Dom Vs: Domme: The Deluxe Trilogy: A Billionaire Romance (Dom Vs. Domme Book 0) (90 page)

BOOK: Dom Vs: Domme: The Deluxe Trilogy: A Billionaire Romance (Dom Vs. Domme Book 0)
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“Yes, of course.” I kiss her cheek. “Ignore my mother. If you start some other topic, she’ll go along with you.”

“Oh, I know, bless her. I’ll bring up a desire to learn how to play chess.”

“Brother.” I rub her thigh. “I could teach you how to beat her at her own game.” Me, Katie, a chess board… sounds like a good way to pass a rainy Sunday afternoon. If we’re not having sex, that is.

I still can’t believe it’s been six months. In that time, not only has my family opened up one of the most successful hotels downtown, but I’ve ended up with this bewitching woman as the love of my life. Every time I look at her, I feel a renewed energy coursing through me. Kathryn isn’t only stunning. She’s the smartest, wittiest woman I know. She’s strong, brave, and independent. Lots of men are intimidated by that. Not me. I’m turned
by that.

Especially when she lets her guard down, letting me see the vulnerable side of her that she shields from the world. Nothing makes me feel more loved than that.

Fuck me.

“You’re ornery,” Kathryn mumbles as I start feeling her up, my lips squeezing her skin.

“No, I’m in love. There’s a slight difference.”


How other people perceive us doesn’t matter anymore. Everyone who matters already knows. If they have a problem, well, fuck ‘em. Kathryn’s lamented that a couple of her old Domme friends won’t talk to her anymore, and that was rough… I don’t like seeing her feel down, especially over something as petty as people treating her like that because she’s in a relationship with me, a Dom.

I like to think we’ve found a good balance. She’s comfortable with me, and I’ve become more comfortable with the rough way she can love on me. It’s not so bad, giving up control sometimes. The hardest part for both of us was realizing that the other person doesn’t give a shit. We don’t change in the other’s eyes. We don’t lose respect. We’re the same man and woman as always.

God, I love her. If we broke up and I found me the kind of sub I used to think I wanted, I… well, I don’t think I’d be happy for long. There’s a reason I always broke it off after a few weeks at most. They couldn’t give me everything I wanted.

I want a feisty woman who knows what it’s like to switch. A woman who will help me explore my own fantasies I never knew I had, whether I’m Topping or it’s all vanilla.

Or other things, I guess.

“Katie,” I say, conjuring the courage I need to go through with this. “I’m glad we’ve made it six months.”

She clinks her glass against mine. “Here’s to six and many more. You’re mine, Mathers. I think you’ll find it difficult for me to ever let you go.”

“The feeling is mutual.”

I reach into my pocket, her eyes burning in curiosity. When I pull out the little black box, she nearly chokes on her champagne.

“Uh, Ian…”

“Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to marry me.” Before she can sigh in relief, I open the lid, revealing two golden bands. Ah, she’s tensing up again. “Yet.”

“You mother fucker…”

“I love you too, darling.”

I take her right hand, slipping the smaller band over her ring finger. Her left clings desperately to the stem of her champagne glass. No way I’m getting a ring on
finger for at least six more months. At least.

“Care to explain?” Her voice is terse.

I fold the other ring into her palm, encasing both of my hands over hers. “I know neither of us are ready to talk about getting married yet. At least not seriously, and not any time soon.” She nods, slowly. Her face is set in a demeanor that tells me to watch myself. “I want you to know how serious I am about you. I’m crazy in love with you, Katie, and I can’t imagine that changing anytime soon. It seems a shame to not let the whole world know that.”

There’s nothing special about the rings. They’re solid gold. No engravings. No gems. They look like wedding rings, and I guess they are in a way. Okay, more like a couple’s rings.

“Ian,” Kathryn begins, carefully. “This is a fucking promise ring.”

I smile, holding my right hand up to her, delightfully bare.

“This is the kind of shit high school kids scream over.”

“Let’s indulge the high schoolers in us. They had a hard time twelve years ago.”

Kathryn rolls her eyes, but smiles. She puts down the champagne glass and kisses my cheek, her hand opening up to reveal the big ring I put in it. She whispers into my ear as she slides the ring I bought for myself onto my hand. “You’re mine, Mathers. Don’t let any woman forget that.”

I pull her into my embrace. The glass of champagne spills, cascading golden bubbles all over the blanket and grass. “And don’t let any
forget that you’re mine, Alison.”

Our tense embrace quickly turns soft. We kiss, indulging in the simplest pleasures of life – like love.

I could see myself marrying this woman. I could see us arguing about inheritances until we’re blue in the face. We would debate about last names and what to do about children to keep our families happy. We would go on vacations all around the world, and explore our inner worlds right here in the bedroom. I’m sure at some point we’ll seriously talk about sharing a sub here and there, because we both know how fucking hot it is when we watch the other take control for our titillation. I want to see Kathryn lead more women to the dark waters of pleasure. Maybe even a man once in a while. It’s what she does best.

God save us. We’re turning into the Andrews.

“Our parents will miss us soon.” Kathryn sits up, readjusting herself to fit more comfortably on this bumpy ground. “We should go make an appearance. And see how long it takes your mother to notice these rings.”

I help her up. We start packing up the bottles and blanket. “I’m glad you didn’t say no,” I say, wrapping my arm around her waist as we head back to my family’s house. “To anything.”

She winks at me, the breeze blowing back her hair and making her smile all the more alluring. “My middle name is adventure. And I want every day with you to be one helluva adventure,

I squeeze her close to me. “Same here, my goddess. Otherwise life feels like a waste.”

It takes exactly two minutes for my mother to see the rings and pass out. My father blubbers about me being a man, and Spencer Alison looks like he’s about to punch my face in before pulling me into the unmanliest hug in the world. These people think we’re getting married.

They don’t understand that a Dom and a Domme don’t simply get married. They dance a daring game of power, control, and finally, release. They chase each other, take breaks from each other, and finally admit to the other that everything is exactly as it should be.

I’m the cat. She’s the cat. We’ve both got cats. There is no room for mice here.

Welcome to our crazy, passionate life.




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Seducing the Billionaire

We hope you enjoyed DOM VS. DOMME. Please enjoy this bonus romantic comedy story, set in the same universe and starring the couple Jasmine and Ethan.

Jasmine stepped out of the elevator with a plan formulating in her head.


It had been a long week. Bills to pay, cats to bathe, and floors that needed scrubbing while bed linens hanged up to dry in the fresh sunshine. Nothing she couldn’t handle, but with so much going on in a short amount of time, she needed more than a drink. Jasmine needed an


The soft lights, the plush carpet, and the slightly perfumed air of the classy bar were her first signs that she came to the right place.
Nothing like some relaxation at the ritziest joint in town.
All right, it wasn’t the “ritziest.” However, it was damn near close, and when Jasmine formulated her plan she knew it had to be enacted in The Royal Luxury’s bar and cocktail lounge.


The hour was late. Not so late that they would soon start shooing people out, but late enough that the post-dinner rush was over. The guests here were those who had nowhere else to go, or at least didn’t want to go where they were supposed to be. Most of them were alone, like the man in a booth who read a book on his tablet while sipping a glass of brown. He was older, wrinkled. A few gray hairs that added character but detracted from sex appeal. Besides, he had a ring on his finger.


He was far from the only lonely man in the bar. There were a few more, each of them seated far away from the others and reading newspapers, cell phones, and paper books. One man had a binder full of charts and graphs that he studied with a sigh here and a head scratch there.
Someone has a big presentation in the morning.
Jasmine thought about wishing him luck as she walked by, but thought better of it.


She was distracted anyway. Distracted by the devilishly handsome man sitting at the bar with a glass of scotch and an oversized phone.


The man was one of the younger ones in there, with a smooth face and hair as dark as it was ten years ago – no hair dye in sight. His stature would shame a meditating monk. Fifty years ago a man like this would be smoking an expensive cigarette or cigar. No, he was a modern man. Liquor was his late-night mistress.


Jasmine decided it in an instance. That man. He was the one she would seduce that night. A hard working girl deserved her fun once in a while… it helped that the man’s hand was bare of any rocks or gold.
Not that it means anything these days.


The scent of money overcame her as she stepped closer to the bar. The cologne, the mild aftershave, the liquor that oozed more poise in one glass than a model could achieve in a Vogue photoshoot. Jasmine pulled out her compact mirror and checked that she had no errant hairs and nothing stuck in her teeth. She didn’t know about other women, but so far her track record of looking like a mess while seducing a man was a big fat mean zero.


“I’ll have an apple martini,” she told the bartender as she slipped onto a seat only one away from Mr. Dreamy.


She kept her eyes on the young man tending the bar, but kept a close lookout for how the businessman in a suit responded. He barely did. Jasmine got one glance before he went back to his phone.
Guh! Not gonna offer to pay for my drink?
She picked a tricky one. Luckily she was wearing her sexiest red dress. She had it on good authority that she was “positively radiant” in it, although that last guy could have been spinning webs to catch her in his trap.


“That’ll be eight dollars.” The bartender placed the small glass on a napkin before scooting the whole thing toward Jasmine. She looked at it, looked at the bartender, and then looked at the man sitting near them.
Eventually Jasmine was forced to pull out her wallet and slip the man a five and three ones. This was going to be harder than she thought.


Of course, she liked it hard.


“Thank you.” Jasmine waited for the bartender to step away before taking her first sip. Sweet. Subtle. The alcohol in it soothed the first of her worries at the end of a long week.
Could use other things to feel better, though.
She looked at the man in a suit. A nice suit. A
suit, tailored to his body. Money, money, money. This man oozed it, unless he had some benefactor in Italy handing him Armani suits. Either way, Jasmine could dig it. “Lonely night?” she asked, hoping her voice wouldn’t tremble and betray the few nerves left within her.


She got a furtive glance, but that was it. Whatever was on the man’s phone must have been captivating.
Probably porn.
Jasmine glanced at the man’s lap. Maybe not.


“Here for business?” He looked it. This hotel catered to the wealthy businessmen traveling through the area and looking for a cozy place to sleep and shower. And meet their mistresses. Since entering the business world, Jasmine was crestfallen to learn how much cheating went on during business trips. “Or maybe… pleasure?”

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