DirtyInterludes (8 page)

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Authors: Jodie Becker

BOOK: DirtyInterludes
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“But they were both in the industry. What if I wanted to
give it a go with someone outside of it?”

Bryce stared at him, brows tipped up. His lips quivered
before he guffawed. Max glowered, ignoring the sting of his friend’s lack of
faith in possibilities. “What woman in her right mind would want to go out with
a man who fucks others?”

Lips pursed. “It’s just a job.”

Bryce nodded. “Good luck in selling that.”

It was. He’d had to do things he didn’t want to. He might
put on a good damn show, but that’s all it was. A show. “I don’t see how it’s a

“Then you’re deluded.” Bryce pointed a thumb beyond the
room. “You think the sad saps in relationships with people like us are actually
okay that their partner is fucking others? Chefs don’t cook when they get home.
And we don’t fuck when we get home.”

“That’s not true.”

Bryce tipped his head to the side, giving him that point.
“All right, we do. But what do you think is going to happen? You spend all day
fucking, come home and say ‘Honey, I’m home, man today was hard. Had a ménage.
Boy, I’m pooped.’ And what do you think she’ll say back? That woman, who thinks
she can handle your
will slowly become disillusioned. She might say it’s
okay and she can handle it, but watch her change. Watch her smile become
brittle when you touch her.”

Max wanted to deny it, but the truth remained. He’d seen the
people who had relationships and very few survived with a partner who worked in
the industry.

“And what about STDs? Think about it, you fucking love this
woman to your very marrow and you stick around here and accidentally give her

Max recoiled. In his career he’d had a scare and put himself
in quarantine to wait for lab results. It was the longest damn wait of his
life. He came back clean, but one of his friends didn’t. She left the industry
and he never saw her again. It was a working hazard. Although recent years saw
the use of condoms, some operations “convinced” performers to go in naked. It’s
what the audience wanted and they’d chance STDs to please a faceless person who
was probably jacking off while adult actors risked their physical health.

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”

Even as he said those words, his mind rebelled at keeping Bridget
from his life. Without her pranks and spitfire words, he didn’t have anything
to look forward to. He dipped his chin to stare at the contract in his hand. He
never knew his social life was so lacking until she threw that gnome at him. He
felt happier when she was around. He couldn’t foresee going back to a world
without her in it. Perhaps he could manage a friendship and if some fondling
happened during that time? Well, no harm no foul.

The thought buoyed him. He released his fist and paper
crinkled and his mood darkened. Max turned a sullen stare at the contract in
hand. He had an upcoming shoot with Demi and his ass was grass.

* * * * *

Bridget loaded her cello into the back of her car and
started home. She couldn’t shake the smile from her face. Today’s practice
seemed to come together perfectly. The cello section followed her and Gillian
grudgingly accepted defeat. For some reason, the strippers turned out to be a
blessing in disguise. Instead of sipping the wine, the staid affair had become
a small little party. Everyone unleashed after the strippers left and had a
little fun. Those who helped her prank against Max giggled over it, and were
eager to be involved in another.

The joy filling her chest drained at the thought of Max. The
night he touched her came back to her. The way he tasted. Like wine. She didn’t
pick him to be a wine drinker. He kissed like a master in the art of seduction.
Even now her pussy ached for his touch. He knew his way around a woman’s body,
a fact that shouldn’t surprise her.

She was close to letting him make love to her. The way he
guided her until she couldn’t think anymore and the luscious ripples of
euphoria that rolled through her were unlike anything else before. Her clit
throbbed with the need for his hands on her again. Those smooth, warm hands
that tickled across her flesh and teased her. A shudder rocked her at the
thought of his mouth, the mouth that sucked on her nipples to the point of
painful pleasure. Heat burgeoned inside, her breasts heavy with need. Thighs
clenched together to ease the ache between her legs. Moist pussy lips rubbed
against her panties and her grip tightened over the steering wheel.

She shifted in her seat and shook her head once to expel the
thought of his hands on her. Reminding herself of why he touched her. It was
all to prove his prowess as a Casanova. She didn’t want to fall into that trap.
Holding on to the indignation and pain to her ego, she turned the car down her
street. As she approached her house, she frowned at the blue glowing dots in
the distance. What was that?

As she slowed, she realized they were lining the driveway
like guiding lights. The sticks stood no more than about eight inches off the
ground, illuminating patches of grass. She certainly didn’t think to line her
driveway with solar lights and couldn’t think who would be so considerate. Her
gaze flickered to Max’s as she pulled into her drive. Was he trying to do
something nice after that night?

Her heart melted and she tried to squelch it. But that
warmth didn’t abate under the voice of caution. Smiling, she stepped out of her
car. Blue light tickled her feet and reflected the faces of closer gnomes. She
slanted her head to have a better look at the lights. They were oddly shaped.
Not quite straight and thick in circumference. Cold realization thumped against
her rib cage and she crouched by the nearest one. Hand over her mouth, she
touched the mushroomed head. Anger bubbled up in a little squeak of sound. Max.
He’d lined her driveway with vibrators. Glow-in-the-dark vibrators. Snatching
one up, she stalked up to Max’s house. She didn’t have to knock long before he
answered the door, a smirk on his lips.

“How could you?”

Max’s attention dropped to the vibrator clenched in her
hand. His smile widened. “Don’t you like orgasms?”

“I don’t like having my driveway lined with glow-in-the-dark

He shrugged. “I thought they were pretty functional. If
you’re so against coming, they can be used to line your driveway. As a flash
light? The other uses are immense. Light saber.”

Bridget flung the vibrator at him. He dodged it, the thing
bouncing harmlessly across the tiled floor. “You can have your
light saber
I don’t need help having an orgasm.”

“Oh right, I’m confused. I could’ve given you one the other
night, but if I recall you threw me out.”

She glared at him, pussy thrumming at the reminder of his
touch. The sensual way he teased her toward climax. Panting, she jabbed him in
the chest. “I threw you out because you were doing nothing except stroking your
own ego.”

He caught her hand as she stabbed a finger at him. She
shivered with need, hating him for the way she reacted to him.

“I don’t touch anyone unless I want to. There was no ego
stroking involved.”

She scoffed, even as her heart tripped over. “You, a man who
had a date that very night, storms into my house after being rejected by
another woman, wasn’t doing it to prove a point? I’m not an idiot.”

He stepped forward until his lips hovered inches from hers.
“I didn’t want to fuck her. I wanted to fuck you, but it was either her or
you.” He spread his arms. “Take your pick.”

His presence surrounded her and she pushed him away, unable
to trust herself. “Not me, that’s for sure.”

He leaned back on the wall, arms crossed. “You sure about

“As serious as a heart attack.”

Silence fell, her harsh breathing cutting through the

His brow rose. “Then what are you still doing here?”

Lips pinched, she sucked air through her nose. “I’m not. I’m

His smile mocked her as he waved an arm toward her house.

She opened her mouth to send him some cutting remark, but
she couldn’t think of anything except pulling his head down for a kiss. Of
tasting that passion again. She wasn’t going to win this battle of wills. Not
this time. Tromping away from him, she ignored his husky laughter as she
started to remove every single glowing dildo from her drive. Arms laden with
latex penises, she hurried them into her house, hoping no one saw the offensive

She dropped them on her kitchen counter and they bounced
every which way. Pulling out a garbage bag, she paused at the subtle buzz
coming from the counter. Just great. In the pile of blue vibrators, one of them
had switched on. Shoving different types aside, she tested each until her
fingertips brushed over the head of one and experienced a pleasant zap. She
snatched her fingers away and stared aghast at the offender. In the shape of a
penis, it had a bird rising out from the base. It hummed on her cream counter
top, taunting her.

She didn’t consider herself to be a prude, but she’d never
touched a vibrator before and didn’t relish the idea of carrying the buzzing
thing outside into her trash. Shoring up her determination, she grasped the
soft vibrator and gasped at the delightful shimmers of sensation along her
palm. She turned the thing and frowned at the square base. Two buttons, and
neither had the word
on it.

Biting her lower lip, she pressed one little button and the
bird vibrated, its beak tickling the outside of her fingers. She pressed the
other and the vibration on the shaft increased. A sexual awareness slid along
her fingers and pulsed in her pussy. Heat bloomed on her cheeks as hidden balls
massaged her palm, teasing her in ways she didn’t imagine. Moisture gathered in
her panties and she whimpered. Desperately she worked the buttons until the
thing quieted in her hand. Flushed and on edge, she switched hands and tried to
shake off the tingles on her palm. They remained like a phantom touch.

Gulping back her dismay, she turned the vibrator in her
grip, curious to know how it’d feel. The brief struggle with herself ended at
the ache in her vagina and she hurried up the stairs, eager to try her new toy
out. Washing it off, she kept her gaze from her reflection, which would condemn
her. She didn’t want to see the arousal she felt. Chucking the vibrator on the
mattress, she removed her pants and settled on the bed.

Embarrassment and excitement coiled in her stomach as she
picked up the vibrator. She understood the basic premise of the thing, but
faltered at the procedure. She pressed one button and the shaft buzzed to life.
Spreading her legs, she traced the tip along her thigh and mewled at the thrill
of desire skating over her flesh. Brushing it over her clit she jerked and
cried out at the intense blast of pleasure. She watched as she traced the
vibrator around her crown and down her lips, the move making her womb clench.

Bliss surged along her vulva, her pussy pulsing as heat
gathered between her thighs. Muscles quivered as she slowly glided the tip
around her entrance. The cool head made her whimper with a delightful mixture
of bliss and discomfort. Knees hitched up, she bravely pushed it forward, but
her canal clenched over it, making it difficult.

Biting her lower lip, she teased herself further. Slipping
the head of the dildo over her clit, brushing it back and forth, each sensual
slide made her quake with need. Hot juices filled her pussy and she trailed the
vibrator down her swollen lips and pushed the head into her vagina. The
moisture eased the way enough for her to push another inch. Delicious
vibrations rocked through her vagina. Her womb clenched in beautiful, thrumming

Panting, she eased the vibrator farther inside her.
Titillating vibrations rolled through her, peaking her nipples until they ached.
The cool latex slipped deeper into her body, rumbling over her delicate flesh
in a way that commanded every nerve ending. Legs spread farther as she eased
the dildo in and out of her sopping pussy. Decadent need zipped along the canal
and spiraled all the way to her toes. She whimpered, one hand pressed over her
breasts to pinch an aching nipple. Knees hitched and the vibrator slipped
inside and touched that delightful bundle of nerves. Her eyes snapped open to
stare blindly at the ceiling.

Fiddling with a button, Bridget almost moaned as the
vibration upped a notch, the hidden balls circling the tender spot deep inside.
Moaning, she rocked her hips. Wonderfully erotic flashes of heat exploded like
little fireworks along her skin. Her finger swiped along the other button, and
the bird came to life. A muffled scream burst from her as sensual thrills
hummed over her clit. The bird’s wings teased the lips of her pussy, tickling
it in an erotic way that stole her breath. Arching her back, she groaned as the
delectable rhythm worked her flesh. The splendor of white-hot bliss to her
hypersensitive pussy obliterated all thought. Rocked in a world of pure
wanting, she increased the intensity, welcoming the exquisite sensation as she
willingly drowned in it.

The bird hummed to the point where she couldn’t separate her
clit from her G-spot. Her body felt flush and spasms chased through her.
Writhing against the sheets, she pushed the vibrator deeper into her welcoming
vagina. She cried out as her hot, wet pussy clenched and voluptuous waves of
sweet release crashed over her. As the first climax abated, another followed,
this one making her scream as the orgasm bordered on deliciously painful.
Quaking, she eased the vibrator out. Sated, she inhaled. The musky scent of sex
filled the air and the blue vibrator glistened with her satisfaction. Legs
pressed together to hold in the delicious vibrations still humming inside, she
turned the vibrator in her grip and smiled. She just found her new boyfriend
and she had Max to thank for it.

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