Divinity (5 page)

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Authors: Michelle L. Johnson

BOOK: Divinity
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“I appeared to her in the manner we agreed upon. No sudden surprises,” Gabriel continued his defense.

“Yes, we have lost far too many to heart attacks. At least we have learned that lesson. Humans simply aren’t used to things just appearing in front of them. They need a lead in,” Michael mused. “They seem oddly comfortable with sudden disappearances, on the other hand.”

“She hates me,” Gabriel said as he ruffled his wings, adjusting the way they lay on his back. It was the angel equivalent of drumming one’s fingers or tapping a foot to show impatience. “It is in her eyes. She believes that everything bad that has happened to her was my fault.”

“They always believe that. She will learn otherwise. All right, you followed instructions,” Michael grudgingly conceded. “But we will need to bring her back into balance. Her fate overshadows us all.”

“We have made her strong,” Gabriel began, the recognition of Michael’s thoughts flashing in his eyes.

“Now let us help make her whole,” Michael finished.


stared at the portrait that hung over the head of the table. It was an oil painting of Alex’s father, seated in a decadent chair, looking like a king on his throne. He was a handsome man; his deep, dark eyes, strong brow, and squared jaw were three features he had passed on to his son. His thick, dark hair was lightly flecked with gray in that way that makes men look distinguished. A thin scar on his lower lip added to his mystique. The set of his broad shoulders spoke of confidence, and perhaps of stubbornness, as well.

Now there’s a real father
, she thought,
someone who gave his family everything, and was involved in their lives

Julia pulled her eyes from the portrait and found Mrs. Williams watching her. She smiled, blushing.

“The meal smells wonderful, Mrs. Williams,” Julia said, willing her cheeks to return to their normal shade. “I enjoy our monthly dinners.”

Mrs. Williams smiled graciously and tilted her head toward the portrait of her deceased husband. “He was a formidable man, my Bryce. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost fifteen years since we lost him.”

“He looks a lot like Alex,” Julia said awkwardly. She knew he had died in an accident, though not any of the details. She was not one to pry into family histories, only partially for fear that her own would be discussed. For Julia it was a matter of respect. There were some questions she did not feel were appropriate to ask. She assumed that, if Alex wanted to talk about it, he would. Julia turned her head toward the sound of approaching footsteps and smiled with relief when she saw it was Alex, returning from the bathroom.

“I’m glad you could finally join us, dear,” Mrs. Williams said. Though her tone had underlying sharpness, her eyes lit up when her only son entered the room.

“Mother.” Alex stopped beside his mother’s chair and kissed her cheek before taking his place in the seat next to Julia. “I’m sure you two were just fine without me.”

Julia slipped her hand under the table to give Alex’s a gentle squeeze, but missed, grabbing the inside of his thigh. His face erupted into a beaming grin. Julia flushed crimson and snatched her hand back.

“We were talking about your father,” Julia said, shifting her gaze back to the portrait. “And how the handsome-devil gene seems to have been passed down.”

“Lucky for me, then, if that’s how I landed you.”

“Really, Alex,” Mrs. Williams scoffed. “Landed? She’s not a fish.”

A smile played on Julia’s lips as she watched the exchange. Though she enjoyed their banter, she felt a pang of jealousy. Even when her adoptive family was alive, they never got along that way. In fact, the only thing she had heard about them in the last ten years was that they had died in a house fire six years ago.

Thinking about their deaths and about her introduction to Gabriel the night before caused the words to spill out before she could stop them.

“How did he pass?” Julia asked quietly. Seeing the surprise mixed with old hurt in Mrs. Williams’s eyes, she quickly added, “If you don’t mind my asking.”

Mrs. Williams sat back in her chair, her shoulders squared and her head high. Julia admired the strength and composure the woman always displayed. She folded her hands on the table in front of her and opened her mouth to answer when the serving woman, Sophia, interrupted them.

She set a large silver tray on the table, then lifted the cover to reveal a steaming roast duck. Keeping her eyes lowered, she delivered the rest of the food in silence. A wild rice dish was so aromatic Julia’s mouth started watering the moment the lid was lifted. Several vegetable dishes and a steaming pan of au gratin potatoes were placed on the table before the serving woman, her dark, shiny hair in a tight bun at the back of her head, retreated to the kitchen.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry,” Julia said.

“Not at all, dear,” Mrs. Williams said, looking back at the portrait with obvious adoration. “We lost him overseas. He had gone to London on business and died of a heart attack while driving. I’m surprised Alex hasn’t told you. After all, you’ve really known each other since middle school.”

Julia was beginning to think her cheeks were meant to stay rosy for the entire visit. She hoped Mrs. Williams didn’t take that as a sign that she and Alex didn’t talk about important things.

“We did go to the same middle school,” Julia said, hoping she didn’t sound as defensive as she felt, “but Alex was two years ahead of me and we never met.”

“Oh, I know, dear. The same happened to you in college, and…”

“Mother,” Alex cut in, a pleading look in his eyes.

“It’s okay, Alex,” Julia said, placing her hand over his. She met his mother’s gaze. “I didn’t want to pry, and Alex tries not to talk about family with me. My family life was…less than perfect.”

Mrs. Williams nodded. “I suspected as much. You’ve never mentioned your parents. It’s unusual.”

The food remained untouched in the middle of the table as they spoke, until finally Alex leaned forward, snatching a serving spoon out of the potatoes. “Let’s eat.”

Small talk continued as they ate, and the tension eventually lifted. That is, until Mrs. Williams asked Julia what her parents did for a living.

“They had some property in Texas,” Julia answered. “Though we lived outside of Baltimore for most of my life. She was a stay-at-home mom. I don’t really know what he did. He traveled a lot. I left home when I was fairly young, so I didn’t really get the chance to find out.”

Watching Mrs. Williams nod, Julia suspected that she was not hearing anything she did not already know. Alex shot his mother a look that Julia was sure she was not supposed to see. A look that asked for silence. A look that Mrs. Williams pointedly ignored.

“And your biological parents?” she asked. “Do you know anything about them?”

Julia almost choked on her food. It had never been an easy question when she wasn’t aware of the truth. Now it was impossible. Somehow, “My mother is a raving lunatic, and my father is the Archangel Gabriel. Please pass the potatoes,” just didn’t seem to fly.

“I really don’t know,” she replied without lifting her gaze from her plate. “This duck is fabulous, Mrs. Williams.” It was easy to distract Mrs. Williams with compliments, a tactic Julia noticed everyone around her used often to escape her relentless interrogations.

“Why, thank you. The recipe has been in the family for many years.”

Alex cleared his throat and took a long drink of wine. He looked almost as uncomfortable as Julia felt.

“I don’t mean to overstep, dear,” Mrs. Williams began. Her eyes were on Julia, but Julia was certain her words were for Alex. “I just want to know more about you, since my Alex enjoys your company so.”

“You didn’t overstep, Mrs. Williams,” Julia said. “I just don’t know much about them. I don’t mean to be awkward.”

“Have you ever thought of tracking them down?” Mrs. Williams asked, smiling sweetly. “If I had eyes like yours, dear, I would want to know where they came from, that’s all. Eyes of an angel, truly.”

Julia’s stomach turned somersaults. She needed to get out of there. Mrs. Williams was striking too many nerves and Julia didn’t have the capacity to deflect her.

“Thank you, Mrs. Williams,” she said. She looked at her watch with feigned worry. “Oh my goodness, look at the time! I completely forgot I have to pick up my friend’s dog from the kennel for her. I hope you can forgive my rudeness, but I really must go. I promised Sheila I would look after Mitsy for her tonight.”

She pushed her chair back from the table, lifted the napkin from her lap, and set it on the table next to her plate. “I will be sure to stay longer next time, and you simply
share that fantastic duck recipe with me.”

In true Southern hostess style, Mrs. Williams rose to see her guest to the door. Though the look in her eyes spoke to her confusion, she maintained her smile.

“Oh, not at all, don’t you trouble yourself, Julia. Why, I would be delighted to share that with you, the recipe has been in my family for generations!” She added in a whisper, “It’s one of Alex’s favorites, you know,” with a twinkle of shared mischief. She touched Julia’s arm lightly, marking her as co-conspirator. It was all Julia could do to keep from rolling her eyes.

Alex came to the door to see her off. He searched her eyes, and Julia could tell he knew she didn’t have to pick up Sheila’s dog. Mitsy had died two years earlier. With a look she hoped begged forgiveness, yet exuded appreciation for keeping her secret, she leaned forward and gave Alex a respectable kiss on each cheek.

“I’m so sorry to interrupt your dinner this way. I’ll call you later.”

Somehow she managed not to run down the long walkway and jump into her car, tires squealing as she peeled away.

Gabriel’s answers to the questions she hadn’t voiced were ringing through her head, and she tried to align them with questions she knew were hers. She drove down the highway back toward the city, barely paying attention to what was going on around her.

She thought about all the times in her life she had wished for her father to be there—birthdays, graduations. She spurned even the thought of getting married because she knew she wouldn’t have anyone to walk her down the aisle.

Now she had finally found out who her father was, and it did not change anything. It made things worse. Julia seethed.

Why couldn’t he have just stayed away?

“It pains me.”

Michael raised an eyebrow, studying Gabriel more closely. “What pains you?”

“Her sense of abandonment. Above all else, that is at the core of her. She feels…” Gabriel searched for the right word.

“Disposable,” Michael offered.

Gabriel nodded gravely. “Disposable. A hard existence. Necessary, but hard. She’s so clouded.” He sighed.

“She will come to know her worth soon,” Michael said.

They looked through the clouds at their feet, watching Julia as she continued her long drive down the highway. Wisps of her rich, chestnut hair framed her face. Her high cheekbones emphasized her steely blue eyes with their unique brown flecks, compounding her beauty. The tears streaking down her cheeks only heightened the effect.

“She doesn’t see the impact she has on those around her, and that has worked quite well for us thus far,” Michael said. “If she knew how physically pleasing she is, it would consume her. If she knew how much difference she makes in the world with her spirit, it would devour her, and we would lose her to humanity. The same way we have lost so many others.”

Gabriel nodded, reflecting. “Diana.”

“Yes,” Michael agreed. “Though she was assassinated, it was clear we lost her to societal woes long before it happened. It confounds me at times, why they would choose to remain on Earth.”

“Heroes,” said Gabriel. “The Earth needs heroes as part of the balance. They recognize that and choose to stay.”

“Their heroes always become their biggest targets. The struggle for balance continues to intensify,” Michael added.

They were both silent for a moment. Diana had been Gabriel’s favorite. Her termination had sent him into a rage the angels would be talking about for centuries. In fact, the Earth’s weather patterns still held telling signs of his outburst.

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