Dirtiest Revenge

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Authors: Cha'Bella Don

BOOK: Dirtiest Revenge
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First, I would like to thank my Heavenly Father, who art in heaven. Without Him, I wouldn’t exist and none of this would be possible. Thank you, Jesus, for blessing me with a talent to share with the world.

I would like to thank my very good friend & literary partner, my WriteOrDieChick Author MiMi Renée. You kept me level-headed and always believed in my dream. Sometimes, when I doubted myself, you were there to push me to thrive on. I love you, boo.

Author TLW: Man, what can I say? I watched you from the moment we met, and I knew you were going to be trouble. LOL. I thank you, Terry, for also believing in me.

I’d also like to thank my WCAM team.

K’wan, all those jewels you drop means a lot, and, even if no one else took notice, I was with a paper & pen. I also want to say thank you for taking your time to read my manuscript.

Erick Gray, my literary best friend, thank you for countless phone conversations & IM chats. I just wanted to say thanks for allowing me to bug you.

Author Queen: What’s up, home girl?

I also wanted to thank my publisher, 21
Urban Editing & Publishing. Thank you.

Special thanks to the Temptress Pre’cise for helping my first piece get put on. Noiré for allowing my short, short erotic letter to be published in your online magazine, as well as King Dhakir.

There are too many to name, but I would like to say thank you to everyone from the bottom of my heart.

Special shout out to my Big Bro TheBookPusha aka Bigg Whoadi.

I want to thank my mom LaWanda Moloy & father Charles Valson. I thank you for birthing a beautiful woman and creating a masterpiece. I love y’all dearly. My step-fathers, thank you for being here. The rest of my family, James, Moloys,Whites, Tillmans, Turners, Alexanders and Carpenters: I love you all.

To my friends that believed in my dream: I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Last but not least, I would like to thank those non-believers. Haters is what they call them, but I would like to think of them as admirers from afar. It’s because of you I’m able to shine. Love y’all, too. LOL.

Thank you to all the readers who have supported me: I see y’all.

My book is dedicated to my family who are no longer with us. I did this for you... Kareem KB Breedlove, Tanequa Nookie Williams-Glaspie, Karen Baptise. May your souls Rest In Heavenly Peace.

To my beautiful godchildren: I love you all.

Writing brings me the serenity; my pen brings me the energy.



Cha’Bella Don









Chapter I



Wrap your legs around my waist,” Trent whispered into Kendra’s ear as he plunged his nine and a half inches deep into her warm, creamy canal.

Mmm, daddy. Give it to me,” Kendra cried out as Trent went deeper. Her warmth and tightness made him want to bust his early.

Damn, Kendra! Your pussy is bomb. I’m about to cum,” he said right before he exploded.

A few seconds later, while breathing heavily, Trent rolled off of Kendra and onto his back. Kendra was pissed off, and she let him know it when she said, “Oh, hell to the nah, Trent! Not this shit again! It’s like that? You made sure you got yours, but you don’t care if I get mine?”

Fall back, lil mama. I got you next go round,” Trent said, still huffing and puffing.

Fuck that, Trent, and fuck you!”

Kendra got out the bed, walked over to her dresser, and pulled out her Pearl Butterfly, aka Magic Monarch Vibrator. She walked out the master suite and went to the restroom downstairs. Once there, she closed the door behind her. Then, she sat on the toilet and went to work. A few moments later, Kendra was screaming out “ooh’s” and “ahh’s” for a job well done. After experiencing a few aftershocks, she hopped into the shower to remove all the sweat from her body. Kendra let the water embrace her body as she washed herself three times. Once she was clean, she got out, dried off, and grabbed her terry cloth robe. Then, she retrieved some extra blankets and a pillow from the hall closet.
Fuck going back upstairs to lay with his trifling ass
, she angrily thought as she made a pallet on the floor. She, then, turned on the TV and flicked through the channels until she fell asleep.




Upstairs, Trent was laid out across the bed, but he wasn’t asleep. All he could do was think about Nicole. His dick got hard every time he thought about her, but he couldn’t help himself because, just a few hours ago, he had pounded her from the back.

Trent had known Nicole a long time. She was a ‘round the way chick. She was also his younger sister’s best friend. Truth be told, Nicole had always wanted to get with Trent, and she had realized that there was no better way to get what she wanted than to play by his rules. She knew he had a woman at home, but that still didn’t stop Nicole from bending over and letting Trent have his way with her in his truck.

After a restless half hour, Trent put on his boxers and headed downstairs. A smile spread across his face when he saw the love of his life sleeping on the floor. He bent down and kissed her on her forehead. Then, he laid down beside her.

Kendra was Trent’s wifey. She stood five foot, six inches and had smooth, caramel skin. She had the perfect, hourglass shape. She wasn’t too thick or too small. Her eyes were hazel and lit up any room she was in, and she had a nice ass.




The two had met six years ago while Kendra was a stripper at Club Starlight. The way she gyrated her hips and licked her lips had caught Trent’s full attention. She was one of Starlight’s top dancers. At the time, she went by the name Spice because she brought that extra flavor to the club. She made the most in tips because everyone came to see her dance. She was the best in the west. In fact, she was so good that she had been crowned the Queen of Starlite. As usual, the women hated on her, and, like always, she brushed them off.

After watching her dance for a few songs, Trent approached one of the security guards and arranged for Kendra to give him a private dance in the club’s boom boom room. As she entered the room, Trent knew, right off the bat, that he had to have her. While Kendra swayed her hips to the music, Trent cleared his throat and said, “Nah, shawty. I don’t want you to dance because I can see you dance anytime. I want to get to know you. Relax and have a seat.”

After hearing what he said, a bunch of ideas ran through Kendra’s head. His words had caught her a little off guard, and he had peaked her curiosity, but, at that point in her life and given her profession, she had heard every line in the book. She figured he was just trying to be different, so she said, “You know I should be dancing. We’re wasting time, and I know it’s not cheap to have me here.”

Again, shawty. I want to get to know you on a personal level. Don’t worry about the time or the money. It’s all taken care of. Come here, lil mama. Come sit next to me.”

While she was sat beside him, Kendra seductively twirled strands of her red hair between her index and middle fingers. Her sexiness intimidated Trent. He didn’t want to say the wrong thing. Cautiously, he tried to make small talk.

So, shawty, what’s your name?”

Spice,” Kendra replied.

After hearing this, Trent laughed. This relaxed him a little. Then, he said, “Nah, shawty. I know your stage name. What’s your real name?”

This surprised her. Normally, the men who asked for private dances only wanted to know about Spice and could care less about Kendra, and that was as far as she would let those men get. She never shared her personal information, but something about this man made her want to tell him her whole life story.

The name is Kendra,” she said with a little smile and a lot of spunk. “And you are? And, before you answer, I want a real name, not no thug-ass name.”

Trenton, but everyone calls me Trent.”

Oh,” Kendra giggled. “Trenton? As in Trenton, New Jersey?”

Yeah, shawty. I see you know your geography.”

They talked for well over two hours. Kendra told him about her interests and how she was dancing to pay for college. When Kendra noticed the time, she panicked, but Trent calmed her fears. He told her that he had paid for her to be his company until the club closed. Upon hearing this, Kendra got a little more comfortable, and they continued to talk. They were so wrapped up in their heavy conversation, talking about her goals and ambitions, that they didn’t notice that the club was closing. Security had to let them know that their time was up. When the lights came on, Kendra looked up at Trent and noticed that, even though he wasn’t all that tall, he was very good looking. His skin was a peanut butter complexion, and he sported neat cornrows.

I’m sorry that I didn’t get a chance to dance for you, Trent.”

Nah, shawty. I didn’t pay to see you dance. Like I said, I want to get to know you.”

He wrote his number on a napkin and handed it to her as they walked out of the boom boom room. Kendra turned around to meet his stare. Then, he cleared his throat and asked, “Are you ready to give up this lifestyle?”

Kendra looked at him blankly. Confusion was written on her face. Her heart said yeah, but her mouth said otherwise as she answered, “I have bills and tuition fees to pay.”

You didn’t answer my question. Are you ready to give it up, Kendra, or do you still want to be Spice?”

For the second time that evening, Kendra was caught off guard. She had never had anyone give her an ultimatum, especially not someone she had only known for a few hours, but he had spent a lot of money to get to know her, and, at that point, he wasn’t trying to get any ass from her, so she figured she could give him an honest answer. Kendra thought it through quickly and answered, ”Yes, I’m ready to give up Spice.”

Trent kissed her softly on her lips and asked, “Do you trust me?”

She whispered, “Yes.”

Then, he smiled and said, “Now, go get dressed, lil mama, so I can take you home.”

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