Doomsday Exam [BUREAU 13 Book Two] (19 page)

BOOK: Doomsday Exam [BUREAU 13 Book Two]
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His woebegone expression said no. Guess a personal nuclear blast took a lot out of a guy.

Once more the taste of copper filled my mouth and I paused to spit red again. “Okay, can you polymorph two of these yahoos into duplicates of us?"

Tilting his head, the mage listened to his staff, it was feebly flickering with magic. “Just barely, if I drain my belt and shoes, but I'll manage. It's a great idea and fresh bodies does facilitate matters."

Gathering my pistols, I next retrieved knives and hacked the unconscious vampires to pieces, scattering the now dead body parts and dusty ash around so it would not be immediately obvious just how many corpses were present. Hidden inside their clothing, I found a small electrical device of unknown design. I postulated that the machine was a modified form of Tanner's forceshield, some massively weaker version built to only protect the vampires from sunlight. A neat trick that, and one I had not even contemplated. Thank goodness, Mystery Man hadn't trusted his slaves enough to give them full power forceshields, or else Raul and I would be on our way to the dentist for a cleaning and sharpening.

Meanwhile, the wizard mumbled in his secret language, and then used his staff to smight two of the football players who were the closest to our sizes. Every little bit helps. Rippling with colored lights, the cold flesh melted and reformed into mirror images of us, clothes, guns and everything. Then we tore accessories off a few cars and sprinkled the debris around the blast crater so it would seem a car had exploded instead of Mr. Raul. When satisfied, we hid in the relatively undamaged trunk of a Buick RoadMaster and waited.

Fire engines and police sirens were sounding in the distance, when the slim vampire who had been shouting orders finally roused. He hissed his displeasure at the carnage, then smiled in fiendish delight when he spotted our bodies lying limp on the ground.

It was rather disquieting to watch him drink our blood, rip out our throats, smash our skulls and throw the brains away. Then he cracked open our chests and ate the hearts. Although disgusted, I had to admire his efficiency. Now that was what I called dead.

When finished, the vampire went to a foreign compact, removed his helmet and drove off. As soon as he was far enough away, Raul and I scrambled out of hiding and into a cherry ‘62 Corvette. I used to own a similar model and could hot-wire this sweetheart in my sleep. Plus the Vet, it was a lot faster than the dinky fuel efficient German compact. Having only one car to tail our quarry, that extra speed could be an important factor.

"We have been seriously underestimating our foe,” Raul muttered, collapsing his staff to a size that would fit inside the dimensions of the Vet and laying it across his knees. “McGinty was probably primed with some potion to flip out if questioned, making us run from the hospital and into their trap."

Shifting gears and leaving the hospital behind, I mumbled agreement, a line of red drool flowing down my cheek. Noticing, Raul pulled a button from his shirt, made a fist and punched me in the jaw. When the stinging faded, so did the pain and blood. My mouth felt fine. Gingerly, I tested my teeth and they were solidly attached once more. That was some button.

"Thanks,” I said wiping off the spittle with a non-magical cloth handkerchief.

He winked. “No problem. So what now? We follow our quarterback until he leads us to Mystery Man, then we call in the troops?"

I nodded. “Natch. Which brings up an interesting question, how do we contact the team in Chicago? You can't teleport a fly and our radios only have a two kilometer range."

"The telephone?” Raul suggested. “No, we don't dare. If Mystery Man has the abilities of Vampire X, then he also has the powers of Tanner. He could be tapping the entire Alabama phone system waiting for us to try such an act. What about trying Jess?"

Watching the road, I shrugged “It's not time, but I'll try."


No answer. My telepathic wife must not be thinking of me at this exact instant. But when the hour mark came, we might be too far away from Huntsville for Jessica to focus on me. Damn-damn-damn! So close, yet so far.

"No good,” I reported, my temples throbbing. Whew, even trying was a bit of a strain.

Hunkering down in the seat, Raul rubbed his chin. “How do we contact a secret agency? An interesting problem."

"Got an interesting answer?"

"Cogitating, Ed. Ruminating."

"Swell. Tell me when you start to think. Okay?"

"As a great man once said, natch."

Keeping a careful watch on our Judas goat, I maintained a discreet distance behind him as he turned onto the highway and headed north. Ah, this shouldn't take too long. But we were wrong again.

Soon it became obvious, that Mystery Man was much too smart to lay a trap for us at his own front door. Our vampire drove on through the day and into the night, stopping only for gas. I guess the blood he had consumed in the parking lot was tiding him over. Hospital food is supposed to be good for you. Ha.

Slowly time passed as we rolled through Alabama, Tennessee and into Kentucky. Raul and I took turns driving and sleeping. The sandwiches Mindy had given us came in extremely useful. At one stop for fuel, I stole a box of .38 caliber ammunition from the desk of an attendant. Well, stole is perhaps the wrong word, as I did leave behind a hundred dollars in cash for a $24.95 box of bullets.

As befitting a mage, Raul was surprised to discover that .38 ammunition would fit a .357 gun. Always polite, I started to explain the difference between a normal and Magnum round, but stopped when he yawned and attempted to turn on the radio. Hey, I can take a hint.

Later on when he took over the driving again, I used my knife and pistolbutt to painstakingly cut a cross pattern into each of the soft-lead slugs. They were now incredibly illegal, and delightfully deadly, dum-dums. Not having a proper workshop, there was always the chance of doing a bad slice, and when I triggered the round it could jam and explode my gun. But that was a chance I would have to take. It was better than being totally unarmed.

"If only we knew what the bastard was planning,” I said aloud, after successfully dodging a radar trap.

"The kid?” Raul asked, adjusting the rearview mirror without touching it.

"No, Mystery Man. Destroy the world? Conqueror it? Or something too fiendish to contemplate? Some hideous act we haven't even thought of yet."

Running through a gauntlet of pained expression, Raul finally gave a diplomatic cough. Then another.

"Okay, talk,” I sighed, bracing for the bad news.

"Well,” the mage said. “When Katrina and I were pursuing my file copy of the Aztec book—"

?” I interrupted, almost losing control of the car.

"My file copy,” he repeated. “When we captured the volume, I accidentally made a photostatic copy of every page."

Furious, I could only glare at him. Mages! “But isn't even that dangerous to read?"

"Not a copy,” Raul stated earnestly. “It would be similar to trying to put electrical current into a photograph of a radio. Nothing happens. The Book itself does the conjure."

"Meaning any damn fool can operate it."


"Hardly good news."

"Anyway,” Raul went on, maneuvering past a pickup truck spewing blue-colored exhaust. “If Mystery Man was an ordinary guy who became an alchemist and then risked death to become a wizard for one day to get his mitts on this book, I decided to search for the other end of the spectrum, what spell, conjure, whatever, that would give him the most power. Permanently make him a real wizard."


"You won't like it."

"I'm braced."

A drum roll sounded from nowhere. “I think he's going for the World Mage Spell."

There was a rimshot and cymbal crash, then I groaned. The World Mage Spell. It had never been fully successful, but the last time anybody got the foul conjure even partially functioning, in 1871, the newly formed Bureau waged a brutal war that burned old Chicago to the ground in their effort to kill the caster. Mrs. O'Leary and her demonic cow had been tough customers to beat.

"Okay,” I said, rallying to the task. “The bigger the spell, the more limitations."

"How true,” Raul said, lifting a finger. “One, it has to be performed within the boundaries of the kingdom he stole it from."

"We're not a kingdom,” I reminded.

"Magically this country is,” he stated. “Science obeys the letter of law. Magic follows the intent."

Okay, I bought that. “Continue."

He lifted another finger. “Two, it has to be on property he has legal access to."

Interesting. “And three?” I prompted.

The hand closed and dropped. “There is no three."



Hoo boy. Deep in thought, we tooled on through the picturesque mountains of Kentucky. Semi-tractor trailers passed us regularly and I expertly used them as protective coverage between us and the compact. Twice already Raul had changed the color of our car, added a roof luggage rack, and even made the whole damn thing invisible for a while. Three near collisions later, we stopped utilizing that ploy.

Craning my neck, I had tried following our young killer by using my sunglasses to keep track of his evil black aura, but had nearly lost our quarry when we started to tag along after a sports compact full of lawyers.

Afterwards, we kept to sight and skill. Nothing fancy.

* * * *

Night had fallen once more, when our quarry pulled off Interstate 70 and into Saddle Brook, just south of the Ohio River still in Kentucky. On the other bank of the river was the pleasant industrial town of Cincinnati. Despite its nickname, Cin was an ultra-squeaky clean place. Vulgar language in front of ladies was not permitted, pornographic magazines like The Physicians Medical Journal were not allowed to be sold, and once the locals had tried to edit the word hell out of the Bible.

However, Saddle Brook was where the people from Cincinnati went to remember what a good time was. The streets were lined with massage parlors, adult bookstores, strip joints—both male and female—leather bars, biker taverns, saloons and 24 hour liquor supermarkets. Drug deals took place with total lack of regard for police or witnesses. Every window had iron grills, every door was triple locked, and we passed an all-night gun store. It kind of made me feel homesick for South Chicago. I wished we had the chance to stop so I could get some proper ammo. But our marathon vampire sailed on past, and I waved bye-bye to the boxes of semi-steel jacketed, hollow point, Magnum Express Supremes. They went in like a finger, came out like a fist. Now that was a proper bullet!

Everywhere in sight, prostitutes jostled whores and streetwalkers, their outfits more garish and hair more colors than anything I had ever seen before in this dimension. Weaving through the heavy traffic, I started to explain the technical differences between the types to Raul, when the mage told me he already knew. Maybe my buddy did at that. Raul Horta was from New York, and no Boy Scout.

We both gave a groan of relief as the Compact Kid pulled into the parking lot of La Petite Court; a combination motel, strip joint, nude mud wrestling parlor and topless bar. It was not much more than a carnal amusement park, where the rides charged by the quarter hour.

The teenage terror chose the strip joint and left the vehicle unlocked. He wasn't coming back. Bingo. He also had changed into street clothes somewhere along the way. That gave me an idea.

"Base of operations, or relay point,” Raul postulated, his attention momentarily distracted by a buxom young lady with the most amazing ability to defy gravity.

Keeping a hand on the steering wheel, I glanced at my watch. Six hours till midnight and the equinox. “Let's find out,” I said, parking the car and saying goodbye to the vehicle. In this neighborhood, an unattended Corvette wouldn't last ten minutes.

"We'll need a disguise,” Raul stated, climbing out from the front seat. “Especially since he was seen our faces. Not to mention snacked on our hearts. I have recharged quite a bit in the last eighteen hours. Want me to do some magic?"

"Honey, I can do you magic,” boasted a platinum blonde Oriental in low-cut lavender spandex and fake mink stole.

We tended our apologies for the misconception, discreetly moved on and lowered our goddamn voices.

"Better save it,” I decided, testing the draw on my Magnums. “Let's do this the normal way."

Glancing at the human stew swirling around us, I chose my first customer. A skinny man dressed in leather and smoking a cigarette in a sequined holder. In my opinion, he had on far too much mascara.

"How much for the leather jacket?” I asked.

The question amused him. “Just the jacket, or me in it?” he countered.

"Ah, just the jacket."

"Two hundred bucks."

I flashed cash. “One hundred."

"Done!” We exchanged goods.

"Excuse me, miss,” Raul said to a mature woman in fringed vest, mini-shirt and dirty white boots. “I wish to purchase your vest. How much?"

In a calculating manner, her wide red lips snapped juicy gum. The woman's bountiful jewelry must have weighed almost as much as she did. “Forty dollars."

"Twenty five, and toss in the gloves."

"You get it, handsome,” the lady said, jingling as she removed the garment. Nothing but flesh was underneath. This place was worse than Hong Kong. Just then, our Corvette rolled by and disappeared into traffic. Told you so.

"And an extra ten for the crucifix,” Raul suggested.

She glanced downward at her ample breasts. “I got one of those? Okay, sure."

Nobody else seemed promising, except a biker gang lounging on the corner, so I tried there next. Not every motorcycle rider was a thrill-kill nutcase. Many were very decent people, who simply enjoyed the freedom of the road. Peaceful, law abiding, patriotic folk.

"Nice hogs,” I complemented as an opener. “My friend and I need some clothes to change our looks. And fast. Wanna sell?"

For some reason this seemed to vastly interest them.

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