Read Domination Inc. Online

Authors: Drusilla Leather

Tags: #chimera, #erotic, #ebook, #historical, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage, #master, #discipline, #Slave, #mistress, #obedience, #sexual, #fantasy, #dark, #wild

Domination Inc. (28 page)

BOOK: Domination Inc.
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Knowing that he had no other real choice, he began to dress. Whoever had supplied these clothes had made a fair stab at guessing his size, and though he had filled out slightly since he was invalided out of the force, everything seemed to fit well enough. This was how he had been dressed the first time he had met Laurel, and he wondered how she would react on seeing him in uniform again.

‘Fantastic,' Warren said approvingly. ‘Let's go.'

Navigating the last mile or so from the elderly road map Warren kept stuffed in the glove compartment, they soon found themselves at the bottom of the drive that led to Garside Hall.

‘We'd better get out and walk from here,' Joe said. ‘Otherwise it's going to look more than a little suspicious if two uniformed policeman are spotted getting out of a Jeep with a cartoon rhino on the spare wheel cover.'

Joe and Warren made their way up to the house, their boots crunching on the smooth gravel. Lights were burning in a couple of the windows, and Joe wondered which room Laurel and Cindy were being kept in. Well, he thought, they would find out soon enough.

Warren paused for a moment to adjust his cap before ringing the doorbell. At first, the two men thought no one had heard them, but as Warren went to ring the bell once more, the door was opened by a tall, elegant-looking woman in a black leather bustier and short, tight-fitting suede skirt. Her expression showed clear annoyance at being asked to answer the door late on a Sunday evening.

‘Mrs Lawson?' Warren asked.


‘I'm PC Challoner, and this is my colleague, PC Jeffreys,' he improvised. ‘We've had reports of a disturbance on your property.'

‘A disturbance?' The woman was staring closely at them, and Joe was certain that their cover was about to be blown at any moment.

Warren continued blithely, ‘Yes, apparently a motorist driving past saw someone trying to climb over the wall at the bottom of your garden. They were worried someone might be trying to break into your house. We'd like to come in and check that everything's all right.'

‘We're fine. There's no one here except my husband and I. Now, if you don't mind…' Louisa Lawson tried to shut the door, at which point Joe and Warren sprang forward, pushing her into the hall.

Joe's swift hand over her mouth stifled any cry she might have made to alert the others in the house, and Warren used the handcuffs which Helen had thoughtfully provided with the uniform to secure Louisa's hands. In her panicked state, he knew it would never occur to her that these were anything other than genuine police-issue cuffs, even though they were designed to spring free without the use of keys.

‘Now, show us where the girls are,' Joe hissed in Louisa's ear. He let her stumble forward into the drawing room, where they were confronted by the sight of Cindy wriggling on Clive Lawson's knee as he used a heavy rubber paddle on her backside. The red blotchy patterns that already marked her skin indicated that this punishment had been going on for some time.

By the time Lawson looked up, registering the unexpected intrusion, Warren had locked the door, preventing his and his wife's escape.

‘What the hell is going on here?' he asked. Cindy took advantage of his confusion to scramble off his knee and fling herself into Warren's arms.

‘Thank God you're here!' she exclaimed.

‘These men are animals!' Louisa said, finally shaking off Joe's grip. ‘They turned up at the door spinning some cock and bull story. They must know what's really going on here, Clive.'

As she spoke, Clive Lawson was making a break towards the French windows at the far end of the room, but Joe was quicker. He launched himself at the fleeing man and rugby-tackled him. Lawson fell heavily to the carpet, catching his head against a table leg in the process. He lay, moaning groggily, the fight knocked from him.

Joe hauled him, unprotesting, over to where his wife stood meekly, hands cuffed.

‘Cindy, could you get her clothes off?' he asked.

Cindy, happy to see the rôles reversed, began to divest Louisa Lawson of her bustier and skirt. ‘Strip her husband, too,' she said. ‘I've got a plan.'

When the couple were naked, Cindy went rooting in the drawer from which Louisa had produced so many punishment implements over the past twenty-four hours, emerging triumphant with a couple of coils of rope and the leather olisbos with which she and Laurel had been made to pleasure each other.

She presented one end of the phallic object to Louisa's mouth, intending her to suck it, but Louisa kept her lips stubbornly clamped shut.

‘Either you lick it, and lick it well, or I'll stick it where you know it's going unlubricated, and I don't think you'll enjoy that,' Cindy warned her. Reluctantly, Louisa opened her mouth, and began to apply a generous coating of her own saliva to each end of the olisbos in turn.

When Cindy was satisfied, she took the dildo. ‘Now spread your legs, bitch,' she ordered Louisa. The other woman parted her thighs enough to give Cindy access to her sex. Cindy licked her finger and ran it along Louisa's furrow. ‘You don't know how much I'm going to enjoy this,' she said, positioning one end of the olisbos at the entrance to Louisa's vagina and thrusting it home.

Louisa gave a groan as the saliva-slick length lodged inside her, but Cindy had not yet finished. Now she turned her attention to Clive, who was being held by Joe. ‘On your hands and knees,' she told the man. ‘I want to see that arse of yours sticking up in the air.'

The formerly dominant Lawson could do nothing other than obey, as Joe began to manoeuvre him into the required position. When Cindy was satisfied she again licked her finger, and used it to circle Lawson's tightly-puckered rear hole.

‘Oh, you like that, don't you?' she said, as she pushed against the resistance of Lawson's muscular ring, and felt it yield. ‘Maybe my two friends here should take it in turns to bugger you, eh? Maybe you should be made to lick their cocks first, so they'll enter you nice and smoothly…'

To Lawson's obvious chagrin, his cock pulsed and stiffened slightly at Cindy's words. She reached beneath him and gave his shaft a few contemptuous rubs. As he hardened and grew more excited beads of pre-come formed in the eye of his glans. Cindy scooped it up with her finger and used it to lubricate his anus.

‘Concentrate on the pleasure,' she crooned, motioning to Joe, who had already worked out where the other end of the double dildo was going, and was more than happy to drag Louisa Lawson over until she was kneeling directly behind her husband. ‘That way, you'll barely notice the pain.'

Joe had taken hold of the dildo where it jutted out of Louisa's crotch, and pressed it to Lawson's anal opening. Then he gave Louisa a sharp smack on her rump. She squealed and pitched forward slightly, the dildo forcing its way deep into her husband's rectum. Warren sprang the catch on Louisa's handcuffs, and together he and Cindy worked quickly to tie the Lawsons up, so that Clive was tethered to the legs of the table, still kneeling. Louisa's hands were fastened around his waist and secured at the wrists, and their legs were tied together, Louisa's outside her husband's.

Joe reached for the phone extension and dialled rapidly. ‘Hello, police? Yes, I'm calling from Garside Hall. There's been a break-in. Could you send someone over to us? Okay, brilliant, we'll see you then.'

He put the receiver down and smiled at the Lawsons, who were wriggling in their bonds. ‘You might be able to free yourselves before the police turn up. I hope you do, for your sakes. I mean, you might be able to find a convincing reason for why you're naked and tied up, but I'd love to see you both explain away that little toy of Louisa's.' He turned to Cindy. ‘Get dressed,' he said, gesturing to the discarded pile of clothes on the floor, ‘and make your way down to the jeep. We've got to be away from here before the police arrive, but first of all Warren and I are going to find out what's happened to Laurel.'




Chapter Fifteen



In the master bedroom, Laurel was secured to the bed, spread-eagled, waiting for whatever Roger might choose to do to her. He had not tied her up himself, having left that task to the skilful fingers of Louisa Lawson. Louisa had used silken ropes and left Laurel with enough purchase in her bonds that she could wriggle slightly, but had no chance of freeing herself.

It seemed like a lifetime since she had spoken to Joe, though it could only have been a matter of hours. In that time, Clive had strapped Laurel's backside for the first time in her life, as she had been held fast over his wife's knee; she could still remember the feel of the heavy leather strap as it landed on her soft flesh, causing her to cry out and buck in Louisa's surprisingly strong grasp. She had only taken five strokes from the strap, but each had burned like fire, and when she was laid on the bed by Clive, even the smooth satin counterpane had chafed painfully against her sore skin. The sensation had gradually faded to a dull ache as Roger sat in a corner of the bedroom, watching her and waiting for Joe to arrive.

She had half-hoped that Joe would refuse to hand the deeds to the agency over, but when the choice was the business or the safety of herself and Cindy, it was a refusal he could never have made. At least, she supposed, it proved he still cared about her...

Laurel's mind was still in turmoil over Nina's mocking words. The thought that Joe had fallen in love with her stepsister had hurt more than any blow from Clive Lawson's strap. Why had she never told him she loved him herself? Why had her stupid pride prevented her from getting involved with him? It was too late now: Nina had claimed him, as she had claimed anything Laurel had ever really cared about.

She forced her mind back to her present situation. Roger had risen from his seated position, and was busying himself with something on the dressing table. As Laurel watched him she realised he had lit one of the thick wax candles which were used as decoration throughout the room. He walked towards the bed, holding it and smiling.

‘Relax, Laurel,' he said. ‘It'll soon be over, but we still have time for one more game.'

‘Why are you doing this?' Laurel asked, her eyes widening in fear as Roger took the candle out of its solid brass candlestick. He stared at the flame with almost manic intensity.

‘Nina was easy,' he said. ‘She gave herself to me willingly. She's a good and obedient slave, and she'll do anything I ask of her. But you, Laurel, you're a challenge. I know I haven't broken you. Whatever we've done to you, part of you is still resisting. I haven't heard you beg for mercy, and I want that so much...'

‘Never,' Laurel said, her gaze riveted to the fat bead of wax that was forming as the candle burned steadily.

Roger moved so that he was standing directly beside her. He held the candle above her supine, bound body, and began to tilt it. ‘You only have to say the words.'

‘Go to hell,' Laurel retorted. Seconds later she felt a brief burning sensation as the droplet of wax splashed on her stomach. Despite herself, she gave a sharp cry.

‘Where shall it be next?' Roger asked. ‘Those beautiful breasts of yours?'

As he spoke he let another drop of candle wax fall. His aim was accurate, and it landed squarely on her right breast, a fraction away from her pale, puckered aureole. Another blob followed, crowning her left breast. She bit her lip, forcing herself not to make another sound. She would not give him the pleasure of seeing how frightened and vulnerable she was.

His crotch was close to her face as he leaned over her, the material of his dark trousers pushed out sharply by the strength of his erection.

‘I'll stop now, on the condition that you suck my cock,' he told her. ‘And while you're sucking it, I want you to frig yourself with this candle. I can just see how it will look, sliding in and out of your beautiful cunt…'

‘And what if I won't do it?' she asked, having absolutely no desire to fellate her erstwhile business partner.

‘Then just imagine how it will feel to have hot wax falling on that pretty little pussy of yours.'

Securely bound and with her legs widely splayed, Laurel was utterly vulnerable to Roger's whims. She fought a rising tide of revulsion as he gently stroked her hair away from her face. How could she ever have believed this man to be her friend, her equal?

He passed the candle over her lower body, so close that she could feel the heat from the flame against her sensitive sex-flesh, before pulling it away and letting wax spatter her inner thighs. Still, she would not give him what he craved, and she knew it was only a matter of time before droplets of wax were daubing her crinkled pussy lips.

As she closed her eyes and prepared for the worst, the door to the bedroom burst open. She looked up to see Warren, dressed, of all things, as a policeman, doing his best to wrestle the guttering candle out of Roger's clutches.

‘Put it down, man,' Warren snarled, ‘or I'll have you done for resisting arrest.'

‘I told that stupid friend of yours not to get the police involved!' Roger snapped at Laurel. His voice took on a new, wheedling tone. ‘Look, officer, I can explain everything. You see, this is a private party…'

BOOK: Domination Inc.
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