Dom of Ages (24 page)

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Authors: K.C. Wells & Parker Williams

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Dom of Ages
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Ben shook his head. “Why spoil the day?” He picked up my empty glass and added it to the rest, the movement automatic.

I hesitated for a moment and then put a hand on Ben’s shoulder, looking him in the eye. “A marriage needs trust just as much as a sub needs it. You don’t build it by lying to him.”

Ben stiffened. “I wouldn’t be lying. I just… wasn’t going to tell him.”

“Is there really a difference?” I insisted.

Ben glanced at my hand on his shoulder and gave a slight smile. “I’m going to talk to Eli. He’s going to tan your arse, you know that, right?”

“You’re welcome.” I returned his smile.

Yes, I knew it, but it had been a moment between two men, one with more life experience than the other, and if it helped Ben come to the right decision, it would be worth it.

“You ready, pet?” Eli was at my side, Thomas with him. I rose from my seat and stood straight, awaiting his instructions.

“Eli? A moment, please?” Ben called out. Eli turned to face his friend. “Just thought you might like to know, your boy is very cheeky.”

Eli glanced at me, his eyebrows arched. “Oh, really?”

“He deserves a spanking, I think.” Ben grinned at me, his eyes glittering.

“Thank you for letting me know. I will definitely take that under advisement.” Eli brought his hand to my back. “We’ll talk about this later,” he said in a low voice.

I fired a quick look in Ben’s direction, but the bar manager simply gave me a sweet smile that bloomed into a huge grin. I had yet to receive a spanking from Eli, but with Ben’s help, I didn’t think I’d be able to say that much longer. I’d have to remember to thank him later.

The three of us went into one of the private rooms, and I watched Thomas place a sealed packet onto the table beside the bed, along with a tube of Surgilube and packets of sterile wipes. I stared at the various slender lengths of chrome and shivered.

Thomas patted my arm as he walked past me to the door. “I have a feeling Eli will be a natural at this.”

“Yes, but it’s not
dick they’re going into, is it?” I said under my breath. I wasn’t really worried, but this was something of a mindfuck as far as I was concerned.

Thomas chuckled. “Who do you think gets to try them first?” He winked at Eli, who gave an exaggerated swallow, doubtless for my benefit. Thomas slowly pushed the door until it shut with a click. “Let’s begin, shall we?”

Chapter Twenty





pet?” Eli paused at the door of the group room where he was to deliver his first training session on sounding. Earlier, Alex and I had set out a circle of chairs, two in the center for Eli and me, along with a table for all his implements, or “instruments of torture” as Eli had joked that morning. I’d laughed. We’d had so much fun practicing for the demonstration, even though he’d been very careful and followed Thomas’s instructions to the letter. Eli didn’t seem nervous at all.

“Yes, Sir.”

He gave me a warm smile. “Then let’s get in there!” He pushed open the door and—

The room was packed. Our initial circle had grown, and every chair was filled with Doms and subs, all chatting loudly. There were even members standing around the outer edge of the room. Any equipment had been pushed out of the way to make room.

Alex was standing by the door, waiting for us. He grinned. “Peter and I had to add a lot more chairs. In fact, I don’t think there’s a chair to be found outside this room. Everyone wants to see you two in action.” He pointed to the crowd. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many guys turn out for a demo.”

Thomas weaved his way through the chairs to join us. “I’ve been listening to the conversations,” he said, his eyes sparkling. “We appear to have two distinct groups of observers: the Doms who are keen to try this, and the subs who want to watch how Jarod reacts before telling their masters yes or no.” He chuckled. “Anyone who thinks the Dom is the one with all the power is deluded.” He regarded Eli. “Ready for your debut?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Eli’s hand slipped around mine, and he squeezed it tightly.

Thomas led the way across the crowded floor to our chairs and waited until we were seated. Alex scooted to the back of the room, where Peter and Scott were waiting for him. I caught sight of Dorian and Pietro in the audience, their masters at their sides. They all gave me the thumbs-up.

“Gentlemen, thank you for coming this evening,” Thomas began. “I’m delighted to see so many of you attend what we hope will be the first in a series of training sessions. It’s important to remember, as the club membership grows ever larger, that for some of our members there are practices written in the contract that will be meaningless to them. These can be researched online, of course. But both Leo and I feel we have a duty to provide training that is delivered in a safe environment, by men who know what they are doing.” He scanned the crowded room. “I can’t stress that last part enough. There is always a right way to do something, and if you have questions, you ask.”

Then he smiled. “But enough from me. I’d like to hand over to Eli Jameson, who will be talking to us tonight about sounds.” His smile became a grin. “Like you didn’t know that part.”

Laughter reverberated around the room as he stepped aside and took a chair on the front row that Leo had kept for him.

Eli took a deep breath. “Good evening. Before I begin showing you what you should be doing, I’m going to make what are hopefully some obvious points about what you
do. Tempting though it may be when you’re dying to try sounding, there are some things that have no place being anywhere near your dick.” He held up his hand and counted off on his fingers. “So, big pens are out, guys.” Ribald laughter rippled through the audience, and he smiled, wagging his finger. “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it. No chopsticks, either, not to mention straws and knitting needles.” He gave an exaggerated wince at that last one and there were a few hisses that followed. “Nothing with seams or coatings. And it stands to reason that if you, or your sub, have a nickel allergy, then stay away from nickel, yeah?” More chuckles at this.

Thomas was smiling, Leo too, and the atmosphere in the room put me at my ease.

“Next thing is the three Cs—cleanliness, cleanliness, cleanliness. The urethra is a clean environment. It’s self-flushing, right? The last thing you want to be doing is introducing bacteria in there. So… wash your hands. Wash the cock. Wash any surface that you might place the sound on or that might come into contact with the sound. Lay things on a clean towel or a sterile pad of some sort. Have alcohol wipes ready. Use rubber gloves.” Eli’s expression was serious. He picked up the tube of Surgilube and held it aloft. “See this? Sterile surgical lubricant. It’s amazing what you can buy on Amazon, isn’t it?”

I liked the laughter that followed his words. Thomas was right: Eli was a natural at this.

“Of course, what we haven’t talked about yet is why you’d want to do this.”

A ripple of murmuring and low mutters broke out from the rows of spectators, and I knew he’d hit upon an important part.

“There are a few reasons why you might enjoy sounding. We associate our dicks with the act of penetration, only here, it’s the penis that’s being penetrated, so it can be a real mindfuck experience. And of course, it’s a form of play using a completely different hole than usual. Inserting a sound into the urethra can lead to some very intense and exciting sensations. Not to mention the added benefit of stimulating the prostate in a way most of us have never experienced.”

“Have you experienced it, then?” Joe called out. He winked at Eli. “’Cause you’ve done it to yourself, of course.” He glanced at the men around him with a grin.

Eli returned his grin. “Of course. What sort of Dom would I be if I didn’t try it out on myself first?” He gave me a quick look, his eyes dancing with amusement. “
got a good laugh out of that, didn’t you, pet?”

My cheeks grew hot at the memory, and the audience burst out laughing. He was right: the expression on Eli’s face when he’d inserted that first sound had made me wish I’d had my camera nearby.

“As it happens, I wasn’t able to reach my prostate,” Eli said with a dramatic sigh. “Apparently, I’m shaped a little awkwardly inside, and the best I could manage was to get the sound about three quarters of the way down.” His eyes twinkled. “We had
better results with Jarod.”

There went my cheeks again. I could envisage a lot of subs asking me questions after this.

“And for those of you who like a little pain, sounding can be erotically painful, depending on what size of sound you choose and how you stimulate it once it’s in there.”

A few
greeted his words. I smirked when I saw Master Alan nudge Dorian in the ribs with his elbow, and Dorian’s adorable blush.

“Anyway, this is show-and-tell, right?” Eli rubbed his hands together briskly. “So enough of the ‘tell’—let’s get on with the ‘show.’” He faced me. “Ready, pet?”

I smiled. “Yes, Sir.” I stood and removed the sweatpants he’d told me to wear, folding them neatly and placing them over the back of my chair, before sitting down once more. My cock was already showing an interest.

Eli pointed to the array of sounds on the table, laid out on a towel. “These have all been disinfected, and then wiped down with alcohol wipes, so that I’m not introducing disinfectant into the body. As you can see, there are different types. Some are long and straight with a flat end, making them easier to hold, while others are curved. Yet more have a bulb at the end, and they’re used not so much for stretching the urethra, as for stimulating it. I also use silicone sounds, and we soon discovered that was Jarod’s favorite toy.” He winked at me before facing his audience. “As for which is better, that depends entirely on your preference. If you’re using steel sounds,
, make sure they’re new. No old sounds, no cheap sounds either. If you’re using silicone, then make sure it’s high-grade stuff.”

My chest swelled to see the attention of the audience focused on Eli. He spoke knowledgeably and with authority, and they were following every word. What struck me most was the fact that as he spoke to the audience, he kept a hand on me, whether he was stroking my chest or leg. It took me a moment to realize he was multitasking, engaging the people watching but also ensuring I was relaxed.

“Can everyone see what I’m doing?” Eli asked. “You might have to stand up at the back.”

“Some of us are already standing,” Alex heckled.

“Yeah, but not all of us are six feet tall!” Scott grumbled next to him.

Within seconds Alex had hoisted Scott up onto his shoulders. “How’s that, squirt?”

“Ace, beanpole!” Scott put a hand to his chest dramatically. “Geez, how d’you breathe at this altitude? There has to be less oxygen, right?” Everyone laughed, and Alex swatted him, but Scott ignored him, focusing his attention on me, giving me another thumbs-up. Around them guys stood on chairs to watch, while others simply stood.

“Any questions before we start?” Eli asked.

Ben held up his hand. “Actually, I was going to ask if
had any last words before you begin.”

Eli looked thoughtful for a moment. “The most important thing you have to remember is to be patient. If your boy is nervous, talk it through. Don’t pressure him into trying it, but encourage him. Let him know you’d never do anything to risk him, and that you will be with him every step of the way. This is something that can be exciting for both partners, but only if they’re on the same page.”

It was nice to see the Doms in the audience with partners glance at their submissives and take their hand or touch them in a loving manner. Warm looks were exchanged, and once again I was so glad that Eli had brought us to this club.

Eli moved his chair until he was facing me, his legs spread wide outside of mine. He tore open a packet and wiped gently over the head of my cock with a sterile wipe. He glanced at the audience. “I’m going to start with a straight sound, and then I’ll demonstrate the silicone one, which I’m sure will make Jarod happy. Don’t pick the smallest sound, strange as that may seem. Pick the largest one that can be inserted with a minimum of resistance. And remember, the urethra starts out wider at the glans and then narrows about half an inch in.”

His gaze locked on mine. “Okay, pet.” He snapped on his rubber gloves and then chose one of the sounds. “How about you squeeze some of the Surgilube onto my fingers? And then a blob on the head, along the slit.”

I did as instructed, watching as he slid the first several inches of the sound through the viscous liquid. We’d done this three or four times by this point, so I knew the drill. Then he rubbed the end over the slit in my cock, before slowly inserting it. “Go slow at this point, guys,” he said quietly, the words clearly audible in the still room. “Just like an arse, the muscles in the urethra will try to push out the invader. Take as much time as you need, encouraging your boy to relax.” His gaze flickered briefly up to me. “You okay?”

I nodded. I knew how good it was going to feel.

“Let gravity do all the work,” Eli said, holding my dick steady with one hand, the sound stabilized with the other. “I’m using an absolute minimum amount of force, if any. Let the sound fall if it wants to.” I focused on my cock. There was no pain, but neither was there any significant pleasure. All I could feel with that first inch was the hardness of the metal and a slow-moving wetness inside me. Eli moved incredibly slowly. Another inch. When the sound came to a natural stop, he let it rest there, before starting to move it in and out about half an inch. He withdrew the sound altogether and relubed it, before reinserting it once again.

“Any burning, pet?” I shook my head. Eli let the rod fall again. “Now we’re going to go a bit deeper,” he said, addressing his silent audience. “You can exert gentle force.” He pressed so, so slowly, and I moaned at the pressure. Time slowed as the sound made its way down the length of my dick, until it was past the base of my cock. “That’s it, pet.” I heard the pride in his words.

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