Dilemmas (Part 1) (7 page)

Read Dilemmas (Part 1) Online

Authors: Lae'Zriah Justice

BOOK: Dilemmas (Part 1)
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“OK,” he said. “Put my number in your phone.”

As they walked out, she asked when would be a good time to call.

“Any time,” he said as they parted.

Bevelyn headed home to pick up her kids. As she was heading home, she called Joe back. “Hey, baby, sorry about that. I’m on my way to get the kids now.”

Joe seemed disappointed that he was not going to be able to be intimate with her but was eager to see her and the kids. “Why don’t you stop at the park off Leucun Road after you pick them up?” he asked.

“Sure,” she said.

She picked up the kids and headed to the park. Joe was waiting on a bench.

“Uncle Joe!” the kids yelled as they ran up to him. He hugged them tightly and then played with them at the park. Joe left the kids playing on the monkey bars and sat beside Bevelyn on the bench. He repeatedly asked Bevelyn if the kids needed anything. “No, they’re great. I have no complaints. Maurice does a great job with them,” she said.

“I’m glad to see you all. I was a little disappointed about not being able to get my tongue wet, but this is just fine.”

Two hours had passed when Bevelyn’s phone began to ring. It was Maurice calling. “Damn, its six thirty I didn’t realize it was this late, Joe. I need to get to the house. I can come right back out, just let me get the kids home,” she said without answering the phone. “When I come back out, you can lick me all you want. Let me call him back real quick.”

“Hello,” she said.

“Bev, I—” Maurice stuttered.

“I’m on my way home now, Maurice. I have to step out for a few once I get there, but I’ll be back shortly. The kids will be fed—”

“Bevelyn, I’m leaving the house now for a few minutes. I’ll be back, and then you can go on about your business,” he said.

“But Maur—Hello? Hello?” She was shocked that he had hung up. He had never hung up on her before.

Joe was bringing the kids over to her and noticed she had a confused look on her face looking at the phone.

“What’s wrong, Cup?” he asked.

“I may not be able to meet you, Joe. Something’s up with Maurice. He said he’s going out for a few,” she said

“Oh, don’t worry about it. He’ll be back. You know I’m going to be right here,” he said.

She was not happy about her plans being foiled by Maurice.

“Here’s fifty dollars. Grab you and the kids something to eat on your way home.”

Bevelyn, still dazed, grabbed the money, hugged Joe, and left.

Maurice arrived at the restaurant he and Nedia frequented. He was first to arrive and very nervous about the date. He was very fidgety, and his hands were sweaty. “What’s wrong with me?” he asked himself.

He just could not understand the feelings he had. He had been married ten years and never felt the feelings he was experiencing.

Nedia walked in, and she was stunning. Her hair was long and full of loose curls, brows nicely arched, and her makeup complemented her face: not too much, not too little. Her dress came up mid-thigh. Maurice’s heart started to beat faster, and he had a tingly feeling in the pit of his stomach as soon as he saw her. He stood up to greet her. She walked over to him, and he gave her a kiss on the cheek. He walked over and pulled her chair out for her to sit down.

“You look beautiful,” Maurice said to Nedia.

“What is it that you want to talk about, Maurice?” she asked, jumping right to the point.

“Stop it, damn it!”

“Stop what, Maurice?”

“This trying to be hard shit. Just stop it.”

She looked at him while trying to hold her frustrations together and started to sip on the wine that was on the table.

“Look, Nedia, I know that you’re tired of being a mystery and tired of me not being able to spend time with you, but you know the situation I’m in with Bevelyn, and you
me, Nedia. You know me.”

“I know, Maurice, I knew that from when we started. I’m just tired. I’m really tired,” she said sadly.

The waiter came over to take their order. Nedia looked over the menu and then at Maurice.

“I want to go. Let’s just go.”

“Of course, baby, where?” he asked.

“To be alone,” she said, looking at him as though she was letting her guard down.

He told the waiter they just needed the check. Once the check arrived, he and Nedia left.

At home, Bevelyn was furious. She put the kids to bed and then stayed up, trying to figure out Maurice’s whereabouts. “What in the hell is he up to?” she said to herself as she began to plunder though his drawers and nightstand.

The more she looked, the less she found. She didn’t want to call any of his friends to ask if he was with them, because she felt they would just cover for
him and let him know she was looking. She tried to call Nedia to vent but did not receive an answer. “This bastard thinks he’s slick!” she said out of frustration. “I have to pump up my game. I know I can find
on his ass before my shit comes out,” she said to herself and realized she was speaking out loud. She put her hand over her mouth and looked around to make sure her children had not heard her. She decided to jump in the shower, put on a nightie, and wait for Maurice to come home to seduce him.

Maurice and Nedia arrived at one of his exclusive homes. The house was in a remote area with thin wood lines surrounding it. Nedia got out of her car and looked around as though to find someone. Maurice stepped out of his car, closed the door, and noticed Nedia looked nervous. “What’s wrong, Nedia? What are you looking for?” he asked.

“Your wife,” she said.

Maurice walked over to her and ran his hands down her face. “She doesn’t know anything about this, Nedia. She doesn’t know what you know—not about my money or anything. This is our spot. Don’t worry about her,” he said as he looked in her eyes.

He started to walk toward the house while holding her hand, and she pulled him back and started to kiss him. He picked her up and walked to the front of the car and laid her on the hood. “No, no, no,” she said softly as he caressed her body as though he had never touched her before.

She could feel the bulge of his dick as he grinded himself against her body. He dropped his pants and ran his hands up her dress to remove her underwear. “No, Maurice, stop,” she said.

He pulled her down enough to look in her eyes and gave her a soft kiss. “You want me to stop?” he asked in a soft yet deep voice.

“Yes,” she said. He kissed her again, and she could feel his hard dick trying to slide inside her.

He started to nibble on her earlobe, and she started to relax her thighs. She pushed his head from her head and looked deep in his eyes. “I love you, Maurice. I love you so much.”

He looked at her with passionate love and desire. “I love you too, baby.”

She lifted her head up and started to kiss him passionately.

He pulled his head back. “Do you want me to stop?”

“No,” she said.

She laid back and closed her eyes in anticipation of his thick, long dick entering her pussy. He slowly guided his dick into her creamy pussy. “Slowly,” she said as he began to penetrate her.

She placed her hands under his shirt in order to feel his firm, built body. He could not hold his desire to shove his dick in and gave her one quick pound. “Ah!” she said loudly.

She slid her nails down his back as he started fucking her faster. He could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter as he moved his dick in and out of her. She pulled her hand out from under his shirt. He lifted his body up, still fucking her, and started to tear her dress off her body. She grabbed his shirt by the front buttons and ripped it off. He started to suck on her breasts because he knew it was her spot. She began to come instantly. She was running her hands down his chest as he put his head back and closed his eyes. “That’s right, baby, give me that nut. You feel this pussy. That come is all over your dick. Put that nut in there,” she said as he stroked faster and faster.

“Here it comes, here it comes,” he said as he started to come. “Uh-oh!” he said loud as he shot his nut inside her. He started to slow his strokes until he laid his head on her chest. She rubbed his head and kissed his hairline.

He stood up, and his shirt was barely hanging on by the threads. His dick was dangling from being drained. He helped her off the hood as she stood with her breasts exposed. He leaned in and gave her a peck on her breasts and started to walk to the door. “Maurice, grab my phone out the car. The door’s open,” she said as she walked up to the door and opened it with her key.

The alarm was going off, and as she walked over to turn it off, she glanced at the pictures of her and Maurice all over the house. Maurice walked in the door. “You need these?” he asked while holding her underwear in his hand.

She smiled and walked over to him to give him a kiss. He grabbed her tight ass for a squeeze as they walked to the shower.

They finished showering and laid in the bed, enjoying each other’s presence. He began to talk to her and tell her that he knew she was the one for him but that he married Bevelyn out of obligation. He told her how
much he loved her and that he wanted to be with her but did not know how to go about things with all of his problems.

“I’ve met someone,” she said, interrupting his heartfelt confessions.

“What?” he asked angrily.

“Maurice, I’ve met someone. What do you expect me to do, sit around and wait for you? I can’t do that.”

He turned to her and told her he knew he couldn’t ask that but didn’t know how to deal with it.

Nedia’s phone started to ring. She didn’t move, and instead kept looking at him. He reached over her to the nightstand and grabbed her phone to hand it to her. “I’m sorry, Maurice.” she said softly.

He didn’t say anything, he just handed her the phone and laid down on his back with his hands behind his head looking at the ceiling. She answered the phone without looking to see who it was.


“I know his ass is out there with some woman, Nedia, I just know it.” “Bevelyn?” Nedia asked.

Nedia looked at Maurice, who did not flinch. He continued to stare at the ceiling.

“Yes, it’s me. His ass left here before me and the kids got home. He was talking about he had something to do—it’s
to do more than likely.”

Nedia laid her head down on Maurice’s chest.

“Well, Bev, you don’t know that. Have you tried to call him?”

“Call him? Hell no, I’m not going to call him. I’m going to sit here until he gets home. I love my husband, Nedia. No bitch will get my husband,” she said.

“Wow, Bev,
you love your husband?
I’ve never heard you say that before.” Maurice took his hands from behind his head and placed them on Nedia’s shoulders.

“Well, yeah, I do. What are you doing anyway?” she asked.

“I just finished a wonderful evening and was about to head to bed.”

“Oh, that’s right, your new boo. Girl, I’ll let you go. Nedia, please don’t forget to find that fucking Aiden bitch,” she said.

“Will do.”

She hung up the phone and ran her hand across Maurice’s body.

“Hmm, she wants to know who Aiden is, and I—” she said.

“Before you start, Bevelyn is up to something.”

“It’s crazy, but I know. Something has her very concerned all of a sudden, but back to us,” she said.

Nedia explained to Maurice that she knew Maurice had fidelity issues and that she knew about the women he slept with at work. He was very surprised by her knowing about the sexual favors he receives in the x-ray department.

“Why do you want me then?” he asked.

“Because, just like you, I did not expect to fall in love with you either. I know your sexual appetite. I will fuck you morning, noon, and night if need be. I’m just waiting on you—well, I was.”

He ran his hands through her hair, still looking at the ceiling.

“Do you want to be with him?” he asked with concern.

“I don’t know yet. We just met a couple weeks ago.”

“Uh-huh,” he said in a joking manner.

She sat up to look at him, and he turned to her.

“Look,” she said, “there are things you don’t know about me; things I promise I will tell you and don’t know if you could accept. You bought me this house we lay in right now in
name. You don’t do that for everyone. I don’t care about the women you sleep with—you’re just getting your dick wet, but when you made love to Bevelyn, that was personal and dear, and it hurt. I never asked you for a house, the Mercedes, the Jag, and all the things you do. I thought you did it because you love me. At the moment Bevelyn said you made love to her, I felt that you only did these things as payment to keep my mouth shut. That hurts.”

“No, no, no, no, that’s not why I do the things I do. The best thing you did to me was cut me off because I knew then, more than ever before, how much I love you. Please don’t fall for this guy,” he said as she started to get out of the bed.

“Where you going?” he asked

“Nowhere, I’m staying here tonight, but you need to get back home,” she said.

“Did you hear me? Do
fall for this guy,” he said.

Nedia did not answer. He got out of the bed and walked to the closet, where it was filled with clothes for him and Nedia. He grabbed a replica of
the shirt he had on when he left home and a tank top. Nedia watched him as he got dressed and made her own request of him.

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