Double Alchemy: Climax (35 page)

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Authors: Susan Mac Nicol

BOOK: Double Alchemy: Climax
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Quinn sat down, rested his arms on his knees and leaned forward. “Cade, I know it’s only been sixteen months. I know we’ve been through a lot together and I know I damned well love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone before.”

Cade’s heart swelled at those words and he reached over to brush a strand of wayward hair from Quinn’s cheek. Quinn grasped his hand and held it against his chest. “So I’ve been thinking about us getting married. I want to be able to call you my husband.”

Cade hitched a breath. They’d only been engaged just over three months and Quinn was talking getting married already? He had no issue with it; he just wasn’t sure why Quinn wanted to move so quickly.

“Why on earth would that be so difficult for you to say?” Cade asked gently. “You know I’ve already said yes to you,” he flourished the golden ring on his hand, “so of course, if you want to get married now I’m all for it. ‘Husband’ has a great ring to it.” He grinned. “It’s not as if either of us has any huge family to involve, so it’s all friends and colleagues. A wedding should be a cinch to organise without interfering mothers-in-law and well-meaning sisters.”

Quinn nodded. “That’s not all.” He sounded ill at ease and Cade’s mouth dropped.

What else could there be other than getting married?

“Cade, I’m thirty-eight next week.” Cade knew Quinn’s birthday wasn’t a big deal for him although they’d planned a quiet dinner together just before Cade left for Scotland. “And I’m not getting any younger. You remember I said once that if the chance arose, I’d need to think about propagating the Fairmont line, making sure I had an heir? Well, that’s been on my mind too.”

Cade’s head spun. “Wait, Quinn, hold on. You’ve been thinking about having children?”

Quinn nodded, his eyes lighting up. “Yes. I know it’s still early and we don’t have to make any decisions just yet, but Misty—you remember her, the witch that started the whole Book of Spells thing that led to us destroying the Witchfinder? Well, she and I have become good friends, very good friends actually, and she’s offered to be a surrogate for us. The chances are with the magyckal alliances, it would be a well-conceived pregnancy and our son would be something really special.”

Cade was having trouble keeping up with the tumble of words that were falling from his lover’s lips as his arms waved animatedly and his face sparkled. He knew that Misty and Quinn had formed a friendship and they had yet to all have that dinner that had been scheduled before he’d been stabbed and given over to the Sprite world. Cade felt a sense of wonder that Quinn was so into the thought of having a child. To be honest, the idea was one Cade had occasionally thought about idly, as he wouldn’t mind having one either. But this was all so sudden. Marriage and children all in one conversation?

Quinn’s face fell. “Christ, I’ve just scared the hell out of you, haven’t I? I’m sorry, I’m messing this up—”

Cade reached over and placed a finger on Quinn’s lips. “Shh. You’re not scaring me; it’s just that it’s a bit sudden. I had no idea you were contemplating this.” A tingle of excitement ran through his body. “I mean, I love the idea of getting married and having kids, don’t get me wrong. It’s just…wow.” He frowned at something Quinn had said.

“You said ‘our son.’ How do you know it would be a boy?”

Quinn smiled widely. “Fairmonts always have boys. It’s just the way things are.”

“And you’d trust Misty to carry our child? Well, your child, really, as it would be your sperm so that the birthright was truly Fairmont and I don’t think they’ve got the capacity to have two sperms fertilise an egg yet—” Cade was aware he was babbling but the idea was growing on him.

“Cade, baby.” Quinn reached over, his eyes filled with love. “It might be my sperm but this would be
child. I couldn’t even think of doing this with anyone other than you.”

Cade nodded, speechless now, and Quinn leaned in and kissed him, warm, hungry lips parting his as they lost themselves in their passion. When they finally pulled apart, Quinn was smiling.

“So what do you think? Can I start make wedding plans so we can get married and think about becoming dads together sometime in the near future?”

Cade’s eyes prickled with tears as he nodded. “Hell yes. I can’t think of anything better. I think I’m going to bloody cry.”

Quinn chuckled and pulled him closer, planting a soft kiss on the top of his head as Cade closed his eyes and listened to his man’s heartbeat. “Well, while you’re away I’ll get someone at the office to start making some enquiries. I have no idea how long it takes to organise a decent wedding, but we can talk about it when you get back from Scotland. I’ll arrange dinner with Misty too so you can meet her, get to know her like I do. And Cade, I do trust you. And I’m sorry I lost it. I love you.”

“I love you too, Quinn. And you need not worry about Coop. You’re the only man for me, you know that. In fact, I’m thinking it’s about time you made it up to me with actions, not words.” Cade stood up and extended a hand to Quinn who grinned and took it as he got to his feet.

“Why, Mr. Mairston, you little slut. I’d be happy to.”

Chapter 31

The cold wind howled across the vast expanse of water in Crieff, in the highlands of Scotland, causing it to ripple as the surrounding conifers swayed fiercely. Cade sat by the roaring log fire in his cabin. The cabin he was staying in on the spectacular Loch Manzievaird was beautiful and luxurious but simply the high keening sound of the wind outside was enough to make him shiver. The past few weeks had been hectic to say the least, as the anthropological team he was part of put their research hats on and travelled the area anxious to pursue the history of the Picts, particularly the saga of the ninth-century Pict King Kenneth MacAlpin. It had been a fairly intensive project and Cade was glad it was coming to an end in two days. He’d be glad to get home.

Cooper had been warned in no uncertain terms that Cade was off limits and in fact, his original ardour seemed to have cooled somewhat. Cade had seen him making out with some young twink in a rowboat on the Loch only two days before.

Quinn of course was inordinately satisfied at this turn of events. “You can’t trust these younger men,” he’d murmured smugly the last time he’d appeared in Cade’s cabin. “Fickle fellows, they are.”

Cade waited now for Quinn to appear on what he called laughingly his “conjugal visit” and he smiled at the thought of seeing him again. The fire was burning, the logs stacked up to keep it burning, and the red wine was currently breathing on the table. There was the familiar disconcerting change in the air as Quinn’s Withinner transported him up to the Highlands of Scotland from their cosy home in Hampstead Heath. Cade turned to see Taliesin standing behind him, his dark face smiling, his eyes warm.

“Taliesin, it’s good to see you again.” Cade moved over and they shook hands. The Fey urges the pair had originally experienced had disappeared altogether from their first rather raunchy meeting, although Cade’s face still flushed in sheer embarrassment when he saw him. The Withinner looked pleased and bowed slightly.

“It is good to see you too, Cade. I asked Quinn for this time together so I could present you with something.” He rummaged around in his cloak and pulled out a small item that looked like the muslin pods used to make mulled wine. He placed it in Cade’s hand.

“This is a good luck charm for the marriage. It has been enchanted to wish you personally all my best wishes for the coming nuptials with Quinn.” He grinned sardonically. “You are going to need it, probably more than one bag if truth be told.”

Cade chuckled loudly. “Thank you, that’s a lovely thought. I think you’re right on the needing luck part.”

The two men grinned at each other conspiratorially. Taliesin grinned. “You are looking well. I wish I could say the same for Quinn. He seems very moody the last few days with all his wedding plans.”

Cade guffawed in amusement. “Really? My big bad Quinn is stressing over wedding favours and venues?” Quinn had been emailing Cade with suggestions put forward by his team of QuinnCo virtual employees serving as wedding planners so Cade could be involved from the start. Cade quite enjoyed all the preparation work and decision making.

The Withinner nodded. “He has been short tempered and rather testy.” He grinned. “Quinn is impatient to get here. He revokes me. I wish you well and look forward to meeting you again.”

The air changed slightly and as Cade watched, his future husband appeared in front of him. He had to admit Quinn looked a little haggard.

Quinn smiled at him. “God, it’s good to be here again. I missed you.”

He leaned forward to give Cade a bear hug.

Cade kissed him deeply, his hands wrapping around his waist. “It’s only been three days,” he said wryly.

Quinn chuckled. “I know. I had some business to take care of yesterday that took a while.” He made his way over to the table lit up by the flickering flames of the fire and poured two glasses of red wine. He handed one to Cade.

“Is everything still on track for you to come home on Friday?” Quinn’s voice was hopeful.

“Still the plan. Then I’ll be able to help you more with the wedding plans. I understand from Taliesin that you may be showing some signs of stress?” Cade said slyly.

Quinn flushed. “It’s no big deal,” his fiancé growled as he sipped his wine and sat down on the sofa by the fire. “I’m perfectly capable of organising our wedding in your absence. It’s my employees who are testing my patience with their endless questions. What about this colour, these flowers, these centrepieces. Perhaps we should get married in the registry office then swan off to some Caribbean island for an extended honeymoon…”

He looked at Cade hopefully. Cade ignored the entreaty. This was his first and —he hoped—only wedding and while it wasn’t some huge celebrity bash worthy of appearing in
magazine, the lure of having a Wiccan-Warlock ceremony with he and Quinn exchanging vows and the resulting festivities was too much for him to resist. Besides, he was getting the honeymoon anyway as a wedding present from Quinn.

Quinn scowled as he realised Cade wasn’t falling for his plan. He took off his shoes and socks, chucking them carelessly at the side of the sofa as he settled back comfortably on the couch. He closed his eyes and Cade sat down next to him and caressed his hair. He’d always thought his man was a definite Leo the way he loved his hair stroked.

“How did your business meeting go?” he asked as his lips slowly nibbled Quinn’s ear. “Was it all about Barton Sinclair again?”

Quinn nodded. “The stupid bastard has formed his own organisation and appointed himself as ‘Worshipful Master.’ What a crap bloody title. He has his little sycophant there, Troy Cavanaugh as well as a few other misguided tossers that don’t know their arse from the elbow.”

“But he does have a large following,” Cade said quietly. “He could be trouble for you.”

Quinn sighed as his eyes opened and he looked at him. “Yes, he could be trouble. But I’ll have to deal with it seeing as how I’m the one who caused it in the first place. But I’m not going to worry about that until something actually happens. For now, let him build his little empire. Mine’s bigger.”

Cade shook his head at the satisfaction in Quinn’s voice. “You are so bloody arrogant,” he whispered, as his tongue delved into Quinn’s ear, making him shiver. “I love it when you’re so masterful.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Quinn murmured, his voice husky. “I’ve got a few plans to be just that later on.” His eyes closed again and he sighed in content.

“How’s Daniel?” Cade asked.

Quinn’s eyes flicked open. “Daniel is finally safe in RAW and managing to play the spy even better than before now that he’s on his own turf. Everything seems to have worked out for the best and Valensia is doing her bit to help. She seems to have really taken to him.”

He laughed softly. “But Daniel is playing with fire.” He stretched his long frame, raising his arms above his head and yawning. “He’s seeing Valensia despite my warnings and the man is going to come off second best. But he thinks he knows better. I think he plans on bringing on her to the wedding reception as his plus one. That’ll be a hoot.” He chuckled.

Cade slapped his shoulder with a frown. “The man’s having some fun, for God’s sake. What’s wrong with that?”

“The man is almost twice her age. She’s a witch, he’s a human. She’s a conniving and complicated woman and he’s a decent man. You can’t tell me that’s not a recipe for disaster.” Quinn scowled fiercely. “I just don’t want him getting hurt.”

“Daniel is a grown man. Let him make his own decisions and fate.” Cade whispered seductively in his ear. “You’re not perhaps a little jealous, are you? I mean, that she might want him for her sex slave now instead of you?”

Quinn opened his eyes and Cade shivered at the predatory look in them.

“Cade, my sexy Sprite,” he said silkily as his arms pulled him closer, onto his lap, facing him. “You’re
sex slave. I have no need of anyone else and I definitely mean to prove that later tonight. I even brought the ties with me.” He reached into his jeans pocket and Cade gasped as Quinn pulled out the four red ribbons they’d used in a previous bondage session.

Quinn grinned. “That lovely wooden bed over there is not going to know what hit it,” he whispered softly, as his tongue trailed down the side of Cade’s throat and licked the pulse flickering in his throat. Cade moaned softly.

“Perhaps you should take your clothes off,” Quinn murmured. “And I’ll do the same.”

Cade stood up and slipped his sweatpants and boxers off, leaving them in a pile on the floor. He tugged off his tee shirt and that too was thrown unceremoniously into the corner. Quinn stood up and unbuttoned his jeans, stepping out of them fluidly and reaching up to take off his blue sweatshirt in one quick, catlike movement.

He stood naked before Cade, his eyes assessing him, and then Quinn sat back down on the couch, legs spread, motioning with an imperious gesture for Cade to get on top of him. Cade noticed Quinn was definitely ready for the night’s event. His lazy grin as he stroked himself idly made Cade’s blood heat up and his throat dry. Cade loved it when his lover was like this. This was the one area in their relationship that he loved Quinn’s arrogant, dominant side and his man played it so well.

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