Dorthena (13 page)

Read Dorthena Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #paranormal, #violence, #bad language

BOOK: Dorthena
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She snarled
and hissed, she made a long leap off the rock second jump had her
swimming in a stream for ten feet. When she crossed over she ran,
as she ran her fur dried. When she could no longer hear the wolves
she laid down closed her eyes, she needed rest. What she truly
needed was help. Thena looked around then climbed a large jack pine
tree when she got up as high as he could get she looked around, she
saw a cabin about five miles south and west of her locations.
Carefully descending the tall tree she worked her way south and

When she
reached the cabin she looked at it oddly then shifted into human
form. She crept up to the door and tried the door knob it opened.
She peeked inside and saw it was a large cabin made up of one room
with a kitchen and living room; there was a bedroom in the back,
bathroom with a tub. She smiled, closed the door behind her and
locked the door. She moved off to the bathroom took a warm bath and
crawled into bed, under the covers and fall a sleep. Two days had
passed and she was making the cabin a home. There were dirty dishes
in the sink, not many just a plate and a cup and glass. The bed was
unmade, so unlike Thena’s normally keeping things clean. The food
in the cabin was plentiful. During the day she walked around the
area getting to know it. At night she stayed in side kept the
windows closed, and the curtain shut and the lights on low.

Every time she
felt like someone was in her mind she shut her mind down and went
to sleep.

Ryker was
nearly crazy by now it was working into the third day and still no
sign of Thena. Finally Storm mentioned that they should check out
the other cabins that were vacant. Ryker and Storm started out by
the end of the third day they had all but five cabins checked. They
would start in the morning and check them out.

Zand said he
was going the next day with Ryker and Storm. Four cabins were
checked leaving one. Well Storm said, “If she is not at the next
cabin I don’t know where the hell she could be and we won’t find
her until she stops shutting you out Ryker.”

As they pulled
into the last cabin Storm stopped the truck put his hand out for no
one to move. Storm put down his window and scented the air. I smell
food cooking, smells like steaks. Slip out here and let’s walk
carefully up to the cabin. When Storm looked in he could see Thena
in side she was at the stove cooking. Suddenly he heard a hiss
sound then a snarl. “Damn she scented him.”

Moving away
from the window he moved back to the truck. Ryker Thena is inside
the cabin walk up and calls her by name. Zand move around to the
back of the cabin and I will take the other side that has a window
in case she jumps out a window.

Ryker walked
up towards the cabin and called “Thena,” he called her again and
again, but no answer.

Sudden a
window broke and Zand was facing Thena in cat form. Thena scented
Zand crouched down and hissed at Zand then snarled again. Zand
didn’t move, “Thena baby it’s Zand you remember Zand back when we
worked a job together don’t you baby.”

Thena scented
Zand, snarled peeled back her lips and bared her teeth at him.
Still Zand spoke to her. Finally Thena purred and stood up on all
fours she walked over to Zand and rubbed herself against his leg.
When Storm and Ryker came around the cabin Thena crouched and
snarled at them.

Ryker spoke
first, “Thena honey it’s me Ryker you’re mate. I have been
searching for you for days now. I love you Thena.

Thena backed
away towards the woods slowly. Storm and Ryker never moved one
inch. They did not want her running off again at least if she was
at this cabin she was safe and there was always a chance Ryker
would reach her mind. Then suddenly Thena was off and running full

Ryker was
about to shift down when Storm yelled, “No do not chase her, let
her go! If she is chased she won’t come back here again. If she
stops and you fight the pup might be in danger. Or worse yet you
will never see her again.”

Storm moved
back to the truck called Paige explained the situation to her.
Paige told him what he was suspecting any way that Thena can’t
remember them. Storm moved back to the cabinet shut down the stove,
the men cleaned up the cabin and then left.

Another two
days and Thena had not returned to the cabin. It was being watched
and there had been no signs of Thena coming back.




Thena was on
the move again. She had been sleeping where she could find shelter.
She found a second cabin, it seemed like she should know the place.
She looked around it was dark, there was a SUV parked near the
cabin. It was very late at night. One of the darkest nights she had
ever seen the sky was over cast and there was no moon. She scented
flowers at the porch. The scent of the vehicle when she walked past
it seemed like she should some how know it. Then she picked up a
scent and she purred. She was not sure why the scent was calling to
her, but it was. She hissed. She moved up onto the porch walked
around the cabin from the back of one side to the back of the other
side crossing the front of the cabin. Thena shifted into human form
turned the door knob then shifted down into the Black Panther
again. She pushed the door with her face and front shoulder. She
moved in side the scent was stronger. The scent was driving her
crazy she wanted to mate with the scent she began rubbing herself
again area’s in the living room that had the scent on it. She moved
to the kitchen looked around, yes she knew this room.

She moved
towards the stair case and was half way up the stairs and the scent
was stronger. She needed that scent, she wanted it, and she desired
it. She purred with delight. Slowly she reached the door at the end
of the hall way, suddenly the light in the room went on. Thena
moved back away from the door sneaked down the stairs and rushed
out the front door.

Ryker lay in
bed for a moment he knew he had heard something then it was gone.
Finally he got up out of bed and walk down the hall he saw the door
opened and wondered how it opened; then he could scent the odour of
a cat. Thena had been here, he had to wait for her to come to him
that was what Paige had said, her memory would return in time.

Ryker walked
down the steps and closed the door. The next morning he looked for
signs of Thena and found them in the dirt by the flowers Thena had
planted. He did not try to reach out to her; he did not want to
frighten her away. He sat on the porch most of the day looking into
the shadows of the woods. He would go in fix something to eat and
then come back out to the porch. He had called Storm and asked that
no one come calling, because Thena was prowling around. Storm had
agreed that no one should show up there that he would not send
anyone over unless it was important.

Thena lay on a
branch in a large jack pine watching the man on the porch from a
distance. He seemed to be lonely, sad and searching. She liked his
scent it made her tummy feel all warm inside. Then a tiny memory
reached her, that man was kissing her. Then the memory was gone.
Thena felt this ach down in her female parts.

After dark
Thena climbed down out of the tree found a small stream and drank
water then began playing in the water with one of her paws. She was
killing time until the man on the porch went to sleep. A memory
flashed of the man making her come all over his hand how great it
felt. The desire to mate with him grew in side of her.

The moon was
high in the sky, not much light because it was a new moon sliver.
Thena crept up to the porch scented the man were he sat most of the
day; she rolled on the spot trying to gain his scent into her fur.
She walked one end of the porch to the other. When she reached the
door she leaned against it and it opened she hissed at the door.
When nothing happened and she heard nothing she slipped her head
inside and looked around she saw nothing. She moved further in side
the house moved towards the kitchen a sandwich was left on a plate
and she jumped up on the table grabbed the sandwich and quickly ate
it. She licked her lips, turkey sandwich tasted so good. She was
still hungry

Thena moved
into the living room and rubbed herself against the sofa. The male
scent was stronger then last time. Thena purred she checked out the
entire cabin down stairs, then she moved up stairs to the hall way.
She hissed no sound, no movement. She crept down the hall way and
pushed against the door of the bedroom it opened slightly, she
scented the air the male was in this room. The scent was strong,
and desire shot through her setting every nerve in her on fire. She
couched down and looked around. She moved towards the bed so
silently. The scent was growing and her nose flared, she licked her
lips. Then she stopped suddenly.

changed she wasn’t sure what changed but something changed. A
memory a flash of mating with the male, she snarled and cried out
with a loud panther cry. The man in the bed jumped up, she hissed
at him, her teeth were showing, another memory a fight, a fight she
lost with this male.

She screamed
again, and she hissed she backed away from the male; her right paw
came up and slashed at the air. She back up until she backed
herself into the closet instead of out the door. She was trapped,
the male made no move towards her.

Another memory
she was being beaten to death someone tried to drowned her. Another
memory flashed a gun firing she screamed and hissed at the male.
Still the male did not move. He stood on the bed just staring at

Then another
memory her clothes being torn from her body, a male pinning her
down trying to force her to mate. The male was not this man. Thena
snarled, her claws dug deep into the oak flooring, the scream that
came from her was so filled with pain even Ryker’s heart was
bleeding for her.

Another memory
a ride in the SUV that sat out side, she was screaming and begging
this male for something. She screamed again and hissed she moved
from the closet towards the door. She crouched down looked at the
male side ways. Another memory flashed in front of her the male
dumping her in a creek. She screamed at him again. She went down on
her side and both front paws came up and slashed at the air. Her
teeth were showing and she snarled, and growled at the male. Still
the male did not move.

Memories were
flying past her mind, a gun shot a bullet had flew pas her ear and
she tried to duck.

Another memory
flashed in her mind, he left her this male left her, he left her
unprotected, and she screamed and hissed.

Ryker watched
Thena he knew memories were flashing in her mind she was coming
back to him or he would lose her for good one or the other he hoped
she was coming back. He could see the memories then remembered that
was what Thena meant when she cried out in her sleep for Seeker not
to do something; he was going to rape Thena. Suddenly Ryker wanted
him dead that second. Thena must have read his mind because she
stopped looked around, and then stood staring at Ryker. Suddenly
she hissed and her left paw came up and clawed at the air.

Another memory
flashed in front of her a gun firing at the bed she turned looked
at the door, memory of a gun pointing at the bed, then she fired a
gun shot the man he was Ben Wright she killed him with her gun.
Another gun fired she was on the floor she scented the floor she
could just scent a slight odour of blood. Then she looked up at the
door again memory flashed of her firing a gun at a woman and
killing her. Ben Wright’s woman was an ex CIA special OPS unit
member. Then there was no memory. Thena made a man dash towards the
door and the male yelled, “Thena I love you honey come back to me
please honey.”

Suddenly Thena
dug her claws into the floor and she turned around the man was
standing at the door only five feet away from her. He had nothing
on but a pair of briefs. His scent reached her nose and desire shot
through her.

Then suddenly
lights flashed and Thena lay down on the floor looked around. A
vehicle had come to the front of the cabin. Thena hissed and
snarled, and the hair on her back stood up.

When Ryker
looked away from Thena; Thena moved down the hallway to the other
end of the cabin shifted and opened a door and close it behind

When Ryker
looked again Thena was gone. Where the hell had she gone he

Thena looked
around the room it had a bed, closet dressers and a window. She
crawled into the closet and listened.

A mans voice
was saying something at the door, the man in the bedroom said
something and then the man at the door got into his vehicle and
drove away.

Ryker wanted
to punch Jake in the face, beat him to an inch of his life. Thena
was gone and with it maybe his last chance at winning her back.
Ryker shut the door and shut off the light and walked up to his
room sat down on the bed. He put his head into his hands and opened
his mind to Thena and she was suddenly there in cat form but she
was there. He whispered, “come back to me honey. I love you”

Thena heard
his words and was touched to her heart. She moved out of the
closet, shifted into a human form opened the bedroom door and
slowly walked down the hall way. When Ryker looked up she was
standing in the hall way in human form totally nude. She was breath
taking; beautiful in all her glory. Ryker stood up put his arms out
to her. Slowly Thena walked towards Ryker, she could not believe he
was there in there bedroom waiting for her. She had to be dreaming.
Yes that was the answer she was dreaming he had left her. Thena
stopped at the door. He had left her, tears filled her eyes. She
spoke, “you left me, why did you leave me Ryker, you left me and
our pup unprotected” she began to cry.

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