods, Tess,” he croaked, his
deep voice sounding rusty. “Don’t stop. Please…need you…your scent…your taste…”

This time when he shifted back
to the
Tess gave a little cry
of frustration. Why couldn’t she hold him to his other form? His true form? But
she was determined now—she knew what to do and she wasn’t giving up.

“Garron,” she whispered
fiercely. “Come
to me.”

There was a flicker again and
then the body she was holding started shifting back and forth, so quickly it
was hard to keep track of. One moment it was long and furry, the next hard and
smooth and muscular.

“Garron,” she said desperately.
Need a way to keep him with
me—to keep him in his true form! But how?

The big Kindred’s hoarse words
echoed in her head.

you…your scent…your taste.


With trembling fingers, Tess
reached between her legs and spread her pussy. She was wet down here, wet from
remembering his soft, gentle kisses and the tender way he had tasted her here.
Something told her that tonight wasn’t going to be quite so gentle but she
didn’t care—she just wanted Garron back and she was willing to do anything to
get him.

Pressing her fingers deep into
her well, she gathered her juices, moaning as she rubbed her swollen clit. God,
she needed Garron! Needed the big Kindred to come back and ease this fire
inside her, to make her his completely.

bring him back,
the voice of Tess BP in her head.
him back and claim him…so he can claim you.

That was exactly what she
planned to do. Slowly, she lifted her fingers and pressed them to the
mouth. A hot, wet tongue lapped
at them, cleaning the honey from her hand hungrily.

“Taste that?” Tess murmured,
fearlessly thrusting her fingers between the razor sharp fangs. “That’s me,
baby—all me. Come back and taste me again. Come back and make
to me.”

Suddenly the fangs melted away
for good and her fingers were engulfed in a different, much smaller mouth. At
the same time, she felt the big body flicker…and hold.

“Garron!” she moaned, pressing
harder against him. His broad chest felt wonderful against her naked body and
she could feel the hot, hard length of his shaft rubbing against her belly.

“Tess,” His deep voice was
ragged and filled with desire. “Gods, need you so

“You can have me,” she assured
him eagerly. “Please, I want you inside me

“Not yet…” He leaned down and
took her mouth in a hungry kiss. Tess moaned as she felt his tongue invade her
mouth, bringing her own secret taste as well as the sweet, hot cinnamon flavor
that was at once and entirely Garron.

“Please,” she whispered
breathlessly when the kiss broke. “Please take me, Garron. Quick—before you
turn back!”

“Need to taste you first,” he
growled softly. “Need to get between your thighs and lap your sweet cunt,

“You…you do?” Her breath seemed
to catch in her throat. Though she had been begging him to do just that, the
stark reality of this act still made her heart beat fast and her knees weak.

“Have to,
he whispered hoarsely. “It’s your scent and taste that
anchors me in this form. I need to bathe in your sweet scent—need to tonguefuck
you long and hard tonight until you come all over my face. It’s the only way I
can be sure I won’t change back.”

“All right,” Tess murmured, her
heart fluttering. His eyes were glowing in the dark again and she reached up to
run her hands through his thick black hair which was every bit as soft as his
feather-fur had been in his
“All right,” she said again. “Take me, Garron. Do…do whatever you need to do. I
you to.”

A low growl of pure need rose
from his throat and then he was kissing and licking his way down her body. His
hot mouth captured one of her nipples and Tess moaned and rose to meet him,
offering herself without shame.

whispered Pierce’s voice in
her head but she pushed it away without hesitation.

is what Garron needs—for me to give myself completely—to open myself without
question to whatever he wants to do. And if that’s what it takes to bring him
back and
him back, I’ll do it.
I’ll do anything—I don’t care. I don’t care and I’m not ashamed!

Garron growled softly and
switched to her other nipple, engulfing it in his hot, wet mouth and sucking
hard. Tess moaned and writhed under him as he mouthed her tender bud and then nipped
it sharply, sending sparks of pain and pleasure shooting straight to the heated
spot between her thighs.

“Garron!” she gasped as he did
it again and then lapped her nipple gently, as though to sooth the ache he had
caused. “Oh, God, Garron,

“Please, what?” He looked up at
her, his eyes glowing fiercely with desire.

“Please…” Despite her dirty talk
earlier, Tess felt suddenly tongue tied. Before she had been speaking to a
beast which might not understand—now she was talking to a man who knew exactly
what she was saying. “Please kiss me lower?” she whispered, biting her lip.

He shook his head.

“That’s not good enough. Tell me
what you want me to do.
you want me to do.”


“Say, ‘Garron, I want you to kiss
my pussy,’” he commanded hoarsely. “I need to hear you say it, Tess. Need to
know you want it as much as I do.”

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