Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (81 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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Just as he was
about to reach to his limits, begging Caleb to keep going, Caleb pulled back
and mouthed, "Not yet, sexy."

Caleb got up,
went to one of his cabinets, and took out dark chocolate syrup. Wendell could
imagine what Caleb was about to do with it. He couldn’t wait for the sugary
concoction to pour over him or for the hot lips and tongue of his lover to
caress him to the very brink of insanity.

As Wendell sat
up, Caleb signed,
- Lie down, W. -

Wendell obeyed,
lying down on his back.

Caleb winked
then squeezed the syrup over Wendell's body, starting near his face and
dripping slowly onto his chest, stomach, cock, and legs. Wendell’s breath
quickened with every drop of chocolate. Caleb dropped the bottle on the floor
next to Wendell and got on his knees.

He massaged
Wendell's calves as he stuck out his tongue on Wendell's thighs, licking at the
chocolate there. He licked as slow as possible, making sure he got all the
chocolate off Wendell's legs.

squeezed his eyes shut, goosebumps popping up, his cock leaking pre-cum, and he
struggled to hold back his orgasm. Before he knew it, his balls were in Caleb's
mouth as the man toyed with them, rolling them around with his tongue and
sucking on each one.

Wendell moaned
loudly, begging for more. His balls popped out of Caleb's mouth and it was pain
with pleasure in the mix. Wendell couldn't control his voice as he shouted,
"Oh fuck!"

Caleb teased
Wendell by licking around his cock, avoiding the hot flesh. He whimpered,
trying to thrust his cock into Caleb's mouth again. Caleb refused, continuing
to play around Wendell's cock.

The chocolate
was all over Wendell’s face and chest, getting hard in some places. He didn’t
care since he was overwhelmed by Caleb’s teasing.

Wendell reached
for Caleb's arms, pulling him face to face. Wendell's lips met Caleb's. This
time, Wendell was even hungrier for Caleb's mouth, which was flavored with dark
chocolate. Wendell's favorite.

He couldn't
handle it anymore and he shot against Caleb's cock. Caleb stopped shortly,
looking down at Wendell's dick. He murmured something Wendell couldn't
understand. Caleb chuckled and kissed him again.

There was a mix
of cum and chocolate all over their groin areas. Wendell pushed Caleb to the
floor. He picked up the bottle of syrup, straddled Caleb’s hips, sat up, and
poured chocolate all over his hand. He stared into Caleb’s eyes as he licked
his long fingers before running them through Caleb’s thick chest hair. He began
licking, slurping, sucking on Caleb’s chest and stomach.

Wendell could
taste the salty, bitter taste of his sperm and the sweet from the chocolate. It
made him feel almost high on sex. He played as long as he could stand before he
turned his attention to Caleb's cock.

Wendell noticed
how frustrated Caleb got when was teased.
Yeah, that's how I felt
, he
laughed to himself. He paused briefly to study Caleb's cock. It was a nice
thickness and a bit bigger than Wendell's. "You've a nice size."

Caleb grinned
and reached to grab the back of Wendell's head, pushing his cock inside
Wendell's mouth. Wendell didn't fight back; he let Caleb's whole cock into his
throat as if it belonged there.

From the
vibrating of Caleb’s stomach, Wendell assumed Caleb shouted, making Wendell
suck Caleb even harder, furiously licking his cockhead.

salty-sweetness of Caleb’s pre-cum mixed with chocolate drove Wendell crazy.
chocolate and now Caleb's marvelous cum.
Wendell moved his hand underneath
Caleb's sac and pressed against his taint, tickling the sensitive area with
light fingers.

Caleb raised
his legs high in the air, showing Wendell that he wanted more, and giving
Wendell's fingers access to his hole. This was something Wendell wanted, too.

Wendell rubbed
against Caleb's hole as gently as he could, while continuing his oral assault
on his cock. He got to taste more of Caleb. The mix of chocolate and pre-cum
was the best combination he could've ever tasted.

Caleb's hole
was already sweaty, and it was wet enough for him to insert his index finger
slowly. The warmth inside made Wendell push in even deeper.

Wendell stopped
sucking and watched Caleb's pleasure-filled face. He could see a torrent of
words coming out of Caleb's mouth. Even though he couldn't understand what was
being said, it was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. He was the one who was
causing that reaction.

Caleb's legs
stayed high as Wendell moved his eyes to Caleb's hole. He replaced his finger
with his tongue. Caleb grabbed Wendell's hair, as if it was too much for him to
handle. Wendell continued licking and sucking his hole. He absolutely love
rimming, especially a furry one.

warning, Caleb's legs squeezed Wendell's head as he rimmed hard. He had a
feeling that Caleb was about to shoot. He stopped and guided Caleb's cock back
into his mouth.

Wendell had
gotten to Caleb's cock at just the right time, since Caleb shot against the
wall of Wendell's throat almost immediately. Caleb's cum had such a sweet,
sugary taste. He was starving for more of it, sucking until there was nothing

Wendell crawled
from Caleb's cock back up to his face, dragging his tongue over Caleb’s skin on
the way. Some spots of chocolate were still visible on Caleb's body. Wendell
cleaned it all off with his tongue.

Caleb's body
shook like an earthquake when Wendell reached his nipples. He bit Caleb's
nipple tenderly and watched Caleb's face at the same time. It was beautiful to
watch Caleb spasm with such an overwhelming orgasm.

As soon as
Wendell was satisfied all the chocolate was gone from Caleb's chest, he looked
up into Caleb's bright blue eyes and kissed him, just a gentle, soft touch.

Caleb hugged
Wendell tightly, as if he were unwilling to let him go. Wrapped in that big
bear hug, Wendell felt safe, comforted. He felt as if he’d found where he


The sex on the
kitchen floor was hot. The memory stuck in Wendell’s head all night, but he
woke up feeling cold. Caleb wasn’t in bed anymore. The clock said ten o’clock.
I’ve overslept.
He got up immediately and pulled on his jeans. He took off
trying to find Caleb, not a difficult feat given how small the house was. Caleb
was in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee.

Caleb heard as Wendell shuffled his feet on the floor, and he turned to look at
him. Caleb pointed to the counter where the coffeemaker and a mug were.

Good morning. -
Wendell tried to be as calm as possible but he could see the sadness imprinted
all over Caleb’s face. He was worried, but he poured himself a cup of coffee
then joined Caleb at the table.

Morning. -
Caleb responded when Wendell sat down.

Are you okay? I read expressions well and you’re sad. -

No, I’m actually not okay. I know we slept together once but…I’m falling for
you. -

But? -

The thing is…I’m not out. -

Okay. Did you realize we live in Rehoboth Beach, one of the most gay-friendly
towns? -

I know. My family is very conservative. They’d disown me just like that. I
can’t stand the idea that they’ll not be in my life anymore. I’m scared. -

I understand. You come out at your own time. I’m not going to force you but
I’ll not go back in the closet either. I’ve been out for more than ten years
now. -

Of course, I don’t want to drag you back in the closet. The actual reason why I
was sad all morning was because I am about to call my parents and tell them the
truth. I’ve been holding it in too long. -

Only if that is what you truly want. -

I have to, anyway. Once my ex-girlfriend catches me with you…she’ll tell my
parents. She hadn’t accepted us being over. That’s why she was at the shop the
other day screaming. -

Ah…it’s best for your parents to get that kind of news from you, not others. -

Caleb spent
some time thinking of what to do about this tough situation. He was unable to
either speak or sign, so instead he wrote and handed a piece of paper to
Wendell. It read, ‘I’m going to call my parents about us now.’

Wendell sighed
and asked, “Do you want me to be with you when you call them?”

Caleb mouthed,

Caleb got on
the phone and Wendell sat by him, holding his hand.

Wendell did his
best reading Caleb's lips as Caleb said, "Mom, I've something to tell you
and I need you to get Dad too." Caleb waited for a few minutes and spoke
again, "Please understand this, I love you both and I don't want to lose
you over this but." He inhaled deeply. "I'm gay."

Wendell studied
Caleb's face, trying to figure out if Caleb's parent were okay with him being
gay. Not even one emotion had shown on his face and that worried Wendell.

Caleb continued
talking on the phone and Wendell couldn't understand what he was saying. Once
Caleb hung up, he signed,



Author bio:
Zach strives to be a successful deaf
author, writing about man to man love, with some paranormal and horror thrown
in for a good measure. He gets his ideas to write by watching movies and
reading books.

Zach’s spare time, he likes to run. He participates in charitable running
events. He’ll run four 5k’s and one 4 mile race this summer of 2011. He also
loves being with his partner and their dog. They do many things together.

[email protected]


Vaughn – WANTING (First Love)*

Selected by Piper Vaughn

Dear Author,

I've idolized my
brother's best friend for as long as I can remember. I've followed them around
being a pest and trying to do everything they did. Now he's finally realized
I'm much more than a tag-a-long pest. Can you write the story of the summer we
fell in love?

[PHOTO: Two shirtless, dark-haired young
men wearing jeans smile at each other. On the right, one leans back against an
old wooden building in a field. His hands rest on the other young man's hips.
The other youth leans forward, arms braced on the building to trap him against




First love, virgin, college,
friends to lovers, brother’s best friend

Brief mention of underage
drinking and illicit substances



by Piper Vaughn



“I want you to take my virginity.”

Laurie paused with the cheeseburger halfway to his
mouth. When he realized that Jonah wasn’t going to say anything else, he set
the burger on his plate with as much careful precision as he would’ve used when
handling a bomb. Assuming he’d ever touched a bomb…which, of course, he hadn’t.

He grabbed a napkin from the table and wiped his hands
clean with equal care. Only after that did he lean back in his seat and meet
Jonah’s eyes, which were regarding him with a hesitant, earnest expression.
There was no levity in them, no glint of their normal humor. Jonah appeared to
be one hundred percent serious. And that fact made Laurie one hundred percent
terrified. He had a feeling he was going to be taking that cheeseburger to go.

“Come again?” he finally said, for lack of anything
better. Because he must have misheard. There was no way in hell his best
friend’s eighteen-year-old brother had just said those words. Over lunch. In
the middle of a diner. With an old, white-haired couple sitting right behind

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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