Divinely Living (Surviving Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Divinely Living (Surviving Series)
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“To be honest, Jonah, what the fuck did I think I was going to do? March into the offices and demand my rights as the CEO? Run a business I don’t give a shit about or care one iota for? The easiest thing would be to stay the hell away and let it implode internally or leave it to run into the ground. At least that way I’d be shut of it without breaking the ridiculous clause in the inheritance.”

“Listen to me,” crossing his legs, he turned to me and grabbed both my hands tightly. “I don’t believe for one second that Alex gave his business to you because he thought you’d run away from the responsibility, or leave it to internally implode as you put it. From what I know of that asshole, that company was his life and there is no way in mother fucking hell he would entrust it to someone he believed incapable of carrying on where he left off.”

My brows narrowed and lips thinned. “Don’t you dare try to persuade me that he actually had honourable intentions when he made the decision to curse me with this shit? Honourable men don’t sodomise vulnerable young women or drive them to suicide. Alexander Matthews didn’t know the meaning of the word honourable.”

“Hey,” his hands slipped under my knees and pulled me closer. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. All I was saying is there as to be another reason why he made you the benefactor of his will, because he doesn’t strike me as the sort of man who would want to see everything he built destroyed. I really think that going to Chicago will provide us with the answers we need, because in all honesty sweetheart, the more I think about all of this, the more it doesn’t make a rats arse bit of sense to me.”

“Nothing about that man makes sense, it never did.”

Nudging my legs open, Jonah’s body filled the space between them. “I’ll totally understand if you choose to back out. After what he put you through there, no-one would blame you for doing so.”

I shook my head as resolve set in. “I want this over with. And if that means spending a few days sorting this out once and for all then so be it. I refuse to let that bastard win. Not this time.”

Raising my hands to his mouth, his lips grazed my knuckles. “You’re so fucking strong, Ava. You amaze me with your strength every day.”

I rolled my eyes. “More like stupid. Just promise me one thing?”

His blue eyes widened. “Anything, you know you only have to ask.”

“If I start power dressing and carrying a briefcase round with me you’ll get me the hell out of that place immediately.”

His hearty laugh resonated around the small tiled room, a rich, vibrant sound that made me smile. Sometimes my attempts at humour actually worked. That notion even made me laugh.

“You have my word,” he chuckled.

Pushing onto my feet, I tugged on Jonah’s hands and pulled him onto his. I felt lighter, less burdened and knew without question it was the result of trusting and believing in Jonah’s ability to look after me and keep me safe. He made me feel I could do anything with him by my side to steer me down the right path. Once again and for the millionth time I thanked God for bringing this beautiful man into my life. He was mine and I was his and that’s exactly the way it was going to stay. And that’s when the idea hit me. A question popped into my head that I never believed I would hear never mind say. But it felt right and was begging to be asked. And while I’d never considered myself as a spontaneous soul, I couldn’t stop the words tripping off my tongue and especially when I truly meant them.

Two fingers lifted my chin. “Are you sure you’re okay, sweetheart?”

“I will be if you marry me,” I whispered.

His entire body froze and he looked stunned. We stood rooted to the spot without speaking. Dread kicked in as his gaze dropped to the floor and he shook his head. Feeling like the ground was about to open beneath me and swallow me the hell up, I turned to get the hell out of there. Reaching for the door, embarrassment flushing my body from head to toe, a tanned hand covered mine before I could open it.

“Say it again, Ava, say those words again.” His voice was hoarse; his Irish accent almost a drawl.

Turning, my back rested against the bathroom door and my eyes planted firmly on the tiled floor. Regret for my hasty outburst rocked me, though I wouldn’t retract it for anything. Marrying Jonah seemed the obvious next step, permanently marking him as mine. I loved him, craved him and would be as well off dead without him. I hoped he felt the same.

“Look at me, Ava,” he demanded, his voice harder.

Lifting my gaze from the floor, the love shining in his eyes combined with the smile on his face was surprising considering his reaction. “Ask me again, sweetheart.”

I pinned him with my most sincere look. “I love you Jonah Jacobson. I have your heart, your soul, and your body. And now I want your name. Marry me, Jonah.”

I gasped loudly as over six foot of muscular male pinned me to the bathroom door and his mouth claimed mine with blistering pace and brutal force. His tongue plunged greedily into my mouth, his passion exploding across my lips as they moulded to his. A loud groan ripped from his throat, his hands fisting wildly in my hair, his hips holding my body in place. The feel of his erection prodding against my lower stomach made me whimper and relax against him.

“I need to fuck you, Ava,” he growled against my mouth, his hands ripping wildly at the zipper on my skinny jeans before yanking them and my panties down to my ankles. Kicking the jeans off with a flick of my legs, I pulled my plain t-shirt over my head and popped the clasp of my bra with ease. I stood naked, aroused and panting. My bare chest expanded and deflated rapidly as Jonah disposed himself of his clothing in two swift movements.

“God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” I said aloud. His body was perfection, his face even more so. Every sculptured muscle, from his broad, strong shoulders to his athletically toned legs was ridged and defined, strained against the tan skin pulled tightly across his body. My greedy eyes drank him in, casting every inch of him to memory. Our aroused scents filled the room and spurred on my desire. The sight of his cock, thickly veined and hard as stone throbbing with the same desire I felt in my own sex made the need to have him rammed fully inside me, an almost desperate one.

“Love me, Jonah,” I moaned, my hand slipping between my thighs and cupping my sex in an attempt to dull the ache. “Now, Jonah, please.”

He pounced; my breasts squashed against his chest, his arm under my ass holding my body flushed the full length against his. He took my mouth again, his urgency intensifying as his cock lengthened between us and his lips, teeth and tongue nipped, lipped and sucked mine. The fact we were moving through the hallway and into the bedroom didn’t register until my back slammed against the mattress of my bed and my legs were opened roughly. He knelt between my thighs, his cock fisted in one hand while two fingers slipped inside my sex. My back arched with the feeling of being filled. I moaned loudly, my hips rising from the bed urging his fingers to probe deeper and harder.

“You’re always so fucking ready for me, sweetheart,” he hissed while stroking his cock with his free hand, “always so wet, juicy and ready to be fucked.”

“Please,” I groaned. I squeezed both of my swollen breasts in my hands, my fingers pinching my nipples that were taught and lengthened. Jonah watched me play with myself, his eyes heavy with lust while I teased the soft mounds of flesh while his fingers circled and massaged my inner walls. Rearing above me, he removed his fingers and replaced them with his swollen cock in one powerful thrust.

“Christ,” he groaned, his head thrown back. He stilled, his cock pulsating against my sensitive insides. Gyrating against him, the friction my movement caused was just enough to shoot the first tingles of release directly into my core. Lowering his head, his tongue flicked across one of my sensitive nipples, his teeth nipping it at the base. I felt the sharp tug in my groin and pushed my breast further into his mouth needing to feel the pain again. There was a fine line between pleasure and pain for me, and Jonah knew exactly how far I was willing to go. Worshipping my other breast with the same attention, I writhed beneath him. My fingernails dug into the flesh of his tense ass urging him deeper. Lifting his head, he supported his weight on his forearms beside my head and began to move. His rhythm was slow to begin with and so deep I could feel the tip of his cock nudging against my womb with each stroke.

“Harder, Jonah, fuck me harder,” I cried as he picked up the pace and began to slam into me. Our lips slid over each other’s bodies; our fingers digging into sweaty flesh as we became lost to the passion neither of us could deny nor live without. The more desperate we became to reach climax, the harder he fucked me. Our groans and pants, screams of pleasure and cries for more rang loudly around the bedroom. The slaps of slick flesh and scent of pheromones and musk that clung in the air and to our skin only edged me closer to orgasm, with each clash of our groins pushing even closer. Straining above me, Jonah’s grunt and the jut of his cock, told me he was as close to coming as I was.

“Come for me, Ava,” he hissed through gritted teeth, the pain of holding back obvious on his face. His hand slipped between us and thumbed my clit, pinching it simultaneously on one particularly hard thrust. That was all it took. I screamed his name and sank my teeth into his shoulder as the orgasm tore through my body leaving a trail of fire just beneath my damp skin that pooled in my groin and spread downwards through my sex. I came hard, my sex clamping viciously around his cock begging for more as it continued to milk every drop of juice I had to give. Jonah’s mouth dropped to just below my ear, his groan of pleasure almost a scream as loud as mine, as he nipped my throat with his teeth while his orgasm hit him as hard as mine had me. He jerked violently inside me, the heat of his semen flowing out of his cock and into me with a fierce gush. His head fell to my shoulder, his body shaking with the intensity of his orgasm. We lay like that for long moments, our hearts thudded against the others chest and our breathing equally as ragged. Throwing my legs around his lower back and my arms around his neck I held him close, a closeness that brought tears to my eyes as I cradled him against me. Even this close it was never enough. I would have crawled underneath his skin and buried myself there if I could. Jonah was already under my skin, permanently embedded within my flesh. And fuck did he feel good there.

His weight sank into me pressing me further into the mattress. Our bodies relaxed and calmed and so did our breathing and racing pulses. Turning his head to the side, he pressed his cheek against my heart and sighed contentedly. Running my fingers through his sweat riddled hair; I closed my eyes, my body embracing the cloak of calmness that fell over me. And without too much persuasion, I gave in to the weariness and tiredness I was overcome with and drifted off soundly to sleep.


I had no concept of how long we laid there, but when my eyes eventually prised themselves open the bedroom was engulfed in a blanket of darkness. I must have rolled over at some point during my orgasm induced coma because I woke up on my side facing a wide eyed Jonah who had obviously been laid watching me sleep.

“Hey,” I yawned, my eyes still heavy, my body aching but sated. “How long have I been out for?”

The small bedside lamp cast a soft shadow over Jonah’s face and bathed his features in a warm glow. My heart swelled at the adoration swamping his dark irises that looked almost black in the sparse light. “For a while, you looked so peaceful I didn’t have the heart to wake you.”

“You should have done,” I stretched out my aching limbs. “We have so much to do before Monday.”

Brushing my ratty hair from my face, he leaned forward and gave me a kiss so soft and endearing it melted my soul. “Did you mean what you said, Ava?” His hushed voice was filled with hope.

“Every word,” I nodded. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”

“If you asked me out of any other reason then love then....”

I quietened his response by placing my fingers on his lips. “I asked you because of love. I wouldn’t have asked you for anything other reason than that.”

He sucked my fingertips into his mouth then pressed a kiss against my palm. “Do you have any idea how happy you make me?”

“If it’s as happy as you make me then I think I have a good idea,” I replied with a smile.

“I can never have enough of you, Savannah Mae Matthews. As I told you before, you really are the beginning, middle and end for me. There will never be anybody else but you.”

“With you all the way on that one stud,” I teased and received a soft chuckle in response.

“Then ask me one last time,” he said quietly.

“How many times does a woman have to propose?” I answered with an exaggerated eye roll.


I sighed before asking the question I desperately needed an answer to. “Jonah Jacobson, will you marry me?”

A slow smile spread across his face and his eyes shone brightly. “Too fucking right I will, Mrs Jacobson to be.”

“Is that a yes?” My smile now matched his.

“That’s a
hell yes

He took my breath as he launched himself at me. Kissing me long and hard, happiness spread through my bones like wildfire. Breaking the kiss, he looked at me sternly though the curl of his lips told me it was all meant with humour.

“But there’s one condition.” He said firmly.

BOOK: Divinely Living (Surviving Series)
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