Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (103 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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“Fuck, Cam… oh
God,” he mumbled against the flesh of Cam’s throat when the other man’s teeth grazed
his earlobe. Cam pulled back and stared down at Matt, his eyes darkened to a
smoky blue. “Cam?” Matt gazed back at him, unsure whether Cam had come to his
senses and was calling a halt to this madness. Then a look of such amazed
wonder filled those blue depths, that Matt felt his throat tighten in response
to the emotion there. Emotion he knew was mirrored in his own. He had no idea
how they had got to this point…but it felt right, and he didn’t want it to

Matt loosely
closed his fingers around a strong bicep as Cam raised himself up on his hands
and ground searching hips against Matt’s, his cock hard and thick beneath his
straining zipper. Tilting his head back on the arm of the sofa, Matt offered up
his lips again and Cam willingly accepted the invitation. Sliding his hand down
the length of Cam’s honey-toned skin, Matt palmed the firm cheek of his ass
through the denim Cam wore. He smiled against Cam’s lips at the unbidden moan
that vibrated in the man’s throat, the sound harsh and raw in the quiet of the

“I want to take
you upstairs,” Cam lifted his head and flicked his tongue across the fluttering
pulse in Matt’s throat. “Matty, will you come upstairs with me?”

Matt pulled Cam
down to him again, wrapping his arms around Cam’s slender shoulders and feeling
the huff of warm breath against his skin. Everything had changed between them –
the moment their lips met – everything had changed. But right now, it was just
a few kisses and a little groping. If they went upstairs, they both knew what
was going to happen and, if they took that step, there would be no going back.

Matt suddenly
felt as though he were split in two, standing at a fork in the road, with two
Cam’s standing either side of him, one ready to head left, the other right.
They both held their hands out to him and he looked at each in turn.

On his right
there was his best friend, the one he’d had most of his life, the one he
trusted with his life. The one who knew all his secrets, dreams and the Friday
Night Rules.

On the left was
his best friend, the one he’d had most of his life, the one he trusted with his
life. The one who knew all his secrets, dreams and the Friday Night Rules; and
who had kissed him with a tenderness and surety he felt in his very soul.

If he took the
path on the right, everything would remain the
they could blame the beer and press play on Shaun of the Dead.

If he took the
path on the left, nothing would be the same ever again – but there would be Cam
and the certainty that wherever that path led to, Cam would be beside him every
step of the way.

Tightening his
arms around Cam, he turned his head and pressed his lips to the shell of Cam’s
ear. “
.” He swallowed hard as Cam eased himself off Matt’s body and
stood up, looking rumpled and beautiful in the glow from the TV. Nothing could
have prepared him for the way their usual Friday night was ending up, but he
knew that taking Cam’s hand and letting the other man pull him to his feet felt
so right, so true. It was the easiest decision he had ever made.

Cam led Matt up
the stairs. Stairs they had both walked a thousand times before, but that now
led to the unknown, the exciting, toe-curling, nerve-jangling unknown. Matt’s
heart was pounding against his ribcage when he followed Cam into the bedroom and
closed the door. “This is weird,” he murmured, looking up at Cam as the
approached the bed. “Is this weird?”

“You want to
know what the weirdest thing about all this
” Cam
sat down on the edge of the bed and guided Matt between his legs. At his friend’s
nod, he smiled softly. “That it’s
weird, know what I mean?” His
fingers dipped beneath the waistband of Matt’s pants and skimmed the soft
cotton of the boxers beneath. “I’m freaking out just as much as you here,
believe me. But I still want to touch you… taste you…,” he huffed out a hoarse
laugh. “Who the hell am I kidding?” His fingers tugged at the button holding
Matt’s pants closed, popping the flat disc from the buttonhole and slowly
pulling down the zipper. “Matty… I want you to fuck me so bad I can barely
breathe, man. To feel you inside me, filling me, making me whole.”

Matt gulped in
air. Cam’s words had turned his cock to granite in his pants, the head
straining at the material, searching for release. “Fuck, Cam. I… touch me…
He whimpered low in his throat when Cam’s fingers ghosted over the material
covering his cock and gasped as Cam slipped his hands beneath the waistband and
pushed the pants down over the swell of his ass and down his legs. Putting a
hand on one of Cam’s shoulders, he stepped out of his pants and kicked them to
one side, standing before Cam in his boxers.

When Cam leaned
forward and mouthed his cock through his boxers, he didn’t think his legs were
going to hold him up. His knees threatened to buckle and his fingers bit into
the soft flesh of Cam’s shoulders to keep him upright. He was going to come in
his pants like a pubescent teenager and Cam hadn’t even touched flesh yet. Oh.
My. Fucking. God! Matt gazed down into Cam’s blue eyes as he pulled back and
eased the waistband of the boxers over Matt’s erection and sent them the same
way as his pants.

Matt watched
Cam stare at his thick, throbbing cock where it curled proud and hard against
his belly. His head was tilted to the side as the other man studied Matt’s
flesh as if he were going to be asked questions on it later. Once he seemed to
get the measure of the member in front of him, Cam locked his gaze to Matt’s
and took the hard shaft in his hand and stroked Matt from base to tip. “

Matt breathed, unable to take his eyes off the sight of Cam’s tongue sneaking
out to circle the head of his cock. “Fuck, man. Suck it…Cam, please…just put me
in your mouth.”

“I’ve got you,
dude,” Cam said softly, sliding his fingers from Matt’s cock and around the
firm globes of the other man’s naked ass. “You feel so good in my hands, Matty…
I can’t believe how good you feel.”

“Cam,” Matt
whined, shuffling a little closer, his cock head bumping against Cam’s chin. He
was so hard. He didn’t think he’d ever been this hard in his life, not for any
girl. His head was spinning. This all felt so forbidden, so exciting and if he
didn’t have Cam’s mouth on him right now, he might just melt into a puddle at
the other man’s feet.

baby,” Cam chuckled and blew out a teasing breath across the head of Matt’s
cock, smirking when Matt flinched and groaned at the assault on his sensitive
flesh. Pulling gently on Matt’s ass, he bent his head and took the hard shaft
between his lips.

“Fuck… Cam!
That’s so fucking
,” Matt cried out, his voice
thick and raw with desire. He had never seen anything as sexy as Cam’s lips
around his cock. Had never felt anything as wonderful as the slight scrape of
Cam’s teeth on his flesh, tongue on his skin. It was as though Cam’s mouth had
been made especially for him. To touch him, to kiss him, to suck
“Yes…that’s it…don’t stop,” Matt’s breath panted from between his lips as Cam
sucked him down and pulled up again, his head bobbing faster and faster, taking
more of the shaft in with each down-stroke. “Cam…Cam…stop…,” Matt batted at the
back of Cam’s head as his balls tightened against his body and his orgasm
spiraled throughout his belly, rushing through him at a rate of knots. “I’m…
I’m gonna -.” Was all Matt could manage before he was pumping hot and hard down
Cam’s throat, his hips losing all rhythm as he shot everything he had in white
streams into Cam’s mouth. “Shit…fucking shit, Cam!”

Cam let Matt’s
cock fall from his mouth and scrambled to his feet, cupping Matt’s face and
pulling him in for a hot, dirty kiss. “Jesus, Matt. That was so fucking hot.
You have no idea how fucking
that was.” The words were a jumbled
mess against Matt’s lips and Cam pulled him backwards, toppling them both to
the mattress.

Matt pushed at
Cam’s hands and forced them back onto the pillows either side of Cam’s head.
“It felt so good in your mouth, Cam,” he groaned, bending his head to scrape
his teeth along the sensitive flesh behind Cam’s ear. “So
and wet.” He ground his hips against Cam’s, his cock already beginning to fill
again even though he’d just come harder than he could ever remember coming. “I
want to be inside you.” Cam’s growl against Matt’s ear in response was guttural
and Matt bit down on the soft flesh of his shoulder. “I want to feel how hot
and wet your tight little ass is around my cock.” He slanted his mouth over
Cam’s and sucked the warm muscle of the other man’s tongue into his mouth,
flicking at it with his own. Lifting his head, he gazed into Cam’s eyes, their
exhalations mingling as they panted harshly. “I wanna fuck you, Cam.”

“Do it, God,
please. Need you to do it, Matt – come on!”

Matt let go of
Cam’s wrists with instructions not to move and he kissed and licked his way
down Cam’s body. He paused to pay attention to the flat discs of Cam’s nipples,
sucking them into his mouth, biting them and worshiping them with his tongue,
until Cam was a writhing mass of need beneath him. Grinning at the way Cam made
tiny mewling sounds when he swirled his tongue into his navel, Matt’s hasty
fingers all but ripped the buttons open on Cam’s fly to yank his jeans and
briefs down his legs together and toss them to the floor. He leaned back to
drink his fill of Cam’s naked body.
Which was kind of weird,
because he’d seen Cam naked a hundred times before in various locker rooms
throughout their lives – but now everything about him was new.

Cam was sprawled
on the sheets, his fingers curled into the material of the pillows, where Matt
had told him to leave them. His eyes heavy-lidded as he gazed down his body at
Matt. Licking his lips at the sight of Cam’s thick, blood red cock curving up
against his belly, Matt whimpered. “Do you have any idea how fucking beautiful
you are?” Matt slid his hands up Cam’s thighs and shouldered his way between
them, unable to take his gaze off the rise and fall of Cam’s cock with every
harsh breath the other man took. He bent his head and took the thick shaft into
his mouth, not giving Cam any warning and reveling in the cry that flew from
between the other man’s lips as he began to move up and down the hot, velvety

At the sudden
sound of fingernails scrabbling against wood, Matt lifted his head to see Cam
fumbling with the drawer in his nightstand. He kitten licked at the head of
Cam’s cock and grinned when the searching fingers threw a bottle of lube at him
and a condom. “Are you a little anxious to have my cock in your ass, Cameron?”
He dipped his tongue into the slit and his stomach tightened at the feral
sounding growl that erupted from the man writing beneath him.

“I’m gonna
explode… Matt, you gotta… come on,” Cam’s voice was almost unrecognizable as
his own in the heat of his desire as he urged Matt on. “Fuck me…

“So impatient,”
Matt teased, dipping lower to take Cam’s balls in his mouth, one at a time, rolling
their weight on his tongue. He reached out for the lube and flicked the top,
squeezed some out onto his fingers and stroked the soft skin of Cam’s inner
thighs with his other hand. “Are you ready?” His stomach tightened again, this
time with anxiety. “I’ve never done this before, Cam. I don’t want to hurt

Cam lifted his
head from the pillow and gazed into Matt’s eyes. “You haven’t hurt me once in
twenty years, baby. I’ve trusted you with my life, my dreams and my secrets;
I’m trusting
you with this.”

Matt swallowed
past the lump in his throat Cam’s honesty had put there and crawled up the
mattress to slant his mouth over the other man’s. Hoping that everything he was
feeling inside would be conveyed by his lips, because he would never have been
able to put into words the emotion flowing through him. As he kissed Cam,
mapping the inside of his mouth, Matt slipped his fingers in between Cam’s
already open thighs and tentatively circled the puckered entrance. He moaned
into Cam’s mouth when the muscle actually pulsed against his finger and he
tentatively pushed inside.

Cam hissed, tearing his mouth from Matt’s and pressing his face against the
other man’s throat.

“Should I

“I’ll break
your nose if you do,” Cam bit down gently on the flesh against his lips. “It’s
just, just—.”

Matt pulled
back and looked down at Cam panting against the pillow, his eyes scrunched
tight. “It’s just what? Cam? You’re freaking me out. I’m gonna stop!”

“No, no!” Cam
grabbed Matt’s wrist so he couldn’t remove his finger. “It’s just it’s… so

“You asshole,”
Matt mumbled, moving his finger in and out of the ring of muscle until he felt
it give and the passage inside Cam became easier. He added another and kept his
gaze on Cam’s face, searching for any signs of pain as he stretched him. “Are
you okay?” His expression was one of concern as he watched the sweat break out
on Cam’s face when he inched a third finger in. “I don’t even know if I’m doing
this right, dude. Am I doing this right?”

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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