Doctored (43 page)

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Authors: K'Anne Meinel

BOOK: Doctored
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“Do you want to head down to your house tonight so we can pack up another load in the morning?” Deanna asked.  “I’m sure Roman won’t mind missing one day of school.  In fact, I’m sure he’ll love it.”

“Are you sure?  The traffic will be horrendous this time of day.”

“Let’s pick up Roman’s clothes at the house and go.  In fact, why don’t you go on ahead and I’ll catch up?”

“We’re taking two cars?”

“Yeah, that way we can pack them both up completely.  We’ll have movers take the heavy stuff.  That way, you can pack all the little things that you don’t want broken.”

“I can’t afford movers…” she began and then caught herself as Deanna grinned.  “Okay, okay, we’ll go on ahead.”

“I’ll call you on the cell when we are on our way,” Deanna promised as she leaned in to give her a peck on the lips.

“Ugh, Mom,” Conor said as they arrived at the Rover.

“Get used to it, bucko.  I love your mom and I’m going to do a lot of that,” Deanna teased him.  “You guys want to ride back to Los Angeles with me or with your mom?  I have to go pick up Roman.”

“You,” they chorused and Deanna turned to Madison, laughing.  “I guess I got the kids.”

“I guess you do.  I should feel rejected, shouldn’t I?  Betrayed at least?” she laughed too as she collected a couple of things from the dash, including her sunglasses, and transferred them to the van which was waiting nearby.

“I’m just the current flavor of the month,” Deanna assured her as she stood by.

Madison turned with the things in her hand and shook her head.  “Not just the month,” she responded huskily as she leaned in for another kiss.  “I’ll see you at the house in Los Angeles. Don’t be long, but don’t speed either,” she warned.

“I won’t,” she promised and teasingly slapped her on her rear, which caused Madison to start in surprise and turn back with a glare, which turned to laughter that they both shared.

Deanna watched as Madison started up the now smooth-running minivan and put it in gear.  She didn’t get into the Rover until the redhead began to drive out of the dealer’s parking lot.

“Ready to go, guys?” she called to the two in the back seat.

“Ready,” they said in unison.

“I just want to pop home and pick up some clothes for Roman for tonight and tomorrow,” she told them as she headed home.

In quick time, she had a bag packed for Roman, grabbed all the kids’ toothbrushes, and they were on their way to Roman’s school to pick him up.  He was delightfully surprised at their plan.

“I thought you said I couldn’t miss school?” he asked suspiciously.

“Plans change,” Deanna answered with a grin.  She handed him a snack pack and then reached in the bag where she had two more for the kids in the back seat.  The three kids chatted easily as she headed down the 101 towards Ventura, hoping she wasn’t too far behind Deanna.




Madison didn’t like making the drive back down to Los Angeles alone.  It was too reminiscent of the other day.  Was it really only a few days ago she’d been given an ultimatum and made the choice to change her whole life?  She was so happy.  She loved Deanna and today had been so much fun.  She was tired though, and the traffic didn’t help things.  Not having the children with her was odd, but she knew they were safe with the doctor.  She smiled.  She had wound up with a doctor, wouldn’t her mother be proud?  Then she sobered.  No, her mother wouldn’t be proud when she found out she had chosen to live with a woman, doctor or not.

When she got to the house, she started dinner.  She knew everyone would be hungry when they got there.  She had warned Deanna not to stop and pick up any food.  She was going to cook for them and it would be ready by the time they arrived.  She didn’t want to talk on the phone when they were both driving so their conversation was short.  She smiled.  Her lover, her partner, her girlfriend was coming home with the kids.  What an odd thing to say, and yet it made her heart happy.

Since she had some time alone before the kids got there with Deanna, she quickly packed some things.  There were some adult toys that she didn’t want them to see.  She had hoped to talk to Deanna about the toys.  She hadn’t tried them yet and wondered if the blonde would be intrigued, offended, or amused.  She hoped she’d be interested in trying them out.  She’d bought them intending to try them herself, but felt foolish.  Now, she eagerly anticipated talking to Deanna about them.  She just didn’t want her to see them yet, and she especially did not want the children to see them!  She got them buried deep in a box and started packing clothes from her dressers, wondering what she was going to do with her furniture, when she heard someone knock on the door.  Deanna must have flown down that freeway!  She’d told her not to speed!  She’d had no idea how close she was behind her.

Opening the door with a, “Hey, darling…” her voice died off as she saw Scott on the doorstep.

“Hi, darling,” he repeated back sarcastically, looking at her angrily.  His suspicions that she had a new boyfriend in her life were confirmed with that one declaration. 

Madison looked down at herself to see if she had gotten dirty from packing, but could see nothing.  Glancing back up, she asked, “What are you doing here?  What did I tell you about calling first?”

“I want to see my kids,” he said crossly.  “What is with that sign?” he pointed with his thumb at the sign that was planted firmly in her yard.

“I’m selling the house,” she told him stupidly, as though it should be obvious.

That wasn’t quite what he meant and they both knew it.  “Why?” he asked suspiciously.  After all the wrangling in the divorce that she had done to get it, she was selling it now?  The argument was that the children needed a home and it was logical for her to have the house since they would be living with her most of the time.  He’d been relieved that he didn’t have the responsibility to pay the mortgage anymore and had gladly signed it over to her. 

“Because I’m moving.”

“And you didn’t think to inform me?”

“It’s none of your business…” she began, only to be cut off.

“It is my business when I need to know where my kids are.  Speaking of which, why aren’t they home?” he asked.

“What?  Are you watching the house?” she asked, her own anger surfacing.

“Yeah, I am, as it seems I can’t trust you!”

“What the hell are you talking about?  I just put the house on the market yesterday,” she told him.  “You saw the real estate agent driving away.”

“That the guy with the Caddy?” he asked, calming himself down now that he had the information he wanted.

She nodded and crossed her arms, trying to calm her own anger.

“Where are the kids?”

“With friends,” she hedged, justifying in her mind that Deanna and Roman
friends…a technicality.  “I told you, call first and we can make arrangements.  They’re still coming over this weekend, right?” she asked to distract him.  She’d have to talk to the kids about what they could discuss with him, but she would have to tell him about her move and living arrangements soon.  She just didn’t want to discuss it now with him in a mood like this.  She wondered if there was a reason for the increased moodiness, beyond his being arrested.  Was he taking something?  She was in the medical field, she would be able to tell, wouldn’t she?  She knew the answer to that last question before she even finished forming it.  Some people hid drug and alcohol use better than others.

He looked at her suspiciously, then satisfied with the information he’d gotten out of her, he turned to leave.  Just then he saw the Rover pull up in front of the house with the kids inside.  “Now, who is this?” he asked aloud and then got angry once again when he saw the woman who had caused all his troubles.

Deanna sped up when she saw the man standing on the lawn outside Madison’s house.  She recognized him and quickly put the car in park, turned it off, and hopped out.  “Stay in the car,” she ordered the kids in a tone that would normally assure she was obeyed.

“You!” he said and pointed a finger at her accusingly.

“Scott,” Madison said in a warning voice.

“I want no trouble,” Deanna said, her hands going wide to show she had nothing but her keys in them.

“You caused nothing
trouble,” he answered loudly.  He glanced at his kids and saw their fearful looks, which angered him further.

“Look, just be on your way and I’ll…” she began, but he started walking towards her rapidly.

“You’ll do nothing,” he ordered her.  “You be on

“Hey, I got no beef with you,” she tried, but he started poking at her.

“Scott, stop,” Madison tried pulling at his arm.  He shook her off as though she was nothing but a fly.

“Look, dude, you need to calm down,” Deanna tried again.

“You need to stay away from my kids and my wife,” he began.  The kids got out of the car and started towards them.

“She is not your wife,” Deanna backed up as he kept poking her in the chest to emphasize his words.

“Scott, you need to stop,” Madison tried again, beginning to cry as she pulled at his other arm.

“And you need to go back in the house,” he turned on her and then looked at the cowering kids.  The third one drew his attention for a moment and then he focused on his own.  “Get in the house,” he snarled at them and they ran, the third kid looking at Deanna, who flicked her head towards the house before he too followed them.

Deanna took advantage of Scott’s momentary distraction to pull her cell phone from her pocket.  She may be technologically inept, but she knew how to dial 911 for an emergency.

“What are you doing?” he turned back to her with a snarl.

“I don’t think you are aware, but the last time we had an altercation an order of protection was issued.  You are now in violation of that order.”

Fed up with being arrested and now facing the threat of it once again, he became furious.  “Who the hell do you think you are?” he practically spat in her face.

“Scott, please,” Madison tried again, the tears pouring down her face.  She had never felt so helpless in all her life, watching this drama unfold.

“Scott, please,” he mimicked condescendingly.  “What, have you hooked up with this dyke?” he snarled.

Deanna answered him, at the same time speaking very clearly so that those listening on the phone could hear her: “I’m Doctor Deanna Kearney and I’m at,” she looked up and gave the exact address from Madison’s house.  “I’ve got an order of protection and you, sir, are violating it.”  She figured even if he managed to get the phone from her, the information was recorded.  Police would soon be on their way.

“Why, you bitch,” he snarled trying to get the phone from her, but she pulled her arm out of his reach.  He lunged for it, nearly knocking her to the ground.

“Scott, please don’t!  Leave her alone,” Madison pleaded.

They didn’t have to wait for the police.  The neighbors who had helped once before were there again.  “Look, mister, you’ve been warned before,” one of them told Scott as he came running up.  “Leave the ladies alone,” he advised.

Scott had a new person to focus on and he turned to the man.  “This is none,” he pointed at the man’s chest, poking him now, “of your business!”

“I’m making it my business,” he bluffed as he saw over Scott’s shoulder that the other neighbor had come running out.

“Yeah?” Scott responded belligerently.  “You and what army?”

Deanna nearly rolled her eyes at the corny line.  She was more concerned about Madison who she could see just beyond Scott.  The tears concerned her, and the worry she saw on her face.

“I’ll be happy to help,” the second neighbor volunteered and Scott turned to see who else had arrived to stick their nose in his business.  “This doesn’t concern either of you!  That’s my wife!” he said, pointing at Madison angrily.

“Ex-wife,” both Deanna and Madison said at the same time and exchanged a look.  At any other time that would have been funny.  At this moment though, it angered Scott and he turned on Deanna again.

“You stay out of this, you dyke!” he roared, poking her in the chest again painfully and causing her to back up against the Rover.

“Well, aren’t we a cup of sugar all wrapped up in cellophane?” she asked mockingly.  She smiled for added effect.

Madison tried to signal to the blonde not to antagonize him further.  She saw the fist he was making and wasn’t surprised when he swung.

The two neighbors saw the fist, but too late, and both were too far away to stop it.

Deanna saw the fist too.  As he balled his hand into a fist and struck out at her, she ducked.  He hit the hood of the Rover…
  Deanna clearly heard the crack of bones breaking as he began to howl.

“You bitch!  You bitch!  You see what you made me do?”

She stepped aside and said, “You did it to yourself.”  She crossed her arms and stood there nonchalantly; she’d heard the sirens.  He hadn’t heard them over his yells and probably his pounding blood pressure.  She was sure the pain was making him a bit upset too.

“I’m going to fucking kill you, bitch,” he roared again and as he lunged, both neighbors held him back.  One of them unknowingly hit his busted knuckles causing him to roar again in pain.  “I’ll kill you!  I’ll kill you!” he screamed just as a police car came up and parked.

The police clearly heard his threat.  Deanna pulled the order of protection from her purse and the police took statements from everyone.  Next they put a now irate and irrational Scott in the back of their patrol car.  He tried to kick out the protection screen and then the windows.

“You may wish to stop by the hospital and have that fist taken care of.  He’s broken several knuckles,” she advised.

“Thank you, Doctor Kearney,” one of the officers said to her.

Deanna watched as they drove away and then she turned to Madison.  During her statement, Deanna had put her arm around the distraught woman.  She hadn’t shrugged her off, but now she wondered if they were back at square one.  The last time she had her ex-husband arrested….  “Are you okay?” she asked quietly, hoping to take her in her arms again.

Madison nodded and, surprising Deanna, put her arms around her.  “Take me inside and hold me,” she ordered.  Deanna was happy to oblige.

They had a quiet, if late dinner, and the kids went to bed.  The adults lay in Madison’s bed just holding each other.  “Have I screwed things up again?” Deanna finally had to ask.  The redhead had been too quiet for too long and she was getting nervous.

Madison turned around and looked at her in the light of the lamp next to her bed.  “I’m sorry, I’ve been thinking,” she confessed.

Deanna didn’t know why, but she tensed up.  “Care to share?”

“I’m going to have to file for full custody and an order of protection of my own,” she said sadly.

“Do you want some help with that?” she asked gently, holding her tight.

Madison nodded; she had no idea how to do all that.  “Do you know a good lawyer?”

Deanna pulled back and her blue eyes were bright in the light.  “Are you serious?  I’m a Kearney!” she said proudly.

The redhead realized how silly that must have sounded.  Of course Deanna knew a good lawyer!  She probably had a fleet of them.  They shared a laugh at Deanna’s indignant statement.  “We better get some sleep if we are going to pack up tomorrow,” she said as she laid her head on Deanna’s shoulder…because she could.

Deanna gently laid the two of them back down on the bed.  It wasn’t until she was sure Madison was asleep that she extricated herself from the redhead’s grasp.  She tiptoed in and checked on the kids, glad she had left the dog up in Santa Barbara.  She returned to the bed to curl around Madison protectively.

It was then that Madison stopped pretending to be asleep and smiling, actually went to sleep.


* * * * *


The next day they filled both the vehicles until all that was left was the bulky furniture.  “I don’t want all this,” Madison told Deanna.  “Some of it just won’t go with your nice stuff,” she confessed.

“You take what you want.  Anything you want, we will make it fit.  Otherwise, we’ll donate it to a charity.  Someone can use it and benefit from it.  Or you can have a garage sale and keep the spending money,” she advised.

“Well, the realtor said it would sell better if it was furnished, so for now I’m going to leave it.  There are a couple of pieces that I like,” she reconsidered now that she knew Deanna was all for it.

They were about to leave when a nice Lexus pulled up to the house.  Deanna walked casually, but protectively, in front of Madison.  The kids were already in the Rover.  She signaled them to stay there.  “Can I help you, gentlemen?” she asked as they got out of the nice car.

“Are you Ms. Kearney?” one of them, an older gentleman, asked respectfully.

“Yes, I’m Doctor Kearney,” she corrected him.  It happened all the time and she was used to it.

“Sorry.  Of course, I knew that,” he apologized.  “I’m Walt Whitman, your lawyer, not the writer,” he introduced himself and Madison was taken back to Africa, to a time when Doctor Burton had introduced himself in a similar fashion.  “Hi, I’m Richard Burton, not to be confused with the famous Richard Burton, but
Burton, and I run this little outpost of iniquity.”

“Ah yes, Feiock referred you,” she answered, holding out her hand.

“This is my associate and another of your attorneys, Lance Buchard,” he introduced the other man.

“How do you do?” Deanna murmured as she shook his hand too.  She turned to Madison and gestured her forward.  “This is my partner, Madison MacGregor,” she said proudly and smiled at being able to use that term.

“How do you do, Ms. MacGregor?” Mr. Whitman said cordially as he shook her hand.  “I’m very happy to make your acquaintance.  You are one of the reasons I am here.”

“I am?” she asked, confused.

“Yes, darling.  I made a call to my lawyer, Mr. Feiock, and told him what was going on here yesterday with Scott.  I asked him to handle it for you,” Deanna confessed.  She had forgotten the phone call she made first thing that morning to one of her lawyers in Boston.  With all the packing they had done that day, she hadn’t found time alone with Deanna to tell her, but she had promised to help her so she didn’t feel out of line.  She turned back to the two lawyers.  Judging by their suits, they had cost her over three hundred dollars an hour.  She didn’t care.  “What did you find, gentlemen?”  She took Madison’s hand in her own and tugged her forward so they were standing side by side for this information.

“Well, Scott has really landed himself in some hot water.  Not only breaking your order of protection,” he nodded towards Deanna who nodded back, encouraging him to continue, “but he broke four of his five knuckles on your car.”  He barely concealed a laugh, turning it into a cough before continuing.  “He confessed he had been spiking your van’s gas tank.  Did you notice any problems with it?” he asked.

“He put sugar and water in my gas tank?!” Madison gasped angrily.

The older man nodded sympathetically.  “Yes, he thought if you needed him that you might come back to him.”

“Why, that rat, I’ll…” she began irately.

“Well, ma’am, whatever you decide to do, it’s going to have to wait,” he interrupted gently.

“Why?  What else?” she asked.

“With the violations of his parole and the orders against him, he’s going to stay in jail and he will go to prison for a while,” he informed her.

Madison gasped, feeling sympathetic towards the man who was the father of her children.  Then, remembering his rage, she asked, “Is he on drugs?”

The man shook his head, “Why, I don’t know.  Was I supposed to ask about that?” he looked at Deanna, wondering if he had screwed up.  Kearney Pharmaceuticals was a powerful client.  He didn’t want to offend.

“No, we didn’t think to ask that,” Deanna assured him.  She saw Mr. Buchard relax behind the older man.

“Well, we got the order of protection.  He will not be able to come near you when he gets out…all supervised visits,” he handed her some paperwork with her name on it.  The judge had granted these fairly quickly after realizing who the firm representing Madison MacGregor was.  Plus, with all the violations against the state, it was obvious to him that Scott was unfit as a parent.  He had no problem signing off on what they asked.  “I would suggest, ma’am, that you get a post office box in Santa Barbara and have all mail routed through there so that he doesn’t know where the children are.”

Madison was dazed.  She realized she hadn’t known Scott at all.  He’d gotten so violent, so angry.  She glanced at the children hanging out the windows of the Rover, unable to hear the adults, and worried about them.  Then glancing at Deanna, whose blue eyes were looking at her worriedly, she realized she was safe.  Once the house was sold, he wouldn’t know where they were.  “How long will he be in prison?” she asked.

“Well, for now he’s in jail awaiting sentencing, and that will take time.  Finally speaking up, Mr. Buchard told her, “They didn’t grant him bail.  We will, of course, monitor it for you and let you know if we hear anything.”  He too, knew that Kearney Pharmaceuticals was an important client.  And since she was now Doctor Kearney’s partner, Madison was important to them too.  He wondered if they would handle the prenuptial agreement if it came to that.  He glanced between the two women, wondering at their relationship.

“Thank you,” she said quietly.  She was quite overwhelmed with how respectful they were being to her and how much they had accomplished.  She had thought that she and Deanna would go find a lawyer and sign some papers at the courthouse.  She thought they would have to wait weeks or even months to find out if she got sole custody.  She expected they would have to appear before a judge, get home visits at least.  She glanced at Deanna and realized what a powerful woman she was moving in with.

“I thank you, gentlemen, for coming out and telling us in person,” Deanna said formally.

“Anytime, Doctor Kearney,” Mr. Whitman assured her.  “If you need anything else, here is my card,” he handed her one from his suit pocket.

“Here is my card, Ms. MacGregor,” Mr. Buchard handed Madison one of his.  “If you have any questions or need any advice, please feel free to call.”

The women thanked them and the two men got back in the Lexus.  Deanna looked at Madison and asked, “Are you okay?”

“Whew, that’s some customer service,” she tried to joke.  She also realized that neither of these men had judged them or their relationship.  They just took care of business for them.  She was strangely relieved.

Deanna smiled.  She was used to that kind of service.  She knew it was a privilege of wealth, but she didn’t utilize the favors it could incur or let that wealth corrupt her in any way.  “Are you okay to drive?”

Madison looked up from the embossed card she was caressing.  “Yep, I’m ready.  I am hating that drive already!” she said in an attempt to cheer up.  The news the men had brought her was kind of overwhelming and depressing.  She looked at the papers she was holding and reminded herself to put them in her purse so she had them on her at all times.

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