Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick (71 page)

BOOK: Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick
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56 Duncan, opera, and marijuana: Gerald Ackerman, "Reminiscences of Philip K. Dick," October 1983
57 Disc recordings: Ackerman quoted in Ekbert Faas, Young Robert Duncan: Portrait of the Poet as Homosexual in Society (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Black Sparrow Press, 1983), p. 253.
57 Advance up the ladder: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968). PKD on Berkeley and SF fans: Interview with PKD by Richard Lupoff on KPFA, November 1977 (tape transcribed by author)
57 Concern over homosexual flirtations: Author's interview with Gerald Ackerman, September 1986
58 Phil as erratic driver: Author's interview with Vincent Lusby, February 1986.
58-59 Getting Phil laid- Author's interview with Vincent Lusby, February 1986.
59 Edgar on Jeanette: Interview of J. Edgar Dick by Gregg Rickman, 1982 (tape transcribed by author).
59 Phil and Jeanette's apartment. Gerald Ackerman, "Reminiscences of Philip K Dick," October 1983.
59-60 Treasure sold dearly- C 5 of Gather Yourselves Together.
60 Tessa on his first marriage: Letter, Tessa Dick to author, July 21, 1986.
60 Connie Barbour. Interviews with Kleo Mini by author, February and July 1986.
61 Consciousness and freedom of expression: Letter, Phil to Mary, undated. Betty Jo, turning green, movie-type romance- Author's interview with Betty Jo Rivers, February 1986
61 PKD didn't fit into her circles. C. 11 of Anne Dick, Search. Inscriptions in books: Author's interview with Betty Jo Rivers, February 1986. German myth: C. I I of Anne Dick, Search. Phil's attraction- C. 11 of Anne Dick, Search.
62 Fantasizing someone to share the pressure: Author's interview with Betty Jo Rivers
62 Expelled from U Cal: "Introduction" to PKD story collection The Golden Man (New York: Berkley, 1980), p. xvi.
63 Horrible experiences at U Cal: Author's interview with Iskandar Guy, February 1986.
63 On nervous breakdown: Paul Williams, Only Apparently Real (New York: Arbor House, 1986), pp. 52-54
64 Treatment notes for The Earthshaker, written c. 1947: From typed MS. pages in PKD Estate Archives.
64 Carl's sexual disillusionment: C. 16 of Gather Yourselves Together.
Chapter 4: A Real Writer At Last
Books and articles: Michael Ashley, ed., The History of the Science Fiction Magazine, Vol. 2: 1936-1945 (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1975) and Vol. 3: 1946-1955 (Chicago- Contemporary Books, 1976); Richard Lupoff, "Introduction" to reprint of PKD story collection A Handful of Darkness (Boston: Gregg Press, 1978); Jeff Wagner, "In the World He Was Writing About: The Life of Philip K Dick," Foundation 34, Autumn 1985.
PKD's works and letters: Interview with PKD included in Russell Hill, Reflections of the Future (Ginn and Company, 1975); correspondence between PKD and Horace Gold, 1954, in PKD Estate Archives.
Author's interviews: With Richard Lupoff, February 1986; with Evelyn Glaubman, February 1986; with Harlan Ellison, March 1986; with Norman Spinrad, March 1986; with Alexandra Apostolides, August 1986; with Gladys Fabun, August 1986.
67-68 Restaurant date and marriage proposal: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.
68 On Dorothy and the wedding ceremony: Ibid.
68-69 Francisco Street house: C. 2 of Radio Free Albemuth (1985).
69 Rejections and kitchen mice: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.
70 On Anthony Boucher: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968).
70 One initial premise: Author's interview with Ron Goulart, May 1986.
70 Success of fantasy story: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968).
70-71 Boris barking: "Roog" (1953).
71 PKD on "Roog": PKD contribution (along with Michael Moorcock and Fritz Leiber) to "First Sale," Unearth, Winter 1979. Letter instead of rejection slip: "Afterthoughts by the Author" in story collection, The Best of Philip K. Dick (New York: Ballantine, 1977), p. 446. Mailing off stories: PKD "Self Portrait" (1968).
72 Mini pun: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.
72 Second nervous breakdown: Paul Williams, Only Apparently Real (New York: Arbor House, 1986), p. 55. Sense of stuffiness: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.
73 SF never had it so good: Michael Ashley, ed., The History of the Science Fiction Magazine, Vol. 3: 1946-1955 (Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1976), p. 84.
74 Stories written when life simpler: "Afterthoughts by the Author," The Best of Philip K. Dick, p. 444.
74 Towel attack: "Colony" (1953).
74-75 On "Colony": "Afterthoughts by the Author," The Best of Philip K. Dick, p. 447.
75 Refusal to sell to Gold: PKD "Memoir," in Frederik Pohl, Martin H. Greenberg, and Joseph D. Olander, eds., Galaxy: Thirty Years of Innovative Science Fiction (New York: Playboy Press, 1980), p. 239.
75 Shadrach carried: "The King of the Elves" (1953). SF and fantasy: PKD, "My Definition of SF," Just SF 1 (1981): 1.
75-76 Inner-projection stories: Interview of PKD by Richard Lupoff on KPFA, November 1977 (tape transcribed by author).
76 Private love: Letter, PKD to Mr. Haas, September 16, 1954.
76 Olham robot: "Impostor" (1953). On "Human Is": "Afterthoughts of the Author," The Best of Philip K. Dick (New York: Ballantine, 1977), p. 449.
76 Archetypal Campbell story: John W. Campbell quoted in Frederik Pohl, The Way the Future Was: A Memoir (New York: Ballantine, 1978), pp. 87-88.
76 Campbell on Phil's fiction and psionics: PKD "Memoir," in Pohl, Greenberg, and Olander, eds., Galaxy, pp. 238-39.
77 Publishers unable to find distributors: Frederik Pohl, The Way the Future Was, pp. 233-34. Movies difficult: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.
78 Doesn't dress well: Letter, PKD to Laura Coehlo, May 27, 1978.
78 Lucky Dog Pet Store: PKD "Introduction" to The Golden Man (New York: Berkley, 1980), pp. xv-xvi.
78 Kleo on Phil's sense of humiliation: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.
79 James Joyce but not blind: Ibid. Reading Maimonides: Gregg Rickman, Philip K. Dick: The Last Testament (Long Beach, Calif.: Fragments West/ The Valentine Press, 1985), p. 2. Kleo on Maimonides story, mystical unity, and animism: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.
79-80 Figure standing by bed: Interview of PKD by Richard Lupoff on KPFA, November 1977 (tape transcribed by author). Kleo's memory of it: Author's interview with Kleo Mini, February 1986.
80 Marion's illness: Author's interview with Lynne Cecil, February 1986.
BOOK: Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick
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