Don't Tempt Me (12 page)

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Authors: Amity Maree

BOOK: Don't Tempt Me
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"Will...! I managed just fine for a lot of years without being spanked!" She felt compelled to point out.

"It wasn't that you didn't earn spankings, Jenna... It was that we hadn't met yet, or I can guarantee there were plenty of times you would have found sitting painful." He saw her frown and said quietly, "What is it to be, Mrs. Cole? Getting it over with now and then having a pleasant evening? Or dreading it all evening and probably earning a more serious spanking for pouting?"

"Neither!" she answered petulantly. "I've been punished enough already," she stated.

"If you truly think that..."

"I do!"

"...Then you need a spanking now and another one at bedtime...?" he informed her.

Jenna couldn't believe it when he took her hand and pulled her out into the bedroom and over to their bed. Will sat down and pulled her over his left thigh and the bed. His hand fell on her upper thigh, right below the towel wrapped around her and Jenna couldn't keep from kicking! Her skin was even more tender than normal due to her long soak in the tub. Will spanked the same spot again and she squealed. "Not there, Will! It hurts!"

"Not nearly as much as what those gang members were planning to do." He spanked her other thigh twice, and then said, "This is just in the way, Jenna." Will pulled the towel loose and dropped it on the floor. "I'm going to spank you soundly, Jenna, and when we go to bed, I'm going to take off my belt and give you a strapping on your sore backside. You will think the next time you are tempted to do something so damnably foolish."

"I'm sorry, Will!" The words were a plea for him to listen to her, but the Judge had already pronounced sentence and he fully intended to make sure the sentence was carried out immediately. Jenna kicked and cried, and she tried to reach back, but the position he had her in kept her from being able to reach her bottom. When he tired of her kicking, he pinned her calves underneath his right leg, and continued to scorch her tender backside. She thought he would never stop!

"Please, Will! No more!" she cried out. "It hurts so much already!" Her butt felt as though he'd set fire to it, and each spank that landed fell on skin that was already hot and burning painfully. "I'm sorry! I'm SORRY! I won't do it again... ever!" she shrieked.

"No, you are never going to do this again...!" Will continued to spank until she was limp with exhaustion and too tired to struggle. "When I send you up here tonight, Jenna, you will prepare for a strapping. I expect you to take the pillows and pile them high on the bed so that you can kneel over them and present your sore butt for a strapping that will be extremely long and painful. I expect you to be lying in position, with a belt lying beside you on the bed. You will keep your hands clasped together in front of you, spread your legs wide, and when I come to you, you will ask me to give you the punishment you have earned with your thoughtless, reckless behavior. Is that clear, wife?" he demanded, his voice sounding as formal as it did in the courtroom when he passed sentence.

Jenna was in too much pain to consider protesting. "Yes, Will," she answered.

He gave her another hard spank and added, "I do not want to hear one single word from you trying to talk me out of this punishment, Jenna. You will get a minimum of fifty strokes, and if you ignore this warning, I will automatically increase the number to one hundred minimum. The minimum will increase if you do not obey me exactly and remain in place and accept your strapping. Your punishment would be over with by now if you hadn't argued with me in the first place. Do you think you can get up now, put on some clothes, and behave yourself this evening?"

Jenna promised she would, her stomach full of dread for what was yet to come. How could Will be so sweet and tender one minute and so firm and harsh in the next? He helped her rise, but there was no hug of forgiveness yet. As far as Will was concerned, she was in the middle of a punishment, and he wouldn't offer forgiveness and comfort until he was finished meting out justice with a belt on her already sore bottom.

She was positive she couldn't stand much of anything covering her flaming backside, so Jenna settled for a lightweight robe and tied the sash around her waist before sliding her feet into a pair of slippers and following Will downstairs. She smelled something cooking in the kitchen and was surprised to realize that Will had dinner nearly done already.

Her eyes filled with tears when he matter-of-factly removed the cushion from her seat. He was determined to see her completely miserable. "I'm too sick at my stomach to eat, Will," she informed him. "Even the smell is making me nauseous."

"Fibbing to me is not a good idea, Mrs. Cole," he stated. "Besides, you drank that wine and you need some food in your stomach. Sit down right now." There was no compromise in his tone of voice.

Thankfully, the telephone rang and Will said, "I need to take this in my office, Jenna. Will you take dinner from the oven so it doesn't burn?"

He left the kitchen and she hastened to obey him. The casserole he put together looked delicious. She took out plates and silverware, and then put lettuce on a salad plate for each of them, sliced a tomato to go with it, and whipped up a vinaigrette to pour over the top. Jenna refilled their wine glasses, hoping the wine would dull her senses before she was forced to sit down to eat. She decided to heat two dinner rolls and was taking them out of the microwave when Will returned to the kitchen. If he was upset that she still wasn't seated on her chair, he didn't let on. He put generous servings of the casserole on two plates and carried them to the table. He gave Jenna a look as she put the rolls on the table and she swallowed hard as she gingerly sat down.

In typical Will fashion he ignored her gasp of pain and her discomfort as he started eating. "They reached a plea bargain in the Bennington Case. My schedule has suddenly opened up until something else is rescheduled. Would you like to take a couple of days and go and visit Katy and Craig?" he asked.

"I think I could manage some time off... But what about Allen and Mary? They might need us, Will."

"We have the rest of the week to help them get this resolved, honey; Katy and Craig will be working until Friday evening, and I still need to call and see if they are free this weekend. They might already have plans."

"Or, you could invite them to come here...?" she suggested.

"I thought we could leave early on Thursday, and do some stopping along the way, maybe take in a show or something Thursday night? Spend some fun time together."
He noticed she seemed less than enthusiastic. "What is it, Jenna? Do you have a case pending that you need to be here to work on?"

"No, nothing that can't be postponed or handled by someone else."

"You don't seem very enthusiastic," he commented. When she said nothing, he asked, "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"It depends."

"On what?" He was clearly exasperated.

"When was the last time
tried sitting on a long car trip after you were punished, William Cole?" she asked with a flash of temper.

"Life goes on as normal after a punishment, Jenna. You don't get to stay home and sulk because you earned a sound spanking. One has nothing to do with the other. If you have work, then that is another story, but I won't permit you to ruin plans because your butt is sore."

"Then I have five fucking major cases I am working on as of tomorrow, William Cole. You may feel free to go and visit your daughter if you wish. In fact, it would be a very good idea because I will be at the office at least sixteen hours a day for the next two weeks, buster! Maybe longer..." She got up and stomped out of the kitchen. She went upstairs and changed into her gardening clothes and left the house through the front door. Working in her flower beds calmed her. She would work until it was too dark to see, and Will could sit by himself in that big house and just leave her alone.

Will chose not to do that, of course. She saw him come outside a few minutes later and she watched out of the corner of her eye as he walked over to one of the trees and cut off three of the branches. To her horrified fascination, Will used his knife to cut off all the leaves, and then he started stripping the bark from each branch. With slowly dawning comprehension she realized he was preparing switches to use on her backside! Surely, he wouldn't!

When Will was finished, he swished the three switches through the air before walking over to stand beside where she knelt. "You have two options, Mrs. Cole. The first is to walk inside the house and into the kitchen and drop your shorts and lean over the table for a switching. The second is to argue and refuse to go inside, which will earn you the same switching right here and now." When she looked at him in horror he said, "You have thirty seconds to decide whether you want to risk the neighbors looking over the fence and seeing you with your shorts around your ankles getting your backside striped."

"Will...! Nooooo... You said bedtime!" she reminded him.

"No need to worry, Jenna. You are still going to get a strapping; this switching is for the disrespect you just gave me."

"Disrespect!" Jenna repeated. "What about the callous way you are telling me that it doesn't matter to you how sore I am? You are so pompous at times, William Cole. I guarantee I am not going anywhere with you if you strap me for something I have already been sufficiently punished for! And if my physical well-being is of no concern to you that you would insist on a long drive while I am so sore, then you are being a hypocrite to even think you have a right to punish me for something that didn't happen! You say you can't bear the thought of anything happening to me, well, prove it then! Shove your fucking switches and your fucking belt! Or go alone to see your daughter! You can't have it all your way, Buster!"

"Jenna, your mouth is terrible when you lose your temper, and if you think I am going to let you off after talking to me that way, you are wrong." He took her by the arm and pulled her to her feet. "We are taking this inside because despite what you might think, I have no wish to bare my wife in front of the neighbors."

Jenna tried to pull free, but William Cole worked out and he was very strong. She was inside the house within minutes, her shorts were in a puddle at her feet and he was holding her down over the kitchen table. The first stripe from the switch landed on her sore bottom in a line of white-hot fire. "Owwwww!" she cried out in shock. "That hurts, Will! No more!" The second was a scant inch below the first. "Noooo!" The third caught her right thigh and she howled. "I can't stand this! Stop! Please, Will, stop!" He didn't stop. He continued to use the first switch until it finally went limp.

"That was one, and all I really intended to use... until you decided to slice me to ribbons with more of your sassy mouth, Jenna. You will not show me such contempt and disrespect, and this second switch will hopefully make enough of an impression that you will try to talk respectfully in the future."

Jenna didn't have time to apologize before he started punishing her with the second of the three switches. She started crying, and she pleaded with him to stop. "I'm sorry, Will! I'm sorry!" she said over and over.

"I'm sure you are sorry right this moment," he stated, but he didn't stop laying welt after welt all over her bottom cheeks and thighs. Much to her dismay, he even switched the calves of her legs, and she knew she would have no choice but to wear long pants the next few days until the marks were gone! "Please stop, Will!" she begged, and sagged in relief when the second switch went limp. "No more, darling. Please, no more. I'm so sorry I lost my temper with you."

"How many times now have I asked you to stop calling me 'Buster'?" Will asked.

"Several," she answered. "I'm sorry, Will. I promise I will stop."

"How many times today have you called me that?" he demanded.

"I don't know..." She was crying so hard it was hard to think.

"Three, Jenna. Three times, and you did it to annoy me. This third switch is going to remind you not to call me Buster. You are going to get ten for each time."

"No! That's thirty!" she howled in horror. "Please, I can't take any more, Will. I'm so sore now I'll never be able to sit down tomorrow."

"It wasn't very smart for someone as intelligent as you are to use that word, now was it?"

"No, and I am sorry," she insisted. "Please don't, Will."

"You will count each one, Jenna. Three sets of ten. He removed his arm from around her waist but when she tried to get up, he warned, "Rising up will earn you an extra set of ten each time. You are going to learn you can control yourself, Mrs. Cole. Now spread your legs and stick your rear out. Be sure you count loudly enough I can hear, or it won't count."

Jenna moaned in pain at the first swish of the switch and it was all she could do to stay down. "One," she said, and the second one immediately followed. "It hurts, Will!" she cried out.

He struck her behind again and when she said 'three', he corrected her and said, "'Two', and since you got it wrong, we'll start all over with one. Pay attention, Jenna. You don't want to add extras when you still have a strapping coming to you at bedtime."

Jenna made it to the first ten and then started sobbing so hard she couldn't talk. Will put his hand on her back to steady her and gave her time to compose herself, and then he started again. The second set was worse than the first, and once again he had to give his wife time to recover.

"One more set, Jenna, and these will be the hardest ones."

Jenna was in horrible pain when Will finally stopped the punishment. He said, "I did not enjoy that, young lady, but from now on I will punish you each and every time you call me 'buster' or use any form of that other word you are so fond of. You can go upstairs now and wait for me. I'll give you an hour and when I come upstairs, I expect to find you in place for your strapping. Defy me, and you'll earn a session with the bath brush every night for a week. Go on, and no rubbing, and no aloe, and no cold cloths. You are to wear every bit of that punishment until it goes away naturally."

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