Double Alchemy: Climax (7 page)

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Authors: Susan Mac Nicol

BOOK: Double Alchemy: Climax
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Not what I wanted to hear. I’d rather you still had the damn thing.

“Tell me about the book,” he said quietly. “Describe it in as much detail as you can.”

“It was a book about A5 size. It looked like leather, very old and faded. There were some old stains on the front cover, possibly water, I don’t know. The writing was old, done in some sort of red ink, dragon’s ink, I think, and the handwriting was very flowing. I thought it was a woman’s Book of Shadows.” Misty frowned. “There was a strange symbol on the very first page.”

Quinn gazed at her intently. “Could you draw this symbol?” he asked, his eyes watchful. Misty nodded. He rummaged around inside his leather jacket, pulling out a pen and a small spiral bound notebook. “Draw it,” he demanded.

She placed the book on the table as she sketched. He watched as she drew a wheel with eight segments, which represented the eight sabbats of the witches’ year, along with two symbols, looking like an M and a sideways V together, in curly writing. He frowned as he looked over her shoulder, at the slightly blurry figures on the piece of paper.

I should have brought my damn glasses with me.

“They look like runes. I know the Year of the Wheel symbol but I’m not sure about the single marks. Do you have any idea what they are or what they mean?”

Misty shook her head. “All I know is this was drawn on the inside of the book. I have no idea what the two separate initials mean.”

Quinn looked at her sharply. “You feel they may be initials? Perhaps belonging to the witch who created and owned this book?”

Misty shrugged. “I suppose they could be. I don’t have a clue who could it be; the seventeenth century is out of my comfort zone.”

Quinn frowned. “How do you know the book was created in the seventeenth century? It could have been anyone’s.”

Misty looked at him, her gaze clear. “I felt it strongly after the second spell we did, before I handed it over to Valensia. I touched the book just after Melody died. It burnt me and there was a foul smell. The one thing I sensed when I touched it was fear, distrust and hatred. I smelled the sweat and the blood on that book. It reeked of Witch Trials. I think the book belonged to someone who was perhaps persecuted in that time.”

Quinn’s stomach lurched and he turned to look out of the side window into the darkness beyond. “That’s an incredibly useful piece of information, thank you. It’ll help me with what I’m working on.” He turned to look at her again. “The witch that died, what happened to her body?”

Misty looked down at the floor. “Valensia ordered it to be burnt. The
that went into Melody, that darkness, no one knew what it was. The Regina didn’t want to risk it getting out, so they burned the body to cinders in a sealed crematorium and left it there. The bones and mortal remains of poor Melody were never given a decent burial. I had the other coven members do a release chant. I hope it gave the poor woman some peace.”

Quinn nodded but his mind was elsewhere. “What went into Melody was probably old residue from the casting of any original magyck or intense emotions. They tend to have a fairly malevolent presence when they’re stirred up. As the book was already in the circle with you, the salt protection wouldn’t have worked to keep it out like it would normally.”

He felt a twinge in his shoulder and he rolled it from side to side. He noticed Misty’s concerned eyes on him.

“Old injury making itself known,” he murmured as he stretched. “You’ve told me everything you can think of about this book?” he asked. “I hope you’ve left nothing out. It’s very important I know everything.”

Misty nodded. “I’ve told you everything I know, Grand Master. There’s nothing else.”

He nodded. “Very well. Thank you, High Priestess. I know this must have been difficult for you. It’s never easy when one of your own dies, and I know Valensia can be quite an unpleasant handful. You were lucky not to get out any worse off. She has a vile temper.”

“You sound as if you know her well?” Misty asked curiously.

Quinn snorted. “It was a long time ago and I doubt she’s got any better with age or maturity.” He picked up his jacket and shrugged his arms into it, picking up the notebook and his pen and putting them into his jacket pocket.

“Thank you for the meeting; I appreciate it. If you think of anything else, contact me. This is my number. Call me anytime.”

“This is more than just a witch’s death, isn’t it?” Misty murmured quietly. “For you to be here, visiting me and giving me your number personally—this is bigger than we thought, isn’t it?”

Quinn thought she was very perceptive. “It may well be. Obviously our meeting is strictly between us. I’d prefer that even Valensia didn’t know about it. I’m sorry if that puts you on the spot, but it’s why I insisted on driving down here to meet you late at night. I don’t want this getting out to anyone.”

“You have my word,” Misty said quietly. “And if you need anything from me again, you know where to find me.”

He smiled at her. He nodded as he opened the door and stepped outside. “Stay safe and look after yourself.”

He disappeared into the dimly lit car park and walked toward his car, unlocking it, the beep of the central locking echoing in the still night air. He started the car.

That had been a very interesting conversation and one that had been worth the journey. Something was definitely wrong with that Book of Shadows and Quinn had every intention of getting the book from the Praetorium. He grinned wolfishly.

It might take a cunning plan, Valensia, but that damned book
be mine.

Chapter 6

Driving home, Quinn was disturbed at the news the witch had given him. He thought for sure now that there was a definite connection between Jeremy’s increase in powers the time they had fought and the chanting of that first spell by the coven at the Summer Solstice. He also trusted Misty’s instincts. He’d researched her before their meeting and he probably knew more about her than she did. Her family had indeed been well respected and influential and she was no fly by night. A little reckless, perhaps, but that was a flaw he understood well.

He frowned, remembering the scar on the back of her neck. Valensia certainly hadn’t tempered her mean streak and Misty’s words definitely meant Quinn would have to meet with the Regina and face the music. He desperately needed to see that book, if not get it into his possession. He wasn’t going to be a big girl’s blouse and ask Percy to go with him for backup—he’d never live it down-—but he would certainly fortify himself against Valensia’s wiles as much as he could. His Withinner stirred inside him.

Quinn. That book is the answer to everything we seek. We have to do this even though neither of us wishes to. I will see what I can find out about those initials. Perhaps we may get lucky.

“Old friend, you do realise we’re going into the lioness’s den? Valensia will relish this opportunity to get one over on me.” He chuckled drily, realising what he’d just said. “Literally, as well as figuratively. How the hell I’m going to tell Cade about this one, I have no idea.”

Quinn changed gears expertly as he watched the road ahead, busy and congested despite the lateness of the hour. He’d probably get home just before midnight at this rate. But it was worth it to spend time in his car, a quiet solitude where he could think and plan and enjoy the simple mechanics of driving, something he’d always been partial to. When he got home the house was in darkness and he crept into bed quietly. For a while he lay there, listening to Cade’s steady breathing and wondering how to break the news to him that he needed to see an old flame who was still intent on jumping his bones regardless of any relationship he might be in—and was not averse to using magyck to do so. Quinn could have kept it from Cade, he supposed, but if anything happened and he found out he hadn’t told him, he had the feeling he’d lose his lover. No, best to come clean and hope he took it well.


“Fuck, Quinn, how can you even think of going to see that bloody woman after what she did to you?” Cade looked at Quinn in disbelief as he waved his hands around excitedly. Quinn sat at the dining room table, sighing heavily as he fiddled with the cutlery. They’d just finished a late dinner and were enjoying a glass of wine before going up to bed.

“The woman kept you as her sex slave for three days, and now you need to go see her so she can maybe do the same? Can’t someone else go and see this crazy bitch?”

Cade had forgotten how amusing he’d found Quinn’s original story, faced now with the fact that it could happen again.

Over my dead fucking body!
Cade paced the room in agitation. He’d never felt this possessive of anyone else Before Quinn—or as he preferred to think of it, “BQ”

Quinn sighed again. “Valensia won’t even think of speaking to anyone else about this matter. Unfortunately for me, she still feels she has a claim on me. We didn’t part on particularly good terms as you could imagine. The woman is a bloody menace but I need her.”

Cade scowled fiercely. “Really?” His temper flared at those words.

Quinn amended his statement hastily. “Not like that, you muppet. I need to get her to give me the book.”

“Well then, I need to come with you and make sure she doesn’t touch you and that she knows who you belong to.” Cade blatantly ignored Quinn’s raised eyebrow at the fact that he “belonged” to someone as he continued his tirade. “I’m fed up having bloody witches thinking they can do what they want with you. Just like Mary-Sophie when she took on more Fey blood and tried to get you to hump her.”

Quinn leaned forward, his elbows on the table, one hand propping up his chin, his eyes glinting. “Firstly, there is no way in hell that you’re coming with me. I don’t need a bloody bodyguard and if I did, it most definitely would not be you. I’d end up with a major girl fight on my hands. Secondly, whilst I love the fact that I ‘belong’ to you”—his voice was silky and Cade sensed the slight ire in it—“this is not the time for emotions to get in the way of what needs to be done. I have to get that book in order to save lives and that means I go alone.”

Cade glared at him. “Mr. ‘The End Justifies the Means’? Does that mean if she wants you to screw her before she gives you the book, you would? If that was what it took?”

A wave of anger flooded his chest as well as the feeling of pure fear that that was indeed what Quinn would do.

Quinn regarded him angrily, his jaw tensing. “I have no intention of prostituting myself, not even for the book. I don’t know how you can think I would.”

Cade shook his head. “You’ve looked at me in the eye and told me a bare-faced lie before without flinching.”

Quinn’s eyes narrowed.

Cade continued mercilessly. “The night you went to see Andrew de Vere and Jeremy on the yacht. You told me Percy and Magnus would be with every step of the way. But they weren’t, were they, Quinn? Once again, it was just you, alone. And look how that turned out.”

Quinn remained silent and Cade knew he had no comeback on that because it was true. Quinn stood up, his arms rigid at his side as he turned to look out of the picture window at the misty heath beyond. “I know what I said at the time but I didn’t want you worrying.” His voice was harsh. “Forgive me if I tried to spare you the gory details.”

Cade’s heart sank at his tone. He knew Quinn was currently stressed with everything going on and he probably wasn’t helping matters. “I do understand you trying to protect me. It’s what you do. But who protects you?”

Quinn turned to face him, his eyes softening at Cade’s worried face. “I’ve been protecting myself since I was seven years old, longer even. And I have Taliesin, don’t forget. He’s no fan of Valensia either, for some reason I haven’t quite gotten to the bottom of yet, and we’re more prepared than we were last time. Last time I couldn’t even invoke him so I could disappear. This time will be different.”

A look of relief crossed Quinn’s face at something his Withinner had probably said. He reached out his arms to Cade and pulled him into them, wrapping his arms around his waist. Cade encircled Quinn’s neck with his arms and laid his forehead against his. Quinn smelt of cinnamon and musk, a result of his shower gel. It was addictive and Cade breathed it in, loving the fragrance of Quinn.

Quinn sighed. “I promise you I will not let that woman take advantage of me again. Taliesin agrees.” He grinned slightly. “I’d rather commit
than let her get her claws into me. I know most men think it would be a noble thing to be shagged to death by a beautiful woman but I’m not one of them. I’d rather come home to you and let you do that.”

Cade reached up, taking Quinn’s chin in his hands and kissing him ardently. When he released him, he stared into his eyes intensely.

“You make sure you do, or I’ll be hunting the two of you down.
will be the least of your worries if that happens.” He grinned and Quinn’s body and face relaxed as he grinned back.

“Deal.” Quinn moved his hands away from Cade’s waist and looked at him mischievously. “Talking of shagging to death, it’s time we went to bed. I have to be up early in the morning to meet Valensia and I’d like to get some shuteye before I go. So if we get up there now, you’ll have time to show me that new Kama Sutra position you’ve been researching.” He saw Cade raise his eyebrows. “Yes, I’ve seen you reading all about it on the internet. You really should switch on private browsing, Cade.”

He disappeared up the stairway with a wicked chuckle as Cade followed him, his face flushing. The bloody man was infuriating in ferreting out secrets and had an uncanny knack of always being a step ahead of him. The slinking form of Marco Polo sidled up the stairs, no doubt in the hope he might be able to acquire a comfortable spot on the bed.

“No chance of that, kitty. With what I plan on doing to that man, there’ll be no room for you and you may find yourself getting squashed.” Cade snorted. “I’ll give him something to think about tomorrow when he meets that old flame of his.” His voice sounded jealous, even to his own ears. “He’ll be so worn out, he won’t have the strength to do anything else.”

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