Diva Las Vegas

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Authors: Eileen Davidson

Tags: #Actresses, #Mystery & Detective, #Fiction, #Television Soap Operas, #Television Actors and Actresses, #General

BOOK: Diva Las Vegas
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Table of Contents
Praise for the Novels of Eileen Davidson
Dial Emmy for Murder
“A fast-paced, fun-reading novel. Soap opera fans will take pleasure in the behind-the-scenes look from the perspective of someone deeply embedded in the industry; those who don’t follow the daytime shows will still enjoy the entertaining characters and the delightful, if undemanding, murder-mystery plot. The engaging interplay between Alexis and Jakes is an added bonus. This is a winning series that makes for a perfect companion to the beach this summer.”
—Mysterious Reviews
“Talk about art imitating life. . . . [Davidson] brings her soap experiences into this chilling whodunit. Soap fans will know the author uses anecdotes from each show she performed on . . . an entertaining tale.”
—Genre Go Round Reviews
“An enjoyable, lighthearted murder mystery with a solid story and very likable characters. Go pick up your copy today and read, read, read!”
—The Long and the Short of It
“An enjoyable mystery with plenty of insider info that fans of daytime dramas will eat up.”
—The Mystery Reader
“[Davidson’s] experiences in the field have helped color her books and make them fun and realistic . . . [a] fun read from page one.”
—Armchair Interviews
“Eileen Davidson’s behind-the-scenes peeks into the world of daytime television are great fun, and
Dial Emmy for Murder
’s crimes, car chases, and mystery adventures are exciting without being gruesome. Even the romance is fun but safe for sensitive readers, which is just the way I like it.”
—Blue Ribbon Reviews
Death in Daytime
“A fun read. Eileen’s many years as a daytime television star add verisimilitude to her novel’s soap opera backdrop, as her heroine struggles to clear her name while finding romance in this fast-paced whodunit. A little guilty pleasure for soap opera fans and nonfans alike.”
—Kay Alden, former head writer of
The Young and the Restless
and associate head writer of
The Bold and the Beautiful
“Through the character of Alexis, we get a real inside perspective on the life of a soap opera veteran—not a clichéd diva, but a warm, complex, and thoughtful single mother with a great sense of humor about herself and the ‘glamorous’ world she works in. . . . Readers will be thrilled with the unexpected twists and turns of the plot. I know I was.”
—Peter Bergman (Jack Abbott on
The Young and the Restless
“Eileen Davidson’s debut mystery has star quality with an appealing protagonist and fascinating lore about the making of TV soaps.”

New York Times
bestselling author Carolyn Hart
“[A] funny and entertaining read that had me laughing out loud. Ms. Davidson draws on a world she knows very well and gives you a host of ‘who did it’ characters that keeps you guessing to the very end. I highly recommend this book and can see it as a movie.”
—Ronn Moss (Ridge Forrester on
The Bold and the Beautiful
“The author clearly knows her milieu and brings her characters and setting to life. There are a lot of natural suspects together with a good amount of misdirection, the result being a credible whodunit.”
—Mysterious Reviews
“Readers get treated to the inside scoop of what happens at a popular soap opera offscreen as Eileen Davidson uses her experience on
The Young and the Restless
The Bold and the Beautiful
to create the background to this exciting, heady, and enthralling mystery. . . . With great characters, a fun look at soaping, and an engaging whodunit, fans beyond the soaps will enjoy this fine amateur sleuth tale.”
—Genre Go Round Reviews
“Ms. Davidson is an actress, and clearly knows the inner workings of daytime dramas. She’s great at giving the reader an inside look at the real-life soap behind the soap. . . . You’ll find this to be a fast, frothy read. The author’s breezy writing style really makes the whole caper fun, without going over the top.”
—CA Reviews
“In this fast-paced and entertaining mystery that takes place on the set of a soap opera,
The Young and the Restless
star Davidson’s heroine has an engaging voice laced with humor and irony. . . . This glimpse into the daytime television world is interesting and informative, and one need not be a soap fan to enjoy the well-plotted, suspenseful story.”

Romantic Times
Also by Eileen Davidson
Death in Daytime
Dial Emmy for Murder
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First Printing, July 2010
Copyright © Eileen Davidson and Robert J. Randisi, 2010
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eISBN : 978-1-101-18842-2


To my husband, Vincent Van Patten, and all the passionate and loyal fans of soap operas. Without them this would not be!
Thanks to Marthayn Pelegrimas for her invaluable work on this manuscript.
Chapter 1
“Honey, that girl is butt naked!”
“No, she’s not.”
“Alex! She’s naked and so is the girl next to her. Look right there.” He pointed to an area below her waist.
I took a step closer, looking in the general direction his finger was pointing, and tried to be as discreet as possible.
“Ew!” I said, turning away. “You’re right! She is naked.” I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, so I looked again, just to make sure. At first glance, the girl appeared to be wearing a tuxedo, complete with black tie and tails. The girl next to her looked like a mermaid. Sparkles and scales everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. But it was paint. Meticulously applied and not a detail missed on either of them.
As I took another peek, I winced.
“How did they get the paint right there? Awkward.”
Talk about an assault to the senses. We had just stepped out of the limo and into the most flamboyant, intense party in the world—we were at the infamous Playboy Mansion. I hadn’t been there since I was in my early twenties.
The main house was a “traditional” Tudor-style mansion. But that night was the Annual Halloween Bash. Tombstones lay scattered across the sprawling lawn, and bodies squirmed to free themselves from their graves. There were cobwebs hanging from windows and doors. Giant ghouls and ghosts (people on stilts) walked the grounds, chasing half-naked women into the darkness. The party had started at eight p.m. It was ten thirty now, and it looked to be in full swing.
In front of the mansion, by the driveway, was a large haunted house Hugh Hefner set up every year. A line of about forty people waited to get in, and from what I had heard, it was well worth the wait. It had taken a week to put together, and everyone I had talked to said it was the most frightening haunted house they’d ever experienced. I was trying to take it all in when I heard my name.
“Hey, Alex! Nice outfit!” she said sarcastically.
“Hi, Shana. I know, I know. I ordered it online. Not exactly like the picture.”

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