Read Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four Online

Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (139 page)

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halfway to his mouth. “I’m not in the closet,” he said, all

befuddlement. Would that ever not be cute?

Nik snorted. “Really. Well, next time I’m in Whitetail you can

take me down to the Elk’s Club so we can go dancing.”

Jurgen leaned back on the couch and looked at Nik, shoving the

chip into his mouth. Chewing and thinking. Nik loved a man who

could multi-task. “They’d never let two men dance, there. I’ll take you

to the Dairy Queen.”

“Their dance floor is too small.”

Jurgen smiled and leaned forward again. “Just because I don’t

wear a rainbow on my uniform doesn’t mean I’m in the closet. I just

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 852

don’t go telling anyone. That’s dangerous in a county like Marlyle.

You know that.”

“But if someone asked you outright, you’d tell them you like


He shrugged, all nonchalance. It didn’t look like fake nonchalance.

“Depends on the circumstances. I’m not telling some hick I just pulled

over on suspicion of driving drunk who’s got a deer-rifle on the rack.”

Wiping his fingers on a napkin. What kind of guy used a napkin for

chips and salsa? Stuff like that made Nik swoon. Unfortunately.

“Closet,” Nik snorted, even though it wasn’t really fair.

“Cautious.” Jurgen looked at him, eyeing Nik over his beer bottle.

He was getting his officious look. “Look at Dave, he’s in the closet,

but he has no choice. He’d never survive in that department if anyone


“Especially if they knew he liked to be tied up and spanked.” Not

that Nik really knew he did, he was just sort of… fishing.

Jurgen sat forward and carefully set his beer down on Nik’s coffee

table—on a coaster, who knew he had coasters?—turning toward him,

one arm on the back of the couch behind him, leaning in until he was

inches from Nik’s face. “You don’t mind your own business, I’ll tie

you up and spank you.” His voice had gone low and rough, like the

exhaust on his chopper.

Nik fought off a shiver. If Jurgen saw it, he might misinterpret it

as interest in the idea. No clever rejoinders were forthcoming.

Jurgen’s eyes narrowed and he planted his other fist beside Nik’s

hip, bringing him even closer. Nik could feel the stubble on his cheek

as Jurgen spoke in his ear. “Maybe I’ll just handcuff you and fuck you.

You know how much you love that, Nikky. Love the way you beg me

when your ass is in the air and you want me inside you. You’re such a

slut for me.”

By then, he was nibbling on Nik’s neck, and Nik might have been

panting. So embarrassing, but fuck Jurgen got him so, just,
. Hot

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 853

didn’t cover it. “I thought you were watching the game.” Damn. He

was squeaking.

Jurgen laughed against his neck, hot, moist breath and thrumming

lips. “They can watch us.”


Fine. So he begged.


Jurgen climbed back into bed, still naked. It seemed awkward and

unplanned, totally unlike Jurgen’s smooth self, but he pulled Nik up

from the headboard and made him straddle his lap with hands on Nik’s

hips. He leaned into Nik, kissing him softly where his neck met his

clavicle. Jurgen sighed and rested his forehead on Nik’s skin, hands

loosely clasped behind his back.

Nik was almost overwhelmed by the simple sweetness.
This man

is so bad for my heart.
Not that he moved, of course. Tentatively, he

stroked his fingers through Jurgen’s short hair. He laid a cheek on

Jurgen’s head.

They sat like that, Nik’s back protesting and Nik ignoring it, until

he opened his mouth and out came, “I thought that was enough for


Jurgen didn’t answer. After a minute, Nik started to climb off his

lap. Jurgen’s arms tightened, holding him still. “I don’t know.”

Nik sighed. For a man who wasn’t screwed up, Jurgen was

damned complicated.

“Let’s get tested.”

Nik’s heart lurched. See? Jurgen was totally bad for his heart.

What if he had some previously undiscovered heart murmur? “What?”

“You heard me,” Jurgen said into his neck. Nik shrugged a

shoulder to dislodge him, then used his palm on Jurgen’s forehead to

force his head up. Jurgen looked at him expressionlessly.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 854

Nik didn’t know what to think. Jurgen was way too cautious—and

yes, he admitted it, caring—to endanger Nik if he was fucking other

guys. Jurgen just stared back at him. Nik’s heart rattled along

uncomfortably. But he couldn’t just say ‘yes’ or ‘okay’ or whatever. It

was too much exposure.

Then that tongue flickered out again, pulling for a millisecond on

Jurgen’s lower lip. Just like the night Jurgen first came to his parent’s

place, in all his gay alpha glory.

“I already did.”
He hadn’t meant to admit that.

Jurgen smiled. Nik responded without thinking. He just knew his

eyes had gone all soft, and there was no edge to his smile. It was

pointless to worry about how besotted he looked, now. He’d already

admitted to the testing. He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead

against Jurgen’s. His heart fluttered.

Jurgen tightened his arms, bringing Nik close. “I’ll do it while I’m

here.” He spoke into Nik’s forehead.

Then he kissed it.

Nik’s heart stopped.


Nik’s students were idiots. Idiots and buffoons. Who couldn’t

write. Clearly, they had just sat themselves in front of computers—

probably drunk—and hit random keys until they reached the

minimum word count.

Someone knocked on the door. Nik looked up at the clock on the

kitchen wall. It was an analog clock, which he kept for the kitsch

factor, but which took him so long to decipher he almost had to start

over again once he figured it out.

It was ten… something. The long hand hadn’t hit the six, yet.

Someone knocked again. Probably the same someone.

It had to be Sam. No one else would show up without calling first,

at least not this late. Jurgen crossed his mind, but he didn’t have two

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 855

days off in a row for at least four more. Still, Nik’s heart sped up at the

thought. Damn thing was so predictable.

Jurgen. Nik’s heart skipped a beat. He was looking sexy as

hell in his leather jacket and chaps with his jeans and boots, holding

his helmet against his hip. He had helmet hair. As usual.

“What are you—?” Jurgen pushed past Nik into the apartment,

slammed the door and backed Nik up against it.

“Got my test results back,” he said right before he sealed his lips

over Nik’s. He sucked them both in, then stroked them with his tongue

before working his way into Nik’s mouth. He wasn’t exactly in a

hurry, but he was very, very focused. Nik moaned. He loved Jurgen’s

ability to focus completely on a job.

Jurgen pressed him up against the door with his body, shoving a

thigh between Nik’s legs, forcing him onto his toes. Nik wrapped his

arms around Jurgen’s shoulders for balance.

In between sucking, biting kisses to his neck, Jurgen told him,

“Gonna fuck you right here, then carry you in to the bedroom and do

it again.”

Nik whimpered. Shit, that sounded good, but.., “I have papers to

grade for tomorrow morning.”

Jurgen stopped. He didn’t move, breathing heavily against Nik’s

ear. Slowly he swiveled his hips, grinding his erection high up on

Nik’s hip. “Can’t you tell them something came up?”

“Something big,” Nik gasped agreeably. He could feel Jurgen’s

smile. “Leave the chaps on.”

“Love it when you talk dirty to me, Nikky.”

Nik laughed, but it turned into a weird gasping kind of moan when

Jurgen bit his ear lobe. He pulled an arm down and started feeling

around for the buckle on Jurgen’s chaps. Jurgen moaned this time

when Nik pulled it open. Nik started on the snap on his jeans.

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“I’ve been hard since I got that damn letter from the clinic. Got

home at eight and got the mail.”

There was something significant about that, but Nik had found the

tab for Jurgen’s zipper and he needed to concentrate to get it down.

Jurgen’s hands had slipped under the hem of Nik’s shirt, and he was

holding Nik still with one hand on his waist, making circles around

Nik’s nipple with the fingers of the other. He stroked across it and Nik

arched into his hand. Or tried to. Jurgen pulled away, teasing him.

“Get my jeans open and maybe I’ll reward you,” Jurgen said, making

another teasing pass across Nik’s hard nipple.

Nik brought his other hand down to help out. It wasn’t a lot of

help. It kept groping Jurgen’s hard dick through the denim instead of

helping with the zipper. Jurgen was so hard it felt like he was keeping

his flashlight in his pocket. Nik followed the shaft to the end, finding

the head and a wet spot where pre-cum had soaked through Jurgen’s

jeans. His stomach clenched. Jurgen really, really wanted him. He

moaned and pressed forward with his hips. That kind of desire was a

major aphrodisiac.

Nik shoved his other hand down the front of Jurgen’s jeans,

wiggling to fit it in there. Jurgen shuddered when Nik’s fingertips

brushed the silky skin of his cock. Nik felt along, running his

fingertips across veins and skin, until he could feel the flared ridge of

Jurgen’s head. He had one hand on the outside, squeezing, and fingers

inside, stroking lightly, trying to reach more. Jurgen moaned into

Nik’s ear and his hand gripped Nik’s pec almost too tightly. He slid his

other hand down Nik’s back, palming and squeezing his ass through

his sweats. Nik arched and the back of his head hit the door.

“Want you,” Jurgen said before moving back enough for Nik’s

heels to hit the ground. Nik blinked. Jurgen slid down his body onto

his knees in front of him. Nik blinked again, gulping. Jurgen had

never done that. He was yanking the front of Nik’s sweats down, and

when he realized Nik wasn’t wearing any shorts he grunted. It was a

very pleased-caveman, possessive kind of grunt. He yanked the

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 857

sweats down to Nik’s knees, then he fisted Nik’s dick in one hand.

With the other, he kept shoving at Nik’s sweats, trying to get him to

step out of them.

Which Nik was happy to do, but he looked down just then to see

Jurgen’s tongue licking across the head of his cock, dipping into the

slit. “Aaaahaahaaha.” He sounded almost scared. Definitely high-

pitched. Jurgen looked up at him, and sucked the head of Nik’s dick

into his mouth.

“Oh, god.” He couldn’t be sure, but Jurgen looked like he might be

smiling. He yanked impatiently at the leg of Nik’s sweats. The only

way Nik managed to get them off was by closing his eyes and leaning

his head back against the door. Once Jurgen had one leg off, he just

left the other one. Jurgen’s hand stopped squeezing the base of Nik’s

prick, and Nik almost looked, but then Jurgen was sucking him down,

and he could feel Jurgen’s breath in his pubic hair.

“Oh, fuck, Jurgen!” His neighbors had to have heard that. He

thrust once, and Jurgen gagged, then used one hand to pin Nik’s hips

against the door. He sucked his mouth up the shaft, hollowing his

cheeks, then started sliding down again, tongue playing on the

underside. Nik made another of those high-pitched noises, and fought

Jurgen’s hold on his hips.

He could feel Jurgen’s other hand on his ankle, the naked one,

pushing his foot out, making him spread his legs. It was such a

possessive touch he moaned. The hand left his ankle, and then

Jurgen’s fingers, cold with lube, were behind his balls, searching for

his hole. Circling around it.

“Ahhh.” Jurgen sucked him all the way into his throat just as he

shoved two fingers into Nik’s ass. “Oh, god!” It burned like hell and

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