Dirty Old Men [And Other Stories] (Zane Presents) (48 page)

BOOK: Dirty Old Men [And Other Stories] (Zane Presents)
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“Whatever,” the young man mumbled again.

Jill looked back at him through her rearview mirror and smiled.
I think I’m gonna make his day,
she told herself.
He just needs a private friend. But I can’t ask him about it. I have to tell his smart-aleck ass.

“Well, it looks like this is the end of the road for you,” she announced.


She ignored that as well. “You have early classes tomorrow?” she asked.

You wanna take me
in your police car again in the
” Jill continued to smile at him. She was no longer bothered by his attention-getting antics.

“No, I needed to see how late you could stay out tonight. I need you to meet me right back here on campus at eleven.”

Derrick frowned. “For what?”

“Because you need some damn
So think of it as a private outreach program.”

The young man paused and considered it. “Which entails

“Which entails you doing what the hell I
tell you
to do,” she snapped. “Now, do you have an early class tomorrow or

“No, but that doesn’t mean that I’m gonna meet up later with

Officer Jacobs paused and pulled over her squad car to face him.

“Why, because I’m a
instead of a

Derrick was speechless. Before he could gather and respond, Jill told him, “You meet me here at eleven o’clock. And if I don’t see your ass out here
when I come, then I’m coming to
for you. Do you understand me, Derrick?”

“Well, I have
to do,” he protested. “This
a university, you know.”

“So you bring your books with you then. At eleven o’clock. Now get your ass out of my car and go.”

The young man didn’t speak another word, in case the hard-nosed officer would decide to keep him hostage longer in her squad car. But as soon as he had climbed out and her police cruiser sped off behind him, he mumbled,
“Whatever. I don’t know who she thinks
she is.
” And he began to walk back toward his dorm room.

Officer Jacobs smiled to herself, while she watched him in the mirror, and sped toward her destination for backup in northwest Baltimore.

“Yeah, he’ll show up,” she told herself. “And I’ll make sure to bring a couple of
toys for him.”

Right on time, Derrick Wilcox waited nervously near the edge of Johns Hopkins’ campus grounds in the same spot where Officer Jacobs had dropped him off earlier.

“She’s just
with me, I
know it,
” he grumbled to himself as he paced. The police officer had screwed up his entire evening. The poor young man couldn’t concentrate on his studies without watching the clock every fifteen minutes, and contemplating whether or not he would show up that night to meet her.

But when he thought about an insane, woman police officer, stalking around campus grounds looking for him, he figured it was best to find out what she wanted instead of trying to dodge her.

I know she could find out where my dorm room is. She’s a cop!
he reasoned. He felt there was no way around her. He even brought his books like she had instructed.

“I know she’s just trying to
scare me,
” he continued to mumble. “This is
I should go on home.”

Nevertheless, he was terrified to leave. What if she actually meant what she had said to him. She could make his campus life a living
He would start looking for her everywhere. And every Baltimore police cruiser would then send his heart racing. He was forced to face up to her.

Officer Jill Jacobs pulled up to the university in plain clothes, driving a blue and tan, special edition Ford Explorer from Eddie Bauer. She spotted Derrick waiting for her at the same location.

“Like clockwork,” she told herself with a grin. “And he won’t tell anybody either.”

She pulled up to the sidewalk, where Derrick paced back and forth, and rolled down her passenger-side window.

“Hey you, get in.”

Derrick looked at the SUV and cautiously walked over to it.

“I thought you were coming in your squad car again.”

She was wearing a blue jean set with pants and a jacket, and her long ponytail was out. She didn’t look half bad as a regular citizen.

“The police force is
my job,
but it’s not my
Now get in,” she repeated.

The college boy climbed into her vehicle on the passenger side and fastened his seat belt.

“I see you brought your homework,” she commented.

to. I’m not finished
But where are you taking me to, and how long are you gonna have me out?” he asked.

Jill smiled and took off driving.
You’re gonna lose your virginity tonight,
she told herself. But she didn’t plan on telling him that until she got him where they were going.

I asked you a

“You’ll see when we get there.”

Jill headed north and pulled into a hotel parking lot off the Interstate 695 beltway.

Derrick looked around at their surroundings, confused.

“Umm, what are we doing here?”

“We’re going inside this hotel,” she told him frankly.

The college boy shook his head and responded, “Umm, no we’re

Jill sighed deeply. “Yes, we
” she told him. “Now get your ass in there before I have to pull my gun out.”

Derrick’s eyes grew wide as he stared at her. But he refused to move. Jill then reached for her purse before he got the message and jumped out of the vehicle in a hurry.

“I’m not out here to play with you,” she told him outside of her truck. She handed him a key to room 611. “I’ll be up in a minute. So go ahead and get your homework out.”

Derrick eyed her a second before he began to walk toward the hotel entrance.
What is she up to?
he asked himself.
Private outreach, hunh? We’ll see.

He entered the bare essentials hotel room on the sixth floor and stood. There was no way in the world he could focus there to study anything. He still wondered what the police officer’s purpose was in bringing him there.

“So, what do I do now? This is
” he repeated to himself.

Before he could settle into the room and think things out, Officer Jacobs walked in and startled him.

Derrick jumped back and whined, “Oh my

“Why? I told you I’d be up.”

“Yeah, but I was expecting you to
first, or.
I don’t know.

“Not when I have my own
” she answered, showing it to him.

“So, you checked into this place before you came to get me?”

Jill pulled a brown rubber dick out of her large tote bag and casually tossed it onto the bed as if it were a sandwich.

Derrick looked at it with wide eyes again. “What the hell is

At a glance, the big brown, rubber dick looked nine inches long and three inches thick. It was gigantic! Then she pulled out a smaller one, six inches long and two inches thick.

“Umm, can I ask you what those are
” the apprehensive college student commented.

“That’s what you were looking for out on Pennsylvania Avenue, right, some dick? So I brought a couple for you. Or do you want some real
” she questioned him.

The college student was stunned by it. He didn’t know what to say. But the rubber dicks were turning him on. The officer then pushed him face-down on the bed and climbed on his back with her full body mass to hold him down.

“This is what you
right, to be tied down, face first, and fucked up the
” She grabbed the large, brown dildo with her right hand and began to work it in between his ass cheeks for effect.

“Stop it,” he told her.

“Are you

Jill began to poke the dildo back and forth into the back of his jeans.

“Unnnhh,” Derrick moaned, seeming to like it.

“Are you getting
from this?” the officer asked. She reached around to the front of his jeans and grabbed at his crotch to feel his hard-on with
her left hand. “That’s what I
” she responded. The college boy was excited with a stiff one.

Jill began to rub his real dick through his jeans in the front, while she worked the rubber dildo into his ass from the back.

“Now you want these pants down or
” she asked him.

Derrick had closed his eyes and opened his mouth into the pillow, feeling stimulated. Seeing his mouth open wide, Jill grabbed the smaller dildo with her left hand and brought it up to the boy’s mouth.

“Suck on it,” she told him. “Go on. It’s a brown

Derrick stuck out his tongue and began to suck on the smaller dick, while Jill worked it in and out of his mouth. And her position of dominant power was turning
on. So she began to grind into the young man’s thigh with her

Oooh, this is kinky,
the officer thought.

After a few minutes of working their combined senses into a frenzy with clothes on, Jill abruptly stood up from the bed.

“Get up,” she told him. Derrick looked up in her direction from the bed and noticed the plain-clothes officer beginning to take her clothes off.

“Hunh?” he whimpered, not moving.

“Get the hell
I told you,” she snapped. She even kicked the damn bed with her right foot.

Derrick jumped up out of the bed, and his pants were noticeably poked out from his hard-on. Jill immediately grabbed his hard dick with her right hand and started to rub it again, while stepping out of her jeans. She then squeezed his mouth with her left hand and kissed him on it.

“Do you want a
or a
?” she asked while she kissed him. “
” Derrick didn’t know how to respond. He had never been that close to sex before, from a boy or a girl. He didn’t even know how to
But he was damn sure excited to
try it.

Jill took her bra off and forced him to fondle her naked titties.

“Go on, play with them. They won’t hurt you. They’re soft.”

Derrick rubbed the officer’s titties with both hands. While he did that, the officer worked her panties down and began to undo his pants, all the while kissing him on the lips.

“Don’t,” Derrick told her, slightly pulling away.

That only irritated the officer. She was tired of his whining. So she snapped, “Shut the fuck up,
You know you want this shit.”

She yanked his pants down forcibly. Then she grabbed his wet drawers and yanked those down. The boy was so excited that he was dripping all over like a leaky faucet, but he was still hesitant to go all the way.

Jill told him, “You’re gonna get
tonight. You’re not going back to your
dorm room
without it. Everybody has a first time. Now take the rest of your clothes off.”

She backed up from him in her full nakedness and waited. But Derrick only stared at her in fear. He didn’t know how to respond. It was all too confusing and sudden for him.

“Motherfucker, do you want me to get my
gun out?
” the naked officer threatened him.

” Derrick whined, shaking his head and cowering.

“Well, then
your fucking
off. Or do you want
to do it?”

The young college boy cringed instead of taking off his clothes. That only forced Jill to grab him and strip him down for herself.

“You know what, you getting on my
fucking nerves,
” she yelled, yanking the rest of his clothes off.

“Unnhh,” Derrick whimpered, naked. He looked terrified, but his dick was still hard.

He has no idea what he wants,
Jill told herself. “You know what, you gon’ get
tonight; dick
pussy. Now get in that fucking bed and pull the covers back.”

Derrick finally did as instructed without her having to force him. The officer then walked over to her bag of sex items and pulled out a pack of ribbed condoms and a tube of K-Y jelly. She then grabbed the smaller dildo as she climbed into bed with the boy.

“Shit, you in here dripping all over,” she stated about all of his pre-ejaculation. “You sure you didn’t

She grabbed his stiff dick and prepared to slide a condom on him.

“What are you gonna
” he cried.

“I’m gonna
fuck you,
” she told him frankly again. “Now you do
what the hell I
tell you
to do. Do you
hear me?

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