Read Divine Grace Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

Divine Grace (12 page)

BOOK: Divine Grace
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Chapter Ten

“You are all fine with sharing me, and I’m happy because of it. But I will never,
share you. You bring another woman to my bed or your bed, and it is over between us.
. I was never jealous over Owen, but when I think of you with another woman,
any of you
, it feels like I’m swallowing razor blades. If I’m asking too much of you by telling you this, you need to say something now.”

There were pained expressions on their faces. Her heart dropped into her stomach, and she experienced such an adrenaline rush that it felt like frozen ants were crawling over her skin. Had they been hoping for that? To increase their little foursome eventually? She looked at them and began to pant, needing to get up, to get away!

Ever observant, Ethan put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

“That’s not where we were going with this. If you want us, we would have no other. We would never bring someone new into our bed, female

You are
for us, Gracie, the beginning and the end of what we want in our lives. Bringing anyone else into our bed would be like cheating. It’s only you, honey. Okay?”

She heaved a big sigh of relief. That was a biggie. Okay. She’d been ready to bolt.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, and Grace could feel it tremble up through her body. She wanted to be sure of what she was doing before she gave herself to them physically. Her heart was already involved. There was no doubt of that. Once she flipped that switch, there was no going back. She had a feeling they would ruin her for all others, and if it didn’t work out she would be shattered. There was no fear in her heart where they were concerned, maybe just fear of the unknown and some lingering trust issues that needed to be tested.


“Ready for the next one?” she asked, looking at their adorable faces, braced for whatever was coming next. They looked so concerned. She reached out to the shrimp cocktail and dipped one in the cocktail sauce. She fed it to Jack with her fingers, touching his lips with her fingertips as she did.

“I’ve never had anal sex before.”

Ethan smiled at her with a seductive twinkle in his eyes. “You see that as an issue, Gracie, but to us that means we would be the
ones to share that pleasure with you. If it’s something you want to try, we would be very careful with you and make sure you were ready and able to handle it. We would never make you feel obligated or forced.”

She glanced at Jack and Adam, and they seemed equally pleased.

“Good. I’ll let you know when I’m ready,” she replied. “There is something y’all need to know. It has to do with Owen. I’m sure that Jack has probably told you that I saw him nekkid. Yes?”

“You going somewhere with this train of thought, darlin?” Jack asked, looking a little confused by the direction of the conversation.

“I learned something that day, Jack,” she said with a big smirk. Jack chuckled. She picked up another shrimp, dipped it, and reached out to Ethan this time. He licked her finger as he took it from her without using his hands. When she felt his tongue, she literally felt her clit throb. At the rate they were going, she was going to get the seat wet.

“The first few times with me, you’re going to need to be sort of patient while I get accustomed to you,” she emphasized “you,” holding up her index fingers as a reference, “because I am use to something a little
less than.”

She reduced her reference to one hand, a short distance between her index finger and thumb. Understanding dawned on all their faces, and she could see that they took this as good news.

“We’ll take as much time as you need and stop if you say to,” Jack said, the others nodding. “Hurting you is the last thing we ever want to do.”

A ripple of excitement wove itself into the current of sexual tension that filled the air. They were happy about her news. Good.

She selected a shrimp for Adam and dipped it in the sauce, purposely getting a little on her fingertips. She might have gotten too much on them, but she saw the anticipation in his eyes, knowing it was his turn. When her hand got close, he closed his fingers around hers, taking the shrimp from

her, then sucking her fingers into his mouth, paying special attention to each one, then releasing each of them with a little pop. The tremor started in her neck and went straight down her back, and she let loose a little moan as he tongued her index finger.
Merciful heavens
. The gleam in his eyes sent heat straight to her clit.

He leaned over to her and said, “I wish it was you I was tasting right now.” He released her fingers.

She closed her eyes, her breath coming in a ragged pant at his erotic words and the imagery they conjured up.

She needed to focus. She still had other questions to ask. “I think I already know the answer to this one, but I need to make sure. Don’t want any surprises when we’re already nekkid, right?” They grinned, seeming to relax a bit. “You all want to make love to me, like I want you, but you’re not…”

“Gay?” Ethan asked. “No. We don’t go there, ever. We don’t judge men for wanting that, but we do not love each other in that way.”

“Fuck no,” Adam muttered.

Jack just laughed and shook his head in the negative at her.

“But,” Ethan said, “speaking only for myself, I can tell you that watching Adam or Jack make love to you will be a total and complete turn-on for me. I have no problem with them in the room, in the bed, or with you, just not in my ass. We love each other, but it is brotherly love, not romantic love like we have for you.”

“Good because I’m not sure what I would do with
” she stated simply, making them all laugh.

The pager went off in Jack’s pocket. The entrees were ready. He texted them back to bring them to the table.

Grace remembered one other important issue. “Just so you know for your own peace of mind, I have yearly exams and get screened for STDs at every visit. My last doctor’s appointment was in April, and all test results were negative. I was never sure how faithful Owen was because he went out a lot on his own. We always used condoms, and the last time I allowed him to touch me was back in February. I’m on the pill. You can relax now. I think I’m done.” She laughed, crossing her legs and smoothing out her skirt.

“We always use condoms when we have sex,” Ethan said, “and we will with you, if you want us to. We can make an appointment to be tested, if it


would make you more comfortable. It’s been a while for all of us since we were with anyone. Work keeps us pretty busy, and most of the women I spend my time around are not women I’m interested in dating. We’ve been looking for the right one for a while. I’ll make a call, and we’ll all see the doctor so that you know we’re safe. Then maybe condoms would be completely unnecessary?”

She nodded at him gratefully, seeing that he understood her need without her having to make it an issue for them to be tested again. It was unromantic but necessary.

Ethan leaned over the table and kissed her, stroking her tongue with his.

She could taste a hint of the cocktail sauce and his natural essence. Then he nuzzled the hollow under her ear as she picked up another shrimp, dipping it in the sauce for Jack and wetting her fingers because he might like the extra sauce, too. He opened for her, leaving his arm around her shoulders. She put the shrimp in his mouth, and he sucked the cocktail sauce from her fingers.

The inside of his lip and his tongue were slick and warm. When his tongue rubbed against the pads of her fingertips, it tickled deliciously.

She closed her eyes and sighed shakily, wondering if people ever lost control of themselves in this booth and went ahead and took advantage of the privacy. Jack surprised her when, after finishing the shrimp, he swooped in for a kiss.

There was a light tap outside the drape, and moments later, the waiter brought in a tray loaded down with their plates. He served them efficiently and refilled their wine, then exited. Jack and Adam looked each other in the eye, and Jack nodded at her plate. Adam picked up her steak knife and fork and began to cut off a few pieces of her tenderloin. She turned to Jack questioningly.

He pushed the dinner table, which must have been on small casters, away from him just a little and patted his lap. She hesitated briefly, but the excuse never left her lips. “No regrets” was one of her new rules, starting tonight. She needed to take a chance with these wonderful men. She knew Jack would accept her excuse if it made her uncomfortable, but he
her in his lap. By damn, she was going in his lap. She knew she’d look back and regret it if she didn’t do this.

He helped her get situated, and then Adam and Ethan pulled the table back to them and moved closer.


“Have you tried the shrimp, Grace? You’ve been so busy feeding them to us, you haven’t had any,” Jack murmured next to her ear. He picked up a shrimp and dipped it in the sauce. He held it out to her, and she opened her mouth for it, brushing her bottom lip against the pad of his thumb as she did.

She held eye contact with him as she chewed, feeling very sexy as he watched her lips.

Adam moved a little closer, took another shrimp, dipped it, and held it out to her. As she finished chewing the first one, a little drip of the cocktail sauce on the second one landed on the upper swell of her breast, very near her cleavage.

She reached for her napkin, but Jack gently stopped her, placing a hand over hers. “Let me,” he whispered huskily.

With a shuddering breath, she watched as he leaned down to her breast above her neckline and lapped the cocktail sauce right off of her with a slow, unhurried sweep of his warm, wet tongue. She was sitting in his lap sideways so that she faced the other two. The feeling of his warm tongue and lips on her breast forced a low moan from her throat. She hoped like crazy no one heard her from outside the booth because she couldn’t help it.

The gentle, sensual care her men gave her reduced her to putty in their hands. If they suggested leaving and returning to the ranch right now, the only questions in her mind would have been whose bed was she going in and who was first. Jack’s tongue did a very thorough job of removing the cocktail sauce, going above and beyond what was strictly necessary to clean her up. She felt sure that in such close proximity he must be able to hear her heart pounding. She leaned her head against his shoulder, closing her eyes, lost in the moment. She felt warm fingers clasp with hers on her thigh as she reached out and stroked her fingertips through Jack’s silky black hair. Both of Jack’s arms were around her, and she realized Adam must have taken her hand when she reached out.

Jack shifted in his seat, and when he did, she felt his growing erection pressing against her backside. For just a moment, she fantasized about turning in his lap and straddling him. Unzipping his zipper and sliding her wet folds up his warm, hard cock, then taking him inside of her swollen, needy body. He groaned as he sat back up, giving his head a slight shake.

“She must taste really good, Ethan,” Adam said, like it was just normal table conversation. “What does she taste like, Jack?”


With another sound, like a growl low in his chest, Jack replied, “Grace tastes like oranges and cream. Did they use flavored massage oil on you at the spa today?”

Unable to give them a more detailed answer, she simply nodded and sighed in affirmation.

Answering groans were their only responses. She looked at them through hooded eyes, her head still against Jack’s shoulder. Up until this point, his discussion of her taste was the single most erotic moment of her life, but it also felt like only the beginning of something far more powerful than she could have imagined. She was swept away in the emotion of it and felt her body respond to them all, feeling the wetness from her juices on her thighs. The faint stirrings of an impending orgasm hummed in her, muscles tightening and clenching. One touch and she’d come right on the spot.

“That sounds like dessert to me,” Adam said, “but I want to know what her sweet honey tastes like. That’s a dessert I’d take hours to feast on.” His hand now trailed gently up her arm.

“Would you like that, Grace?” Jack asked. “Would you like to feel Adam’s lips and his tongue feasting on the warm honey flowing from your luscious little pussy? I’ll bet your wet right now, aren’t you, darlin’?”

She looked up into Jack’s ocean blue eyes, feeling completely vulnerable with him, and whispered softly, “Yes.”

Ethan said, “Why don’t we let our girl eat her steak?” He grinned at her when she cast him an evil look. “She’s going to need her energy, and the food is getting cold. We have the whole evening ahead of us, plenty of time for playing in a while.”

Dammit, the food could wait a few minutes! Grace caught her breath and sat up from her reclining position as Ethan picked up her fork and held up a bite of steak for her to try.

“Is it done to your liking?” he asked as he speared a small piece of asparagus.

She nodded. “Rare, just the way I like it. It’s very good. Thank you, Ethan.” She’d wanted to kick him earlier when he’d put the brakes on, but now she was grateful. They did have the whole night ahead of them, and she had been in too much of a rush earlier. She took the next bite from him, and they began cutting into their own steaks. They took turns feeding her bites

BOOK: Divine Grace
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