Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) (35 page)

BOOK: Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga)
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I pursed my lips and groaned with an eye roll. He was apologizing for her? Why?
Did they have something going on? She just ups and moves back out because he told her to? Was she sleeping with him? Yeah, probably.

I gathered my things to freshen up.

Lovely, even dying didn’t get you out of doing dishes.




XVIII: Cam`ael:



pulled the cruiser into the parking lot of the admissions building, next to the lime green Kia Rio that I had conjured up for Berith. She met me on the driver side.

, what do you think I should major in?” Berith asked.

              She had finally gotten over bitching about the car, as if she had a choice. She glanced around over her shoulder, before leaning into the window.

I turned off the engine.

“I don’t know. I
don’t really care. Just behave and interact as normal as possible, and keep your eyes open while you’re here.”

“How long ago did that shooting happen?” She asked.

                            I gave her a brief run-down on it before she drove out here.

Not long. It’s been about a week I think. Human time.” I replied.

I can still feel the melancholy in the atmosphere around here. I’ll observe and report, if you need me to.” She offered.

“Just keep yourself out of eyesight. You’re in a very vulnerable position right now.” I
told her.

I scanned the parking lot carefully
, and listened. Though there were a few dark beings nearby, the one I was looking for was nowhere in sight, yet.

“Morning Star has been here himself too. He was here that day.”

Berith’s false blue eyes grew wide. “He was?” She replied. Her tone was timid and wary.

“Yeah, which is why I said to be
extra careful.” I warned her.

seemed apprehensive. Her fear was evident, and she had every reason to be.

no means of defense, he’d finish her off easily on sight once he recognized her.

“Okay, well I’m off. I’ll see you later on tonight then?” She asked.

“What for?” I gave her a perplexed grimace.

“Don’t seem so disgusted at the thought, jeez.” She scowled with sarcasm.

I shook my head. “I have plans anyway. Find a hobby.” I told her.

She rolle
d her eyes with a heavy sigh. “Whatever. See you when I see you, I guess.”

waited to make sure that Berith made it into the building safely. Then I left, and headed to Starling and China’s apartment complex.

I was taking a chance I know, but I wanted to talk to her.

I parked in a lone parking space alongside a row of high, round bushes, and ghosted into the apartment. I remained cloaked at first, to see if she was even there.

was sitting on the couch, studying. The television was on and two scented candles were lit. I observed for a moment or two, watching her check her cell phone for messages every so often.

e was distraught. I assumed that maybe she was stressed over exams or her homework, but that didn’t appear to be the case. Her cell phone rang and she answered it on the first ring,

” She answered first.

I could hear the person on the other end, crystal clear

I knew the voice.

“Hey. No answer again. Has she returned any of your calls in the last week?” He asked.

nothing. I still haven’t heard from her. I keep getting a straight to voicemail response too. I’m about ready to call the FBI or something and report her missing, this isn’t like her.” She then said.

“I wouldn’t go that far, but I am starting to get worried too. I didn’t have a good feeling about that dude she went out with, cop or no cop.” He replied.

His comment made me want to pay him a little visit too, but it was too risky. He’d sense me for what I was, being that he was a destined divine chosen as well, and a scout at that. I wondered when his time would come. When would I expect to see him in the spirit realm, and even more importantly…if Starling would want him even more then?

Not if I could help it.

I suddenly felt guilt. She had no idea, none of her friends did, nor should they. However, I was hoping to kind of change that…or fix it anyway.

“Yeah, it’s weird.
I haven’t seen him around lately either. It’s like she just up and disappeared, and so did he. I should call the local precinct and ask if they have an Officer Black on staff. I don’t understand it. I want to be positive, but I keep getting a bad feeling about things. What if something happened to her Joel?” her voice quivered.

“I don’t know what to think. I hope it’s not serious though. Who in her family lives out there anyway? Aunts? Uncles?” He asked her.

“I don’t know any of her relatives and I don’t think she really does either. It doesn’t make any sense. She hasn’t even replied to any of my emails!” She then sighed and sniffed.

heard enough.

I ghosted back out of the apartment, checking the hallway for any eyes
, before resuming solid form. I paused to think of what I would say and then I knocked on the door.

It took her a mo
ment. I heard footsteps and then another pause, figuring that she was looking out of the peephole.

Two c
licks sounded, as she unlocked the door and opened it.

Her eyes
instantly widened in both surprise and relief, when she saw me standing there in my uniform. She nearly fell backwards with the tilt of her head, craning her neck to meet my eyes.

“Oh my god, Officer Cam?
What…what’s going on?” She asked. Her eyes turned glassy, her nose reddening around her nostrils, and her chest began to heave, as if she were going to hyperventilate and begin sobbing.

It was
obvious what she was thinking regarding my sudden, unexpected visit.

smiled. “I’m just stopping by to check on you. Starling asked me to.” I said.

Her brow furrowed
, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Really? Oh my God, you’ve talked to her recently? What the hell? Why hasn’t she called me back?” She began to freak out.

“Relax, she’s fine.” I soothed with a warm smile.

She sighed
, unsure if she should believe me.

Licking her lips, she ran a hand through her short, reddish, brown hair.
“I’ve been okay, I guess…” She trailed off and eyed me. “You called her Starling.” She grinned.

I noted that but
I didn’t think much of it. I nodded slowly and smirked. “That…is her name, isn’t it?”

She smiled.
“She doesn’t allow anyone to call her Starling, with the exception for her parents, and her grandmother, when they were alive. Or those that she really, really likes.”

remembered that. With a smile, I removed my cap.

“Do you want to come in?” She then asked as she stood back and opened the door wider.

“Just for a second.”

had to duck into the doorway to keep from banging my forehead at the top. I walked slowly into the living room, taking in a quick visual sweep, and then sat down in the armchair.

“Can I get you something?” She offered.

“No, thank you.”

She quickly sat on the couch, grabbing and hugging a throw pillow to her chest.

Her face lit up with hope. “So, did she give you a reason for why she’s been snubbing her friends all of a sudden? We’re her family too. I mean, why the hell hasn’t she answered or returned my calls, text messages, or emails?” She asked in one breath.

“I think
she just wants some time to reconnect with some of her relatives. She’s been having some personal and emotional issues about it, but she’s okay.” I assured her.

“I still don’t understand why she can’t pick up a phone
, or shoot me a quick message. Her phone keeps going to voicemail. I’m her best friend!” China was on the verge of tears again.             

I had to think of something fast. I cleared my throat and straightene
d in the chair, with my elbows on my knees. I fingered the cap in my hands.

I’m sorry. I’m just very worried about her. This isn’t like her. It doesn’t make any sense. She always checks in with me, or returns my messages and calls right away. She never even told me when she’ll be back…unless…she doesn’t plan on coming back. Is she mad at me about something? I mean, she did freak out after that concert fire. I sent her a message about the school shooting, and told her that I may stay with my parents for a while. She never replied. I guess, maybe she was mad at me about that or something.” She whispered as fresh tears began to stream down her face.

She wiped them away and sniffed.

“I doubt that she’s angry with you.”

“She had
premonitions that something bad was going to happen the night of the concert, and it did. She has a quirk. She tends to see and feel things that normal people can’t see or hear, and they’re always a hundred percent accurate. It’s like a gift, or a curse. She said that about it once. Lately, I’ve begun seeing and feeling the things that she’s been talking about seeing herself, more so now since she’s been gone.” She trailed off into her own thoughts.

I shifted in the chair.

Yes, I knew all about it.

She put a hand to her face and sighed. “I’m sorry. I don’t want you to think she’s all weird or crazy. I wasn’t implying that.” She clarified.

I smiled and shook my head. “Doesn’t sound weird to me at all. She mentioned being able to see things to me too, and I believe her.”

She nodded with a look of relief. My reply had surprised her, no doubt. She smiled.

“She’ll be back, don’t worry. If anything, she really needed a break from school. She isn’t sure she wants to continue with college, actually.”

Why did I just lie to this poor girl?

“Doesn’t want to finish college? That’s new to me. I mean
, I know she’s not really into the college scene, but I don’t see her just dropping out. Not when her college is paid for in full. Damn her! I can’t believe she’d just keep me in the dark like this. I haven’t even gotten pictures or anything. It’s almost like she…disappeared, literally.” China then said.

I bit my lip this tim

Well, I hadn’t really
lied to her. Starling may be back.

Edanai was right. I really screwed this up. I should have just left
her as a statistic on the notorious missing persons list.

part of me hoped that she would be back though. That she would be exactly as I remembered her, and that she would both remember, and still love me.

situation pained me more than her friend would ever know, on a different level. I know how much China cared about Starling, and I knew it was killing her as well.

Edanai, please...one last quick favor and I promise, I’ll go dimension hopping with you and Rahab the next time you guys go. Souvenirs will be my treat
.” I called out telepathically.

There was no answer

I begged.


“One more please, and I’ll believe you.”
She finally replied.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

One last call. I destroyed Starling’s phone the other day in a fit of anger. I’ve just re-conjured it and it’s on my bed. Use it to call her friend China for me right now. Be brief, and just assure her that she is fine, and that she will be back soon.”
I told her.

“What? No way Cam. I thought you were done with that?”

“I am…or at least, I will be after this. One last call, I promise.”

There was another long pause.

I called out mentally once again.

So, are you two…dating now?” China asked me unexpectedly.

thought about that. “I hope so, but it would be easier once she gets back.” I kidded with a smile to make light of the moment.

smiled slightly and bit her lip. Her shoulders slumped and she wiped away more tears.             

I averted my eyes to her cell
phone, about to stand and leave. I figured that Edanai had grown weary of my requests, especially regarding Starling. I couldn’t blame her.

Just t
hen, China’s cell phone lit up, playing a pop song, and she practically dove onto it, looking at the display.

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