Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) (6 page)

BOOK: Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga)
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“Well, it could be an advantage…or
a disadvantage for her.” Durien said.

“I don’t know. But it all makes sense now.” Gabe replied.

“What makes sense?” I asked.

Everyone exchanged glances with each other for a brief moment, as if sharing a similar thought. I was instantly suspicious.

Anthony then waved a hand with a grin. “Nothing, don’t mind him. Anyway, we’ll meet you girls in the dining hall.” He said. All of the guys bowed away, and headed back towards the open doors.

“Can I ask a stupid question now?” I piped up.

“You’ve just risen, there’s no such thing as a stupid question.” Lorelei answered with understanding.

“What is this place, and why am I here? Why are all of you here?” I then asked.

“Let’s all grab some food and sit down. Even giving you the condensed version will take a while,” Lorelei began.

“Yeah, I think Lira is still getting your room ready anyway. I’ll bet you’re starving.” Crystal said, and we all began heading for the doors

“Wait, a room for me? Meaning I’ll either be here for a while, or I’ll be staying.” I eyed them all with the
open-ended statement.

“Staying for now.” Crystal answered casually with
affirmation and a quirk of her brow, as if I should have already known that.

“Well, where is here? I mean, am I still alive? What’s with the asylum fashion?” I asked, while motioning to my clothing and theirs.

Scarlet smirked. “This is what’s known as the Divine Hall. It’s more like a gym for knowledge and training. You aren’t meant to stay here indefinitely.”

She held up three slim fingers, folding
one down before she spoke again, “Yes, you died just like the rest of us, and you’re immortal now.” She folded another finger down.

“You’ve joined our ranks as a divine warrior, because you were chosen in your mortal life at birth by a divine entity.” 

Left with one finger remaining, she folded it down and continued, “Third is the easiest part; knowing and accepting all of that. With the title comes a huge amount of responsibility and duty—none of which will be easy or simple. That being said, welcome to the spirit realm.” She winked.

I paused. “Spirit realm? So I am dead?”

Lorelei jumped in just then. “Technically, no. Look, you’ve got a million and one questions we know, but don’t worry we’ll all help you to get adjusted and show you around.”

I hesitated with a nod and finally, willingly fell in-step with them in the direction that the guys had taken. Lorelei kept pace with me.

I didn’t even know what to say, or what to think, let alone what it all meant. I wasn’t afraid. I was confused. Chosen by a divine entity? God?

Without running the risk of seeming annoying, I turned to Lorelei, once we made it through the doors. The appetizing smell of food was getting stronger.

“So, I’m still human and technically alive…just immortal as in…” I tried to find the right words, unable to fully accept what Scarlet had just revealed.

She stopped and thought for a moment.

“As in no longer mortal. Of course, you’re still human. You’ll still need to eat, breathe, bathe, and sleep. I think the more correct terminology that applies to us now would be…superhuman, no longer of weak earthly flesh. You have to be rebirthed, so that divine physical energy and power could be infused into your newly rewired mind and body. It’s a necessary process in order to be of any physical and mental match against the demons and dark ones.” She explained.

I could only stare and blink at her, nonplussed.

Lorelei giggled, “Come on.” She moved past me, then turned to wave me onward to follow her.

I walked slowly inside, amazed at how regal and
grand the room was. The ceiling was extremely high, adding to the already massive, open appearance of the comfortable sitting room. Along three walls were bookshelves that practically ran up to the ceiling, complete with a sliding ladder to reach the top most shelves. There was an array of musical instruments. I spied the harp and piano that I had been hearing on the far side of the room. I instantly made the comparison to a common room, or a lounge…something I’d see in a college dorm or hall, for some strange reason.

              There were two Ping-Pong tables, what looked like an assortment of chess and other board game tables, and circular cushioned benches and couches, which were positioned all around to accommodate many people at one time. In corners, there were many lush green ivy’s and other exotic potted plants; a full wall of floor to ceiling windows, surrounded by cream colored drapery, and a large, lit stone fireplace, with more lit sconces along the walls.

Was there no electricity here?

I noticed right away, that there were no televisions, radios, video game items, computer, or electronic devices of any kind in here either. None that I could see anyway, and no one else was in here now. My guess is that they were all in the dining hall because it was dinnertime. It was dark beyond the glass windows.

Lorelei suddenly spoke, seeing me pause and marvel at everything. “It’ll take days to show you around the entire Divine Hall. This place is huge. I’ll show you around the areas that you’ll need to know. This is our side, meaning where our team t
rains, sleeps and eats. Regions divide us up, but you’ll be briefed on all of that later.” She said.

She waited for me, while Crystal and Scarlet already exited through a
doublewide, sculpted archway.

Once Lorelei and I entered, I began
to curiously look around. There were many others wearing similar clothing, all sitting, chatting, and eating at long, wooden tables that were set up in neat rows.

Eyes and heads turned in our
direction, and conversations seemed to cease to a sudden halt. Though it wasn’t as noisy and out of control, the feeling of being in high school all over again instantly overcame me.





hough the appearance of the dinner group was calm and orderly, I still felt a knot of tension having all eyes on me, as I walked with Lorelei towards the serving line.

There were two
girls in particular, who cut their eyes at me with an almost accusing and untrusting look, which I found a bit alarming. I thought that this was a harmonious kind of refuge or training place, given what Lorelei said we were.

“Just grab a
tray. It works like a lunch line. Get whatever and how much you like. In exchange, we all take turns helping out in the kitchen with the cleaning, harvesting of food and stuff like that.” Lorelei began.

              I took note that everything looked organic, from the fresh vegetables and fruits, to the homemade grain breads. It all smelled good though.

ound, wheat colored pita bread sat on a wooden cutting board. Next to that, was a gargantuan bowl full of an assortment of colorful veggies, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen before.

The grapes, apples, figs, pomegranates, oranges, nectarines, blueberries
, and strawberries were all huge, succulently ripe, and vivid in color. Stacks of wooden cups sat beside a large, wooden barrel with a spigot.             

“Nothing unhealthy
, I see.” I commented, taking a small bowl, and filling it with four of the lusciously ripe, red strawberries.

Lorelei laughed a bit,
“Nope. If it can’t be grown, hunted or gathered, then it’s not on the menu. You’ll notice that goes for electricity and all the modern conveniences of the human realm too. Everything is either planted or raised.” She went on to tell me.

“Kind of like being in the middle ages.” I replied.

“No, just the way things were always meant to be. It isn’
t bad actually, you’ll get used to it.” Lorelei assured with a smile.

Scarlet and Crystal had already moved ahead of us
, and were heading to the table where Anthony, Durien and Gabe had sat.

So what exactly do the tattoos mean?” I asked, admiring the design on Lorelei’s forearms, and the way the silver designs glinted in the light. The pattern formed a latticework of wavy lines that wrapped around each of her forearms.

“They’re actually brandings. The weapon that chooses you will be branded
onto your arms and hands, where they will become one with you— like an extension of your hands. You’ll be able to will them when you need to.” She said.

listened with interest. “What’s your weapon?” I asked.

“It’s a Sciyoto whip.
” Lorelei smiled, noting the questioning look on my face. “It’s a whip, obviously, but it’s better to show than to describe. I’ll show it to you out on the field during training, I promise.”

It sounded
badass enough.

I can’t wait. You said a weapon that chooses you, what do you mean by that?” I then asked.

She nodded
, nibbling on a piece of pita bread. “You’ll see.” She grinned.

I sighed internally
. Yeah, there was a crap load of things I apparently needed to know. I guess I would wait to get as much out of them as I could when we were all sitting at the table.

The food looked as a
ppetizing as it smelled. It was some sort of a stew, given how the robust, silver-haired, Asian woman was serving the vegetable rich, dark brown concoction out of a huge pot. She had a soft, kind, motherly face. Her cheeks were round and rosy, with slight jowls that made her thin mouth hang in a near frown. Her eyes were small beneath her hooded lids.

we stood in front of the Asian woman, Lorelei placed her hands together with a smile and bowed at her.

, Scholar Keiko-San.” Lorelei greeted the elderly woman.

The woman
smiled with regard and nodded, but didn’t speak. Then her eyes met mine.

Comprehending my name only, I assumed that
Lorelei was introducing me to her. She spoke in perfect, fluent and impressive Japanese, which surprised me.

Starling, this is scholar disciple Keiko-san. Konbanwa means good evening in Japanese. Keiko-san doesn’t speak much English.” She said to me in English.

              Keiko-san smiled at me pleasantly, with a slight bow of her head. Her gaze lingered a bit, as if she were studying me carefully, before she ladled a heaping serving into a wooden bowl, and then handed it to me.

I smiled
graciously, bowing my thanks, before I carefully took the aromatic, steaming bowl of stew from her.

“She’s a sweetheart
, and as a matter of fact, she’s who you’ll be giving your journals to for safe keeping. She’s in charge of all the journals for our assembly.” Lorelei said as we carried our trays to the table to join the others.

“Journals? I have to write journals? Are you sure this isn’t high school or college?” I asked.

She laughed. “We all have to do it, so consider it another necessity. Sean will tell you all of that when he meets with you. He’s one of our advisors by the way. If you’re interested in learning any language, you can do that here too. You’ll be surprised at how easy and quickly it’ll be for you to pick up now. We also learn Olkara`en and Hul`zaectic, some of the early languages of the demons.”

“Why would I need to know the language of Demons?” I asked.

She glanced over at me. “Why wouldn’t you? Always know what your enemy is planning.” She replied as she sat down next to Anthony. I took the open seat next to Durien.

The guys had pretty much finished their bowls by the time we arrived
, but they stayed anyway to keep us company.

“What are you guys talking about?” Gabe asked first.

“I was just telling Starling about the languages of the Demons.” Lorelei replied.

“Ah yes, the forbidden darkness. It’s an ugly language
, but it gives us somewhat of an advantage.” Anthony said.

“I would much rather learn the language of the Angels.” Crystal commented
, taking a bite of her pear.

“We don’t?” I asked.

“No mortal, not even we are allowed to know the language of Angels. Our brains couldn’t grasp it anyways. We were never meant to know or read it. There’s apparently no need though, they speak to us in our language anyway.” Scarlet said.

I was awed.
“They speak to us?” My eyes widened.

From time to time. It comes with being a chosen warrior. How do you think we’re able to learn the language of the Demons? We get all that text information from them.” Durien said.

re comes Lira.” Scarlet informed, and then we all followed her gaze in the direction of the double wooden doors.

was a mouse of a girl. Dark hair and dark eyes that seemed too big for her small face, and her head too big for her small body. I also noticed, that she didn’t have the brandings on her arms that everyone else seemed to have.

“We all had a bet going to see if we could guess what your essence will be.” Durien smiled at me.

I shifted in my chair, ready to dig into the delicious smelling stew.

“You guys keep throwing things at
her that she has no idea of yet. Give her a moment.” Crystal commented.

I agreed a
s I blew at the spoonful of meat, potato and carrots, before finally taking a bite.

It was
incredibly flavorful, instantly taming my extreme hunger once I swallowed. I wasted no time scooping up another heaping spoonful.

“I remember being that hungry too after rising.” Scarlet chuckled.

“Whatever it is, I think it has something to do with your aura.” Anthony commented, leaning forward on the table on his elbows.

“Yeah, like maybe light or something. She can
blind the dark ones.” Scarlet said while studying me inquisitively. She had one elbow on the table, resting her chin in her hand, and chewing on her pinky nail.

Crystal looked at me too, and then nodded as if she were agreeing with Scarlet’s theor

I was beginning to feel uneasy b
eing the center of attention.

s an essence?” I asked finally, after having finished half the bowl of stew already. I eyed the next table over, where the two girls, who had been scrutinizing me when I first walked in, continued to watch me with narrowed eyes. One of them looked about my age, which I think was around eighteen or nineteen, and the other looked a bit older. When our eyes met, they both leaned in to whisper to each other.

Yep, definitely like high school.


Lira took a seat next to me
, with a plate full of figs, carrots, an apple, and one piece of the pita bread.

She apparent
ly wasn’t much of an eater, but that was no surprise, given her small stature.

“Your es
sence is your ability. It’s the strength, energy and power from within. It comes from who you were before, and who you are now as an individual being. Now that you’re immortal, it’s been amped up ten-fold.” Durien explained.

Now I was curious. What was mine?

Hey guys. Hi! It’s nice to finally meet you.” Lira spoke and then directed at me with a wide, cheery smile. Her voice was high pitched, giving me a momentary twitch in my right eye. Now her voice, I recognized as having been the girl I heard talking to Gabe behind the doors.

I smiled.
  “Hi, I’m Starling.”

ling? Cool, I like that. I’m Lira. I was getting your room ready. I hope you like it. Normally there are two of us to a room, but …” Lira suddenly bit her lip.

I took note of her abrupt pause as she cast her eyes down
ward, and began peeling a fig. Everyone else grew silent too for the moment.

“But?” I replied anyway
, expecting her to finish her sentence.

“Um, the one who would have been your roommate is no
longer here.” Lorelei reluctantly said. They all seemed saddened that Lira brought it up.

“He or she left?” I asked
, even though I didn’t think that was what they meant.

“No, she was taken. Something that has a
n extremely high likelihood of happening if you’re not careful, or adequately trained.” Scarlet added.

I suddenly felt the empathy among
the group too, figuring she had been a good friend of theirs.

“Taken by what?”
I asked softly.

“Fallen, dark angels, demons, whatever you want to call them. They’re everywhere here
. We’re outnumbered, and the majority of the time you never see or hear them coming until it’s too late. Rest assured that they will always see and hear you though. Hence, the need for intense physical combat training and knowledge.”  Crystal said.

e will be rooming with you soon. Crystal and Scarlet are roomies. I’m not here much myself anymore, just to train every now and then.” Lorelei added.

“Yeah, she’s a veteran, just like Anthony, Gabe and Durien.” Lira commented.

Whatever that meant.

I nodded.
The notion of having a roommate didn’t bother me at all. In fact, I looked forward to it. Company and having someone to talk to was great. I hoped we got along. Why did the idea of roommates seem to resonate so much within my memory though?

Upon hearing the simple words,
fallen and dark angels, something began to flicker in the back of my awareness. The faint images of wings began to grow more distinct, and though the thought of what they were talking about was ominous and dangerously surreal, I didn’t feel afraid or fearful. It was more like fury and repugnance.

“So, we’re learning to fight them here?” I

” they all said in near unison.

“Destroy is
a more appropriate term.” Anthony stated with seriousness in his tone.

“How do you fight entities?” I asked.

Crystal nearly spi
t out her water in a half laugh. “Entities?” She then said.

The others simply smiled at my innocent

“There is no such thing in this realm.
Well, there are some beings that are incorporeal, but the majority of them— and there are many different things out there, are as solid as we are. Killing them is messy, and when they die— it isn’t always a pretty sight or smell.” Scarlet added.

My eyes widened in wonder.
That wasn’t something I was looking forward to.

“You would have liked Devlin too, she was really funny.
I think she was about your age. What are you like sixteen, seventeen?” Gabe then asked.

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