Dominic (Saint Brothers #1) (8 page)

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It wasn’t like something out of the movies where he would sweep everything off the desk in a single motion, for the desk was already a clear, empty space. But being in here, knowing that it was out of bounds, made the moment even hotter.

My eyelids were heavy and I didn’t think I’d ever felt this sated before. Watching him as he removed his tie slowly, I wanted to reach out and touch him but he backed out of my way. With a chuckle, he came closer once again, lifting the tie to my eyes and quickly knotting it behind my head.

I’d never done anything like this before. Sure, I knew it was pretty damn tame in the grand scheme of things and the stories my friends had told me were way wilder, but I’d never been blindfolded before. It sent everything I was feeling into overdrive, major sensory overload.

As he leant forward, I could feel his breath on my skin. I could feel him at my entrance and as he entered, I gasped at his size. Holy crap on a cracker, I’d seriously been picking the wrong men all these years.

He drove into me harder and harder and I was grateful the desk was at my back. This was a man who knew what it took to pleasure a woman as well as getting his own. If I hadn’t been so aware that we were in a nightclub with people milling about outside the locked doors, I could have screamed out in pure fucking ecstasy.

Taking me hard and fast, I threw my head back as pleasure crashed through my body.

As we lay panting, he had his hands planted either side of my ribs as my knees stayed curled on his shoulders. It felt like we’d run a bloody marathon.

That was how sex was supposed to be. That was like the movie sex I’d always dreamed of but never found. I can’t say my body exploded into a million pieces and I saw fireworks as I came multiple times, as who really does that in real life? But honestly? It was the best I’d ever had.

Feeling him shift slightly, I managed to remove my legs without them falling limply to the desk so I didn’t look like a complete idiot. I barely had control over my limbs. He knew exactly what he was doing and had driven my body to heights I had never known before. He wouldn’t have been surprised to have seen my so limp, I was sure, but I wanted to maintain a little of my dignity.

As I moved my hand towards the tie with shaky fingers, he reached out and lightly grasped my wrist. Before I could understand what he was doing, he planted a light kiss on my cheek and within seconds I heard the door unlocking and then suddenly shutting behind him.

My good vibes started to diminish.

Wrenching the tie off, he was nowhere to be seen.

I was starting to feel dirty and used, with the smell of sex hanging heavy in the air. Aware that the door was now unlocked and that anyone could walk in at any moment, I scrabbled for my clothes and made myself look as presentable as possible.

Reaching for the door handle, I stuffed the tie into my bag and grinned. There was no use feeling bad about what had happened. That was the Goddamn best sex I’d ever had.

On the downside, I’d wanted to discover his body and I had been denied. Honestly, though, I hardly had the strength to lift my hands, but if I’d had his naked body in front of me, I’m sure I’d have found the strength from somewhere. I could still feel the heat of his taut muscles against my skin. That was sure to be one body to die for.

On the plus side, because I didn’t know his name and it was very doubtful that I’d ever see him again, I’d be able to use my Mystery Man to fulfil many nights of pleasure to come with Mr B.O.B.

Creeping out of the office, no one took any notice of me. I was sure they’d all be able to tell from the way I was walking and my just-fucked hair what I’d been up to, but no one bat an eyelid at me. Decadence wasn’t the kind of place you had stranger sex in a locked out-of-bounds room, which only made me grin further.

Waving to Taylor, I wanted to let her know that I was leaving. She seemed totally engrossed in her conversation with John and happily waved me away.

I was going home alone. Again. But, after tonight, I felt a little more desirable and the ache between my legs was a wonderful reminder of my encounter with… whatever his name was.


Chapter Five




A week later, I walked into Sinners feeling royally pissed off. I headed straight towards the back of the bar where Kellin and Jared were sitting at our usual table.

“What the fuck is so important?” I stormed as I sat down. I had only left the bar a few hours ago and everything had been fine.

“What crawled up your ass?” Jared glared at me.

“Lily was nearly asleep and she woke up just as Rachael walked in. She’ll never get her back to sleep now.” This was what was winding me up. It was yet another break in our routine. I worked through the day at the club and the bar so that I could spend as much time with my daughter as possible.

Usually I had at least one night a week when she went to stay at my dad’s house, but other than that, we had our own set routine. And things like this threw it all out of whack. I wasn’t impressed.

“Rachael won’t give a crap. You know that. She loves to play all that girly shit with Lily.”

Kellin was probably right but that wasn’t the point. Lily had to be up early in the morning for nursery and if she didn’t get a good nights’ sleep, she could be a ratty little madam.

Rachael lived next door to us and was more than happy to help out with babysitting duties anytime I needed her. I hated asking for help, but on nights like tonight, it couldn’t be avoided.

Lily was a great kid. She didn’t bat an eyelid if her routine was ever upset by me being called into work, which still happened more often than I would have liked. She was such a happy little kid who saw everything in her life as one big adventure. It was me that didn’t like people disrupting my time with her. It was hard enough being a single father as it was without chinks in my routine.

“Sorry, bro. This is important.” Jared sighed.

“Where’s Austen? Why can’t he deal with this?”

“He’s busy.”

I sighed and took a swig from the bottle of water that Lauren brought over for me. There was no point in drinking when I was driving and I wasn’t planning on staying her for very long. “What’s so important?”

“Matt’s been sniffing around Lauren again.”

“Matt? The ex that ran off pissing his pants?”

Kellin nodded. “Seems he didn’t get the message the first time.”

What the hell did he hope to gain by doing this? This shit was getting worse by the minute. “So, what’s the plan?” Did he think he was going to get her back? What was he going to do? Man-handle her back into his life?

“We’re still thinking of the best course of action.”

“What did he do? Did he scare her?” Was he hoping she would be so scared that she’d run back into his arms where she felt safe? Well, none of that shit was going to wash with me.

“Apparently, he’s been sending her little gifts through the post.”

“What kind of gifts?”

“Chocolates, jewellery, stuff like that.”

I shook my head. “He isn’t going to give up on her, is he?”

Jared sat forward. “I think we should go and have another little chat with the prick again.” He cracked his knuckles menacingly.

“I don’t think that’s going to work. He doesn’t seem to be listening to reason, does he? Honestly, he really should have got the message after the last time.” I had fucking ripped him to shreds last time and yet here he was again, sniffing around.

“Why don’t you let me at him this time? Maybe I could be a bit more persuasive?” Jared grinned.

“Don’t be so fucking stupid.” There was no way I was going to let him take that kind of risk. He had way too much to lose.

Jared had a couple of fights coming up in the next few months and it wouldn’t do him any favours to be caught brawling outside of the cage. He wouldn’t just get arrested, he’d also face possible fines and suspension. There was no way I was going to let him do that to himself, especially not when he was making such a big name for himself. I wouldn’t let him throw that away for anything.

“No one would find out.” He insisted.

“Are you that fucking stupid? Matt knows exactly who you are and what you do and he is stupid enough to spread that news to the world. “

Jared scoffed. “He doesn’t scare me.”

“That’s not the fucking point, you moron.” I rolled my eyes at him. “You’ve got a lot riding on this next match. Don’t spoil it now. Maren will kick your ass if you do.”

“Well, you’re right about that.” Jared shivered. He was one hard-ass motherfucker, but Maren had him by the balls.

“Pussy whipped bastard.” Kellin muttered, chuckling.

“Fuck you.” Jared hissed at him, knowing he had no comeback for that comment. He couldn’t get involved in this mess, not unless he wanted Maren to call a bedroom-ban for the next couple of months. That girl sure knew where to hit him where it hurt.

I put the bottle down on the table and sat forward. I had to stop this spat between them before it got out of hand. Kellin was just as pussy-whipped as Jared, so he had no room to talk. “Hold up. How do we know about this anyway?” I wished I had a bottle of Jack in place of the water tonight. I had the feeling I was going to need it.

“Matt turned up at her house.”

“Where the fuck was Maze?” Even though things had been quiet, we’d kept Maze on Lauren, which evidently turned out to be a good thing. It wasn’t only that, though. We may be a bunch of meat-head men, but anyone could see the spark between the two of them and if we could help them on their way, we would. They both deserved a bit of happiness.

“He was busy, taking a piss. She heard the knock at the door and answered it without thinking.”

“Shit.” If it could happen that easily, we were going to need to get some extra cover in. Maze couldn’t do this by himself twenty-four-seven. Kellin and Jared would have to get some more of their boys on rotation. I wouldn’t have Lauren put in any danger.

That was part of the problem. They were trying to keep this all a little more casual than their usual jobs and less regimented so as to not freak Lauren out. They had to start taking this more seriously.

“You need to get more people on this.”

“Lauren doesn’t want that.”

“I’m not being rude, but we’re doing this as a favour. She’s not being charged, so basically she’s going to have to lump it.” I said harshly.

“Are you going to be the one to tell her that?” Kel smirked.

“If I have to, yes.” I knew that the boys’ didn’t want to intrude on her life more than they had to, but Matt had been back now. He hadn’t gotten the message and who knew what he would do next. This bullshit was going to stop now if I had anything to do with it.

“I’ve already got a couple of men lined up, but Maze will be sticking to her like glue tonight.”

“And what’s in place at her house?” I knew that they had stepped up security, but I wasn’t sure to what extent.

“Austen’s over at her place now.”

I nodded. He was a whizz at that kind of shit. “Where’s Lauren?”

“She’s in your office.”

Standing up, I didn’t bother saying another word. I wasn’t sure what I was going to be walking into and would rather see her for myself.

The last thing I expected was to walk in to Lauren laughing on the phone, a bottle of Jaeger in one hand.

“Shit, I’ve got to go. Dominic’s here.” She giggled. “Yes, the big fit one.” I rolled my eyes. “I’ll see you later, babe.” And she hung up the phone.

“Who was that?” I was concerned that it was Matt, with her calling whoever it was ‘babe’.

“That was my friend. She’s coming around later after she gets off work.”

“How are you doing, Lauren?” At first, I thought that she might have been putting on a brave face, or the alcohol was giving her false confidence, but when I knelt down in front of her and looked into her eyes, I saw that she was doing better than I thought.

“Dominic, I’m fine. Honestly, you don’t have to worry about me.” She patted me on the arm reassuringly.

I sat down in the office chair opposite her. It was a much smaller space than my office at Decadence, but I always felt much more comfortable in here. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

She sighed. “It’s not as bad as they’re all trying to make out.” She nodded her head towards the bar, indicating she was talking about my brothers. “He didn’t do anything to me.”

“Can you tell me what happened? And then I can be the one to decide if they’ve blown it out of proportion.”

Lauren put down the bottle heavily on the desk. “Maze had gone to the bathroom. There was a knock at the door. I didn’t even think it would be him.”

“What did he do?”

“Nothing really.”

“Lauren, come on.”

“Really. He just told me he missed me and gave me a beautiful bunch of roses. That’s all. See? No big deal. It’s not worth all this worry.”

I frowned at her for a moment. It was a bit of a worry that she was taking all of this quite so well. After all, that man had been the one to break her down. She shouldn’t be taking this little visit from him out of the blue in her stride. In all fairness, seeing him again should have freaked her the hell out. I hoped that his surprise romantic gesture of bringing her roses hadn’t softened her towards him, which I was damn sure had been his intent.

“Was anyone else there? Did anyone else see him?”

“No. It was just me.”

I nodded, watching her for a moment. She was holding it together too well for my liking, but I wasn’t sure how to deal with that. I was going to have to go through the practical details with the boys first and then work out how to tackle her emotional state.

“What went down next? After he gave you the roses?”

“Nothing, Dom! He gave me the roses, told me he missed me and then he left. He was gone by the time Maze came down the stairs and freaked the fuck out! I don’t know what his problem is.” She scowled.

I knew exactly what his problem was. Maze liked Lauren. It was as simple as that. I’d seen him watching her before but he didn’t make a move while she was still with Matt. He still wasn’t making a move now, knowing that it was too soon. But she was blind if she couldn’t or wouldn’t see why Maze had flipped out.

Chuckling to myself, I could imagine how Maze would have reacted. It wasn’t an amusing situation, far from it, but he was becoming more and more attached to Lauren. This shit was getting more serious and I respected him for keeping his eyes on the job as opposed to the woman. I’d seen the way he looked at her when he thought she wasn’t noticing.

“Is it okay for me to go home? Have you got cover for tonight?”

“Don’t worry about that.” I waved her off. The last thing on my mind was covering her at the bar. That shit was sorted already. I was more worried about her. “We’re just waiting for word from Austen.”

“Why? Is he putting more stuff in my house that I’m not going to be able to work?”

She had been having quite a bit of trouble with the alarm system we’d installed, but Austen was going to hang around to give her a crash course. “He’ll show you exactly how to use it.”

Lauren rolled her eyes. “And I supposed my shadow will be there again tonight?”

I bit back a grin. “Maze will be with you tonight but we’re arranging some of the other men to come on rotation. We want someone on you at all times.” I could have sworn I saw a look of disappointment passed over her face when I said someone else would be taking over from Maze.

“My friend is coming to stay tonight.”

“And you think a girl is going to be able to protect you better than we can” I glanced at her, waiting for her to kick off at me. She hated sexist comments like that, which was why I said it.

“Hey!” Lauren bit immediately, “I’m tougher than I look!”

“I bet you are.” I punched her lightly on the shoulder, laughing. “Whatever. Anyway, you need to stay in here for a while longer. I’ll tell you when it’s safe and Maze will drive you home.”

“What? Why?” Lauren jumped up out of her seat, almost knocking the bottle off the desk.

Moving the bottle out of the line of fire, I shook my head at her. “It’s not safe at the moment, especially not if he’s sniffing around you again.”

“He wouldn’t hurt me.”

Exasperated, I turned away from her and could have smacked my head on the wall. Those roses and the time apart were really doing the trick. She was already forgetting the shit he had put her through. I had to get someone to talk to her, to try and get her to see some sense.

“How long will I be stuck here?” She asked defiantly. Lauren never spoke to anyone in that tone of voice, so I was guessing the drop of alcohol she’d had was making her feel brave.

“A little longer. I’ll let you know.” I walked out of the office without looking back at her. I headed straight over to where Kellin and Jared were still sitting.

“How’s she doing?”

I shook my head as I sat down. “She really could do with staying somewhere else tonight.”

“We thought the same. Austen isn’t done at her place yet so I called Maze and he’s going to take her to stay at his.”

At least that made more sense. “She’s got a friend coming to stay.”

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