Don't You Forget About Me (12 page)

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Authors: Cecily Von Ziegesar

BOOK: Don't You Forget About Me
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Crap. This wasn’t working. Every time he tried to write, visions of himself as a kid, dressing up in totally gay outfits, sprang into his head. What could he possibly know about love when the only time he’d ever been in love was with Vanessa, who apparently didn’t qualify, since she wasn’t even the right gender? He looked over at the clock. One a.m. It had been a long day of shelving dusty books at the Strand and trying to hide from Greg. Luckily, their shifts only overlapped for an hour, so Dan had managed to completely avoid crossing paths. He dreaded the “special talk” Greg said he wanted to have, though he wasn’t sure how long he could put it off.

He sat up and a flash of gold text caught his eye. The anthology his mom had given him three nights ago was perched on top of the dresser. With its black cover, the book was almost camouflaged by the monochromatic, gray space—Vanessa had gotten permission from Jenny to redecorate, which for Vanessa meant making everything as dark as possible—but the gold title twinkled at him from afar, taunting him.

Oh, come now, you know you’re curious.

He reached over and grabbed the large volume, plopping back down on the bed with it. Maybe reading some gay love poems would help inspire him to write a straight one? He cracked open its stiff binding. The first page was the introduction.

Homosexual love has been a part of every society throughout the history of mankind, from the Ancient Greeks to modern day.

What was this, a history lesson? Already bored, Dan scanned down toward the end.

Read the poems aloud to your lover, as the spoken word is even more powerful than those printed on the page.You will feel yourself transported by the undercurrent of beautiful, corporeal, HomoSensual love.

Huh. That was interesting. He’d always found it helpful to read his own poems aloud to get a sense of the rhythm, but he’d never tried doing it with other people’s work. Maybe reading aloud would get the creative juices flowing, get him feeling the rhythm? Besides, he
have a great reading voice, as Greg had once pointed out.

He flipped the book open to a random place and chuckled when he realized he’d landed on page 69. No matter. He cleared his throat and began to read Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18:
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May. . . .
” Dan paused to read silently to himself for a few lines, and then again read aloud.
“So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee.”

As he uttered the last lines of his poem, the door swung open and Vanessa burst into the room, her camera bag slung over her shoulder.


Her eyes widened with surprise. Clearly she’d heard everything—or at least, enough. Dan could only imagine what it looked like. He was in bed all alone, reciting one of Shakespeare’s most romantic—and unquestionably gay—sonnets to himself.

Hello, awkward?

“Uh, sorry.” Vanessa quickly turned around and stared at the floor as Dan frantically grabbed for the book and closed it with a loud smack. He stood and attempted to put it on the cluttered desk.

“It’s not what it looks—
!” The book fell off the side of the desk, all ten pounds of it landing directly on his little toe.

“No, no. I should have knocked.” Vanessa’s head was entirely red as she bent over her bag, not looking at him.

“So.” Dan examined his cuticles as she continued to put away her camera equipment. “Where were you, anyway?” He tried to project an aura of calmness, grabbing a copy of

Crime and Punishment
from the nightstand and flipping aimlessly through its thick pages.

Like that’s the only thing he’s been reading.

Vanessa finally turned to face him. “I was filming Ruby’s last gig as a single woman,” she explained, stripping off a pair of expensive-looking wide-legged black sailor pants—likely something Blair had left behind during her brief tenure as Vanessa’s roommate. She was wearing an old pair of Dan’s green-and-white-striped boxers underneath. Then she pulled off her plain black T-shirt so that she was clad in only the boxers and a white Hanes tank top. Dan had always loved Vanessa’s fashion sense—or lack of it—and he couldn’t help noticing how sexy she looked. It was nice to see her wearing something of his. “Everyone was wasted. At the end of the set, Ruby’s drummer puked onstage.” “Gross.” Dan pulled off his army green Kafka T-shirt and scooted under the covers.

“Totally,” she agreed, climbing under the sheets beside him and switching off the bedside light. Hopefully the darkness would hide her embarrassment and confusion. They lay in uncomfortable silence, and Vanessa couldn’t help but give in to her feeling of total dejection. After her conversation with Piotr, she’d felt so . . . hopeful. She’d thought she might be able to work things out with Dan, but if he was spending his free time home alone reciting romantic gay poetry to himself, there really wasn’t any question about his sexual status now. She sighed heavily, looking up at the dark ceiling.

Dan tried hard to think of something to say. He’d never had trouble talking to Vanessa before—she was his best friend. In fact, she was one of the only people he really
talk to. In less than a week he’d be driving out to Evergreen College in Washington State to start a new life—in a 1977 Buick Skylark, no less—and he had to figure all this out before he got into that car and drove away. Why couldn’t he talk to her now, when he needed her the most?

Maybe because she just walked in on him reading in iambic pen-maneater.

“So . . .” he whispered into the dark. “Are you doing okay? I mean, with Ruby’s wedding and everything?” Vanessa snorted. Dan could picture the face she was almost certainly making—her eyes rolled to the ceiling, a wry twist turning up the corners of her lips.

“Yeah,” she breathed. “I just have to film the clusterfuck.” He heard her exhale heavily into the warm, humid air before she spoke again. “
the one I feel sorry for—I mean, you have to come up with some meaningful, epic fucking
poem about those two morons.” “Thanks,” Dan mumbled sarcastically. “You’ve filled me with confidence.” He turned over to face her, wanting to look at her even though she was turned away. He could hear the small, quiet sound of her breathing in the dark room and could feel the warmth of her almost-naked body. She was always so warm at night. The ridiculously soft skin of her bare arm grazed his. One of the things he’d always loved about Vanessa’s body were its contrasts—her stubbly scalp next to the softness of her skin. The pillowy feel of her lips and cheeks . . . Dan smiled and moved ever so slightly closer to her warm, sleepy flesh.

Vanessa felt Dan’s hot breath tickle her neck as he lay inches from her on the bed. Being in such close quarters with him when all her hopes had been so recently dashed was killing her. “So, how’s Greg?” she asked softly, hoping the note of rejection in her voice wasn’t as clear to him as it sounded to her. She moved toward the edge of the bed, shifting so that her left foot hung off the side. Anything to escape the torture of feeling Dan’s skin on hers.

“Umm . . . he’s fine,” Dan mumbled. Greg. Right. His boyfriend. As Vanessa inched further and further away from him on the bed, it became obvious that she wanted nothing to do with him. And why should she? He was a confused pink-disco-suit-wearing, cream-puff-eating, gay-poem-reading idiot who still seemed to be in love with his ex-girlfriend despite the fact that every person in his life had apparently been waiting for him to come out since he learned to use the potty. Dan sighed and flipped over onto his back dejectedly, more puzzled than ever as he slipped into a sweaty, troubled sleep.

To be or not to be . . . gay—that is the question.

Disclaimer: All the real names of places, people, and events have been altered or abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.

hey people!

You know what they say about New York—it’s the city that never sleeps . . . and neither do I. Not when there’s this much good gossip to keep me up at night! Okay, and there may have been that little end-of-summer bash at One keeping me out till the wee hours last night, but it’s all in service to
. I’ll have to trade my snakeskin Jimmy Choo stilettos for Gucci leather riding boots soon enough, so now’s the time to stay out late, dance with a gorgeous stranger, and, most importantly, expose as much bare, sweaty flesh as possible. And the same goes for you girls and boys—as if you need a reminder!

hollywood shuffle

This morning, as I was walking to fetch my skinny vanilla latte and natural-grain bagel, I couldn’t help but notice that a certain very blond actress’s picture has been plastered
overnight—bus stops, the sides of buildings. That’s right, our very own
is poised to become a major Hollywood star—not that we ever doubted it for a second.
is being touted as a fair-haired, modern-day Audrey Hepburn. And that means, cats and kittens, that we’ll soon be purring contentedly as we gaze up at
’s celestial face on the big screen. Either that, or we’ll be clawing our plush velvet seats in envy. . . .

The word on the street is that, due to phenomenal early reviews in
Vanity Fair
, and
, the release date for
Breakfast at Fred’s
has been pushed up! The fun begins tomorrow at the luxurious
Soho House,
the part members-only club, part hotel, where they’re holding a big
Breakfast at Fred’s
press conference.
will be meeting up with her yummylicious co-star
aka my new boyfriend (shhhhh . . . don’t wake me up! If anyone can make him like girls, I can) who is, in case you’ve been residing on Mars, currently in possession of the hottest six-pack abs this side of the Hudson. Too bad he pitches for the other team. Anyone who’s anyone on the gossip circuit will be there to watch as A Star is Born—our little
is all grown up!—and you know that means I’ll find a way in. . . .

It’s time to zip yourself into that purple tapestry Calypso sheath, don your Dior shades, raise one hand in protest to the glaring flashbulbs while exclaiming, “Gentlemen! No pictures,
!” For those of you who don’t know the drill, some helpful advice from yours truly:

do’s and don’ts for attending your first press junket

(1) Do bring sunglasses, preferably large Chanel or Gucci ones, even if the event takes place at night.
if it takes place at night. Those flashbulbs really are blinding! And besides, nothing creates an air of mystery like a pair of oversize shades.

(2) Do escape to the ladies’ room for frequent makeup touch-ups—nobody likes a shiny nose on camera. Besides, where better to overhear the latest gossip about the premiere—and spread some of your own.

(3) Wear indelible lip color, or a sealant over your favorite shade: getting lipstick on your teeth during an interview is so gauche—and totally avoidable. Red-carpet red is
a classic choice.

(4) Do feel free to have a fling with your leading man—after all, the suite
booked for the night! And don’t worry—we won’t tell.

(5) And, most importantly, bring the hotness! After all, it’s
about you!


at the
NY Yacht Club
having cocktails with some old guy in a sailor suit. Does
have a new dealer? Odd. Whatever the case, we’re guessing he won’t be joining the navy anytime soon. . . .
at his home-away-from-home,
the Strand
bookstore, secluded in a dusty corner furiously turning the pages of
Queer Culture: A Way Out of the Closet.
From what I hear about a certain surprise party, he’s already way,
out. . . .
back in Williamsburg, filming her sister
’s show at the
Galapagos Art Space,
a leather-pants-wearing blond guy by her side . . .
’s picture in
Times Square
on a
billboard featuring nothing but her flawless face and the words TRUE LOVE NEVER LIES.
herself, clad in all black, entering
N’s Park Avenue
town house dressed like she’s auditioning for a role in the next 007 film.
sitting outside, waiting for her. With all three supposedly going off to a certain ivy-covered campus in just a few short days, it’s certain that we’ll have oodles of rumors to discuss—so keep those catty, info-packed e-mails coming!

Speaking of interesting e-mails, I hear roommate assignments are in the mail, so don’t be surprised if you receive an introduction from your soon-to-be suitemate. My heart bleeds for all of you who’ll inevitably get stuck with some freshman calculus major who wants nothing more than to wake up at 6 a.m. every morning to
while you’re just nodding off and trying not to hurl last night’s excess of keg beer (ah, college) all over your La Perla peignoir. My roommate will, of course, be my long-lost twin—perfect, just like me!

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