Disney's Most Notorious Film (48 page)

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. Ibid., 18.

. Susan Willis, “The Problem with Pleasure,” in Project on Disney,
Inside the Mouse: Work and Play at Disney World
(Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1995), 1–11.

. James Snead,
White Screens, Black Images: Hollywood from the Dark Side
(New York: Routledge, 1994).

. Svetlana Boym,
The Future of Nostalgia
(New York: Basic, 2001), xii, xvi, xiv.

. Matthew Bernstein, “Nostalgia, Ambivalence, Irony:
Song of the South
and Race Relations in 1946 Atlanta,”
Film History
8.2 (1996): 219–236.

. Miller and Rode, “The Movie You See, the Movie You Don’t,” 86.

. Nicholas Sammond,
Babes in Tomorrowland: Walt Disney and the Making of the American Child, 1930–1960
(Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2005).

. Boym,
Future of Nostalgia
, 351.

. Quoted in Hal Boedeker, “Inside That Disney Vault,”
(19 April 2006), accessed 23 February 2008,

. “Disney Asks YouTube to Crack Down on Copyright Misuse,”
PC Pro: Computing in the Real World
(30 November 2006), accessed 23 February 2008,

. “Racism in Disney,”
(2007), accessed 25 April 2009,
; “Is This Racist?
Song of the South
(2007), accessed 2 September 2008,

. “Walt Disney’s
Song of the South
(2008), accessed 24 July 2009,
. At the time of the latest revision, the entire film was still available.

. “Bobby Driscoll in ‘
Song of the South
(2007), accessed 2 September 2008,
. This clip was eventually pulled from the site.

. “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah,”
(24 July 2007), accessed 30 December 2001,

. “Uncle Remus’ “Wonderful Tar Baby Story,”
(2007), accessed 2 September 2008,

. Quoted in Jaime Weinman, “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Don’t Mention It,”
(14 May 2007), 63.

. Roger Ebert, “Movie Answer Man,”
(13 February 2000), accessed 31 July 2008,

. Merlin Jones, “In Defense of Disney’s Uncle Remus,”
(21 January 2005), accessed 31 July 2008,

. As of winter 2012.

. Dyer,
Only Entertainment
, 18.

. Ibid.

. Douglas Brode,
Multiculturalism and the Mouse: Race and Sex in Disney Entertainment
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005), 61–62.

. Ibid., 61.

. Ibid., 256.

. Victor Burgin,
The Remembered Film
(London: Reaktion, 2004).

. Brode,
Multiculturalism and the Mouse
, 256.

. Bernstein, “Nostalgia, Ambivalence, Irony,” 231.

. Bill Vaughn, “My Year in the Dark: Song of the South Isn’t the Greatest Film Ever Made, but It’s the One I’ll Never Forget,”
Reports from the Dark Acres
(2006), accessed 16 May 2008,

. A recent fictional short story also focused on the film’s relationship to a little child in the 1940s dealing with her own parents’ impending separation. See Bret Lott, “
Song of the South
Georgia Review
58.4 (2004): 765–774.

. Vaughn, “My Year in the Dark.”

. Jenkins,
Convergence Culture


. Jaime Weinman, “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Don’t Mention It,”
(14 May 2007), 63.

. Mike Clark, “Now on DVD,”
USA Today
(1 February 2008), 6D.

. Weinman, “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Don’t Mention It,” 63.

. Earl Hutchinson, “Disney Sings Dollars and Racism with
Song of the South
Miami Times
(22 May 2007), 3A.

. J. P. Telotte, “
Song of the South
Quarterly Review of Film and Video
27.5 (2010): 392.

. Leonard Maltin,
The Disney Films
, 2nd ed. (New York: Crown, 1984), 78.



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