Read Diego: Leatherbacks MC Online

Authors: Heather West

Diego: Leatherbacks MC (4 page)

BOOK: Diego: Leatherbacks MC
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Chapter Six



“God, you are incredible.”


His voice woke me, along with the heated kisses across my stomach.  My shirt was pushed upward to reveal the sensitive flesh beneath and exposing the lower halves of my breasts.  Once again, his hand was around my throat, holding me in place, reminding me who was in control.  I no longer felt tired.  Instead I felt hot, hungry.  I wanted him to just take me again like he had the night before, but the alarm sounding reminded me that it was time to get up. 


“You naughty boy.  I’ve got to get ready for work.”


“But you smell so delicious.”


“You’ll just have to wait until later.”


“I don’t have to wait for anything.”


His grip tightened just a little around my throat.  It unnerved me just a bit, but he sighed and let go.


“I’ll make it up to you.”


“Oh, yes.  You certainly will.”


“Let me get dressed and we’ll go.  Okay?”


“Alright.  Care if I watch the TV?”


“Not at all.  Remote is on the coffee table.”


I began getting ready while he made his way to the living room sofa, still talking to me through the open bedroom door.


“This place is a lot nicer inside than it is outside.  Must have dropped a lot more money on the décor than the rent.”


“Not really.  Just good at finding bargains.  Thrift shops, sales, stuff like that.”


“You didn’t get this flat screen at a thrift shop.”


“Actually, I got it from an ad.  Some rich guy that bought a bigger one and needed this one out of his way.  He sold it for cheap to me.”


“I’ll just bet he did after he got a load of those great tits of yours.”


“Flattery will get you everywhere.”


I walked into the living room and picked up my purse as he looked up at me and let out a low whistle.  I had dressed provocatively just to get the right kind of attention from him and anyone else who I might feel the need to talk up.  I had my long hair down and tousled about loosely.  My tits were packed into a leather corset with strings that allowed just a peek at them through the center.  My short skirt was met just beneath the hem by a pair of thigh high patent leather boots.  I had to admit I looked pretty hot.


“Damn.  You make me wait and then come out here looking like that?  Now I just want to rip it all off and throw you across the back of the sofa to pile drive that sweet little pussy of yours.”


“Just hold that thought.  We’ll have plenty of time for all that later.”


“I guess I don’t have a choice.  Hope you have on panties.  Going to be a little brisk on the back of the bike.”


“Might not be everyone would appreciate being flashed on the road either.”


“I wouldn’t mind it at all, but that is a good point.  Let’s get out of here and get you to work.  Can’t have Dio getting pissy with you on your second day.”


“Sure can’t.”


There were so many questions I wanted to ask, but to do so too soon would only ensure that I was suspect to him.  I would have to just wait until he opened up.  I had spent a year getting ready for this, no need getting in a hurry now and blowing it.  If nothing else, perhaps being with Backbone would ensure that I didn’t have to sleep with anyone else for information.


Chapter Seven



The casino was already bustling when we arrived and Backbone was quickly pulled into the back room to talk by Dio, who looked me up and down with what seemed like a bit of interest mixed with suspicion.  I didn’t miss how his eyes lingered on my cleavage, but he quickly walked away once he had Backbone’s attention.


“I’ll be back in a while.  Just do your thing.”


“That’s what I’m here for.”


“Just keep that sweet ass of yours out here on the floor.  I’ve got plans for it later tonight.”


“I can hardly wait.”


Once he was gone, I checked in with the bartender and made a round through the casino with my tray.  Across the room, I spotted another Leatherneck who I recognized as Roland, one of the older members of the group.  He had done a stretch in Attica for killing a gang member who had scratched his bike but had been released after some evidence mysteriously disappeared before his appeal. 


“Can I get you a drink?”


“Well, hello, pretty lady.  How about you just bring me a bottle of Jack and a shot glass?”


“I will be right back with that.”


“Maybe make it two shot glasses.”


“Even better.”


I flashed him my wickedest grin and walked away provocatively, letting my ass sway from side to side a little more than usual as I moved.  I knew he was watching and I wanted his undivided attention.  Retrieving the bottle and glasses from the bar, I noted that he watched me as I made my way across the room again.  Almost two thirds of a bottle later, I had him talking effortlessly.


“Dio doesn’t know half the shit that goes down in this place.  He thinks he had these guys all scared of him and that is true for some, but not all.  There are a few rogues in the bunch.”


“Are you a rogue?”


“I’m just an observer.  I don’t pick sides.  I watch and I keep it to myself.  Only way to survive with people like this.”


“People like this?”


“Ruthless people.  Cut you for looking at their old lady or saying the wrong thing if they think you are a threat.”


“Dio is okay with that kind of behavior?”


“Dio only knows the half of it.  He forbids killing unless it is an absolute necessity, but some folks in this club seem to have a varying opinion of what that means.”


“I thought he knew everything that went down here, that it was only allowed if he gave the go ahead.”


“You thought wrong.”


“Sounds like it.”


“Enough talk.  Let’s go upstairs and fuck.”


“You really know how to charm a lady.”


“Don’t I?”


“I am going to have to say no today.  I’ve got to hang around down here until Backbone comes back.”


“Backbone, huh?  Good luck with that one.”


“What do you mean?”


He got up and walked away wordlessly.  I knew that what I had gotten from him was most likely as much as I would get without doing him, and I just wasn’t willing to go there with the likes of him.  I had told the truth though.  I was sort of on reserve to Backbone for the night.


“Where is Backbone?”


The question caught me off guard as I turned to see Dio standing behind me, looking a bit perturbed.  I couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes narrowed at me, as if I had something to do with the fact that he couldn’t locate him.


“I don’t know.  Last I saw him, he left with you for some sort of discussion.”


“We were done with that hours ago.”


“Then I don’t know.  He told me he would be back when he was done, but I haven’t seen him yet.”


“Done with what?”


“I don’t know.  I assumed the discussion he was having with you.”




I watched as he turned and left without saying anything else.  I had thought that Backbone’s extended absence was due to having been sent on some errand by Dio, an errand I hoped he would tell me about when he got back.  It seemed the shepherd had lost one of his sheep.  As the night passed and it became time for me to go home, there was still no sign of him.  Instead, I saw Dio walking toward me, looking angry.


“Come on.  I’m taking you home.”


“Why?  Where is Backbone?”


“Don’t worry about him.  Get your things.”


I gathered my purse from behind the bar and followed him out to his bike, anxiously climbing on behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist.  I hoped he couldn’t feel my heart beating against his back.  That was just how hard it was thudding against my chest.  I wasn’t surprised that he needed no directions to know where I lived.  It was just confirmation that he had checked me out carefully before hiring me.  Of course, it was obviously not careful enough.


“I’m coming in.”


I looked at him as he killed the motor and I stepped off the bike.  Why was he coming in?  Maybe he just wanted to confirm that I wasn’t hiding Backbone or wanted to get a better look at the place.  Whatever the case, it made me nervous.  I wasn’t expecting Backbone to be there, though I supposed he could have let himself in.  I didn’t know why he would have without telling me though.


“Okay.  Is there something wrong?  Should I be afraid for some reason?”


“Afraid of what?”


“I don’t know.  I just feel like there is something you aren’t telling me.”


“There is a lot I’m not telling you, but it doesn’t mean you are unsafe.”


I didn’t reply to the sarcasm, instead focusing on opening the front door.  He pushed past me the moment it was open, looking around as I followed in behind him.  As I shut the door and dropped my purse on the table just inside it, I found him quickly circling back to push me up against the wall, my wrists pinned to either side of my head.


“Who are you?”


“What do you mean?”


This was it.  He knew.  He knew and I was going to be badly hurt or worse.


“You aren’t Ana Marquise.  Tell me why I hit a dead end when I tried to get a little further into your background.”


“I had to run.  I paid a man for fake documents to give me a chance at a new life away from my abusive boyfriend.”


His eyes narrowed again, taking in the fear in my eyes.  It could easily be mistaken for being a result of the way he was manhandling me when I had previously been abused, at least that is what I hoped he would see.  I was relieved when he let go of my wrists and took a step back.


“What happened?”


“He tried to kill me.  Look!”


I pulled up my shirt and showed him the long jagged gash along my side.  I had actually gotten it during a really bad car accident when a bottle broken during the crash had cut me as it passed by, but it was hopefully enough evidence to stop him from asking questions.  I had practiced answers for just this situation, but I didn’t want to get tripped up due to nervousness now that the time had come.  He reached forward and ran his finger along the scar, admiring it as if it was some sort of battle wound between soldiers. 


“Broken bottle?  I have one similar.”


“Yes.  He was drunk and pissed…thought it would be a good idea to come after me with the bottle he smashed against the bricks on our patio.  He was aiming for my neck but stumbled and caught my side as I tried to run.”


He nodded knowingly and seemed to relax a bit.  He looked around again at the place and back at me.


“Pretty nice place.  I was expecting something a little shabbier in this neighborhood.”


“I’m a great bargain shopper.  Big taste, little wallet.”


“You’ve done a good job.”


“I’ve done what I could.  Listen, since you are here, would you like something to drink?”


“Just some water.  I try to keep my senses about me when I have problems on my hands.”




“Backbone is missing.  I wanted to make sure he wasn’t here, which he doesn’t seem to be, but now I have to find him.”


“Why do you think he is missing?  Couldn’t he have just gone off to do something?”


“Not without me knowing.  I always know where my guys are or they answer their phones when I call to find out.  I’ve been calling him for hours with no response.”


“May be a reasonable explanation.”


I walked to the kitchen and returned with a bottle of water, watching as he turned it up and guzzled it all down before handing the empty bottle back to me.


“Thanks.  I was parched.  I’m going to get going.  If he happens to come by here, don’t tell him I am looking for him.  Just slip me a text message.  Okay?”


“I will.”


I hurriedly dead bolted the door behind him as he left, leaning against the door to breathe.  I felt like I had been holding my breath the entire time he was in my living room.  My heart still raced, but was now beginning to settle down.  At least it seemed he had bought the whole violent ex story.  Hopefully it was enough to keep him from trying to dig further again.  It probably hadn’t hurt to have the discussion while he had other things on his mind.


I pulled out my journal from its hiding spot and made some notes, then opened the burner phone I had bought just for phone calls to my DEA contact.


“Jerrod, it’s me.  I just wanted to touch base.”


“Good that you did, Ana.  I was getting a little antsy.”


“I got into the club okay.  Found out a few things, but nothing of major consequence.  It seems that there are some rogue members in the club that Dio doesn’t know about and now his lynch man, Backbone, is missing.”




“Yeah, Dio is looking for him.  That is all I know right now.”


“What about these rogue members?  Who are they?”


“I don’t know yet.  One of the elders got a little drunk and mouthy and told me, but no details.  I’ll have to keep digging.”


“Okay.  I’ll see if any of my contacts can turn up anything from this end on either subject.  Just be careful, Ana.”


“I will be.  Bye.”




Tucking everything safely back into its hiding spot, I went to shower.  I contemplated what might have happened to Backbone.  He had been worried about something when he had come by before, but I had no idea what.  Should I have told Dio about that?  And if I told him now, would it seem odd that I had held it back?  I decided it was best to stay as clear of the situation as possible.


BOOK: Diego: Leatherbacks MC
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