Read Dirty Kiss Online

Authors: Rhys Ford

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #Gay, #Fiction, #General, #Suspense, #Police Procedural, #Mystery & Detective

Dirty Kiss (28 page)

BOOK: Dirty Kiss
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“I’m not asking you to walk away from your family, Jae. Just walk toward me,” I said softly. “We can make this work, babe. We can.”


Bobby might believe gay men have sex first and then work on relationships, but I disagreed, especially staring at the sliver of skin peeking out from under Jae’s shirt. I didn’t want sex as much as I wanted… Jae. Even with everything that he’d put me through, I wanted him close to me. Sex is always great. I wasn’t a fool, much less a celibate fool. God made Jae an erotic, gorgeous, and complicated chaosone I wanted to drown inbut I definitely wanted more.


Leaning forward, I kissed him there at the small of his back, a gentle brush of my mouth on his body, and felt my touch ripple through him.


“Take me upstairs, agi,” he whispered, turning around to take my hand without looking into my eyes. “Please.”


He tasted
of mint and laughter. Kissing Jae’s mouth was like taking a sip from his soul. I held nothing back, kissing him hard and stealing the breath from his lips. He left wet kisses on my shoulder and moaned when I moved my mouth to capture his in a hungry kiss. I fought with his shirt, catching the sleeve on his elbow.


“Stop,” he laughed, pushing me away. “Let me do this before you break my arm. Get your own clothes off.”


I never tired of watching him get naked. Artlessly smooth, Jae shed his clothes slowly, revealing his tightly muscled torso and long limbs. A light purple line threatened to leave a scar over his right collarbone, a memento of the explosion. Tossing my clothes on the floor, I reached for him, pulling him close.


“God, you’re gorgeous.” I licked at the maybe-scar, leaving it wet. Tracing the column of his neck with the tip of my tongue, I found the line of his jaw and bit, making him gasp and arch against me. My fingers found his nipple, and I played with it, drawing it to a peak with a pinch.


“Need you,” Jae moaned, tilting his head back when I moved to kiss his throat. His hands dug into my shoulders, and the tip of his cock left a trail of moisture on my bare thigh. I fumbled for one of the foil packets on the nightstand, tearing it open with my teeth.


I was so hard it hurt, so I rolled the condom over my cock before I lost my head and buried myself in him. The throb along my shaft pumped a rhythm, echoing the pulse pounding in my ears, but I wanted to take my time. At some point, Jae was going to leave, and I’d miss having him within reach at all times. Shaking away the melancholy, I pushed Jae down onto the bed, covering him with my naked body. He writhed under me.


Tearing my eyes away from Jae’s mouth, I roamed, flicking a nipple with my tongue. I played with the other nub, tweaking it roughly, grinning when Jae groaned and twisted his hips. Unable to wait, Jae blindly searched for the small bottle of lubricant I’d tossed on the bed. Nearly desperate to have me buried in the hot snugness of his ass, Jae flicked open the top and held it up so I could coat my fingers. I laughed and licked at Jae’s belly button, tracking the shiver of goose bumps across his hip bone with a swipe of my tongue.


“Spread your legs, baby.” I listened to my lover’s moan and nudged Jae’s leg with my shoulder so he moved aside. “Let me see you.”


“Cole….” Jae turned his head, his dark eyes hooded and hot. “It’s….”


“You’re mine, yes?” I nudged again and teased Jae’s cock with a nip of my teeth, licking at the damp slit until I coaxed out a drop of Jae’s salty heat. “Let me see what is mine, baby.”


I buried my face in his thighs. Nestled between Jae’s legs was a mingling of masculinity and crispness that I couldn’t seem to get enough of. Parting the soft skin around Jae’s head, I teased and licked at the sensitive spot until he twisted and cried out. Unable to pull away from my tonguing, Jae raised his knees, anything to stop the delicious torture of his sex.


“Ah, much better, baby.” I chuckled and dipped my hand down, the warmed lubricant spilling down the crease of my lover’s body. Spreading the aromatic oil around, I flicked my fingertip around Jae’s opening, stroking the velvet crimping.


“Agi.” Jae crawled slightly back into the bed, pushing his shoulders into the soft pillows. Splayed apart, he looked vulnerable, and I saw a shyness creep into his eyes. Keeping my gaze on his beautiful face, I swallowed the length of his hard sex, fitting it into the cradle of my mouth. Closing his eyes to ride the sensation, he gasped and crooned, running his hands over my shoulders.


Hot was the only way to describe Jae’s entrance on my fingertip. It was a wicked, sinful feeling, and I pulled back from sucking on his cock to leave a flickering touch of my tongue around his hole. Fully exposed, Jae let go of his control, falling easily into the rhythm of my mouth and tongue moving over his crotch. My fingers played with his sac. I suckled first one orb, then the other, pulling them out before letting them drop back with a wet slurp. I moved back to his cock, licking up and down Jae’s shaft, following the ridges along the top and across the shiny, slick skin.


The vein on his cock throbbed, pulsing with each butterfly kiss I left along its length. A deep kiss left his head puckering on my tongue, and a ripple of need rocked Jae. Catching his breath, he was ill-prepared for the thrust of my finger into his depths. Rocking Jae in my mouth, I plunged in deep, stroking at the tender heat inside until I found the spot I was looking for.


A flick of my fingertip against the burl in Jae’s channel drove him up onto his toes, his hips rising with the shock of my touch. His panting breaths became cries, loud, mewling, begging noises. The sounds rose and fell, peaking, then numbing to a whimper when I pulled away. The splash of seed on the back of my throat warned me that my lover was close but I wanted to feel Jae’s tremble around me when I came.


Clutching the sheets, Jae gasped and moaned, “Why did you stop? Driving me crazy.”


“Because I’m going to be inside of you when you come,” I whispered, rising up to my knees. Leaning over to give Jae a fierce kiss, I slid another finger into my lover’s warmth, stretching him out with a twisting motion. My cock was wide, nearly too much for Jae to take comfortably without a lot of play. He hissed as I toyed with him, panting and biting down on his lip as his cock bobbed in time with my fingers.


“Want you inside of me,” Jae murmured into my mouth.


“You have no patience, Jae-Min,” I teased. I fluttered my fingers around Jae’s entrance, and he exhaled hard and rubbed his thighs against my legs. “Silly boy.”


“Silly?” Jae growled and lifted his head, biting into my earlobe. He pulled hard, and I was forced down as he twisted his head to the side.


I laughed, sliding my fingers along my hard length to cover my shaft with lubricant. “Let go.”


“Get in me,” Jae said, releasing me and kissing the spot before I pulled away. “Now.”


“Anything you want, baby,” I murmured. “Turn over.”


I guided him as he lay on his stomach, pulling down a pillow to put under his hips. Angling my cock, I thrust in gently, rocking my hips as Jae’s entrance sucked at my head. Pushing on the tight entrance to his body made me crawl into Jae, my cock dripping in anticipation for the stretching of his flesh. There was a trembling along his body, and I knew from experience the shivers could only be satisfied by my length on the center of his nerves. As I eased further in, he rolled his hips up, hitting the spot he craved to be touched.


“There, Cole,” Jae panted, gritting his teeth. “Right… there.”


The pillow already bore the print of his teeth, its linens soaking up his spit. Stifling his need to scream, Jae bit down into its feather plumpness, then lifted his head as I drew out slowly. His breath came in short little bursts, and he ground his hips back, telling me I was taking too long to fill him.


I liked hearing him moan, so I pulled back out, my fully engorged cock dipping and bowing as I slid from Jae’s pout. His body heaved with the effort to remain still enough for me to find his entrance again, his fingers scrambling to clutch the pillows resting against the headboard.


Looking down, I watched the head of my cock slide past Jae’s tight ring. Flexing my fingers into the meaty globes, I spread them apart, trying to get a better view of his entrance. Jae licked his mouth with the tip of his tongue, thrusting up and spreading his knees further apart for me. The sight of my tip being swallowed up by Jae’s heat was nearly too much to bear. It became doubly erotic when he moaned in frustrated pleasure and bucked his hips back, pushing down on my cock in an attempt to plunge me deeper in.


“I want to take my time, baby,” I cautioned, grinning at the Korean pouring from his sweet lips. “Ah, that mouth on you.”


“I need you in me,” Jae growled, dipping his rear down, pressing the tip of my sex up against the moist walls inside of him. “I need you. I need this.”


I marveled at Jae’s prone body, his long form twisting under me. My shadow fell across Jae’s shoulders, and I slid back, then pushed forward, feeling the tight whorl around me open up. The ridge of my cock’s head rubbed and slid, then entered fully, my shaft easing past the ring.


The soft skin on my cock twitched when it struck Jae’s moist heat. I paused, letting the feeling of satiation roll over him. Trembling, Jae fought for some control, and I held back from plunging down into the welcoming body.


“Now,” Jae spat, his voice low and rough.


I knew better than to argue with him when he’d reached that point of frustration. Fingernails dug into my legs as Jae reached behind to clutch me closer. Curls of skin peeled back under his onslaught, small stinging reminders that I was too far away for his liking.


I started with leisurely motions, a dip of my hips to plunge my shaft deep into Jae’s guts. He grunted, then let go of a long, strident mewl, his head cast back in ecstasy. Drawing nearly all the way free of my lover’s body, I forced back in, gripping Jae’s hips to hold him still.


Jae writhed against my hands, wanting to have some control over the driving shaft piercing his ass. Slightly frustrated at his lack of movement, Jae growled and ground his hips in a small circle around my cock, squeezing down as I pressed in.


We worked against one another, loud groans working up from Jae’s chest, mewling cries that quickly became arching pleas for me to go deeper or faster. I rocked against his ass, pressing deeper until I heard my thighs hit his body with a loud slap. I couldn’t get any further in, but my body needed more, wanted so much more of the beautiful young man offering everything of himself for me to take.


The scant moans from Jae’s mouth soon dried up under my continuous thrusts, and I lifted up with each long stroke, my cock driving the moisture past the ring and into Jae’s body. His pants became tortured, and my climax nearly reached its peak under the mingled pleasure-pain of his tightness. A slight burn began along my balls. The push and pull of my shaft rubbing at him set off a ripple of spasms in his inner muscles as I hit the sweet spot in his ass over and over again.


Gripping at the bed, Jae bent his head down, resting his forehead on the pulled-back sheets. Surrendering himself to my thrusts, I watched him ride the sensations of being pulled apart and his ass being taken by my cock. When my strokes hit his core, he trembled under the sensations overwhelming him, and I wasn’t sure how much more he could take. Jae was gorgeous under me, his body fully open and accepting my width. With his ass stretched open, my shaft now rode in easily, rocking back and forth in a steady rhythm broken only when I reached under Jae to grab his cock.


He was so close that the touch of my fingers on his tip brought him to his peak. Jae stiffened and moaned, falling forward, and his limbs twitched with the power of his climax. I felt my own balls tighten in the hollow of my thighs. Then a prickling sensation started in my face, a familiar near-blush warning me I was close to coming.


My blood thundered in my ears when Jae clenched, folding his body over until he was firmly locked over my dick. I let the sensations of my release wash over me, and submerged deep into his own passions, Jae rasped out my name as his seed gushed from his cock and over my fingers.


I let go. Bending my shoulders back, I thrust hard once, then again, burying myself deep into Jae’s body. A lightning storm worked over my nerves, shocking me into release. When Jae’s muscled ass closed over me again, the spasms carried me over the edge, and a hot rush of cum exploded from my body. Another thrust pushed me deep enough inside of Jae’s body that I felt his clench on the base of my cock.

BOOK: Dirty Kiss
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