Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (24 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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He climbed onto
the bed, kneeling between Devyn’s raised knees. He stroked the soft flesh over
hard muscle, curling his hand around a calf and urging his legs wider. Leaning
forward, he brushed his lips lightly over the tattoo on Devyn’s shoulder and
slowly began licking and kissing his way along the pattern. Devyn writhed and whimpered
beneath him, arching up, seeking contact for his cock.

Sully pressed
him in place with a flat hand on his taut belly. “Oral fixation, remember?”

Devyn’s pierced
brow rose mockingly. “Celibate for damn near a year.”

Sully gave in. “You win, this time. But I will have my way. Be warned. I intend
to lick, suck and bite every inch of you before either of us comes next time.”

Devyn snorted.
“Let’s deal with this time, first, okay?”

Sully popped
the lid off the lube and spread some on an index finger. He reached between
Devyn’s spread thighs, and sought the opening there. With his other hand, he
stroked Devyn’s cock, and then leaned down to kiss the swollen mouth again.

He needed to
distract Devyn from the certainty of the pain that would come when he first
breached the untouched flesh. He rubbed gentle circles around the puckered
opening before daring to apply direct pressure to the tiny hole, feeling it
resist then give slightly. The nipping kiss of that delicate flesh caused his
cock to surge eagerly.
Devyn, make it good for Devyn.

He trailed hot,
open-mouthed wet kisses down from Devyn’s chin over his throat, seeking the
hardened tips of his nipples. There he bit, suckled, and played with the nipple
ring until Devyn writhed frantically in lust. The wriggling motions of Devyn’s
body forced his finger deeper, and at last, he felt the ring of muscle give and
allow him entry. The hot flesh closed tightly around him and he matched Devyn’s
groan with his own. When he judged Devyn had become accustomed to the invasion
of a single finger; he drew back and pressed forward again with two fingers.
His love convulsed beneath him, whimpering in surprise.

“Too much…” he
murmured through harsh breaths.

“Shh…” Sully
soothed, stilling the movements of his fingers, pressing gently against the
tight clinging walls of Devyn’s passage. “You’re so tight, baby. It burns now,
but in a minute, it’ll be so good… you can’t even imagine….” He began slowly
withdrawing his fingers and pushing them forward again, carefully watching the
tension in Devyn’s face dissolve as the pleasure overcame the pain of his
entry. He spread his fingers apart, stretching the opening until Devyn moaned

Slowly, eyes on
Devyn’s face, he withdrew his fingers and reached for the condom. Ripping the
packet, he clumsily rolled the latex down his length. Sully shuddered, hands
fumbling with the rest of the lubricant as he rapidly slicked the head and
shaft of his cock. He crawled forward, bracing himself with one hand against
Devyn’s creamy thigh.

Gritting his
teeth, he pressed the head of his cock against the virginal opening that
awaited him, trembling from the effort of holding back. The urge to just ram
forward and revel in that clinging heat caressing his full length was almost
overpowering. Instead he pressed gently, feeling the stretch and give of the
ring, feeling it constrict against his head as Devyn tensed briefly.

“Relax,” he
whispered soothingly kissing along Devyn’s jaw to his waiting mouth. Moving
nothing but his lips, he kissed and licked, sucked at Devyn’s mouth, plunging
his tongue in again and again, rubbing it against Devyn’s tongue and teeth
until Devyn’s tension loosened and he returned the kiss.

distracting Devyn with his plundering mouth, Sully managed to push forward
until the ring gave and hot softness engulfed the head of his cock. He moaned,
stilling to let Devyn grow accustomed to this new sensation. Devyn whimpered
into his mouth and pushed up against him. Sully cursed as Devyn’s actions sent
him gliding forward, stretching untried flesh.

Devyn yelped
quietly. Sully grasped his hip to hold him still. “Shh. Careful baby, I don’t
want to hurt you. Really, it would be better if you let me do this.”Devyn
nodded, his eyes closing, lips tightening.

Sully ignored
the clinging heat that massaged his cock while he kissed and soothed the tears
from Devyn’s eyes. He wasn’t even sure when it happened, but soon they were
moving slowly together, and the only sounds that escaped Devyn’s mouth were
soft echoes of his own passionate moans.

Devyn tensed
beneath him again, and Sully reached for his cock. Swollen thick and hard, it
leaked pre-cum in a steady stream. Sully stroked Devyn from base to tip in a
firm grip, pausing at the top of each stroke to rub his thumb across the head
teasing the opening there, gathering more slick drops. He timed his thrusts to
match the strokes of his fist, and soon the two of them cried out as they came

They lay side
by side, breathing heavily.

huh?” Devyn ventured.


Devyn allowed
Sully’s possessive grip on his hand as they crossed the paved walkway to the
back patio again. The silence indicated that everyone had retired inside, and he
hoped Kail was napping. He’d be cranky and everyone would be miserable if he
missed his nap.
Kind of like Sully and the coffee this morning.
grinned, casting a quick glance at his new lover.
He savored the
word. And truly, foolish as it might seem, he’d felt loved as though Sully made
love to him, instead of simply fucking him. Even with Kayla, it hadn’t been
like that, well… aside from the fact that she was a girl; it had seemed a
burden to engage in sex with her.

On the empty
patio, Sully grabbed two bottles of beer from the cooler and pushed the sliding
glass door open. They stepped inside to the muffled sound of voices at the
front of the house. Devyn tried to pull his hand away, not wanting to be overt
about what they’d been
bad enough both of them
bore marks it was impossible to hide under a tank top. Sully just squeezed
tighter, then drew his hand up to his mouth and began nibbling at his knuckles
one by one.

Devyn froze.
Heat rose in his cheeks, and he silently cursed the pale skin that refused to
tan. His lack of movement brought Sully to a stop, and the man raised an
inquiring brow. Devyn opened his mouth, huffed a bit, and closed it. He tried
again. “Umm… what…”

Sully grinned
broadly. “Oh… sorry… Oral fixation?” He dropped their hands and swung them
between them as he led Devyn to the front of the house, where a quick glance
around brought Devyn's visions of a happily ever after crashing down around his

Dude and Tally
sat side by side on a long leather sofa, staring intently at a news story on a
large screen TV. Devyn trembled and shook, and Sully’s hand clenched tightly
around his own.

The news
program showed a photo of him with Kail in his arms leaving Kayla’s apartment
building. The man on TV didn’t look loved and content. He looked furious and …

“Reports of a
noncustodial parent kidnapping in Huntington Beach this afternoon. Kayla
Starke, the child’s mother, returned home this afternoon to discover the child
missing. Authorities ask that anyone with information leading to the return of
Kail Starke to his family please call this hotline number. Last seen in company
with this man, Devyn Starke, age twenty-two.”

“Turn it off,
please.” Sully sounded calm. Why wasn’t he yelling? Screaming at him? Was he
going to call the police?

“I can
explain.” He offered feebly. “It’s not like they make it sound.”

“I know it’s
not.” Sully soothed, leading him to an armchair by the sofa. Sully settled into
the chair and tugged Devyn into his lap before he could protest.

know it’s not.” Dude asserted. “Convince me why I shouldn’t turn you in right
now. You knew about this?” He turned a hard gaze on Sully, who simply shrugged.

“I knew
something was up. I didn’t know what. Devyn was clearly ill at ease and not
used to caring for Kail alone. Now, baby, why don’t you tell us how it really

“You realize,
we could be reprimanded for this?” Dude interrupted before Devyn could respond,
ignoring him to address Sully.

“It’s not
likely to come to that. He’s had Kail for over a week that I know of for sure.
They moved into my building last week. So an hour to hear Devyn out isn’t going
to make any difference, is it?”

“Last week?”
Incredulous, Dude leaned forward. “Give me one of those.” He snatched a beer
from Sully and popped the cap. Sully relaxed slightly. Devyn tried to shift off
his lap, but Sully wasn’t having any of that. “You,” Dude pointed at Devyn with
the beer bottle. “Talk. I give you forty-five minutes to convince me that
putting my career and his on the line is worthwhile. Start with why you
introduced yourself as Strake.”

“What? Career?”
He appealed to Sully for help. Sully seemed conversant in Dude

“Dude is my
partner. We’re HBPD. Guess you missed the cruiser when we were out by the
garage. As for the name, I get it. Close enough to your own to remember,
different enough not to be a red flag.”

Shit. He was so
fucked. “Let me just take Kail and go. I don’t want you to get in trouble
because of me. I’m not worth it.”

Sully shook
him. Devyn gasped. “I’ll decide what, or who is worth my effort and time.”

Devyn stared at
him, shocked. “You don’t see it, do you?”

“See what?”

“The tats, the
piercings, they don’t’ scream bad boy to you do they?”

Sully’s head
tilted as he considered the question. “You want to know what they scream to
Here? Now? In front of my sister and her husband? They
scream lick me, bite me, suck me—”

Devyn slapped
his hand roughly over Sully’s mouth, eyes widening as he continued to mumble
against the palm. “Okay I get it. It’s just, the judge, he took one look at the
tats and piercings six months ago, and he decided to grant Kayla custody. I get
visitation four days every other weekend until I’m out of school.”

He answered the
unasked question. “I’m in my fourth year at UCI studying premed. I have up to
eight more years of school. I can’t be a part-time Dad for eight years. I’ve
been working with my Dad and my lawyer on appealing the custody arrangement.
Kayla—she’s not a good mother.”

Sully removed
Devyn’s hand from his mouth by simple force. “How do you come to have Kail now,
if you don’t have custody?”

Devyn stared
deep into Sully’s eyes. There truly was not judgment there. Interest,
understanding, demand for truth, yes. And sympathy. And… something else. “I was
supposed to meet her a week ago Saturday to get Kail for my weekend. She didn’t
show up. She blew me off on Friday, which is when I was supposed to get him,
and then Saturday she didn’t even call to say she wasn’t coming. I was pissed.
Well, wouldn’t you be?” He hated the pleading tone of his voice as he met
Dude’s eyes. Ice blue eyes vouched him no reassurance, but Tally murmured what
sounded like an affirmation.

even by that feeble show of support, he continued. “So I went on over to her
place. It wasn’t the kind of place to raise a kid. It was trashy and I know the
support my Dad and I pay her is enough for a much nicer place. Anyway—I could
hear Kail screaming and crying on the other side of the door, but no one
answered when I knocked. I looked through the window, and there he was, in a
playpen, no one else around. I broke in.” Defiant now, he declared, “I’d do it
again. She had no business leaving him alone.”

The three
adults stared at him in growing outrage. “And this was over a week ago? Not
today? Like these news people make out?” Even the stoic Dude seemed appalled.

Remembering, he
pulled his phone from his pocket and brought up the photos of the drug
paraphernalia. “Here.” He shoved it at Sully. “I went to change his diaper and
found this stuff by the couch, next to his diaper bag.”

Silence reigned
as the phone was passed around. As Tally stared in horror at the pictures of
needles and the white baggie of coke, it rang startling them all.

Devyn leapt
from his perch on Sully’s lap and grabbed the phone. “Sorry, I’ve been waiting
for my Dad to call.” He thought about asking for privacy, but figured they
already knew the whole story. They could turn him in if they wanted to.

“Devyn, I’ve
got it. A few rounds of golf with the right people this afternoon and we’ve got
your custody hearing moved up to tomorrow morning at eight sharp. Oh, and son…
Don’t watch the news. Got to go. I’ll meet you there, okay?”

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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