Ditching The Dream (Dream Series) (40 page)

BOOK: Ditching The Dream (Dream Series)
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“Did you hear that?” he asked, stepping back and straightening my gown. “Intermission must be over.”

Calmly he walked to the door and held it open for me. I stood leaning on the wall, catching my breath. Glancing down, I saw my nipples straining at the fabric. I looked over at the door to see Jack smirking at me.

I found it extremely difficult watching the second half of the show. I was a wet and aroused mess. And Jack used the privacy of our box seats to further fan the flame he’d lit in the lecture room.

Lazily, he dragged his fingers along the open back of the gown. He pulled the slit wide open on the skirt, exposing the lace top of the stockings. If the apron of the balcony were higher, I had no doubt he would have pulled the V-neck open to expose my breasts.

When the final note was sung, Jack quickly ushered us out of the box and we didn’t stay to applaud. On a normal visit to the theatre, I would have been outraged, but I was so eager to get somewhere private with Jack, that I didn’t hesitate one moment.

Before I knew it, we were in the limo and headed downtown toward Jack’s home. Jack sat on the seat opposite me, rather than right next to me.

“Did you enjoy the show?” he asked.

“I did… even if I wasn’t allowed to properly pay attention to the second act or offer my thanks to the cast,” I said. I eyed him carefully. “Why are you sitting all the way over there?” I asked.

“I’m enjoying the last of the show. Not to mention we’re only two miles from home. What I want to do to you requires more like a hundred miles. So, I will sit here and be a good boy. Once we are at my house, the gloves come off.”

My heart pounded against my chest so hard I was sure that Jack could see it. All the lights outside the window ceased to sparkle. The never ending sounds of sirens that floated around me in the city were gone. It was only Jack and I in the car, the world had fallen away.

And, as Jack had known, the ride home was very quick. Too quick. Suddenly I was nervous for what Jack had lined up for me. Anand held the car door for us, Jack exiting first then, helping me out.

“Thank you, Anand. I hope your daughter has a wonderful birthday party tomorrow,” Jack said calmly.

“Thank you, Mr. Stevens. I’m sure everything will be perfect, thanks to you.”

“My pleasure,” Jack said with a nod. And with that, Jack opened his door and swept me inside. I wanted to ask him what he’d done for Anand’s daughter’s birthday, but when I looked at Jack, that question swiftly left my mind.

“That dress has been mocking me all night,” he said, taking a step closer. “The way this neckline hugs your breasts, well, I’m simply jealous.” He dragged his finger down the low V and back up the other side. The touch of his finger made my toes curl.

When his finger reached the thin strip of fabric over my shoulder, he slipped a finger under it and tenderly lifted it down my arm, revealing my naked breast. Closing the distance between us, he bent forward and took my breast in his mouth, swirling his tongue over the taught nipple. The nipple that got a mere teasing in the lecture room. The feeling was exquisite. My breasts having been essentially bare the whole night had them begging for attention, and at long last they were getting their due.

I dropped my head against the door and let out a breath. How he took the time to love on every inch of one breast was incredible. I wanted to beg him to please take care of the other one, but I knew Jack would know just what to do.

I didn’t have to wait long. His other hand came up and slid that shoulder strap down my arm until the whole gown slipped to the floor. There I stood against the shiny black door in the salmon colored panties, the garter with the shimmering, lace top thigh highs, my crystal, lacy, booty heels and the sparkling pendant.

Jack stepped back and his dark, hooded eyes raked over my body. I could feel their touch. He extended a hand, which I took. He pulled me forward gently as I slipped my feet from the pool of fabric that was puddled there.

He started to speak, but his breath caught in his throat and he had to clear it. “Turn,” he eventually got out. “Looking at you right now… I feel undone. Your beauty is a gift.”

A soft smile spread across my face as I walked a small circle in front of him, the heels making soft clicks on the checkered marble floor. I knew I had flaws. Stretch marks, a scar from falling off my bike when I was young, I could afford to lose a few pounds, I didn’t have the olive toned skin my sister got from our father, rather the pasty white of our mother. But Jack made all of my insecurities disappear with the way he looked at me. He made me feel like the most gorgeous woman on the planet.

“Dreams. Come. True. Do you have any idea how perfect your body is?”

“I like to know that you think so,” I whispered back.

His eyes settled on my right foot. He crouched down for further inspection. My temporary ankle tattoo. I smiled.

“What’s this?” he growled. He sounded angry.

“It’s only temporary. I thought it would be fun.” I couldn’t tell him it was my birthday present from Kevin.

He looked up at me pleading, “Please don’t go marking your skin. You are perfect. The only marks on your skin that I want to see are the ones I put there.”

I swallowed and nodded.

Slowly he stood. “Please go upstairs,” Jack said. “I want to watch. I’m going to record in my mind your perfect body moving up my staircase.”

As elegantly as I could, I swaggered over to the stairs. Shoulders back, confident, and strong, I slowly made my way up the curved staircase. What would tonight bring? Would he use toys? Would he make me be on top again? I didn’t know what I was hoping for, but right now, I didn’t really care. I loved being Jack Stevens’ private show.


t the door, I stopped and waited. I turned to watch him climb the stairs after me. His powerful legs straining under each step that brought him closer to me. His stride was seductive and sure. My body buzzed with each graceful move he made. It should be illegal for any man to be so sexy.

He let his jacket slide off his broad shoulders and he dropped it on the stairs. His hand reached up and untied the black, silk tie that sat perfectly at his lovely neck. He left the tie in place, then started to unbutton the top buttons of his crisp, white shirt. It took considerable effort to not dash down the stairs to meet him and rip the clothes off him. I couldn’t get enough of his incredibly toned body. If anyone had told me he was a day over thirty-five, just prematurely silvering, I wasn’t sure I would have believed them.

When he reached me at the landing, I could barely breathe.

Without a word, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. He cupped his hand at the back of my head and gripped what little hair I had back there, pulling my head back forcing my mouth to open which he then plundered. Pressing his thick, engorged ridge into my belly, I felt myself grow even slicker between my legs. I wasn’t so sure that my essence wasn’t already running down my leg.
Holy hell!

“I’m going to make you curse tonight.”

I blinked at him, not knowing how to respond.

“You never swear. Tonight, I’m going to make you feel so good that you are going to be using every dirty word your mother schooled you not to say.” He dragged his hand from my waist down over my hip, and around to the front of me, sliding a finger under the lace and between my folds.

I don’t know if he groaned or if it was me. Maybe it the blood racing in my ears. My mouth formed a small “O.” I was ready to swear right then and there, but his promise of drawing it out of me sounded like a lot more fun.

He opened the door and I followed him in.

“Do you trust me?” he asked as he had so many times before.

My skin flushed all over. “Jack, I’ve already told you –”

“Do you trust me? Yes or no?” he interrupted.

“Yes,” I replied. He seemed so intense tonight. He seemed coiled like cobra. A big, dancing cobra. The expression on his face grew more intense and dark.

“Safe-word?” he continued.

What? What was it?
I couldn’t remember.

“Apple,” I blurted.

“Good girl,” he said, brushing a thumb along my jaw.

He turned and started toward the wall with the secret panel, leaving me standing in the center of the room a quivering mess. He opened the door and I craned my neck to see inside. He glanced my way and gave a sly smile, pulling the door to block my view.

Sliding off his shirt and tossing it onto a nearby chair, he reached into the closet and I heard some packages being opened. Plastic packages. Cardboard packages. What was he doing in there?

For all of his fussing behind the door, he returned only with a satin scarf. Without a word, he walked behind me and blindfolded me.

I heard the zip of the satin as he formed the knot.

I smelled his scent mixed with his cologne.

I felt the heat from his body.

He breath tickled my hear as he whispered, “Just feel. Do or say without thought. My birthday gift to you is to teach you how to fully give in and let go.” I smiled, remembering being blindfolded another time.
Yes, it helped.

He lay his fingers lightly on my thighs, slowly working their way up and over my hips and across my stomach. They came up and cupped my breasts. I relaxed into the warming pinch of his fingers on my nipples as he drew them out released a moan from deep within.

“Do you feel that?” I nodded. “Where do you feel it?”

I took inventory of my body. I felt the rolling pinch – the glorious rolling pinch – in my nipples. Was that it? As he continued to roll and pinch, I recognized the now familiar coiling in my belly.

“My breasts and belly,” I sighed.

“I bet I could bring you to orgasm just from your nipples,” he continued. “But I’m not going to…”


“Did you want to say something?”

Enjoying his game too much, I simply replied, “No.” He was going to have to work harder to make me curse.

“Walk to the bed, and lie on your back,” he said, backing away from me.

I questioned in my head.
Is he kidding?
Certain that he had a reason for doing what he was doing, I straightened my shoulders and started walking in my heels.

“Slow down. You’re almost there,” he warned. I slowed and he was right. Just two more steps and I felt the bed at my knees. With as much grace as I could muster, I crawled onto the bed. I lay on my back and pulled my legs up, letting my knees rest together, pressing my thighs together to try and relieve some of the mounting pressure.

“Open your legs. Let your knees fall to the side.”

I did as he commanded. I felt so exposed even though I still had my lace thong on. The bed dipped between my knees, and I felt Jack’s fingers gently trailed up my inner thighs, his breath hovering over my sex. I bit my lip waiting for his next move. I wanted him to get on with it already. I imagined the expression on his face – his dark, hooded eyes. His strong jaw. His perfect lips.

“You smell incredible,” he growled.

His mouth fell on my lace covered mound. The heat was so intense. The feel of his tongue over my slit, barely touching my clit through the lace had me pressing my hips up to increase the pressure. I reached down and laced my fingers through his thick, softly peppered hair. I wanted to pull him closer to me.

“Do what you want, Beth. Let go,” he breathed on my sex.

So, I did. I pulled his mouth roughly into me. I wanted him to be voracious… and he was. He pulled the lace aside and started to plunge into me with his tongue. He finished each withdrawal with a firm flick on my clit, causing me to buck. He slid in a finger in when he clamped his mouth on my clit, swirling his tongue around it while suckling.

He added another finger and curled them on that spot inside. I felt like I was going to pee, but I had learned that this meant I was about to come in a very wonderful way. And I couldn’t wait. I gripped Jack’s hair and let loose with a grunt. My body was twitching, fully alive and geared up for more.

“Roll over, ass up,” he breathed. I found my muscles and rolled over, eager to do anything he asked after that thunderous orgasm. I rest my face on the mattress, settling down on my chest, turning my face to where I thought Jack was standing.

I imagined what I must look like. So wanton, my ass thrust in the air… Hell, even I was turned on. I listened carefully; he sounded turned on, too. He was silent for a few more moments. I wondered what he was doing. What was he looking at?

“This is what I want,” he growled, his hand roaming over my ass, then drawing a finger down the crack.

Was he serious?? No! It was an exit only area.

“The feeling is exquisite. And I know you trust me.” Before I could protest, a dribble of a cool liquid landed down that crack. I stiffened and he noticed right away. “It’s all good. I promise. I’ll go slow.”

I took a few steadying breaths. I did trust him. I wasn’t sure about this, but I reminded myself of the safe-word, and a calm settle over me. On a big exhale, I surrendered.

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