Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (93 page)

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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“Matt’s coming with us,” Nick says to Alex, but he looks at me

the whole time. I nod. Although a little voice inside me says I don’t

want to see Nick fuck someone else, I’m curiously turned on by it at

the same time.

We leave the steam room and return to our changing room. We

dry off some, but Alex is all over Nick in no time and I’m left to

watch from across the room. Nick’s assessment that Alex is a slut is

no understatement. There’s nothing passive about him and Nick lets it

happen. Nick has barely gotten comfortable on the one sofa in the

place before Alex is riding him like a cowboy. I’m glad Nick slips on

a condom, because Alex doesn’t seem to care. I try not to let my

feelings show, but I’m so not turned on anymore. Part of me wants to

get dressed and walk out of there, but another part of me hopes that

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 561

Alex will soon run out of steam and I’ll get the hand-me-downs. I

simply sit there, mostly watching Nick and how his gorgeous dragon

tattoos almost come to life as he’s fucking Alex.

Suddenly I realize Nick is watching me. Alex is still undulating on

top of him, but Nick’s hand reaches in my direction and gestures for

me to come over. Just like I didn’t want him to see my

disappointment, I don’t want him to see my hope that he’ll let me take

Alex’s place. I try to give him a cocky smile. “One guy not enough for

you, Nicky?”

“More like it’s not enough for Alex,” Nick replies, much to my

disappointment. He turns to Alex. “Want a spit roast, Alex? Let Matt

fuck you while you suck me off?”

Alex looks up at me and I can tell he’ll do it, but not

wholeheartedly. Before I can give him an out, he suggests an

alternative. “Come on, I like riding you, Nicky. I’ll suck him if he


Nick looks at me to gauge whether I have any objections, but Alex

has already taken my flaccid cock in his mouth and even I have to

admit he’s good at it. I can’t hide my unease from Nick, though, and

he picks up the discussion later while we’re in the shower, after we’ve

left Alex, sated and happy, in our changing room.

“If I hadn’t seen you walk out of the baths with my own two eyes

I wouldn’t believe you were gay, Matt,” Nick said, looking at me

through sheets of water from the fancy rain shower.

“What do you mean?” I try to pretend I don’t know, but I have a

pretty good idea what brought up the topic.

“I offer you a piece of prime ass and you say no?”

I smile, nervous about his question. “Alex didn’t want me. He

only sucked me off because you wanted him to.”

Nick wipes the water off his face. “That little slut takes everything

up the ass simply because he likes it. He holds the gangbang record in

this house for a reason. One man is never enough for him.” Nick

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 562

moves from his shower head to mine and leans his hand over my

head, bringing his face closer to mine. “So are you gay or not?”

“I am,” I admit, unable to hide my trepidation.

“Then why didn’t you fuck him? He got you off by sucking you,

so it’s not like you couldn’t get it up again so soon after your little trip

to the baths earlier.”

I don’t answer. Admitting I’m gay is one thing, but divulging that

I rarely top is another. I won’t even go into my fantasies of being


Nick is taller than me and his facial expression is menacing. That

turns me on more than Alex ever could, and Nick’s expression

changes when he notices. He grabs me by the throat and pushes my

face out of the spray. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” He

pushes his crotch against mine and I’m rock hard again. He’s holding

my head up so the only way I have of not looking him in the eye is by

closing mine.

“You’re gay all right,” Nick whispers in my ear. “I would never

have guessed you liked being dominated, though. You have a certain

commanding presence in polite company, a certain calm confidence,

like nothing could ever shake you. I’m impressed,” he says as he

grabs my heavy cock with his free hand. It doesn’t take more than a

tightening grip on my throat and a few strokes of his other hand

before I spill my seed for the third time that day. It’s by far the best

orgasm of all of them. I’m still shaking when he kisses me

aggressively, probingly. I don’t want him to stop, but he pulls away

from me and I stand there panting as the spray from the rain shower

washes away the evidence of what he did to me.

When I return to the changing room a few minutes later, Nick is

dressed and his expression is the same as if we’d just shared a

dressing room after a workout in the gym. I follow his lead and don’t

bring up my confessions again.

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Nick is silent on the way to my house. Apparently his driver

knows where I live, because Nick doesn’t need to tell him where to

drop me off. I get out of the car without inviting Nick in and without

saying goodbye.


The next morning the doorbell wakes me. I’m still in my boxers

when I open the door and Nick barges into my loft.

“Bad news, Matt.”

I try to get my brain to kick into gear, but the half bottle of

whiskey I drank after he’d dropped me off the night before makes that

hard, so I don’t react.

“It’s Carmine.”

“What’s with Carmine? Did something happen on his dealer run?”

“There was an explosion. In one of the labs. Carmine’s dead,


I drop down to the couch and run my hands over my dark hair. “I

knew letting Carmine do this alone was a bad idea. He’s young and

foolish. He probably said something wrong and got one of the cookers

all riled up. You have no idea how many times I’ve had to save his

ass, Nick.”

Nick crouches in front of me and puts his hands on my knees. His

facial expression is soft and I try to tell myself he’s just doing this to

get me on his side, not because he cares for me. “Rule number one.

Don’t get involved with the expendables.”

I sigh. “I know, but he’s a good kid. He
a good kid. He’s

Giancarlo’s nephew, you know. His father is Mario Benedetti, but

don’t tell Mario’s wife.”

“I didn’t know that,” Nick admits. “I still think you’re way too

involved with this family. Work for them, but don’t live them, Matteo.

Besides, your drug running days are over. We have a club or three to


Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 564

I nod and Nick lets me get up to get dressed. I put on one of my

most fancy suits, just in case I need to impress someone, but deep

down the only one I want to impress is Nick. Nick doesn’t give me a

second look as he walks out of my apartment, and I kick myself for

wanting his approval.

At the clubs, Nick shows me around and introduces me to

everyone as the new manager. It’s early in the day, so I only get to

meet some of the girls. I feel uneasy about quite a few of them, not

because women aren’t my thing, but because they seem frightened

and worried about what this new boss will bring. Shanti, one of the

girls who sounds American, unlike most of the others who barely

know more than the standard lines, takes the lead and follows me into

the office as soon as Nick leaves it.

“So you’re the new boss?”

I nod and smile at her, hoping to set her at ease. She continues to

eye me with clear suspicion. “I was asked to clean up this club,” I say,

keeping my voice soft. “I was told that the former management didn’t

treat you very well?”

I can tell she’s trying to gauge how far she can trust me. “Mr.

Castro was good to us. Mr. Marciano, well.” She sighs. “He couldn’t

keep his hands off the girls. If they refused him, they were locked up

and taken against their will.”

“I promise you that the girls are here for the clients, not for me,” I

reassure her.

“So you’re like Mr. Castro then?”

I don’t know how to answer that so I get up from behind the desk.

She takes a step back, consciously creating a distance between us and

keeping her eyes down at all times. I try to figure out what she means

with her question. Does she think I’m like Nick in the sense that he

doesn’t touch the girls or in the sense that Nick prefers male company

in bed? I decide not to voice my question and change the subject. “Do

you work most nights, Shanti?”

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 565

“I have kids, Mr. Gianetti. I work every day but Monday. I’m

home every night except Fridays, because that’s the best night for tips.

I’m one of the most experienced girls so I’ve been allowed to choose

my working hours.”

I smile. “I won’t change that, Shanti. However, I’d like you to

keep an eye out for me while you work. Tell me when there’s a client

who doesn’t treat the girls well. Keep me in the loop when there’s

something wrong with one of the girls. Do you think you can do


“I’m no snitch,” she answers quickly, but I can tell she’s flattered

at being asked, as she relaxes a little more.

“I’m not asking you to snitch. I’m just saying that I can’t stay on

top of things I’m not privy to, like what goes on in the private quarters

or in the girls’ dressing rooms. Plus the girls will tell you things

they’d never dare to tell me. It’s up to you what you relay to me, of


She nods. “Okay.”

“And maybe you can recommend someone who works mostly at

night, so I’ll have some eyes and ears then as well?”

“Tatyana,” she answers without thinking about it. “She’s one of

the Ukrainian girls, but she’s been here for a while and she speaks

good English. The other girls trust her.”

I smile at Shanti.

“But please don’t tell anyone what we’re doing for you. The other

girls will stop trusting us.”

I run my fingers over my mouth as if I’m closing a zipper and she

smiles for the first time.

Shanti looks confident now. “I’ll ask Tatyana to come see you

when she arrives. She won’t be here until seven or eight.”

“Thank you, Shanti.”

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Shanti’s barely gone when Nick saunters back in. “I couldn’t help

eavesdropping,” he admits. “Fraternizing with the girls already?”

“If I’m really here to clean up this club, then I need to know

what’s going on.”

“And to think that Giancarlo didn’t see what a take-charge sort of

guy you are.”

I try not to show that I really don’t know how to act around Nick

when he’s praising me. “But you did.”

Nick moves closer and invades my personal space. “I think you

can take charge everywhere but in the sack,” he whispers in my ear.

Then he moves back. “Just do your job.”

The sexual tension that hangs in the air when he lets me smell him

dissipates as if it was never there as soon as he steps back. I’m turned

on more than I should be, though Nick is all business again, so I let it

slide as well. He turns to a locked cabinet, opens it and takes out the

books. “How are you with the money aspect of things?”

I try to stop thinking of Nick as an object of lust and concentrate

on the work. I’m used to looking through old-fashioned ledgers and

although I’m no accountant, I can do simple bookkeeping. There’s no

doubt the Family will have a real accountant to help me, but right

now, I just want to know how the club is doing. Nick helps me find

my way through the recently well maintained books and the mess that

my predecessor left.

It’s several weeks before Nick does anything more to rekindle my

flame. When he does, he has the adrenalin rushing through my veins

within seconds.

“Let’s go for a walk,” he whispers into my ear. I jump because I

didn’t hear him approach. I’m in a corner of the otherwise fairly

deserted club going over last night’s take. I know the club is doing

well and I’m starting to earn the trust of the girls, who have the

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