Did You Really Shoot the Television? (31 page)

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Hughes, Joan 141

Hulton, Sir Edward 82, 86, 112, 140, 141, 143

Huntley & Palmer 81 Hutton, Sir Leonard 127

Hyde Park Hotel, London 124

If Winter Comes
(Basil Hastings) 55

Iliffe, Lord 156

Imperial Light Horse 41–2

In Deepest England
(Macdonald Hastings television documentary) 196

In the Mink
(Anne Scott-James) 2, 146–7, 148

Influence of the Press, The
(Rolfe Scott-James) 73

Irving, H.B. 40, 47, 50, 52

Ivy (restaurant), London 145

James, Henry 71

James, Mark 247

Jameson, Leander Starr 36

Jay, Anthony 259

Jay, Douglas 158

Jay, Peggy 158

Jellicoe, George (Earl) 98, 99, 101

Jenkins, Lady Jennifer 247

Jenkins, Roy (Lord) 247, 262

Jesuit Child
(Macdonald Hastings) 2

John, Augustus 131, 199

John, Dorelia 199, 200

John Bull
(magazine) 140

Johnson, Hugh 252

Johnson, Pamela Hansford 208

Johnson ’Ole, The
(Basil Hastings/ Bairnsfather) 41

Joseph, Michael 230, 231, 232

Junor, Sir John 148

Justice, James Robertson 144, 228

Kalahari Desert 172, 173, 178, 184, 188

Keeble, Harold 147, 148, 242

King’s College, London 28

Kipling, Rudyard 32, 49, 149, 170, 260

Knights and Knaves
(Rolfe Scott-James) 75

Ladies Half-Way
(Basil Hastings) 53

Lagarde, Paule (Mrs Rolfe Scott-James) 159

Lancaster, Karen 235

Lancaster, Sir Osbert 2, 90, 113, 234–42, 247–8, 249, 250–1, 252, 253, 260, 261

Laver, James 113

Leacock, Stephen 41

Lee, Laurie 112

Lees-Milne, James 240

Lehmann, Rosamond 111–12, 155

Lessing, Doris 63

Letters of Private Wheeler, The

Levin, Bernard 199–200, 203, 246, 247

(magazine) 86

Linklater, Eric 244

Littlehampton Bequest, The
(Lancaster) 240

Lloyd George, David 75, 170

Loch Insh
(frigate) 210

Lohr, Marie 52

London Mercury

London Opinion

London University 9, 119

Longford, Lady Elizabeth 117

Long-Range Desert Group (LRDG) 99, 101

Lorant, Stefan 68, 92

Love – and What Then?
(Basil Hastings) 40

Luce, Henry 86

Lyons, J. 58–60, 61, 67, 227

McCombe, Leonard 105 McCullen, Peter 106

Macdonald Hastings’s Country Book
(Macdonald Hastings) 198

MacGregor, Jimmy 192

McKenzie, Sir Duncan 42

Mackenzie, E.M. Compton 79

Maclean, Fitzroy 98

Macmillan, Harold 248

Mack, Angela 114, 139

Mackensen, Field-Marshal August von 107

Making of Literature, The
(Rolfe Scott-James) 74

Man Bites Dog
(television programme) 234

Mann, Arthur 76

(schooner) 211, 212, 213

Masters, John 232

Mather, Carol 98

Maude, Cyril 40, 55

Maugham, W. Somerset 113

Mayne, Paddy 98–9, 102

Memoirs of a Child
(Basil Hastings) 2, 9, 10

Michelmore, Cliff 191–2

Midgeley, Ernest 181–2, 187–8

Millingen, Cora van 85

Milne, Alasdair 192, 233, 242, 259

Mitford, Nancy 122, 137, 250

Modernism and Romance
(Rolfe Scott-James) 73

Monday Club, London 257

Montgomery, Field-Marshal Bernard, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein 60, 97, 128

Moorehead, Alan 244, 247

Moorehead, Lucy 247

Morning Leader
31, 73

Morris, Marcus 140–1, 172, 190

Mortimer, John 116

Moss, Stirling 141

Mountbatten, Lord Louis 85

Muggeridge, Malcolm 113

Muir, Frank 3, 251

Munchener Illustrierte

Munro, H.H. (‘Saki’) 40

My Word
(radio quiz game) 3, 251

‘Nanny’ (Strafford, Jessie) 124–6, 129, 132, 135, 136, 146–7, 154, 156, 162, 163, 167, 169, 170, 203–4, 207, 226, 258–9

National Theatre, London 53, 71

New Sin, The
(Basil Hastings) 39–40, 50, 53, 56

New Weekly

Newnes Ltd 112, 115

Nicolson, Harold 253

Noblesse Oblige
(Nancy Mitford) 250

Norden, Denis 251

O’Brian, Patrick 212


Oxford University 58, 79–80, 83, 102

Pallant, Bertie 67, 122

Pallant, Ruth 67–8, 122


Pater, Walter 7

People, The
(newspaper) 209, 223

Philip, Prince 144

Philpott, Trevor 192

Phillpotts, Eden 47

Picture Post
68, 69, 86, 91–3, 95, 96, 104, 105, 112, 116, 119, 139–41, 191, 192, 209, 259

Piper, John 247

Pleasure Garden, The
(Anne Scott-James) 253

Ponsonby, Merelina 126

Powell, Anthony 113, 247

Powell, Dilys 251

Powell, Enoch 254

Pryce-Jones, David 236


Pursuit of Love, The
(Nancy Mitford) 122

(Basil Hastings) 41

Queen’s University, Belfast 8

Radio Normandy 60–1

Ramsden, Bert 184–5

(Basil Hastings) 41

Rees, Goronwy 111

Reform Club, London 75

Ressource (island) 213–25

Rhodesia 37, 62–4, 65, 95, 172, 178, 184, 189, 254, 257, 258

Richards, Gordon 141

(television documentary) 196

Robertson, Fyfe 192

Robey, George 54, 55–6

Rommel, Field-Marshal Erwin 99

Roosevelt, Theodore 73–4

Roosters and Fledglings
(Basil Hastings) 46, 52

Rose Cottage, Aldworth, Berkshire 88–90, 96, 103–4, 111–12, 120, 122, 152–3, 193, 208, 240, 247, 252

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 72

Rothermere, 2nd Viscount (Esmond Cecil Harmsworth) 210, 225

Royal Air Force 47, 91

Royal Artillery 74

Royal Flying Corps 44, 46

Royal Geographical Society 184

Royal Horticultural Society 253

Royal Literary Fund 57, 264

Royal Navy 91, 126

Royal Thames Yacht Club 143

Russell, Ken 233

Rutland Gate, London 122, 123, 130–1

Sackville-West, Vita 253

Saint, Dora (‘Miss Read’) 232

St Paul’s school 78

St Vincent de Paul Society 29

Saintsbury (club) 143

Sandhurst 97, 125

Savage Club 54, 56, 63, 127, 143, 172

Savoy Hotel, London 140, 145, 148–9

Scotland 127, 128, 183, 254–6

Scots Guards 97

Scott, Leslie 160

Scott, Sir Walter 25

Scott-James, Anne (mother): appearance 80, 129;

Beaverbrook Newspapers, women’s editor 198–9;

books 2, 245, 267–8
see also under individual book title

childhood 76–8;

Country Fair
139, 140;

Daily Express

Daily Mail
199–203, 229, 251;

death 265;

Derek Verschoyle and 88–9, 110;

Desert Island Discs
1, 80, 207, 209;

divorce 226–30;

Down to Earth

Europe, travels in 81;

family 70–8, 102, 159
see also
Scott-James, Rolfe;

finances 83, 88–90, 116, 147, 150–1, 198, 203, 229–30;

first jobs 81–2;

first marriage 88–90;

Harper’s Bazaar
116–17, 122, 146;

John Betjeman and 248–9;

Lewis Hastings and 160;

Macdonald Hastings, first meets 95;

Macdonald Hastings, marriage to 104, 110–36, 139–47, 149–50, 152–71, 198, 203–5, 207–8, 239–42;

My Word

Osbert Lancaster, relationship with 234–42, 247–9, 250–1, 261;

at Oxford 79–81, 102;

Picture Post
86, 92–3, 116;

Rosamond Lehmann and 111–12;

Rose Cottage, Aldworth, Berkshire 88–90, 96, 103–4, 111–12, 120, 122, 152–3, 193, 208, 240, 247, 252;

Royal Horticultural Society 253–4;

school 78–9;

Second World War 92–7, 102–4;

The Strand

Sunday Dispatch
148, 198;

Sunday Express

82–7, 92, 102

Scott-James, Clarissa (cousin) 161

Scott-James, John (uncle) 72, 76, 90, 159

Scott-James, Marie (aunt) 72, 78, 159, 161

Scott-James, Reverend John (great-great-grandfather) 70

Scott-James, Rolfe (grandfather) 77, 78, 111, 159, 260;

birth 70;

books 2, 73–5, 265;

First World War 74;

journalism 70–3, 75;

politics 75;

school 70;

Second World War 94–5

Scott-James, Violet (grandmother) 76–8, 87–8, 102, 131, 159

Search for the Little Yellow Men, The
(Macdonald Hastings) 2, 190 Searle, Ronald 113

Second World War 91–109, 120–1, 128, 153

Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) 161

Shakespeare, William 53, 109, 170

Sheldrick, David 200

Shetland Islands 162

Simenon, Georges 113

Simpson’s (restaurant), London 145

Sissinghurst, Kent 252–3

Sissinghurst: The Making of a Garden
(Anne Scott-James) 253

Sketches from a Life
(Anne Scott-James) 2

Smith, Scotty 36

Snow, C.P. (Lord) 208

Snow, Carmel 117

Somerset Light Infantry 76

Somerville College, Oxford 79

South London Press

Spain, Nancy 148

Spanish Civil War 80

Special Air Service (SAS) 98–102, 105

Special Boat Squadron (SBS) 99

Special Operations Executive (SOE) 99, 105–7

Spectator, The
75, 88–9

Spry, Constance 103, 139

Squire, J.C. 75


Steer, George 80

Stevens, Jocelyn 82

Stirling, Colonel Sir David 97–8, 99, 100, 101, 102

Stirling, Peter 99, 100

Stonyhurst school 8–9, 11–12, 16, 23, 24–5, 26, 27, 28, 47–9, 57, 128

Strafford, Jessie (‘Nanny’) 124–6, 129, 132, 135, 136, 146–7, 154, 156, 162, 163, 167, 169, 170, 203–4, 207, 226, 258–9

Strand Magazine, The
112–15, 120, 131, 137, 139, 141, 248

Street, Arthur 139

Suez crisis 97, 150

Sulhampstead, Berkshire 76

Summerskill, Dr Shirley 93

Sunday Dispatch
148, 167–9, 198

Sunday Express
53, 147, 148

Sunday Times
75, 190

Swan Court, Chelsea 94, 104, 117, 122

Swanwick, Betty 114

Swinburne, Algernon Charles 72

Sword of Honour
(Waugh) 99

Take a Girl Like You
(Amis) 262

Tallis, Sir George 55

Tate, Harry 41

Taylor, Laurette 56

Tennyson, Pen 103

That Was The Week That Was

Thatcher, Margaret 198–9

Thursday Club, London 143–4, 155, 158, 228

Tide, The
(Basil Hastings) 40

Times, The

(television programme) 191–8, 224, 232–3, 259

Trinity Square, Borough, London 9, 16, 22, 32–8

Trollope, Anthony 4, 137, 149, 262

Trott, Adam von 80

24 Hours
196, 254

2 LO (radio station) 57

Two Way Family Favourites

Tyne-Tees Television 234

Under Western Eyes
(Conrad) 52

United States Civil War 8, 22, 119

University College School 8

Useless Sex, The
(Fallaci) 201–2

Ustinov, Peter 144

Van der Post, Laurens 173, 190

Verschoyle, Derek 88–90, 110

(Basil Hastings’s adaptation of Conrad’s novel) 50–2, 55

82–6, 92, 93

Wagner’s school, Queen’s Gate, London 132

Wallace, Edgar 57, 58

Wallace Collection, London 261

Walsh, Bernard 144

War Office 28, 29, 30, 46

Ware, Chris 172, 173, 177–8, 181, 184, 186–90

Watson, William 72

Watts-Dunton, Theodore 72

Waugh, Alec 113, 242

Waugh, Evelyn 89, 99, 113, 131, 144

Wedgwood, Dame Veronica 249

(magazine) 81

Wells, H.G. 208

Weston, John 35

Wheeler’s (restaurant), London 144, 145, 148

Whicker, Alan 192, 259

Whistler, Rex 84

White, Sergeant ‘Chalky’ 106

White’s Club, London 99, 238

Who’s Who
90, 260

Wight, Alf 232

Wilde, Oscar 132, 154

Wilson, Claude 162

Wilson, Harold 237

Wilson, Sandy 148

Winchester school 205, 227

Wind in the Willows, The
(Grahame) 131

Wintour, Charles 242

Wodehouse, P.G. 74, 129


Women’s Air Transport Auxiliary 142

Wood, ‘Wee Georgie’ 54

Wykes, Alan 232

Wyndham-Goldie, Grace 191, 233

Wysard, Ruth and Tony 158–9, 203

Yorkshire Post

Yoxall, Harry 82–3, 84

By the Same Author


America 1968: The Fire this Time
Ulster 1969: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Northern Ireland
The Battle for the Falklands
(with Simon Jenkins)


Montrose: The King’s Champion
Yoni: Hero of Entebbe


Going to the Wars


Bomber Command
The Battle of Britain
(with Len Deighton)
Das Reich
Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy
Victory in Europe
The Korean War
Warriors: Extraordinary Tales from the Battlefield
Armageddon: The Battle for Germany 1944–45
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan 1944–45
Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord 1940–45

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