Diary of a Painted Lady (21 page)

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Authors: Maggi Andersen

BOOK: Diary of a Painted Lady
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Chapter Thirty-Two


Present Day




Philippe had been casting side-long glances at Astrid since they’d left the airport. He’d gone ahead and arranged for friends to dine that evening without consulting her. Astrid was tired and frustrated, aware of his determination to ignore everything unsaid between them and settle back into their routine life together.

“I’ve hired a new chef. I’ve no idea how the last one managed to get such good references,” he said breaking into her thoughts.

It didn’t surprise her. Philippe was a hard man to work for.

“Could you arrange the flowers?” he asked. “You’re good at that. I’ll check the cellar for wine. I’ve ordered your favorite dish to be prepared in celebration of your homecoming.”

“I wish you hadn’t invited friends, tonight,” she said. “We need to talk.”

He shrugged. “We’ll talk tomorrow. I thought we’d take a walk along the Pont d’Alma and look at those chic boutiques on Avenue Montaigne. Perhaps, you’d like to buy some shoes or a new dress?”

Her stomach tightened at the thought of the ensuing battle. Tomorrow. She would tell him tomorrow.




Astrid returned to London and stayed at the Ritz Hotel for the premier of
Painted Lady
. In her hotel suite, the hairdresser, jeweler and stylist packed up and left her alone with her thoughts. Two months had passed since she’d left England. She hadn’t seen Dylan, although he’d phoned her. She’d resisted inviting him to visit her in Paris. He hadn’t pressed her. He’d been in Ireland making an advertisement for Irish whiskey, and had another movie lined up for next spring. She’d read every script her agent had sent her but none seemed right for her.

Dylan would soon arrive to escort her this evening. She was constantly fidgeting as she stood before the mirror. The black gown supplied by a French designer was back-laced, with a deep neckline decorated with spangles. A sparkling cobweb of diamonds decorated her ears, throat, and wrist, which were on loan from a top London jeweler and insured for a lot of money.

She’d be relieved to give them back. She tweaked a curl and thought about Dylan. He’d had plenty of time to cool down. Would he still feel the same, or was he already dating someone else?

At his knock, she hurried to the door, fiddling with a loose earring with shaky fingers. So much depended on tonight. Her future wasn’t just tied up with the success of the movie.

When she’d finally convinced Philippe that it was over, and he’d stopped bombarding her with emotional blackmail, and all the things his money could buy, she’d moved into a rented loft apartment in Montmartre. Enjoying the hiatus from work, she scoured the Cambo and Dauphine markets in Saint Ouen to furnish her new home with homey touches. She’d bought pots of geraniums and yellow roses for the small terrace. When she’d considered it to be perfect, she’d sat with a glass of wine, gazing over the roof tops and feeling lonely. She should begin dating again. But the trouble was she still missed Dylan. But she’d resisted rushing back into his arms, afraid their combustible relationship would burn out quickly, and after the break with Philippe, she’d felt too vulnerable to face the heartache.

While Dylan continued to ring to inquire how she was, he sounded more remote as the weeks passed, and she wasn’t sure if he protected himself or he really was learning to live without the prospect of her in his life. Had she been a fool to put their love to the test? Should she have grabbed what he offered with both hands as any sane woman would have done?

She was stronger now. Astrid took a deep breath and opened the door at his knock. She’d forgotten how drop-dead gorgeous he was. In his black-tie, Armani dinner suit, he made her knees weak. His intense blue eyes traveled over her, from her silver sandals to her hair arranged in soft waves about her shoulders. He gave a low whistle. “You look gorgeous.” He kissed her cheek. “It’s good to see you.”

“And you.” His familiar aftershave thrust her right where she was when they’d last been together. As if it was yesterday. Disconcerted, it made her awkward and unsure. Was he going to tell her about his new romance? She was determined not to make the first move.

“You would have learned that the advance screenings of the movie have been well received,” he said. “The hit of the season, some say.”

“My agent kept me abreast of it.”

“I’ll fill you in with the rest on the way.” He held out his arm. “Shall we go?”




With Astrid on his arm, Dylan walked the red carpet at the Odeon Theatre in Leicester Square. Cameras flashed and people screamed their names. They paused to answer brief questions from the press, keeping on message. It was all about the movie, they’d agreed on the way here in the car. Speculation had died down as they hadn’t been seen together for months, although reporters were always hopeful of a story. Astrid was a little too adept at evading questions about their relationship, for his liking. Did she now consider him a friend? He doubted he could handle that.

He’d tried to prepare himself for this night, but just seeing her again had blown him away. If it had been merely physical, he could have moved on. He was certain now that what they’d had was soul deep. He couldn’t convince her of it and left her alone to sort out her life. But even spending the last few months with his family in Dublin failed to help him distance himself from their brief affair. Almost every day, he’d fought the desire to jump on a plane to Paris. Especially after he read that she and Philippe had ended their relationship. But when he rang her, she didn’t invite him over. Ending a relationship after a spending a long time with someone left you bruised. He knew that from experience. It would have been a mistake to rush her. She needed time alone, and he’d had to respect that, even though it made him fear someone else might enter her life. He was still afraid now, with her so regally beautiful on his arm. So much pressure came from every quarter when you lived in the spotlight. What if she didn’t wish to take things up again? The thought made him feel bleak, despite the exciting evening ahead.

They watched the movie together. The scenes he shared with Astrid affected him profoundly. He took her hand and squeezed it, hoping she felt the same. Their passionate affair was writ large on the screen for all to see, reminding them of how special those weeks had been.

They traveled by stretch limousine to the after party, held at the producer’s home in Hampstead Heath. The elegant stone mansion was set in magnificent gardens, and late in the evening, Dylan considered he’d been remarkably patient when he drew Astrid outside, away from the chatter.

A haloed mist clung to garden lights, and a carpet of fallen leaves covered the paths. Winter wasn’t far away. They sat together on a wooden bench.

She shivered.

“Cold?” Dylan took off his coat and placed it around her shoulders. He searched for a way to express what consumed his heart and mind, fearing more hurt. He’d led with his chin too many times. His pride wouldn’t allow it again. She had at least to meet him halfway this time.

“Was the breakup difficult?”

“Painful yes. At first.”

“But now?”

“Now Philippe has accepted it. We’ve both moved on. He’s dating the Italian actress, Monica Ajello.”

“You are enjoying your freedom?” It was a loaded question. Best get the hurt over with if she had a new man in her life.

“I’ve appreciated my time alone. It gave me time to think.”

He wanted to tell her to stop thinking and act. To respond to her emotions, and not her rational mind. Her calm responses to his questions told him little. He tensed, he couldn’t stand the waiting. “And is there anyone in your life now?”


“Are you clearer now about what you want?” His voice sounded strained to his ears.

She looked at him, her face in shadow. “I am.”

“Are you going to tell me?” he demanded, abandoning his intention to make her come to him. Here he was again wearing his heart on his sleeve.

“You first.”

“Me? It should be you this time Astrid,” he said looking at her intently, “don’t you think?”

She moved forward into the light with a bewitching, teasing smile. “A gentleman such as Blair would get down on one knee.”

Heart beating, Dylan sank to the ground. He winced as the damp leaves chilled his skin and cast a brief despairing thought for his Armani suit. He would give this all that he had, even if she threw it back in his face. But he grew hopeful that this gorgeous woman had at last realized what they had was special.

She laughed. “Do get up, Dylan.”

He returned quickly to the bench, before the damp spread up his thigh. “I’ve never stopped missing you, Astrid. I’m happy to base our lives in Paris if that’s what you want. I’ll never leave you unless you kick me out. But I won’t ever give you a reason to kick me out.”

She laid her head against his shoulder, running her fingers over his chest, causing a trail of warmth wherever she touched him through his thin shirt. “Take back your coat, you must be cold.”

“Damn it, Astrid.” He raised her chin and searched her eyes. “I won’t put up with your teasing any longer. Tell me you want me.”

“Of course I want you, Dylan. I love you.” Her beautiful eyes implored him. “I’ve been afraid that you’d changed your mind. Found someone else.”

He was amazed that such a beautiful woman could feel so insecure. “Marry me, Astrid. I haven’t even looked at another woman.”

She raised her brows. “Of course you’ve looked. It would be most surprising if you did not. I’m a realist, Dylan. I know that in our profession we shall both be tested. But I hope our marriage can be as strong and lasting as Gina and Blair’s. I want that so much.” She sighed. “I want you. Kiss me, Dylan.”

When she slipped her arms around him he felt her shiver as he lowered his mouth to claim her soft, full lips. He held her close as joy surged through him. “Let’s say our goodbyes and get out of here.”

About the Author


Maggi Andersen lives in the countryside outside Sydney, Australia, with her lawyer husband. They feed the local wildlife and support the RSPCA.

Maggi is multi-published and an Amazon bestselling author with a BA in English and an MA in Creative Writing. She writes in several genres, contemporary and historical romances, mysteries and young adult novels. You’ll find adventure and elements of danger in everyone.


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Other Books by Maggi Andersen

The Spies of Mayfair Series

A Baron in Her Bed

Taming a Gentleman Spy

What a Rake Wants

The Baxendale Sisters Series

Lady Honor’s Debt (Available free from Amazon and other book stores)

Lady Faith Takes a Leap

Lady Hope and the Duke of Darkness

The Seduction of Lady Charity


Stand Alone Novels and Novellas

At the Earl’s Convenience

How to Tame a Rake

Lord Bartholomew’s Christmas Bride

Lady Catherine’s Scandalous Christmas

The Reluctant Marquess

The Folly at Falconbridge Hall

The Duke’s Mysterious Lady

Murder in Devon

With Murderous Intent

Caroline and the Captain


Coming Soon

Finding Daniel

The Scandalous Lady Mercy – The Baxendale Sisters


Non Fiction

Castles, Customs, and Kings


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